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06. I Grew Up


I reached the point where I can move my body but somehow still feel pain here and there, so I’m helping Aine-niisama on his livelihood as a form of rehabilitation.

I draw water from the well, squeeze milk from the cow, harvest crops and plow the soil. After eating lunch, I single-mindedly practice swinging my sword. Aine-niisama drinks tea while watching me like that and afterwards, he will take in the laundry and fold then.
When the sun grows dark, we eat dinner together, take a bath and sleep.

I’m the General, but what am I doing pa.s.sing time leisurely in this kind of place? There is a conflict in my mind, but my injuries haven’t healed yet. It’s rehabilitation, rehabilitation.

Above all, I calm down when I am near Aine-niisama. It is very comfortable. Is it because we are brothers? No, it’s probably because I was previously in danger. When I am facing Leichel-niisama, the atmosphere p.r.i.c.kles so I cannot really calm down.
After dinner, I quietly approached Aine-niisama who was was.h.i.+ng the dishes.

“Yuan, what’s wrong?”

The hands was.h.i.+ng the dishes stopped, and Aine-niisama looked at me. When those back pupils looked at me, the worries I had so far cleared up and became trivial.

“Niisama, you’ve changed.”
“Before, you were a foul human being with a facade of greed. Why were you like this…”
“Foul human being, you say…”

Aine-niisama was laughing as he said that. He was certainly a foul human being. He was an incompetent who can do nothing but curry favors, a man like the incarnation of evil who would stop at nothing to gain power…

“You see, I was a child. A child who thought he can do anything. But suddenly one day, I understood what kind of person I was. I was also worthless inside, just an ordinary human being. It couldn’t think of rashly partic.i.p.ating in the succession struggle like that. When the me who lived in the castle in that way heard the story of the Reverend, I felt it. I ran away just like that and lived.”

It’s foolish, isn’t it? Aine-niisama‘s smile was so beautiful that I was captivated. I wonder if this person is a G.o.ddess…?
Understanding what kind of person he is from just one event, and immediately realizing his hopes by himself. The Aine-niisama who set his axis straight but remained modest was unbearably dazzling.

“I grew up. I learned my limitations. But you know, Yuan, you still have a chance. Do not grow up and stay as a child.”

Aine-niisama hugged me tight as he said so.
He hugged me with his body that was shorter by a head. My heart violently throbbed like an alarm bell. I unconsciously hugged him back tightly.
This man is a full-fledged person of the royal family. He is… my brother.
Yuan, it hurts~ I heard his voice as he strongly tapped on my back. Even that is lovely.


At that moment, I heard the Daigorou barked. Aine-niisama slipped out once I let my guard down.

“Crash-san, you returned!”

It was a very delighted voice. Who the h.e.l.l is this Crash? I made a fist. If there is something between them, I cannot leave it be. I thought of using the name of this country’s General to eliminate him.

“Yo, Aine. You’re alive?”
“Yes! ”
“That’s great—ugh.”
“Yuan! What are you doing!?”

Because this old man rudely patted the head of my precious Aine-niisama, I gripped his hand strongly and moved it back. Leave, you senile old fool!

“Could you not touch my Elder Brother?”
“Hey, hey. Aren’t you General-dono? I did something impolite.”
“Do not touch him ever again.”
“Hey, what are you saying!? Sorry, Crash-san. Please touch me by all means.”
“Brother! What are you—?!”
“My body is mine. It’s not Yuan’s, so it’s alright.”

For my brother to explain it away like that! Since the current elder brother is the incarnation of a G.o.ddess, is that because of it, too?
It isn’t agreeable but there’s no helping it so I let go of the old man’s hand. The old man rubbed his pained hand. Serves you right, I sneered.

“So Crash-san, what happened? Weren’t you on a long journey?”
“Right. I went to the distant Roland Kingdom. The liquor there is really delicious. I always drink alcohol in the middle of the trip. I also brought souvenir.”
“Wrong, they’re seeds. I decided not to let you drink alcohol. Here, they are strawberry seeds.”

After being so surprised that he jumped up, Brother’s face dyed red in pleasure.
S-so cute… however, I cannot accept that that gaze is directed at the old man. Brother who’s rapidly changing expressions in front of me is honestly charming, but this guy is detestable. Yes, I’ll kill this guy after all.

“Strawberries also exist, huh. I’m really happy. Crash-san, thank you for every time!”
“The reward is that you must defend my life from His Excellency the General beside you. I think I’m going to be killed.”

The moment Aine-niisama turned to face me, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d sticked out his tongue and laughed. So this old man was not just an ordinary person! Besides, he traveled to Roland Kingdom?

“Speaking of Roland Kingdom, wasn’t it the country in conflict with our military in the previous war?”
“That’s right. Your Excellency, things like these also happen.”

Crash said so and took out a sheet of paper from his bag.
It was a flyer searching for me. My face was sketched and the words “Searching for Information on His Excellency the General” were written.

“This is posted all over the country. The First Prince is getting impatient. Now, how about you prepare hastily and go return?”
“Leichel-aniue is…”
“After all, Yuan, your wounds already closed and you can undergo rehabilitation in the castle. The citizens are also waiting for you.”

Aine-niisama stared straight at me, and I found myself at lost for words.
I compared Aine-niisama with Leichel-aniue and the citizens. Nevertheless, I thought I want to be together with Aine-niisama.

“B-brother, there is something I want to ask you…”
“Is it impossible to be with you again in the castle?”

If you want to farm, you can make a field within the territory of the castle.
Aine-niisama smiled kindly then shook his head in refusal.

“I… won’t return to the castle. I like this way of living. If you want to meet me, you can just come and visit anytime, right? I will stay here.”

Aine-niisama said while touching my cheek, looking like the G.o.ddess decorating the church. I grasped that hand, kneeled and kissed the back of Aine-niisama‘s hand. Crash loudly whistled.

“To you I devote my sword, my s.h.i.+eld and my life for eternity.”

This is a Knight’s oath towards his beloved. Aine-niisama‘s face turned red in a moment.

“Aine-niisama, I am going to see you soon no matter what.”
“Yuan, that is something you do to your lover or wife…retract it…it’s wasted…”
“It’s fine! As far as I am concerned, my eternity is Aine-niisama. Well then…”

I gripped my mantle after declaring that. I left I grabbed Crash and left Aine-niisama‘s house. He will be my guide.
I will never forget the days I spent in this house. I will meet you again without fail.
I thought as I walked in the night forest.
1. “-dono” can roughly be translated to “Lord”.
2. Yuan refers to Crash as “ossan“, which is very rude. It means “middle-aged man”.
3. It may not be noticeable in English but Crash speaks formally to Yuan. Yuan also changed his tone when speaking about Aine.


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