05. That isn’t Bait, Daigorou


After that, I do not remember how many seasons pa.s.sed through. My white skin burnt and became the color of the earth, the fingers that only gripped pens in the past also became the rough fingers of a workman.
I cut my long hair because it was obstructive, so I think no one would believe me if I said I am a prince.
That was what I thought absentmindedly while looking at the mirror.
Should I go to the lake to fish today? I considered as I went out of the house.
From the lake, I saw undulations. It seems that I can fish well from the other side today.
I want fish because I was a j.a.panese, so I often go fis.h.i.+ng in the lake. Of course, I was careful to keep apart the young fishes to not disturb the balance of nature.
And now, I set the fis.h.i.+ng rod while looking after Daigorou whom I brought along.

Oh! I got something! “Daigorou, it’s a fis.h.!.+” I shouted, but there was no response. Huh? Where did Daigorou go? For now, I decided to concentrate on the fish in front of me. This is huge! I thought as I licked my lips.

After a moment pa.s.sed, I heard Daigorou barked, coming back with a luggage.

“Daigorou, what happened?”

Zurizurizuri, it was the sound of something being dragged. Confused, I turned to the direction of the sound. It was Daigorou dragging a limp human.

“It’s a bait! It’s a bait! Praise me! Praise me!” Daigorou appealed with his eyes. That isn’t bait, Daigorou&h.e.l.lip; For the time being, I patted Daigorou’s head and looked at the human he dragged.
This silver hair and military uniform&h.e.l.lip; By any chance&h.e.l.lip;
I confirmed his face and I was perfectly right. It was my little brother, Yuan.

Yuan’s face was wounded all over. Moreover, I also realized that his abdomen was stained with blood. I learned that Yuan became the General when I looked at the badge attached to his uniform’s collar. I see, he went to war and got injured.
At once, I decided to have Daigorou carry Yuan like this so I can treat him.



My consciousness returned faintly.
Still, it was a very intense battle. Although my troops miraculously triumphed, I sustained a wound on my abdomen from fighting with the enemy general&h.e.l.lip;
When I opened my eyes, I was surprised from being in an unfamiliar s.p.a.ce. Is this a house of a farmer? I tried to stand up but the wound on my stomach ached, so I wasn’t able to. Right then, a nostalgic person appeared.

“Yuan, getting up is no good, since you received quite a deep wound. Your wound will open.”

It was Aine-niisama who ran away from the castle several years ago. His abnormally white skin was burnt and became brown, his long hair also became short. Didin’t all the qualities of the prince disappeared!?

“You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! What the h.e.l.l are you—?!”
“Aah! I told you to keep still, your wound will open!”

He approached and forcibly pushed me down the bed. It was mortifying to be pushed down by such a weak guy. I glared at the man before my eyes.

“I saved your life so what are you glaring for?”
“I do not remember asking for your help.”
“It’s been a long time since I heard that kind of thing. Well, nevermind. I will look after you until you can stand up.”
“I said I do not remember—-!”
“So you mean you wanted to die in the forest? If you want to die, go die in a place I don’t care about.”

“Daigorou, let’s go.” Aine-sama called out and then went out of the room. Then, a large dog appeared by my feet then barked towards me and left the room.
What’s with this place!?
I racked my brains on that unbelievable spectacle.




“That Yuan, he’s still the same as before.”

I stood in the kitchen and complained while making porridge. Just when I thought he woke up, he bared his digust at me. He hates the person who saved him. When I breathed a sigh, Calico snuggled around my feet to comfort me.

“Thanks, Calico. I will look after Yuan until his wounds heal. After all, he’s my brother as far as it goes.”

Even Daigorou snuggled at my feet when I said that. I’m really loved, aren’t I?! I was depressed until a while ago, but I was now making porridge while humming.



“&h.e.l.lip;an, Yuan.”

It appears that I ran a fever due to my wound. My head feels heavy. Reflected in my field of vision was the abominable Aine-niisama, but my strength would not come out.
I felt something cold in my forehead. It feels good. When I closed my eyes unconsciously, my head was brushed gently. I want to shake it off but unfortunately, my body won’t move.

“Yuan, take your time resting today.”

