Sorry for the short upload this time. It was the perfect stopping point. I’ll try and s.p.a.ce things out better going forward.


Someone shouted from behind us when Fran nodded her head.

“I heard everything!”

The door swung open, and Amanda barged into the room.

She entered just like August did before. Is there something wrong with the security of this room? Regardless, it’s still the Guild Master’s room.

But then, she really is an A rank adventurer. I couldn’t sense her coming at all.

“Give me that!”

Amanda took the papers that were on the Guild Master’s desk and began reading them. How outrageous! But it seemed like even the Guild Master couldn’t give a rebuke.

“I knew it! The adventurers going with her are all men!”

There was no helping that. Though there were female adventurers, there weren’t many of them. The ratio was about twenty to one. So it wasn’t a surprise that there were no women in a group of twelve.

“I absolutely will not allow a delicate girl like Fran hang around with those disgusting-smelling men. I’m going to join in on this request.”

“But there is a problem. The request has limitations on rank.”

“I said I’m joining her!”


She squashed the Guild Master with her pus.h.i.+ness.

Or maybe the Guild Master already knew that nothing he said would stop her.

“Fran-san, you don’t mind, right?”

“Un. No problem.”

Amanda doesn’t seem like a bad person, so whatever.

One hour after we accepted the Guild Master’s request.

We were in the inn.

『Want to absorb the magic crystals now?』


I once again examined the magic crystals that Fran extorted from the Guild Master.

『I have no idea what kind of Skills they have…』

Appraisal only told me that they were magic crystals. My Demonic Beast Knowledge told me a demonic beast’s danger and other information as long as I knew its name, but it didn’t tell me what kind of Skills it has.

“I can’t wait to find out the Skills.”

Fran excitedly eyed the s.h.i.+ning magic crystals.

『Come to think of it, since we don’t know if anything’s in them, they’re kind of like lucky bags.』

“Lucky bags?”

『Ahh, how should I put it? It’s a pouch that’s filled with hopes, dreams, and a bit of despair.』

“That sounds amazing.”

『Lots of warriors have been obliterated when they tried to get their hands on one.』

“Master, have you looked in one before?”

『Well, sure.』


Okay, I should stop pulling her leg and absorb the magic crystals.

Three of them were from threat level D demonic beasts, and two were from threat level C demonic beasts.

The threat level D monsters were a Fortress Hermit Crab, a Sea Lion, and a Trident Shark. There were other fun looking magic crystals, but I spent an especially long time checking out the aquatic demonic beasts.

The magic crystals from the threat level C demonic beasts came from a Red Colossus and an Old Yeti. Sadly, these were the only threat level C and above magic crystals among the ones the Guild Master offered to us.

『How about we check out the rank D ones first?』


Fran used me to slice through one of the magic crystals on the table.

I immediately gained a variety of swimming and current control Skills that were meant to be used in the water.

And as expected, there were multiple water-type Skills.

『And now for the threat level C magic crystals!』


Fran must have been excited, too, because she tossed the magic crystasl into the air and cut them with a flashy swing.


Wow, finally. The feeling of consuming a strong enemy! I’m getting pumped!

Red Colossus: Magic Crystals Points 196, Mania 1, Heat Resistance 1, Increase Weight, Medium Strength Boost

Old Yeti: Magic Crystal Points 127, Cold Resistance 1, Poison Knowledge 1, Icy Weather Resistance 1, Small Magic Boost

It was my long-awaited rank up! Prior to absorbing the five magic crystals, my Status looked like this:

Attack: 434 Stored MP: 2050/2050 Durability: 1850/1850

Mana Conversion Rate A

Skills: Self-Evolution

And now it looked like this:

Name: Master

Wielder: Fran

Race: Intelligence Weapon

Attack: 478 Stored MP: 2500/2500 Durability: 2300/2300

Mana Conversion Rate A

Skills: Self-Evolution

Nice. I can get even stronger now.

We just accepted a request to go into a Dungeon, so I needed to get at least a littler stronger.

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