I found the manga. Then I found the Korean LN version. Then I found that only the WN was getting translated. Note: this is a j.a.panese LN. I’m translating from Korean.

I like the series and I want to translate it. Hopefully I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes by doing this. The prologue begins below all these pictures.

Tensei s.h.i.+tara Ken Des.h.i.+ta – Light novel translation.


The first thing I thought when I opened my eyes was that it was dark.

What"s going on? Is it night time?

But the very next moment, I felt that there was light coming from my left.

I s.h.i.+fted my sight to the left, as if being led by the light.

And I saw before my eyes an incredibly beautiful sight.

Below a dimly lit sky was a vast horizon. The light was s.h.i.+ning from over the edge like a halo.

The sun was beginning its ascent. The rising sun, s.h.i.+ning like a rainbow, even made me feel deep emotion at its beauty.

Then what could be on my other side?

I s.h.i.+fted my sight to the right. On this side, the moon was descending below the horizon.

The full moon"s silver light was bright to a shocking degree. Though the top of the moon had already begun to disappear beneath the horizon, I could tell even at a glance the moon"s bright light.

It was an overwhelming sight.

There was no other scene in my 30 years of life that was as beautiful as this. A scene so beautiful that it would be strange not to shed a tear.

No, wait. My 30 years of life? Am I alive right now? No, did I die?

The last thing I remember was a red convertible speeding towards me like a bullet. The reckless driver was holding a smartphone in one hand while looking away from the road, laughing boisterously.

Yes, it seems, good sir, you are busy doing something else while driving. It seems you are having quite the good time, laughing so happily. Well I"m not having any fun at all you G.o.dd.a.m.n r.e.t.a.r.d!

I remember shouting those words in my head, but…

I probably died. No, I"m dead, aren"t I?

『Hmm. What happened…?』

『Look at that. Have you finally opened your eyes?』

『Uwa! Who is that?!』

I heard an unexpected voice ring around me. But it didn"t seem like anyone was near me.

No, it actually seems like I heard that voice in my head?

『You have a tough road ahead of you, but do your best.』

『Huh? What do you mean?』

『All right then. See you later—.』

And thus, the man"s voice disappeared.

『What? h.e.l.lo?』

I spoke out, but there was no answer. What in the world just happened? Did I have an auditory hallucination? But I heard it so clearly…

And I only noticed something after I tried to move my body in an attempt to look around at my surroundings.

My body isn"t moving.

『Huh? What"s going on? No, what happened to me?』

I was afraid I was tied up, but the situation wasn"t as simple as that.

My body felt strange. I didn"t feel anything from my hands or feet. No, not just my hands and feet; I felt strange everywhere.

『I don"t have eyelids, either. And my eyes are… I can"t feel anything from my eyes, but how am I able to see?』

I looked down at my body. I felt uneasy, but I was able to s.h.i.+ft my gaze a little.

『…I"m a sword.』

I saw a sword stuck in a pedestal.

I have no idea how, but I was able to casually understand that that sword was in fact my body.

Though this situation was beyond anything I could understand.

But I could understand that there was no doubt that that sword was me.

My eyes—or whatever was acting as my eyes—were located below the blade. It seems they are between the blade and the hilt. How can I see if I"m a sword? I formed a question.

『Did I die…then reincarnate as a sword?』

That sounds like a fantastical light novel I saw somewhere before.

I wanted to believe this was a dream, but with this body, I couldn"t even pinch my cheek.

『Moving on, I can feel things? It"s kind of like back in my previous body.』

I understood that my blade was lodged in a pedestal. Though the sensation was different from in my original body, I could sense that something was touching me.

『Am I really in a different world?』

At the very least, I wasn"t on Earth any more.

I knew that because of the moons high in the sky. Looking straight up, I saw not just one, but six moons, colored red, blue, green, purple, yellow, and pink, that glowed dimly in the sky.

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