78 His Underling is Dead? w.a.n.g Mang, Grieving!

Early the next morning, w.a.n.g Mang was still sleeping in the nest.

However, what w.a.n.g Mang didn’t know was that his father had already taken action.

At this moment, Mr. w.a.n.g was holding his wife as they slept.

Just then, the phone rang.

After being woken up, Mr. w.a.n.g looked at the caller ID with a cold expression and walked to the balcony to answer the call.

“Old w.a.n.g! Did I disturb your sleep this early?” Mr. Luo’s smiling voice came from the phone.

Hearing this, Mr. w.a.n.g smiled innocently and replied, “Not at all, Old Luo. Did you call to make some money? Do you want to drag me into your new schemes?”

More hearty laughter came from the phone again.

“It’s a profitable business offer! Old w.a.n.g, how about you sell me your reservoir? I’ll pay 50 million to take it over!

“After all, your reservoir didn’t cost much back then. You must have earned a lot these days.

“50 million is about right. Old w.a.n.g, it’s only because my son likes your reservoir. Otherwise, I wouldn’t want it.”

Upon hearing this, Father w.a.n.g sneered and thought to himself, ‘I’ve earned 30 to 40 million in the past half a month. Do you think I really want your 50 million?’

However, Mr. w.a.n.g did not directly refuse. This would easily offend others.

After all, the caller was also a ruthless character.

Back then, he started out in coal mining. Later on, he successfully transitioned to real estate.

Although Mr. Luo’s real estate business was not big, he was considered a big shot in the province.

To be honest, Mr. w.a.n.g would not easily offend the other party without earning enough benefits.

However, after thinking about it, Father w.a.n.g’s eyes suddenly lit up and he thought to himself, ‘That’s right! I haven’t thought of who to attack.

‘Old Luo! Since you came looking for me yourself, I won’t hold back!

“This is perfect. I’ll gladly accept your billions in a.s.sets!’

After that, Mr. w.a.n.g did not refuse again. He pretended to be hesitant and said, “Old Luo, why don’t we do this? When the time comes, you can come and take a look at my reservoir yourself.”

“I’ll sell it to you for 100 million yuan. Just so you know, I’m collecting two to three million yuan collected every day right now. You can calculate it for yourself. If you buy it for 100 million yuan, how long will it take for you to recover your capital?”

After a long silence, Mr. Luo’s came from the other end of the phone. “Old w.a.n.g! I don’t think there’s a need to negotiate at 100 million. You’re being too insincere.”

Father w.a.n.g smiled and said, “When you have the time, come take a look at the reservoir yourself. We’ll slowly discuss the price.”

After a long silence, Old Luo’s voice came from the phone. “Okay! I’ll come and take a look in three days. We’ll talk about the price then.”

After hanging up, Mr. w.a.n.g was overjoyed.

He thought about how his son’s divine power could directly control this guy, and then he could easily plunder the other party’s wealth.

The idea was simply too satisfying.

He could not just kill the other party rashly and plundered the Luo family’s a.s.sets.

Forget Old w.a.n.g, no one else would have the guts to do so.

However, if the other party cooperated, there would be no problem.

There were just too many ways he could cook the books with the owner’s help.

Now, he had a target for their first prey.

He had to make arrangements in advance and prepare everything!

At the same time, w.a.n.g Mang was still sleeping in the cave.

It was only after dark that w.a.n.g Mang slowly opened his cold eyes.

After leaving the nest, w.a.n.g Mang went to the small pig farm as soon as possible.

After arriving at the small farm, w.a.n.g Mang realized that his father was smoking inside and had been waiting for a long time.

After seeing w.a.n.g Mang, Mr. w.a.n.g couldn’t stop smiling. “Son! You’re here!

“I will invite a rich tyc.o.o.n over in two days. Are you confident you can control him then?”

w.a.n.g Mang moved his huge body and arrived at the empty s.p.a.ce inside the small farm. He said confidently, “Don’t worry, Dad. This divine ability of mine is very powerful.

“It’s easy for me to control a person. I can even control a demon that’s weaker than me!”

Hearing his son’s confident words, Father w.a.n.g heaved a sigh of relief. He took two deep puffs of his cigar and nodded. “Okay! Good!

“Son, when the time comes, I’ll bring him to your lair. The rest is up to you!

