But without even the time to sigh, I could sense a new demonic beast approaching me.

Could it have been led here by all of the slimes’ corpses?


A 3 meter long tortoise appeared, stomping loudly.

I appraised it and looked at its info.

『Cannon Tortoise? Oh yeah, there’s a tube on its back that looks like a cannon.』

The tube extended one meter past its large sh.e.l.l. It’s probably a gun barrel.

What’s that thin pipe stuck to its back? It looked like a remodeled motorcycle’s m.u.f.fler, but larger.



A sharp sound, similar to a vacuum cleaner, began to emit from the tortoise, as if in response to its roar.

『I see. So it sucks in air from that pipe.』

Using the See Air Currents skill I took from bird type demonic beasts, I could tell what it was doing. The air around the Cannon Tortoise was entering the pipe that was on its back.


And an invisible cannonball shot out from its cannon.

Well, I could clearly see it since I had See Air Currents so I was easily able to dodge its shot.

『So it shoots compressed air!』

It had been a while since I last faced a monster that could use long range attacks.

But its movements were incredibly slow.


And to top it all off, it had to reload after a single shot and it could only shoot forwards.

I knew this because I moved as fast as I could behind it, and it sluggishly turned its body towards me.

But its sh.e.l.l looked very hard. If I got stuck there, it seems like it’d be really annoying.

『Then I’ll kill it before that happens!』

I flew up high and from there dove straight for the Cannon Tortoise’s neck.

It was looking around for me after I disappeared. Its neck was clear for me to see.

And my blade flew true, severing the Cannon Tortoise’s neck in one clean strike.

『Great! Exactly what I wanted to happen!』

I was celebrating my own victory.

But that happiness lasted for only a moment.

『C’mon, let me rest a little.』

The slimes’ corpses attracted the Cannon Tortoise, and the Cannon Tortoise’s blood attracted a new demonic beast. It’s natural for me to keep going up the food chain, but I really wanted to take a breather.

Plus, the demonic beast looked really strong this time.


『Uwa, that thing’s super intimidating.』

The demonic beast before me was a seven or eight meter long red leopard. At the end of its tail was a flame like a torch.

『I’d better appraise it.』

Its name was Flare Leopard.

Its actual stats were probably the highest of any demonic beast I’d ever fought in the past. Especially its agility stat of 305, which was more than double that of the wyvern’s. It also had fire magic so it could probably fight me with both long range and short range attacks.

『What a pain.』

But the stronger the monster, the more it will add to my Magic Crystal Count.

How will its magic crystal taste?

『I’ll be eating your magic crystal!』


Two days pa.s.sed after my intense battle with the Flare Leopard.

『Great, I’ll go now.』

I was currently heading for the outer rim of the plains. I named it Area 5.

I ingeniously divided the areas based on the strength of the demonic beasts that appeared there.

The farther I got from the pedestal, the stronger the demonic beasts got, perhaps because of the pedestal’s barrier.

I called the area around the pedestal where only goblin small fries appeared Area 1, and my plan was to have the number increase along with the demonic beasts’ strength.

And the place I was going now, Area 5, was set with the biggest number.

Beyond Area 5 was all unknown territory. From what I could see, the plains ended and a forest suddenly sprouted up.

But I could occasionally catch glimpses of the same small fry monsters I usually see in Areas 1 or 2 behind the trees, so I doubted there were demonic beasts stronger than those in Area 5 there.

Well, I did wonder why none of the demonic beasts in Area 5 went into the forest.

I may be able to find out later (tn: Translation almost definitely incorrect).

『I don’t see any small fries.』

In the plains, the number of demonic beasts tended to decrease as I progressed through the Areas. Instead, the number of large demonic beasts that had huge territories increased.

Yesterday, even though I spent the entire day slaughtering everything I could find, I only hunted about 20 of them.

But the average Magic Crystal Count for each one was over 15; even hunting a hundred goblins was nothing compared to this.

In addition, this is my current status.

