11. Lady Liliana and I

Still unclear of the situation, I went with the guard. Leichel-niisama had a sour face as if he ate a bitter bug. But was stealing a horse really so serious that Leichel-niisama rushed off and the King will have me executed?

This guard won’t say anything either. I don’t understand anything! I gave up thinking about it.

We walked along the nostalgic hallway and finally arrived at the King’s room. I have not entered the King’s room even once so I was a little nervous.

The King’s personal guard knocked on the door and reported, “I brought Prince Aine,” to which a short voice from inside answered, “Enter.”

Silently urged by the guard, I entered the room. Inside, the King was sitting in the throne before me. I approached his feet and immediately kneeled and lowered my head.

“Father, it has been a long time. At this occasion—–”
“Oh! …Aine, raise your head.”

I raised my head when he said so. My chest felt a little hot seeing the figure of my dearly missed father. Rising from his seat, Father crouched in front of me and cupped my cheeks.


I instinctively flinched at the abrupt treatment. Not minding my reaction, the King stared at my face so much so that I felt it would leave a hole.

“Lady Liliana…”
“Lady Liliana?”
“I see, you are not aware. Look at that painting.”

Father offered a hand to me and helped me stand up. While still holding hands, he brought me in front of a large painting hanging on the wall.

A man and a woman were standing close to each other in that painting.

“This woman…”

She looks so much like me!
She’s like the long-haired version of me!

“That is right, that personage is Princess Liliana. You really took after her.”

“Lady Liliana…”

How do I say it? I don’t feel emotionally moved or something seeing a woman who looks just like me, rather than that, should I say I pity the woman…?

The King laughed when he saw my complicated expression. I was surprised. This is the first time I’ve seen the King’s smile!

“You know, Lady Liliana is brother’s wife.”
“The former king’s wife…”
“The reason you left this palace, it was because you heard about the Agriculture King right? That was my older brother. He was influenced when he saw Lady Liliana deliver flowers to the royal family and at the same time, he also had an interest in agriculture. When he was still a Prince, he left the palace to engage in agriculture.”

They say the former King Gilliam saw Liliana-sama handing over flowers by chance and fell in love at first sight. Being stared at by her eyes that hid a dignified strength brought about by living with nature, King Gilliam forgot about being the King and seemed to have thought of living with Lady Liliana. Lady Liliana rejected him by saying she couldn’t love a crooked person who abandons his duties and never delivered flowers to the palace again. The King did nothing but wallow in his sadness, spending everyday staring at the flowers inside the palace and thinking about Lady Liliana.

Staring at the flowers like that made his interest in the ecology of plants gush forth. He ended up building a herb garden in the palace. The King was not satisfied with just plants and bore interest in crops, too. He subsequently constructed a plantation. The Prime Minister silently reported the King’s actions to Lady Liliana and one day, she visited the palace to see the plantation. After these series of events, Lady Liliana was charmed by King Gilliam’s honest disposition and at last, they were bound in marriage.

“At first, I was only resentful of the woman who made a fool of my wonderful brother. However, while I got to know Lady Liliana, I ended up adoring her more and more. That was how beautiful of a person Lady Liliana was.”

Father paid attention to the painting again. I also s.h.i.+fted my attention to the painting, entranced. She certainly seemed like a strong woman. Her impression is totally different from me despite having the same face.

“When you were born, it was as if you were the reincarnation of Lady Liliana, so I was very surprised. I thought it was my imagination at first but the more you grew, the more you looked like a very young version of Lady Liliana. It was agonizing.”
“I could only look at the scene of my brother loving Lady Liliana. I could not help but feel guilty towards my brother. Therefore, I unconsciously avoided you.”

The King patted my head while asking for forgiveness. I let my eyes wander, feeling a little awkward and unclear of what’s the best thing to do.

