Two chapters today… because ch18 is literally one sentence.
Originally posted on RBKTR Translations.
Author: Yi Zhi Da Yan (一隻大雁).
Translated by: Yujuan.
I had just finished a case, so there hadn’t been a new job for me in these past few days. I took the entire afternoon to think of how to let my boyfriend become aware of my encouragement and supportiveness, to let him become aware of my love and pampering and consideration for him.
I feel that the first step should be to undertake all the housework.
My boyfriend will definitely undergo a major cleaning whenever he takes a break from work, but he must have temporarily forgotten about it because of the dog. Right now my boyfriend is taking an afternoon nap, I can take this chance to first clean up the house.
Although I’ve never had the experience of cleaning so many rooms on my own, and you can even say that my boyfriend has the full responsibility for the job and I’m only tasked with acting a supporting role, but isn’t this called a major cleaning! Tracking down illegal car racers and chasing three dozen people has never troubled me, sweeping the floor won’t be a problem!
This baby’s chance to display his prowess has come!
I imagined my boyfriend waking up to see a house without a single trace of dust seen, turning his head to give me an appreciative gaze and a thumbs up.
I’m so agitated!
What should I do, I just broke the vacuum cleaner, hurry, waiting for a solution.