Name: Unknown

Species: Intelligence Weapon

Attack: 314 MP: 1000/1000 Durability 800/800


Skills: Appraisal 6, Attack Boost [weak], High Speed Self-recovery, Skill Sharing, Wielder Recovery Boost [weak],  Wielder Stat Buff [weak], Telekinesis, Telekinesis Boost [weak], Telepathy, MP Buff [weak], Demonic Beast Knowledge, Magic User, Memory Increase [weak]

Because I increased my cla.s.s rank, I used the points I received to level up Self-Recovery to High Speed Self-recovery, and I gained the new skills Telekinesis Boost [weak], Demonic Beast Knowledge, Memory Increase [weak].

I only changed my memory skills when I ranked up, so the truth is, I didn’t understand all of my skills. There were also many skills I couldn’t use.

『Oh, demonic beast discovered!』

Name: Goblin

Species: Demon

Lv: 3

HP: 10 MP: 2 Strength: 7 Agility: 8

Skills: Alert 1, Poison Resistance 1, Cooking 1

Description: A variety of demon born 10,000 years ago from the fallen Demon G.o.d’s remains. Possesses strong ill-will and hatred for all beings except other demons. Agile and enjoys petty tricks. Has a violent and cruel personality. As an evil being, it is recommended to eliminate on sight. Location of magic crystal: within the torso, the solar plexus.

I stopped flying over Area 2 and found two goblins walking across the plain. Though I cleared out their den, I didn’t drive them all to extinction so there were still a few of them around.

I gained the description at the end of the status window from a point bonus. I could use it at the same time as Appraisal.

Fighting became a lot easier thanks to it. It was possible to kill monsters I’d never seen before with one strike because it told me the demonic beasts’ weak points and where their magic crystals were.

『Eliminate on sight… It’s like they’re c.o.c.kroaches.』

It felt more evil than I first thought to treat them like this.

Well, by human standards that’s probably the right thing to do.

Since I was originally a human, I should try and stick with human values and just take their EXP.

The next one is…

The other goblin’s appearance was a little different.

It had a pair of 20 centimeter long horns that were irregularly bent. Its skin, unlike that of normal goblins, was pitch black as if ink had been rubbed all over it.

Name: Evil Goblin

Species: Demon

Lv: 2

HP: 38 MP: 21 Strength: 26 Agility: 19

Skills: Sword Wielding 2, Throwing 1, Climbing 1, Poison Resistance 1

t.i.tle: Servant of the Demon G.o.d

Description: Unknown

One of the Evil Goblins, a variant that was sometimes with the normal goblins, appeared once again. They were in the goblins’ den as well, but I just thought, ‘They look a little different.’

But I was surprised after I appraised one when I left the den. They were no match for the Goblin King, but they were overwhelmingly stronger than the normal goblins. The one in front of me may be level 2, but its stats were very high. It even had a t.i.tle.

It’s probably an elite goblin. It must have lead many goblins before. And its description was unknown.

Well, since it said to eliminate on sight for the normal goblins, I’ll just turn them both into EXP.

But this means there really are G.o.ds in this world. I couldn’t tell if it was just some supernatural being that was calling itself a G.o.d or if it was a real G.o.d, but if possible, I would like to meet one. Because the only image I have of G.o.ds or religion is one of repression.

『Give me your magic crystal!』

I moved while hunting the demonic beasts like that.


Yesterday, I came up with a smart way to move.

First I used the strongest Telekinesis I could and to fly incredibly fast.

Then I allowed gravity to take over and fall.

Rinse and repeat.

It was something I thought up when I used the Telekinetic Catapult Attack. It’s name is the Telekinetic Catapult Movement Technique.

It only used MP during the initial movement, so I was able to save MP.

I repeatedly used the Telekinetic Catapult Movement Technique and made it to Area 4 before noon.

The demonic beasts in Area 4 weren’t anything to sneeze at.

The times I killed them in one shot decreased, and when they landed an attack on me, my durability went down by a lot.

When the goblins in Area 1 attacked me, my durability didn’t go down at all, but if the demonic beasts here land a direct hit, it would go down by more than a hundred. It would be dangerous to let down my guard.

And I finally arrived at Area 5.

『Okay then. I wonder what kind of demonic beasts are here.』

I used multiple survey-type skills and found a demonic beast.

It is incredibly important when hunting to deliver a preemptive attack on your prey once you find it.

Because there are some instances when I can take down a demonic beast without taking damage myself.

