The next upload…will be amazing. Prepare your bodies.

Ten minutes later.

“Kuhahaha, sorry for leaving you all alone, young lady!”

“It’s okay.”

『I’m enough for Fran’s weapon. But would it be possible for you to make a scabbard?』

“Yeah, I’ll make you the best scabbard I can!”

『We don’t have that much money, but…we also need armor.』

“Makes sense. About how much is your budget?”

『Accounting for lodgings and medicine, we have 15,000 gil left.』

We could easily buy some cheap armor, but Garth was a renowned Arcane Blacksmith.

The problem was if he stocked armor that we could buy for 15,000 gil.

“I see. Great, I’ve taken a liking to you two. I’ll sell you a set of armor and a scabbard at that price.”

『I’m thankful for that, but is that really okay?』

“I don’t mind. So what’ll you choose for armor? I may be a blacksmith, but I also leather goods. I can prepare anything made of metal or leather.”

『Hmm. What would you like?』

“Something light is better.”

“Then leather it is. Of course, I recommend increasing the armor’s strength by attaching steel to the important parts.”

“Then I’ll choose that.”

“What about your head?”

“I’d prefer nothing. It’ll block my vision.”

“Then how about an earring meant for beastfolk? There’re types that you don’t need to get your ear pierced for.”


“Then wait a bit.”

Old Man Garth brought out several pieces of equipment from a storage room.

“Here, try this on.”

He brought four items: the Dress Armor of the Flame Cow’s Horn, Gloves of the Paralysis Claw Cat, Boots of the Flightless Poison Dragon, Mythril Earring-Cat Race. Their defensive stats weren’t bad at all, and their effects were really good. They even had the effects Grant Fire Resistance, Grant Impact Resistance, Grant Paralysis Resistance, Grant Poison Resistance, and Grant Magic Resistance.

They were way weaker than the Guild Master’s or Dunadrond’s equipment, but they were likely a little stronger than the equipment the adventurers on the street had.

There was a juxtaposition of white and black as the color scheme, so it looked way better on Fran than I thought. All I could see of the dress armor was the white one piece dress and the black knee socks, but on the chest and other areas were reinforced with steel and leather, so it had plenty of defensive power.

In addition, he gave us two sets of well-made cotton clothes that lacked any defensive power.

『Is it okay to give such strong equipment?』

“I don’t mind. A strong adventurer needs to have strong weapons. Most of all, how could I not be upset if I ever heard someone say that my equipment was worse than a magic sword. Well, I’m not losing any money out of this so don’t worry.”

『Fran, this is great.』

“Thank you.”

“Make sure to show up here in the future as well. Since it’s rare to have a chance to get a good look at an Intelligence Weapon.”

『Don’t do anything weird.』

“You’re fine. I’ll just use Appraisal and Identify.”

『Well, that much isn’t too difficult.』

“Also feel free to bring along some loot with you. I can make you some equipment for a good price if you bring the crafting materials.”

That reminded of the demonic beast loot I had in my Dimensional Storage.

I gave up on selling it at the guild because it’d attract attention, but maybe that wouldn’t be the case if we sold them to Old Man Garth and had him turn the loot into armor?

“Materials, we have.”

『Yeah. If we give them to you, you can turn them into armor without us attracting lots of attention.』

“Hoo. I take it you have quite the collection of materials since you said all that.”

『They aren’t from small fries. They’re Threat Levels D and C.』

It wasn’t strange for a Threat Level C demonic beast to scare an entire nation. If one showed up near a city, the knights would mobilize.

Demonic beasts so strong that only adventurers rank B or higher could take them on.

『Do you have an empty room?』

“Yeah, the room over there’s empty. Are you going to bring them here?”

『I already have them.』

“You even have an item pocket? But where is it…”

Fran didn’t have an item pocket anywhere on her person.

Because the only things she had on were her clothes, her sword, and her sandals.

『It’s my ability.』

“Oho. Interesting. For a sword to have an item box, that is…I never thought that could happen.”

I ignored the old man who was muttering to himself and moved to the empty room.

