I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

Chapter 502: True Prologue - Bottom Parts

Chapter 502: True Prologue - Bottom Parts

The G.o.ddess of the Underworld invited me to enter the temple, where I found two extremely beautiful women waiting for me.

Their appearances might be described as a western compared to the G.o.ddess of the Underworld.

The woman who called herself the G.o.ddess of the Silver Moon was, as her name implied, a G.o.ddess with beautiful silvery-white hair, pure white skin, and golden eyes. Every time she moved lightly, her silver hair would sway and s.h.i.+mmer. Her expression was full of motherly love and compa.s.sion, and she looked exactly as one would expect a G.o.ddess to look.

The G.o.ddess of Chaos on the other hand had a mischievous expression on her face, she had a different kind of beauty than the G.o.ddess of Silver Moon. She had beautiful crimson eyes that seem to see through everything. Her glossy brown skin was clear and beautiful and that made me want to touch it. Her silver hair has a slightly lighter s.h.i.+ne than the G.o.ddess of the Silver Moon. Or should I call it an ashen silver? However, her hair color was suitable for her brown skin.

Is the beauty of these G.o.ddesses and their outfits that look like they’re just wrapped in thin cloth based on my imagination too? If so, my imagination has done a good job.


「These two are my colleagues. And they’re the ones who were looking for you. Well, I’m just a helper here, and they’re the ones in charge」

Then I talked with these three G.o.ds.

To my surprise, they were not the G.o.ds from Earth. So where did they come from? The answer was another world. A world that was different from the Earth. They were the G.o.ds who created and manage that world.

But that was not what surprised me. Of course, I was surprised by the fact that there was another world and that I had met G.o.ds, but what they told me next surprised me even more than anything else.

「With my power, it is possible for your soul alone to cross over to our world」

They were also former G.o.ds of Earth, so they have the power to interfere with Earth slightly. The G.o.ddess of the Underworld in particular can summon those who are on the verge of death.

「Former G.o.ds of Earth? No, rather than that, another world…? I’ll be reincarnated into another world…?」

「You might be right, it’s close to that」

「Umm…But why?」

「Well well, take your time. We’ll explain that matter too」

Well, it was natural for me to wonder, because there was no way I would be reincarnated for free. If I were to be reincarnated into another world, there must be a mission that I have to fulfill.

They showed me an image of the world under their control and about the battles between G.o.ds while explaining what I should do.

I will be reincarnated into a sword and save the Divine Beast called Fenrir who had been infected by the Evil G.o.d’s pieces within him. I was told that all I had to do was to fight and defeat any magic beast, but it wouldn’t be that easy. They also told me that as an Earthling I could repel the Evil G.o.d’s control…

「I want you to save that child. I beg of you」

「Umm… I’ll be reincarnated as a sword huh…? Moreover, my memories will also be erased?」

「We’re not going to completely erase your memories, we’re just going to seal it temporarily. You’ll go insane if you suddenly become a sword after all」

「Mostly, it will be only your memories of the deaths of friends or acquaintances, and the accident that caused your death」

「Also, the memories of emotion and sorrow, which may have a great influence over your personality」

「Other than that, the memories of your first act of s.e.xual intercourse or encounter with the opposite s.e.x will also be sealed」

In other words, the memories that remain strong, and the memories that are deeply connected to the core of my being, will be sealed.

「If you get used to having a body of a sword, and it is judged that you will no longer go crazy when your memories return, it will be returned. Without this, I don’t know what will happen to you when you join the circle of reincarnation as a human again after all」

「Umm, what will happen if I die in another world? Will I die if my sword body breaks?」

「You will rejoin the circle of reincarnation of Earth. And not only that, it’ll be the same when you have completed the mission」

They told me that I wouldn’t be reincarnated in another world, but back on Earth again. But a little bit of preferential treatment will be given to me. Well, I wouldn’t have any memories at that time though.

「Umm, what will happen if I refuse to be reincarnated?」

「You don’t have to be so scared. We won’t punish you. You’ll simply go back to the reincarnation cycle, and we’ll just look for the next candidate」

Apparently, I’m not the first person whose soul was pulled into this place. However, they refused the idea because they would be reincarnated as a sword.

I’m anxious and scared. But I had already decided on my answer.

「…Okay. I’m willing to be reincarnated」

「Is that fine with you?」

「Are you sure?」

「Yes, I was dead anyway, and I also want to see another world. Besides, as long as I fulfill my mission, I won’t be of any use to you, right?」


「Ah, could I also ask you to erase the data on my computer? But would a G.o.d listen to such a silly request of mine…」

「I know, just leave it to us」

The G.o.ddess also provided excellent after-sales service huh. They said that they would also erase the horrible memories of the poor girl I rescued that caused me to be hit by a car and being killed, the data on my home computer, and get rid of my treasured books.

But that wasn’t the reason why I decided to do this you know? Although I’ll become a sword, being reincarnated with cheat ability was a man’s romance right? Also, the reward of being able to be happy in the next life is great. That’s how far the G.o.ds are willing to go for me――

「Well then, let me introduce you to these two people as well」

As she was preparing to introduce someone, two new figures appeared in front of me. ??. The reason for the “??” is because I can’t recognize one of the figures very well.

