All right! This is the end of chapter 3. That’s why this part is so much shorter than normal.

There were a couple problems this time around that I only just now realized I need to check for. Namely, the convention for ranks. Fran is a rank E adventurer, or is it, Fran is an E rank adventurer? I just want more consistency. My apologies for my inability.

The night after we annihilated the goblin horde.

I was in the inn.

『The moon sure is beautiful.』

There was a huge silver half moon waning in the sky and following it were two small moons.

The huge silver moon was beginning to wane, but the same wasn’t true for the other six moons. Instead, the number of small moons grew then decreased. The number would increase by one every night until there were six in the sky. Then the next day, the cycle would start over, starting with zero.

I never got bored of these fantastical moons no matter how many times I saw them.

『Dang, if I don’t pay attention, then I’ll just keep staring at them. I guess I should check my new skills.』

Fran was in the bath. While she was there, I got bored so I thought about managing my time by checking my skills. After all, I need to spend my time efficiently.

I’m only saying this because I mentioned the bath, but I was really surprised when I found out that Fran liked taking baths. Because isn’t she also a cat?

I even thoughtlessly asked her 『A-Aren’t you a cat?』

It seemed like cats’ aversion to water wasn’t normal in this world.

Fran had never seen a cat in the first place. Even though she’s part of the Black Cat clan.

She said that cats are rare, so the n.o.blemen raised them. It seemed like those cats lived much better lives than the Black Cats that were sought after as slaves by slave merchants.

Also we moved from the inn we stayed at yesterday to a better inn that the guild recommended.

It was expensive at 600 gil a night, but there was also a huge bath and the food was apparently both plentiful and tasty.

Now, instead of that, this is what the skills I got from the goblins were like:

Quick Casting, Acrobatics, Kicking Techniques, Kicking, Necromancy, Poison Absorption, Poison Magic, Axe Techniques, Unrelenting Spirit, Cool Judgement.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t use Kicking Techniques, Kicking, or Axe Techniques, so I decided to ignore them. It seemed like Cool Judgement had a calming effect during combat, so I couldn’t test it here.

Yeah…I should try out Acrobatics first. It said that when used, the skill added a bonus to jumping and balance. I flew around inside the room, but I couldn’t feel much of an effect. Darn.

But I thought that this skill was perfect for Fran.

Then I should check the magic next.

First was Poison Magic.

I guess the spells I could use at level 1 were Poison Arrow and Poison Create.

Hmm, at level 1, I could only create weak poisons. It seemed like it’d be completely useless against a strong opponent. And against a normal person, it would only be enough to afflict diarrhea or something else weak.

I sucked up the poison I made using Poison Create with Poison Absorption, but I still wasn’t sure. It said I could use the skill to restore HP, but I didn’t have any HP to begin with, so I had no idea about its effects.

Maybe I can use it act as an air purifier if there’s a poison mist or something.

I also tested Quick Casting. I hardly felt any effect at level 1, but maybe it was shorter by one second? In serious combat, this could have a huge impact. And I also had the feeling that the skill’s effect would become that much more amazing if I leveled it up.

And the only one left was the important skill, Necromancy.

『It seems like a magic that’ll have lots of uses.』

The necromancy skill was level 1, so I could use two spells: Create Lesser Zombie and Search Undead.

I took out a goblin corpse.

I was right to use create a seal of purification magic on the ground to stop its blood from dripping onto the floor.

『——Create Lesser Zombie!』



I may have made it myself, but it was disgusting!

Did it become even more disgusting than when it was just a corpse? Thank goodness I don’t have a nose. I could absolutely empathize with Krillin. (tn: a somewhat rare original Dragon Ball reference. Krillin’s lack of a nose was used to his advantage in a fight against an extremely smelly man)

『Stay there.』


『So it listens to my commands.』

The zombie stood still. Though it was still wobbling.

Then I used Search Undead.

I could sense the zombie just like when I used Sense Traces.

Okay, I used them both, but…

What do I do about the zombie?

Ah, I wonder how it shows up on Summoned Familiars? Wow, a Lesser Goblin Zombie showed up. Am I not able to get rid of it?



With a single word as an apology, I struck down the zombie. I had no idea of knowing if this zombie was the same as the ones that show up in dungeons, but there was no magic crystal.

I dissolved the now motionless zombie by using Undead Return, a purification magic spell. The zombie disappeared from my Summoned Familiars.

『Hm, find peace.』

I should take more care the next time I use necromancy.

I won’t let your death be in vain, goblin zombie! Though you were already dead.

『…I should calm down and move on to what’s next.』

I checked the magical items I took from the goblins.

『There’s seven. Let’s see; what’re their effects?』

There were two weapons. A steel knife and hammer. They were both enchanted with slightly increased attack power.

Fran could probably use the knife to skin pelts. Meanwhile, the hammer is probably going to stay inside Dimensional Storage.

Next was one accessory. An item with a small effect, increasing strength but decreasing mana.

『Strength Boost 5, MP Decrease 8…well, I guess someone who only uses physical strength would use it.』

We didn’t need it since Fran used magic.

If equivalent exchange existed in this place, then we still have time to find something better.

There were three pieces of armor: steel armor with rust resistance, leather armor with size alteration, and a mystical tree helmet with impact resistance.

Their base defense values were low so they seemed useless. The armor we bought from Old Man Garth was definitely a lot better.

The last thing left was an Item Pocket. But I couldn’t make it work.

『Does it already have a user registered?』

Maybe it was like how I registered a wielder. It seemed like n.o.body except the registered user could use it; otherwise, it was nothing more than a normal pouch.

I looked inside and saw there were rocks for throwing, berries, and other small things. It seemed like the goblin who used it only stored trivial things.

『What if I used contract magic to overwrite the registered user?』

I should test it out.


It was no use. But rather than being completely meaningless, I felt a stronger contract repel my attempt. It seemed like overwriting the user was possible. Even skill level 7 was probably too low.

『Hmm, I want to increase the skill level so I can open up any Item Pockets I find.』

But that was a thought for later.

『How much money do we have left…』

Today we got 109 pairs of goblin horns. And 20 pairs from high rank goblins. A pair of horns from a high rank goblin costs 100 gil.

And we got 100 gil for completing the herb collection request.

I gave Fran 10,000 gil, so I currently had 37,000 gil.

『Should I buy mana potions for the day after tomorrow? Then I can’t spend the money thoughtlessly.』

Isn’t this not enough money in the first place?

『That’s right, I collected some mysterious loot as well.』

I should cla.s.sify them as well.

Ten poisonous plants, ten s.h.i.+ning mushrooms, ten paralysis-healing gra.s.s, ten deadly poisonous gra.s.s, and ten heal gra.s.s. There were requests that asked for five of each type of plant, so we collected ten of each one to complete as many of those requests as possible. But because we unexpectedly became F rank adventurers, we were now unable to complete any of those G rank requests.

The only F rank request we could complete was the one asking for deadly poisonous gra.s.s, so to increase Fran’s rank once more, we needed to complete about eighteen more.

Apparently, many places in dungeons have limited access based on rank, so I wanted to increase Fran’s adventurer rank a bit more.

And I had about thirty other mysterious poisonous materials. Actually, because I had Appraisal, I could tell the materials’ names and the fact that they’re poisonous. But they weren’t the quest targets, so I couldn’t even tell if they had any uses. That was why I called them mysterious.

『Maybe we should take them to Randel’s shop.』

I also wanted to gather more information on the hobgoblins before the raid, so tomorrow will probably be very busy.

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