It was likely originally a storage room. It was an ideal storage room as the floor was compacted dirt and the ceiling was high.

『Okay, I’m taking them out.』

The Tyrant Saber Tooth Tiger’s hide, teeth, and claws. The Dopplesnake’s fangs and scales. The Blast Tortoise’s sh.e.l.l and leather. The room was filled with crafting materials.

I only told him that I had the Gluttony Slime Lord’s loot rather than take it out. Because if I did, the whole room would be covered in slime. I should ask him to prepare a tub or something to keep it in later.

“This is…! D-Did you get all these? They’re all high ranked C and D materials.”

『That’s right.』

“By yourself?”

『By myself. I flew at them using Telekinesis.』

“Hahahahahaha! Amazing. I had no idea your abilities would be so diverse.”

『My base abilities are low so I couldn’t have beaten those demonic beasts without a bunch of skills.』

“This much is more than enough. I can make you some magnificent armor. The kind of armor that low rank adventurers couldn’t even dream of.”

Just what I’d expect from the loot of such strong demonic beasts.

“But I can’t handle all this leather on my own. I’ll need to ask some others that guy and that guy for help. And him, too——.”

『Excuse me, old man?』

“Oh dear, sorry. I got excited since something fun came my way after so long. How much more do you have to surprise me before you’re satisfied!”

He said that with a smile on his face.

“So you’ll make it?”

“Of course!”

『But it’ll cost a lot to hire the help of other craftsman at your level, right?』

“That’s right…even if you only brought basic materials, we wouldn’t accept your request for anything less than 30,000,000 gil.

『For real? Then there’s no way we can.』

“Is it okay if you leave all these materials with me?”

『Not at all. I don’t mind.』

“Then it’s simple. There’s more than enough materials here to make the young lady armor. I’ll buy the remaining materials off you. That should take care of the price, right?”

『We’d truly be grateful.』

“Then we have a deal.”

“How long will it take?”

“It takes a month.”

『That’s longer than I thought.』

“What’re you saying? That’s more than on the faster side! Well, since you brought all these materials, I don’t want to end up unable to finish the job. Since I’ll need to buy some other materials as well, it’ll take some more time.”

『There’s no helping it. It’s okay with you too, right, Fran?』

“Un. I look forward to it.”

“Yeah. Leave it to me!”

After that, I sliced the Slime Lord’s body into thin pieces and put it in an iron tub that Old Man Garth brought. He said even the slime had a use.

“I don’t see a magic crystal. Do you not have it?”

“We don’t.”

“I see. That’s a shame.”

『Can you use magic crystals on the armor?』

“Yeah. We mix it in during the creation process. As an example, if you use the Dopplesnake’s fangs on the armor, it’ll definitely have Poison Resistance . And if it’s used on a weapon, it’ll have the Deadly Venom effect. But if you add in the Dopplesnake’s magic crystal, the effects Poison Resistance [large] or Deadly Venom will be added. Magic crystals from other demonic beasts will probably have some effect as well, but the magic crystal from the demonic beast itself has the best affinity so it’s definitely the best.”

So magic crystals had that use. It was a shame, but I already absorbed them all. I should hold on to any magic crystals that have skills I already have. I can absorb them anytime I want if I put them in Dimensional Storage, anyway.

『We’ll keep an eye out for them next time.』

“Yeah, that’s a good idea.”

『Then I guess we’ll be going now.』


『Sorry for all the craziness you went through.』

“Hahaha. I’m hoping this is the end of that! Your scabbard will be done in four days so come by then.”


We finished arrangements for the materials and we placed an order for some good armor. I sure was thankful for this lucky meeting.

『Fran, it looks good on you. You look just like a rookie adventurer.』


『Now then…do you need any underwear?』

“Not really.”

『A-Are you sure?』

Was it okay because she herself said she didn’t need them?

No, of course not. The topic of underwear was definitely too high a hurdle to jump.

But if I run away here, then the only thing I’ll be able to do later is run away as well!

Plus, Fran had definitely lost her girliness.

I need to go on the offensive!

『No. L-Let’s go buy some underwear!』

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