「It is a pleasure to meet you. I am the G.o.ddess of Wisdom」

「Nice to meet you. I am Futsunus.h.i.+. I am the G.o.d of Swords」

「Y-yes, nice to meet you two」

The one who claimed to be the G.o.ddes of Wisdom had a neutral beauty so I couldn’t tell if she was male or female. She had long, silky blond hair and slender, and thin-framed round gla.s.ses. Her thin figure was wrapped in a kind of hunting robe that made it difficult to tell her shape.

Maybe this G.o.d is also based on my image. She wears gla.s.ses because she’s the G.o.ddess of Wisdom huh? Yeah, just like my image of her.

However, the other G.o.d was really bizarre.

「F-futsunus.h.i.+-sama? You have a name?」

The other G.o.ds don’t say their names. Futsunus.h.i.+ was a famous j.a.panese Deity in his own right after all. He should have been the G.o.d of Swords.

「Moreover, your appearance is……」

Futsunus.h.i.+ figure could only be described as a black shadow. His figure looks mysterious as if darkness had congealed into a human form. What’s wrong with my image of him? But it seemed that this G.o.d hasn’t taken an image from my mind.

「He is the only G.o.d among us who has a name. In the battle against the Evil G.o.ds, he summoned some of his Divinity that he had left behind on Earth, and by playing an active role, he was once again bound by the name he had abandoned」

Come to think of it, when I was shown the images of the battle between the G.o.ds and the Evil G.o.ds, there was a G.o.d who summoned a giant sword and wielded it.

When G.o.ds came over to a new world, they discarded their old names and were reborn as new G.o.ds. In the first place, they were not a single Deity, but a mixture of Deities from various G.o.ds who were interested in the new world.

However, to defeat the Evil G.o.d, the G.o.d of Swords had to use his Divinity as Futsunus.h.i.+, which was only a part of himself, to the fullest. Because of this, the G.o.d of Swords was fixed as Futsunus.h.i.+, instead of being free like many G.o.ds who were not bound by a name.

「Since my existence is fixed, I cannot easily change my form. However, a human soul might not be able to bear the image of my true form. Therefore, pardon me for being in this form」

The other G.o.ds don’t have names, so they can easily change their forms, but Futsunus.h.i.+ couldn’t do that.

「The Divine Sword in which you are going to be reincarnated is the kin of the G.o.d of Swords and the G.o.ddess of Wisdom. Therefore, you will need the cooperation of both of them」

After that, I was shown by the G.o.ddess what kind of memory that I can keep. Ugh, this was so embarra.s.sing.

It was better at first. Memories of pain and negative emotions when I died. Memories of favorite movies and VR games that I was addicted to. Many of them were scenes that moved me.

However, it started to get more and more into my personal side of things…

「Ah, this is a memory of a popular movie that you saw on your first date, it remains strong in you」

Even now, when I watch the reruns, I get sweet and sour feelings and memories of those days come flooding back.

「This is a memory of separation from the dog you loved so much」

It was Fran, a crossbreed dog that my parents had bought. It looked like a white mop. One day, I got a phone call from my mom saying that it had died, and I flew back to my parents’ house. The least I can say is that it lived a long life. For a while, I couldn’t help but cry when I saw a dog that looked like it.

「This is a memory of the first time you experienced skins.h.i.+p with a woman. You made many mistakes, and it remains as a bitter memory」

Wha! Oh, G.o.d! This memory is――!

From there on, it was torture for real. Just kill me already! Well, I was already dead though! I was so tortured that I had to do some flippant commentary by myself.

You still remember the first time you went to a cabaret club huh? No no, that was just my senpai taking me there! Aaaaah! You don’t have to show me every single memory of my favorite s.e.xy DVD or anything!

Afterward, when I was mentally too exhausted, they used their power on me, and my soul was transferred into the sword. I was left on my own just like that.

The G.o.ddess of Chaos called out to me as I stand in front of a beautiful sword with an angel-like emblem on its hilt.

「The next time you see us will be when you have completed your mission. Well, if there are no irregularities, that is」

「What do you mean by “irregularities”?」

「Well, I wonder? But you already know by what the words imply right? We’re not an all-knowing and all-powerful being you know? There are always some kind of irregularities」

Is that true?

「But if you ever meet us before then, we G.o.ds will pretend that we’ve never met before」

「Eh? Why?」

「How much do you think your memories about us G.o.d will shake your memory? It would be bad if the seal was broken, right?」

「I-I see」

Is it possible that even a seal placed by G.o.ds could be broken? No, the fact that they’re not all-knowing and all-powerful beings mean that it is possible.

「Well, I’ve done the best I could. Especially the system that controls your power, which is my best work yet. You can play with it as much as you want to」

「Eh, play with it?」

「It’s important you know? Certainly, the mission is important. But it’s also important for you to enjoy the other world, right? Have some fun」


「I’m supposed to seal your memory here so you won’t remember this when you wake up. So, good luck」

「Y-yes, thank you very much!」

「Ufufufu. Well then, have a good chaos!」

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