『But there’re no demonic beasts here at all.』

I looked around for them for an hour, but I hadn’t found a single one.

Could there be none here?

I gave it the name Area 5, but could Area 4 actually be the highest?

I was a little disconcerted by this thought, but I eventually found one at the far corner of the Area.

A huge magical response. It’s definitely a demonic beast. And the strongest one I’ve ever felt.

『Woohoo! That magical response is super strong!』

The strongest magical response I’d felt until now was the Flare Leopard in Area 4, but this response dwarfed that one.

『I should fly a little higher.』

I increased my alt.i.tude to avoid being spotted on the ground.

Sensing-type skills will probably have a hard time detecting me since I’m not too strong.

『Found it! But what is that thing? A puddle?』

I could see a puddle, about 5 meters in diameter, smack dab in the middle of the plain.

But I could feel strong mana coming from that puddle.

Hmm. Is it inside the pond?

Should I go towards it or not?

At a glance, I don’t see any kind of animal inside the puddle.

『Maybe I should go a little closer to it and appraise it.』

Regardless, Appraisal wouldn’t work at this height. I needed to get within 20 meters of it.

And this happened when I moved towards the puddle.


Ripples formed on the surface.

Was it the wind? No, the ripples were different from that. It was more like it was gelatin?


The puddle shook even more. And it jumped into the air with enough force that I almost thought there was an explosion under it.

On a closer look, that wasn’t water.

『Uwagh! It’s a huge slime!』

What I thought was a puddle was actually a huge, firmly coalesced slime.

It must have perceived my reaction and readied itself for combat.

The force of its attack weakened as it surged towards the sky like a fountain.

And it fell to the ground from the force of gravity. It was like I was looking at a waterfall.

The force of its fall caused its gelatin-like body to spread across the ground like a lake, but it reformed into a huge round ma.s.s. Aside from its scale, it appeared no different than other slimes.

With that aside, this is my first time seeing such a big slime.

Most slimes are at most 1 meter large. Even the bigger ones didn’t surpa.s.s 2 meters.

But this slime was not only over 15 meters long, but it had a ma.s.sive amount of mana. It was a little overwhelming.

『A-anyway, I’ll appraise it now.』

Name: Gluttonous Slime Lord

Species: Amalgamated Monster. Demonic Beast

Lv: 58

HP: 620 MP: 822 Strength: 539 Agility: 308

Skills: Evasion 3, Evasion Boost 4, Camouflage 6, Absorption 8, Harden 8, Instant Regeneration 7, Resist Changes to Form 7, Jumping 5, Soften 7, Cohesive Body 8, Resist Physical Attacks 7, Gluttony 9, Sense Mana 7, Dimensional Storage, Energy Manipulation, Enhanced Absorption, Caustic Acid Body, Enhanced Digestion, Mana Manipulation

Description: The pinnacle of the Gluttonous Slime line. Can continue to grow without limit as long as it consumes living organisms near it. It can use magic that is very close to s.p.a.ce-time magic, so it can preserve any enemies it defeats in its dimensional storage and gradually eat its prey without end. There have been reports of slimes in areas rich with food that were strong enough to defeat and consume dragons. There have been many cases of nations dispatching forces to exterminate these slimes the moment they are discovered. Magic crystal location: Center of the body.

Uwa. It’s a super dangerous monster. And it says it can grow without limit…

Is the one I’m facing still a young’un? It isn’t as dangerous as what the description described, but it’s dangerous nonetheless.

It has Acid Body in addition to Resist Physical Attacks.

That means if I charge in blindly, it’ll grab and melt me.

Other slimes only had a Cohesive Body level of 4, but this one’s level is 7.

『I see a death flag coming up if it lands a direct hit on me.』

So what should I do?

Maybe magic will work? But even if it’s the most effective method I have, wouldn’t it take more than a hundred bolts of fire magic to whittle down its ma.s.sive body? I almost certainly don’t have enough MP for that.


The slime protruded towards me, but it wasn’t able to touch me when I was so high up.

But I was sure that it sensed me as prey, something to eat, because of its high Sense Mana skill.

Should I barrel through it with a skill?

But even if I cut it to pieces, its Instant Regeneration skill would likely ruin that strategy.

