I messed up a translation in the previous part. Dunadrond’s race is Oni, not n.o.ble. Let’s just say I really desperately need to start thinking in terms of j.a.panese fantasy genre diction.

After the test was over, Fran followed Dunadrond to the highest floor of the guild.

Waiting for us inside was a slim, handsome man with blond hair.

“Hahaha, I lost!”

“Dunadrond-kun, this is not the time to be laughing.”

I could tell that he was an elf by looking at his ears. He looked weak at first glance, but…

Name: Klimt Age: 136 years old

Race: Wood Elf

Job: Greater Elementalist

Lv: 67

HP: 180 MP: 616 Strength: 87 Agility: 158

Skills: Quick Casting 7, Appraisal 5, Bow Wielding 3, Harvest 5, Tree Magic 7, Spirit Magic 8, Nature Magic 6, Synthesis 5, Earth Magic 10, Poison Resistance 3, Paralysis Resistance 4, Water Magic 5, Herblore 7, Cooking 4, Mana Manipulation, Child of the Forest

Unique Skill: Spirits’ Blessing

t.i.tles: Guild Master, Guardian of Alessa, Tree Arts User, Earth Arts User

Equipment: Cane of the Ancient G.o.d’s Cherry Tree, Clothes of the Clone Snake’s Scales, Vest of the Wind Dragon, Shoes of the Moon Rabbit, Divine Bracelet

He surpa.s.sed Dunadrond in ability. After all, magic skills are super dangerous.

And spirit magic seemed incredibly rare. Just what I’d expect from a Guild Master.

“For the time being, please tell me your name.”


“And your age?”


Dunadrond groaned after what Fran said.

“What? You’re seriously as old as you look?!”

Ahh, I get it.

He must have thought that since Fran was so skilled, she was an extremely old member of a long lived race. Because otherwise, there was no way someone who looked so young could be so strong.


“Ah, my apologies.”

At the Guild Master’s reprimand, Dunadrond lowered his head. That wasn’t cute at all.

But his behavior before the test was completely different from now.

Before, he looked like a hulking berserker, but now I couldn’t see him as anything but a good-natured man.

“But I can also understand my friend’s emotions. To think that a child no more than twelve years of age used a middle-cla.s.s Sword Technique and cast level 10 fire magic without an incantation? It is unbelievable.”

A crease formed in the middle of the Guild Master’s forehead. It was as if he was a.n.a.lyzing Fran from top to bottom.

“And on top of that, she has the Appraisal Block skill?”

Come to think of it, he had Appraisal.

He must have tried to see if Fran was lying by using it.

But I had Appraisal Block.

It was a skill I acquired by using Self-Evolution points for just such an occasion.

One of the good points of this skill was that its effects even reached Fran, who had me equipped.

Though that also meant she was likely arousing a lot of suspicion.

“So where did a twelve year old girl like you come from?”

“It’s a secret.”

“…Do you believe that I can accept that answer?”

“I won’t say.”

“…Sigh. How bothersome.”

Hmm, I’m starting to get worried.

I should tell Fran to ask the all-important question.

“Did I pa.s.s? Or fail?”

“We couldn’t fail someone with enough skill to fight against Dunadrond.”

“Then give me a guild card.”

“I am aware. I will prepare it now. Please fill out the information on these doc.u.ments. If you do not know how to write, someone can write for you.”

“It’s fine.”

Fran’s parents gave her a good education, and she was taught how to read and write to increase her value as a slave.

“We’re more than happy to have such a skilled adventurer! Isn’t that right, Guild Master?”

“Yeees, of course. And the spirits have been quiet.”


“No matter how hard you look, they are only visible to Elementalists.”

“What do the spirits tell you?”

“Spirits are sensitive to emotions. They can sense any wicked or evil thoughts.”

Spirits are convenient. I really want to use them too.

The issue was if there were any demonic beasts that use spirit magic.

“Do demonic beasts use spirit magic?”

“Though it is rare, some demonic beasts do use them as some spirits feed off malevolent emotions. Unfortunately.”

Hoo. That was good news. It’d be worthwhile to find one.

“Guild Master, the preparations are complete.”

“Is that so. Then let us go.”

The Guild Master lead us to as small room next to the counter.

Inside the room was something that looked like an altar, and on that altar was a crystal ball.

“Please put your hand here. This will be over shortly.”


As the Guild Master said, it was over in a moment.

It seemed like it registered Fran’s mana.

Next to us, the receptionist was touching another crystal ball.

It looked like the card would be finished after it touched the ball.

“All that is left is picking your Job.”