“I was shocked when you disappeared so I inquired from Carl. I heard you left the palace to engage in agriculture. Just like Lady Liliana, you love nature more than the royal family. When I learned that you left the palace, my tears had instinctively fallen. And so, to avoid you from encountering any trouble, I had my best personal guard constantly stand watch.”
“Was that the case? There shouldn’t be a Royal Guard but—”
“It’s the person who introduced himself as Crash. You are acquainted, right?”
“What? Crash-san is!?”

To think he was the King’s personal guard! We were together for two years but I didn’t know at all! Am I really that slow? So the reason why I got to live peacefully until now was because the King dispatched Crash-san to watch over me, right!? I’m moved by the King and Crash-san‘s consideration. I intend to live by myself but I was naive, wasn’t I…?

“What is the matter, Aine? When you feel down, I also feel sad.”

“N-no! Nothing in particular!”

“You see, Aine. I do not have much time anymore. I want to spend my remaining time watching over you. Inside the palace, Lady Liliana had a plantation and a hut she cherished. I will hand that over to you so, will you please live here?” Father said as he placed his hands on my shoulder. I saw Father’s face full of wrinkles and I almost cried for some reason. To think he still wants an inadequate son like me…

“Is it alright? You know I am a useless man.”
“What are you saying? It seems like you can cook and also do domestic ch.o.r.es, even construction. I heard from Crash. He said your dishes were all ones he had not eaten yet and they were all delicious.”
“Please think of this as being filial to your parent. Now, let me hear your answer.”

As is expected of a King, there’s no way I can refuse if he puts it like that. It really makes me want to accomplish it if it’s something I can do.

“I will give you a feast, Father.”

Father smiled and took my hand, repeatedly saying thank you. I will return to the palace again but I got a plantation and a hut and I want to live in there. Father permitted cheerfully when I asked. It’s not in the countryside at all but it’s okay if my lifestyle does not change!

“Then let us summon my stupid sons.”

Father summoned a guard and ordered him to call Leichel-niisama and Yuan. It’s already midnight but is it okay? The king’s rule is absolute here though so there’s probably no helping it. Not even five minutes later, Leichel-niisama and Yuan entered the room. Yuan looked ragged for some reason. Is he alright?

“Aine-aniue, you’re safe!”
“Are you also alright, Yuan? You looked worn out but…”
“For you to worry about me, what a kind being you are. I am greatly sorry for being unable to save you from danger, Aine-niisama. This Yuan Lucruberg, will never again do such a disgrace——”
“What is this!? You made Yuan this unbecoming! What have you done to a promising man so different from you!?
“I would like you to refrain from speaking ill of Aine-niisama! I am not promising as you said!”
“I’m saying it however much it’s needed! He is an incompetent, utter fool!”

I feel like this is the first time I’ve seen them fighting against each other. I was always the focus of the fight so it’s refres.h.i.+ng. Well, even so, their topic is whether I am an idiot or not. Father couldn’t stand it any longer and knocked the floor with his cane. The argument stopped.

“Quiet down, my sons. I have something to tell you.”
“The crime of lese majesty accused of my son, Aine Lucruberg, is revoked. Moreover, he will be living in a detached dwelling from today on. I will not accept any complaints. That is all.”

Father descended his throne after saying that and disappeared to the inner room. Left behind, Leichel-niisama and Yuan both started up in agitation and excitement.

“Father, what is the meaning of this!?”

Leichel-niisama seemed unconvinced, running after Father inside the room.

“So I can live with Aine-niisama, right!? Father, thank you very much!”

Yuan ran straight towards me and clung. Like I said, I’m not a pillow! Seeing Yuan laugh happily as if his previously worn out expression was a lie, I patted his head. Today is special so I’ll forgive him, I thought, and he hugged me harder.


The similarity between Liliana and Aine is just in appearance. They are not related at all. King Gilliam and Liliana did not have a child. The current King was in love with Liliana, but that was all there is to it. This is confirmed in Chapter 13.

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