10. Injustice and Order


It happened when I was eating dinner with Crash-san quietly.

Dodododo, a roaring sound shook the earth just like when Yuan came, but several times more this time. I put myself on guard wondering what could happen in a countryside like this. Right then, the door was forcibly smashed and several soldiers invaded the house. Daigorou came near me while barking. Calico looked ready to run away somewhere. Crash-san also couldn’t understand the situation, staring in shock.

“That stupid look on your face is the same as ever.”

From behind the soldier, Leichel-nissama slowly walked forward.
His blond hair grew longer than the last time I’ve seen it several years ago. I feel like his authority has increased. And above all, his discerning eyes looking at me as if I was a worm did not change at all.

“What is the meaning of this?”

“Two years ago, you stole the royal family’s horse and ran away to this land, did you not? Stealing the property of the royal family is punishable by lese majesty. Arrest him.”


While I was surprised, a soldier trampled down my living room and restrained my arms. Ah, the decorative plant I raised…

First of all, horse, he said!? Isn’t that my horse!? I think his arrogance has crossed over ‘s! When I looked over, they’re also arresting Crash-san! Crash-san is obviously unrelated, isn’t he!?

“I can’t agree to this!”

“Don’t struggle! –!! That’s hurts!”

As I struggled in the arms of the soldier and resisted, Daigorou bit the soldier’s feet, sensing his owner’s crisis.

Oh, Daigorou…! What a brave dog you are. While I was impressed——-

“This damed dog!”

The bitten soldier kicked Daigorou hard. Daigorou was flung in the air then hit the wall and stopped moving.


I slipped out of the soldier’s arm and rushed up to Daigorou. Oh, Daigorou. Because I was weak…my tears overflow and did not stop. I called out Daigorou’s name and he barked in a feeble voice, licking my hand.

Daigorou is alive!

“Will you stop this farce already?”

I heard Leichel-niisama’s voice from behind. I wiped my tears and stood opposite my brother.

“I only have to go with you, right?”


“That man is unrelated to my crime. Please release him at once.”

“I will not. He is an insurance for when you run away.”

Is a royalty this unjust!? I felt my sight dyed with rage. For a man like this to become the King————.
I closed my eyes once and tried to calm down. Suppress it, suppress it, calm down, calm down. I am pacifist.

“Brother, I will not run away. You can stew my head, grill it or whatever you like. However, please promise not to touch other people.”

I looked straight at his eyes and declared without pause. I heard Leichel-niisama catch his breath. I won’t let you hurt those important to me any more than this———with that implication, I stared at Leichel-niisama.

“Hmph, what are you learning despite being a mere fool…this is probably why Yuan turned strange…”

Leichel-niisama murmured something. Well, he’s probably holding me in derision anyway.

“Let go of that man immediately!”

Leichel-niisama ordered the soldier who captured Crash-san. The soldier released Crash-san in a hurry and I fell down on my knees.

My eyes met with Crash-san’s. As I lowered my head in apology, pain ran through my hair.

“What are you looking at? Walk quickly!”

Leichel-niisama caught my hair forcibly and threw me out to a soldier.

Oh, I’m glad. So he more or less had a humane heart.

“Big brother, thank you.”

When I expressed my grat.i.tude with a smile, Leichel-niisama looked bewildered.

“What moronic thing are you saying,” he left the house with those final words.


Several hours after riding the carriage, the palace gates came into view.

At last, I can finally execute this fool. Despite that, seeing Aine’s appearance before makes my heart shake. Throwing away himself for an acquaintance at best and a dog? He was not the kind of man who would take an action like that.
In this situation where I seem like the villain, even the soldiers were unable to conceal their unrest.
No, he was the reason Yuan turned strange—-
I cannot let him live, I tried to convince myself.

Right then————.

“Is it Leichel-sama?”

I heard a voice calling me just as I pa.s.sed the palace gates. When I alighted from the carriage, the King’s personal guards holding torches were lying in wait.

“What is it?”
“An order from the King. He wants have Aine-sama handed over.”
“The King’s order?”

While I was confused, the royal guard took Aine down from the carriage and untied his ropes. As if Aine also do not understand the situation, he looked at me with lowered eyebrows.

His puppy-like expression spured on indescribable emotions. I grabbed the hand of the guard.

“I will not permit it! This man is my exploit, I will execute him——”
“This is a royal order, Leichel-sama!”

The King has not issued an order for a long time! What is the King thinking!?

I remained standing in utter surprise until Aine’s back as he was taken along became smaller.

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