“Yes. Because everyone has different talents, there are many Jobs that confer a variety of benefits.”

Come to think of it, Randel was a merchant. Dunadrond was a Greater Warrior, and the Guild Master was a Greater Elementalist. The single word “Greater” made them seem strangely stronger.

“The Jobs Fran-sama can pick are…huh?”

“What is wrong? Nel-kun.”

“Nothing, it’s just that there are many compatible Jobs.”


We looked at the screen as well from behind the Guild Master.”

Warrior, Swordsman, Brawler, Spellsword, Magician, Dual Swordsman, Flame Arts User, White Mage, Summoner, Beast Tamer, Thief, Alchemist, Dismantler, Cook.

There were a lot.

It looked like the Jobs were affected by the Set Skills, or in other words, the skills Fran was using.

I also had Spear Wielding and Spear Techniques but didn’t have them set.

So Cook and Dismantler are also jobs.

“This is…”

Even the Guild Master was at a loss.

Could this actually be an awkward situation?

“Wheew, that was quite surprising. Though I did expect one who fought against Dunadrond-kun to be able to be a Magician or a Magician, but this is unexpected.”

Oh, it looked like everything was okay.

He must have gotten used to surprises like this.

“Then what will you choose?”

『Ask them to recommend something.』

“What’s good?”

“I see. My advice is that Spellsword, Dual Swordsman, and Flame Arts User are middle-grade Jobs and thus rare. Their benefits are strong as well. Spellswords use both magic and a sword; Dual Swordsmen emphasize swords above all else; and Flame Arts Users emphasize magic.”

I see. What should we pick…

『What looks good to you, Fran?』

‘Spellsword looks cool.”

『Then let’s choose Spellsword.』

The truth is, Spellsword’s effects were extremely useful.

Spellsword: Middle-grade Job. Unlocked after achieving level 6 in a sword skill and a magic skill.

Effects: Strength and MP increase easily upon level up. In addition, increases the proficiency of obtaining sword skills and magic skills. Also increases the power of sword skills  and magic skills.

But there was something I had to ask.

“Can I change my Job?”

“Yes. You can change your Job whenever as long as you come to the guild. However, because you receive the effects based on the Job you have set, should you choose to switch from Spellsword to Dual Swordsman, there will be a slight change in your status. This is especially true when switching from a high-rank Job to a low-rank one. And you won’t be able to use Job-specific skills.”

Well, that was all what I expected so I didn’t mind.

We should go with Swordspell since we can change it later.

“I’ll choose Swordspell.”

“Then now your guild card is complete.”

It looked like a normal bronze-colored card.

Written on it were Fran’s name, the name of the guild, her Job, and her rank: G.

“The guild card also acts as identification and a replacement costs 5000 gold. Because it is registered to your mana, only you can use it. But please do take care not to lose it.”

After that, the Guild Master explained the uses of the guild and also gave us some precautions.

Normally the receptionist would do this, but it seemed like we were receiving a lot of special attention.

The Guild Master took care of everything.

Including cleaning up afterwards.

Adventurers can only accept guild requests that correspond with their adventurer rank. Specifically, adventurers can accept requests that are one rank above or below their own.

After completing a certain number of requests, we can take a rank up test.

The colors of the cards went ranks G and F were bronze; ranks E and D were black; ranks C and B were silver, rank A was gold, and rank S was platinum white.

All the cards were made of the same material.

There were no annual fees, but if we don’t take a request that corresponds with our rank within a set period of time, then our rank can go down or we can even be expelled.

And we should take care to not take any actions that betrayed the Adventurer’s Guild. In the worst case, we could even be purged.

And we should also be careful because the guild doesn’t get involved in disputes between adventurers.

That final piece of advice was probably directed at Fran specifically. Well, she did seem like the type to get into fights.

“And with that, you are now an adventurer.”


“Is there anything else you would like to ask?”

What I had to ask was more a wish than a question.

“Do you announce what’s on the test?”

“No. Because it is related to the abilities of the adventurers, we do not give any information on it.”

“Then that’s it.”

“Would you like to attract attention to yourself?”

“Not the bad kind.”

“Then let us make a promise. Dunadrond-kun, the one who oversaw your application, Nel-kun, and I will not speak of the results of your match. Well, that is actually helpful to us as well. Such as he is, Dunadrond-kun is gathering adventurers at the emergency front-line. We would rather others not look down upon him.”

“I can’t tell you what to do. But, little lady, if you’re willing to keep it a secret, we will too.”

“However, I believe that you will receive attention from your ability alone…”

Hmm. I didn’t have any complaints.

Well, we said the right things?

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