1061: Fran vs Raydoss Fleet

Determined to destroy the Raydoss fleet at Dars, Fran pushed forward while weaving her way through the barrage of cannon fire.

『This fleet doesn’t seem to have the small sacrificial s.h.i.+ps.』

All of the s.h.i.+ps here were large and medium sized vessels. That means they can’t do the damage transfer thing, right? In the first place, the damage transfer is only possible with Marle’s skill and the water dragon’s magic. An ordinary fleet with neither of those shouldn’t be able to pull it off.

That was our reasoning, so we decided to target the flags.h.i.+p with a powerful strike first.

『Fran, the one over there is the biggest! Fire!』


The same trick we tried against the Water Dragon Battles.h.i.+p in Bulbora, a multicast Kanna Kamui.

Lightning rained down from the heavens onto the flags.h.i.+p.

However, a transparent wall suddenly appeared to block the s.h.i.+p from our Kanna Kamui. As expected, there was still some sort of ward.

The ward protecting the s.h.i.+p absorbs the force of our lightning… or not.



Kanna Kamui easily smashed through the ward and landed a direct hit. Fragments of the s.h.i.+p’s hull scattered in all directions from the ma.s.sive explosion.

Our lightning obliterated the three giant masts of the wars.h.i.+p, shattering the hull right down the middle. The remaining wreckage sank slowly into the sea.

The surviving sailors had been paralyzed by the aftereffects of Kanna Kamui, unable to swim properly. I saw some flailing in the water as they sank alongside the debris.

『I guess only the Water Dragon Battles.h.i.+p can deploy those powerful wards from earlier.』


Even if a normal s.h.i.+p is equipped with a ward generator, it won’t be nearly as effective without the water dragon’s mana supply.

「…Let’s finish this.」


Fran’s short yet aggressive statement was filled with hostility. It seems her anger toward Raydoss has yet to be satisfied.


『Take this!』

I enlarged myself into the anti-wars.h.i.+p mode. Fran flew toward the nearest s.h.i.+p carrying me above her head, then swung me down with all her might.

Surprisingly, the wood making up the hull hardly cracked at all. There was only a light sound of wood brus.h.i.+ng against wood as the s.h.i.+p was cleaved cleanly in two along with the splitting sea.

The enemy sailors probably had no clue what just happened. Their s.h.i.+p just split in half somehow without any visible cause. A second later, the severed section ignited with the flames spreading over the hull.

That’s because we applied Elemental Sword Flame in addition to anti-wars.h.i.+p mode. Amid the screams of the sailors, we observed the s.h.i.+p we sank with surprisingly little effort.

From that point on, we were unstoppable.

Fran flew around shredding apart whatever s.h.i.+p caught her sight. Most she simply diced in half from the sides, but she cleaved a few down the front too.

All the s.h.i.+ps in the fleet were turned into burning wrecks one by one.

Raydoss’s navy isn’t weak by this world’s standards. They may look like feeble wooden sailboats, but their strength, speed, and maneuverability are all enhanced by magical tools.

Perhaps they aren’t as durable as modern Earth battles.h.i.+ps, but they would stand a chance against last generation cruisers. Moreover, they are equipped with a number of magic cannons boasting high accuracy. Thirty of these s.h.i.+ps is easily a top cla.s.s navy, excluding the existence of Water Dragon Battles.h.i.+ps.

But Fran was just stronger. She darted around the battlefield evading everything they could send. Moreover, she had enough power to wreck a s.h.i.+p with a single blow, and the capability to do so in rapid succession.

Imagine a fleet of decently advanced s.h.i.+ps from the modern world trying to beat a super-robot straight out of a science fiction story. They didn’t even stand a chance.

I kept my guard up for a secret trump card like Marle, but no one ever showed up.

The enemy fleet realized that they couldn’t win after about ten s.h.i.+ps fell to the bottom of the sea. Some vessels started to retreat, but there was no escape for them.

「Master! Let’s take them first!」


Fran went ahead of them and started annihilating the fleeing vessels first.

「Gyaaaaah! They’re coming for us!」


「d.a.m.n you, Black Devil!」

We cleaved through the s.h.i.+p while pa.s.sing by, along with the mast. The crew onboard screamed as they splashed into the sea.

Without giving them a second glance, Fran went straight to her next target. The s.h.i.+p was immediately split apart and lit aflame the second she entered range.

To our enemies, it was nothing but a living nightmare. They all sensed Fran’s immense killing intent, as well as her determination to finish off every last one of them.

As a result, they launched an even more desperate barrage at us, to little effect. Within only ten minutes, another ten s.h.i.+ps had sank.

One s.h.i.+p per minute seems like a pretty good pace.

However, it seems Fran’s anger had cooled down a bit by now. She no longer cared enough to finish everything up close and personal.

「Let’s end it with magic. Master, those ones first.」

『Roger that.』

We cleared out the remaining s.h.i.+ps in one fell swoop with a barrage of spells.

Only twenty minutes had pa.s.sed since the start of battle.

All the enemy s.h.i.+ps had disappeared into the sea. Though we achieved victory, one question remained unanswered. As was the case in Bulbora, Raydoss’s s.h.i.+ps never attempted to raise the white flag.

We’ve already heard from Brunen of Belioth that this world also recognizes the white flag as the symbol of surrender. Did they perhaps have some sort of national pride that prevented them from surrendering no matter the cost?

「Whew. We won.」


「Now let’s go help the people who got captured!」

『Right away? Shouldn’t we take a break first?』

We were pretty much unscathed, though we spent quite a bit of mana and stamina. As expected, we needed to get serious to sink so many huge s.h.i.+ps. Also her excitement caused her to overpace herself a bit…

I kinda got pulled along with her high tension too.

However, Fran simply wiped the sweat from her forehead before turning her eyes toward the town of Dars.

「We need to help Charlotte as soon as possible.」

『Yeah, I thought you might say that.』

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