1034: The G.o.d of Vegetation

I observed the light descending upon us from the skies above. It was ominously powerful, radiating divine energy.

It gradually took on a spherical shape as it got closer. A large ball of light with a blinding glow.

This immediately put me on full alert, yet the others didn’t react at all. They certainly sensed the unusual aura, but they didn’t have the slightest idea that it could be something dangerous.

Izario and Orfalve simply stood still. It was as if they were distracted or rendered unable to defend themselves. The best of the best gathered here didn’t even reach for their weapons.

I managed to put up a barrier around those closest to me, but I won’t make it in time for the others!


I braced myself for the expected impact.

But it didn’t come.


「Rest a.s.sured. I mean you no harm.」

Instead, a stiff, monotone voice rang out. The tone was a bit similar to Announcer-san, perhaps?

『Eh? Who’s this?』

「I am among the pillar deities ruling over greenery, the one you call the G.o.d of Vegetation.」

Haah? A G.o.d? If they call themselves the G.o.d of Vegetation, I guess they are related to the Forest G.o.d?

But what’s going on? Everyone else seemed frozen stiff after making contact with the G.o.dly aura.

No, maybe a few of them were okay? Guys like Izario, Hilt, and Fran managed to regain control relatively quickly.

The reason I was able to move from the beginning must be the same as how the Evil G.o.d can’t control me. My soul was from Earth, so I’m resistant to the presence of the G.o.ds.

The ball of light floated a few meters above the ground, continuing to speak as if ignoring our reactions.

「The reason for my descent is to bring down divine punishment.」

The ball of light, the G.o.d of Vegetation, flashed brightly. Particles of light were released into the surroundings, before quickly swirling together in front of the G.o.d and gradually taking a shape.

The shape of a person, a girl we have seen before.


Meltritte, someone who should have disappeared along with the giant antidemon, was now lying on the ground.

「This is…… Why am I……?」

「I have reconst.i.tuted your body with the soul sleeping here as its core. You must atone for your sins. I will decide your punishment.」

The G.o.d’s quiet, yet inescapable words took the breath away from everyone present.

This was no laughing matter. Divine punishment was that terrifying.

Seliadot’s reaction seemed a bit different from the rest. Her face went extremely pale, with her breathing erratic. Exactly what she had feared came to pa.s.s. She looked up at the G.o.d and muttered in a trembling voice.

「A nature G.o.d……」

『What do you mean, Seliadot?』

(Is this the sword speaking to me? G.o.ds taking the form of a person can be expected to show mercy and compa.s.sion. However, the non-human G.o.ds of nature will do no such thing.)

『So you’re saying they don’t care at all for extenuating circ.u.mstances, and deliver their judgment without emotion?』

(Precisely…… Punishments will not grow harsher due to anger, nor lighter due to pity. When it comes down to it, divine punishment is often intended to make an example of someone. Such punishments tend to be more gruesome when a nature G.o.d is in charge.)

『Does the content and scale of divine punishment actually change depending on the deity?』

(In the human world, a punishment depends on the will of the judge, correct? Even if the crime is the same, differences may form based on the one taking charge. The G.o.ds are no different in this regard.)

If two people are to receive a punishment of ten lashes, the one whipped by a buff guy will feel more pain than the one whipped by a scrawny guy. More to the point, different judges can easily give different sentences for the same crime.

And in the case of nature G.o.ds, the punishments are often given without emotion and regard for circ.u.mstances.

(The G.o.ds of nature do not care much for us people in the first place.)

『It does seem that way.』

But where did she even learn all this?

(I could never forgive that d.a.m.ned poison master’s crimes, so I once investigated why the G.o.ds never punished him. Well, it turns out that the G.o.ds care little for the quarrels of men.)

Seliadot didn’t mention it out loud, but she was thinking about using an Evil G.o.d Fragment too, wasn’t she?

Her target was an incredibly powerful master of poisons, along with an organization controlling a vast army of illegal slaves. Much too powerful to challenge all by her lonesome. Perhaps she considered abusing the Evil G.o.d Fragments, but gave up once she realized it would result in divine punishment.

That’s just my hypothesis, but she seemed convinced that Meltritte would receive divine punishment. She must be well informed on the matter.

(And I didn’t expected it to be this fast……)

『That’s probably because of the divine swords here.』

(What are you――No, I see. The divine swords are kin to the G.o.ds, sharing a portion of their powers. Can they view the world of men through the divine swords?)

『Apparently so.』

(So that is why…… I cannot say if this makes me lucky or unlucky…)

I’d say it’s also related to how the Beast-Bug G.o.d descended a while back. The conditions were just right for a G.o.dly descent.

The ball of light flickered as Seliadot watched on with a pale face.

「Sinner Meltritte. Your sin is unauthorized contact with a fragment of the Evil G.o.d and abuse for personal gain.」


Meltritte tried to say something in return, but her voice was m.u.f.fled. I guess her charges had already been decided, leaving no room for a reb.u.t.tal. I’ve always thought the G.o.ds showed little interest in mortals, even aside from the nature G.o.ds. Meltritte’s divine punishment was seemingly unrelated to her ma.s.sacre of innocent people. That must not be a crime in their eyes.

However, Seliadot looked slightly perplexed.

(Stating her charges……?)

『The other G.o.ds don’t usually give reasons for their punishments?』

(I can only say it depends on the deity. However, the nature G.o.ds tend to enforce their punishments without any notification. There are countless stories about towns or persons annihilated before they knew it.)

『Uwah. That’s d.a.m.n scary.』

When I think about it that way, the ball of light seemed pretty reasonable despite being a nature G.o.d. Maybe they were one of the nicer ones?

「However, you did not contact the Evil G.o.d Fragment directly, instead through another indirectly. In addition, the transfer of power via divine artifact may be interpreted as forming a valid contract. Therefore, this punishment shall fall on you as an individual.」

Wasn’t this exactly what Seliadot wanted us to hear? This particular G.o.d seemed capable of consideration after all.

Seliadot felt so relieved that she was about to collapse, which was understandable since the future of the lorelei race just got spared.

「You are to hunt antidemons on this continent, until the day Gordicia’s Evil G.o.d Fragment is released.」

The moment the G.o.d said these words, Meltritte’s body glowed intensely.

「Your body is now the same as the sinner Trismegistus. Continue your atonement in this eternal, unchanging prison.」

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