『But can I handle it?』

Because of its acidic body, when I attack it, it’ll damage me. Plus it has strong acid in its body so I don’t want to attack it for no reason.

『Well then, oh c.r.a.p!』

The Slime Lord’s body had been slowly compressing, its surface rippling. Then it suddenly jumped up like buckshot. In other words, it was a bullet covered in acid flying at high speed towards me.

『That was close!』

I dodged it somehow by using the Evasion skill. But that attack just now was probably just testing me out.

I wasn’t sure if I could dodge a more violent attack.

『Great, so it’s telling me it wants to throw down. Try and handle my killer move.』

I shot fire magic at the Slime Lord.

It didn’t seem to have much of an effect.

But that was enough.

『I’m saying I know what you’ll do.』

I kept shooting it with fire magic and throwing rocks with Telekinesis. I kept attacking it without end, with the intention of doing some damage.

The Slime Lord slowly increased the number of its tentacles so the damage I took acc.u.mulated as well. Plus the amount of MP I was using to recover was increasing.

『Tch. It’s doing more damage to me than I can recover.』




The more tentacles it made, the more ferocious the Slime Lord’s attacks became.

But that was exactly my goal.

『Even after evolving, you act exactly the same way!』

I purposefully goaded it into intensifying its tentacle attacks because then the amount of its body protecting its magic crystal would become thinner.

I charged for its magic crystal by using the Telekinetic Catapult.

It was easy to say that it was a simple attack. But all of my concentration went into that attack.

I used wind magic, Wind Shooter, to increase the speed of the Telekinetic Catapult to super high speeds. I also added the Aurablade skill for its destructive ability, letting loose my most powerful attack.

『I gave this attack a singular name. It’s name is the Heavenly Killer Move!』

I was in an excited state so I gave it the name of what first popped up in my head, but when I calm down I’ll get rid of its name. Probably.

There was silence for a moment.


A boom roared throughout the plain immediately afterwards.

If I weren’t a sword, the loud noise would likely have made me faint.

The Slime Lord, unable to even counterattack, had a large hole forming in it. Of course, I had destroyed its magic crystal.


And then the Slime Lord stopped moving and spread formlessly across the ground.

Seeing that unknown slime spread across the ground was a strange sight to behold.

『Phew, I won…but that was seriously dangerous.』

We had only clashed for a moment, but nearly half my blade had already melted. I would have dissolved in a flash if that thing ate me. Killing it with one strike was the right choice.

It had shockingly added about 150 to my Magic Crystal Count. It was definitely an elite monsters.

Name: Unknown

Race: Intelligence Weapon

Attack: 352 MP: 1300/1300 Durability: 1100/1100

Acquired Skills: Camouflage 1, Harden 1, Instant Regeneration 1, Soften 1, Dimensional Storage

Maybe I’ll test out the skills I got from here.

There were some useful looking skills so I tried them out.


I used Camouflage thinking it would make me blend into my surroundings, but I couldn’t tell if it had an effect or not. I myself couldn’t see if Camouflage was working well or not. I also couldn’t tell what effect Harden had when I tested it. Because I’m already plenty hard.

Next was the fun looking Soften skill.

『Whooa. I’m all soft now.』

The level was low so the effect was minimal, but my blade was definitely softer.

I shook my body and my blade vibrated. This is fun.

Well, this was just enough as an appetizer compared to the skill that was coming up next.

『Dimensional Storage, activate.』

It was the so-called Inventory ability.

The stones in front of me disappeared. I reactivated it but this time imagined something coming out, and the stones appeared in the air.

I put gra.s.s and rocks in it and notices popped up telling me what was in storage. It was convenient.

『Now I just need to check its capacity.』

I put the undisturbed remains of the Gluttonous Slime Lord into my inventory.

It was huge; it could probably have filled a 25 meter long swimming pool to half height.

『It really is an elite demonic beast’s skill.』

I still can’t tell what the skill’s limit is, but having this much storage should be plenty useful to my wielder. She could use it instead of a wallet.

After I rank up, my MP and durability go back to full. Thanks to that, I was perfectly fine. But it didn’t get rid of mental fatigue.

『I’m tired so I’m going to go hunt in a weaker area.』

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