“This guy is very rich. He started out in the coal mining industry in his early years and later switched to real estate.

“He’s a well-known tyc.o.o.n in the province, and his net worth is about five billion.”

Hearing this, w.a.n.g Mang immediately became excited.

More than five billion in a.s.sets!

How many pigs would that be?

It was enough to buy more than 500,000 pigs!

One hundred million was almost enough to buy ten thousand pigs.

10,000 pigs were equivalent to 4 million evolution points!

With a.s.sets of more than five billion, if they were really exchanged for pigs, he would get more than 500,000 pigs!

More than 500,000 pigs were equivalent to more than 20 million evolution points!

At the very least, it was enough for w.a.n.g Mang to evolve twice!

Thinking of this, w.a.n.g Mang was extremely excited.

Therefore, after discussing it with his father for a while, w.a.n.g Mang confirmed the plan.

However, only the father and son knew about this plan.

After all, if this matter was exposed, it would probably cause a huge commotion.

At that time, who wouldn’t be afraid of w.a.n.g Mang?

The fewer people who knew about this, the better.

Once it was exposed, the consequences would be unimaginable. Countless people would pale when they heard about it.

It might even bring about a calamity down on w.a.n.g Mang’s head.

After all, this divine power was too terrifying.

Half an hour later, w.a.n.g Mang and his father had already come up with a plan.

Under w.a.n.g Mang’s escort, his father left the reservoir.

After escorting his father, w.a.n.g Mang returned to the small farm and finished eating the two hundred pigs.

With that, he easily earned another 90,000 evolution points.

After eating the pigs, w.a.n.g Mang, who was in a good mood, wandered around the sh.o.r.e of the reservoir.

This also frightened many wild beasts on the sh.o.r.e of the reservoir.

However, at this moment, w.a.n.g Mang saw something he could barely believe.

He seemed to vaguely see a huge creature floating on the surface of the lake in the east.

“Am I seeing things?”

Puzzled, w.a.n.g Mang immediately moved his body into the water and swam toward the depths of the water.

However, when w.a.n.g Mang approached the eastern waters, he realized that he was not mistaken at all!

A huge creature was quietly floating on the water.

This colossus was none other than his subordinate, the super black python Dark Light!

Furthermore, Dark Light had died a horrible death!

There were many parts of his body that were almost torn apart.

Half of his huge black head had been bitten off!

In fact, the water around the corpses was dyed red with blood.

w.a.n.g Mang was furious when he saw this scene.

He really could not figure out who had killed his subordinate.

Besides, they were in the eastern waters.

This was his and Dark Light’s territory!

When he thought of this, w.a.n.g Mang was incomparably furious and even more puzzled.

Could it be the work of two giant catfishes in the west?

Thinking of this, w.a.n.g Mang wandered around the entire reservoir, but he did not find anything.

There were no other powerful creatures in the reservoir.

On the other hand, the white super python in the southern waters had disappeared!

Could it be the work of that white super python?

Thinking of this, w.a.n.g Mang searched the eastern waters twice more.

In the end, he did not find the white super python.

This caused w.a.n.g Mang to be slightly bewildered.

Finally, w.a.n.g Mang caught a ten-meter-long giant catfish and asked about it before finding out what had happened.

Apparently, his lackey had indeed been killed by the white super python.

Moreover, it was actually w.a.n.g Mang’s fault!

After killing his underling, the white python had run away!

After learning the truth, w.a.n.g Mang gnashed his teeth in anger.

This white super python was simply provoking him!

If she was still in the reservoir, w.a.n.g Mang would teach her a lesson no matter what.

He wanted to let this white python know who was the true overlord of the reservoir!

“Sigh… forget it, forget it!

“Dark Light! It’s not that I don’t want to help you!

“When did you die? I didn’t even know!

“But don’t worry.

“If there’s a chance, I will definitely avenge you!”

Looking at the huge corpse of Dark Light in front of him, w.a.n.g Mang said sadly.

Then, w.a.n.g Mang seemed to have thought of something, and his snake eyes suddenly lit up.

Dark Light was once his underling!

Now that his underling was dead, he could not just leave his corpse be, could he?

Moreover, as his king, he had the obligation to help settle Dark Light’s afterlife affairs!

Thinking of this, with tears in his eyes, w.a.n.g Mang swallowed the entire corpse.

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