Aine-niisama‘s presence disappeared after he said that. I recalled our childhood, during the time when we had yet to fight over the succession.
I often slept with Aine-niisama. I always slept together with him before&h.e.l.lip;
I wonder when did our relations.h.i.+p worsen&h.e.l.lip;
I fell asleep while reflecting.



In the end, I ate the porridge that Yuan wasn’t able to eat. He ran a fever and it seems painful&h.e.l.lip; I need to change the towel on his forehead later, I thought.




When I woke up, my temperature already cooled down. A wet towel dropped from my forehead when I got up.
And on the chair next to my bed, Aine-niisama was sleeping.
Did this guy nursed me the whole night?

Aine-niisama woke up at my presence, looked at me, then greeted me good morning with a smile.
Dokin, my chest throbbed. He brought his face closer to take my temperature without knowing my state. Please stop, don’t go near me!I thought, but strength would not enter my body so I remained like that.

“I’m glad your temperature went down. I will prepare a meal right now so wait here, alright?”

Aine-niisama patted my head again before going out of the room. What the h.e.l.l was that? I placed my hand on the part he patted.

“Here, say ah~”

Aine-niisama brought porridge and tried to feed it to me.

“Stop! That’s improper!”
“It’s not improper, this is an emergency. Go on, here.”

To put it in my mouth by force!
However, the porridge that entered my mouth tasted gentle. It melts thickly and just right for an empty stomach. I want to eat more, I demanded with my eyes and Aine-niisama held out the spoon again while laughing.
That’s right, this is an emergency, it’s an emergency so&h.e.l.lip; I opened my mouth while persuading myself.



From the window near the bed, I was able Aine-niisama‘s state while farming. He put on a hat but that appearance will surely get him sunburned. Even though that white skin was not bad, why is he tanning himself without permission!? I went under the mattress as I became irritated.



“Here, udon. It’s delicious.”

Udon. j.a.panese thick buckwheat noodles.

What he held out was a bowl of noodles quite thicker than pasta. What on earth is this?

“It’s good, so go on and eat.”

After scowling at Aine-niisama, I ate this so-called udon. What’s with this texture?!

“I harvested these vegetables today so it’s delicious. The eggs are Gen-san‘s, they’re super natural food!”

Did Aine-niisama also made this food that looked like green gra.s.s? When I ate eat spontaneously, sweetness spread around my mouth. Were vegetables this delicious?

I forgot about Aine-niisama and became absorbed on eating the udon.

“I will wipe your sweat. You feel gross, don’t you?”

Aine-niisama said after I ate the udon.

“I can wipe it by myself. Give me that.”
“An injured person shouldn’t over strain himself. Come on, strip already.”

As soon as he said so, he took off my clothes rapidly. Hey, isn’t this a complete loss of dignity! I struggled.
However, the resistance was reluctant and he took off everything. Aine-niisama wiped my body.

“Yuan&h.e.l.lip;you have a great body, huh&h.e.l.lip;you’re really muscular&h.e.l.lip;”

Aine-niisama said with a red face. It’s inevitable that he would watch in fascination. I became pleased and laughed disdainfully.

“For a General, this much is nothing.”
“You became a general, right? Congratulations.”
“So, when will you return, Elder Brother? There is no way you forgot about the succession struggle, right? I am currently already in the lead.”
“Eh? Haven’t you heard? I withdrew from being a successor candidate.”

I unintentionally gripped Aine-niisama‘s shoulder.

“What do you mean? Aren’t you living this kind of life for that reason?”
“You’re wrong. I was captivated by the Reverend’s story about agriculture, I wanted to have that experience so I ran away. It’s not for the sake of becoming a successor, I did it just because I want to.”

Aine-niisama began to wipe my body again after saying that.

“Th-then, why won’t you return to the castle? You should have acquired enough experience.”
“No way. The life I have now is fun. Besides, no one wants me to go back to the castle anyway.”

Alright, it’s done! Aine-niisama said, then left me and went outside the room. When did Aine-niisama become someone I do not know? My head was in chaos.

He won’t return to the castle&h.e.l.lip;

Even though the one who rejected Aine-niisama until now was me, how come I am this hurt when he rejected me?
When I sighed, the white cat laughed as if to make fun of me.

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