330 - Valentine"s Day Extra Chapter ~~ Chronois & Life ~~

In the upper level of the G.o.d Realm…… In a certain temple erected there, the G.o.d of Time and s.p.a.ce Chronois was staring at something with her arms crossed and a serious expression on her face.

[……No, this won’t do……]

Quietly muttering so, she shook her head. It’s as if she was denying what she was looking at right now……

[……Yes, that’s not possible. A Supreme G.o.d like me must not be distracted by the events of the Human Realm…… Umu, as expected, this won’t do…… No, but…… Miyama is a human. If so, isn’t it necessary for me to adapt with humans? No, no, even if that’s so, this still won’t do…… My c- chocolate……]

The thing that Chronois was looking at with her arms crossed was a beautifully wrapped chocolate…… Needless to say, this is something she made herself.

Glaring at the chocolate with eyes that seem to kill people, Chronois continues to talk to herself.

[I- In the first place, if I were to give this to him…… W- Wouldn’t that make it look like I held feelings for Miyama…… N- No, to be honest, I couldn’t deny it but…… N- No, but I have to consider my prestige as a Supreme G.o.d…… As expected, this is…… No, wait, that would mean I’m putting my prestige over Miyama. T- That isn’t something I can a.s.sent.]

Muttering to herself, Chronois went back and forth in front of the chocolate many times.

In the first place, she should have just given it to him since she already made it, but for her, who has never had anything to do with such events before, it’s very difficult to hand it over to Kaito.

[M- Mnghhh, however, is it really alright for a Supreme G.o.d like me to be so attached to one human…… No, it’s not like I mean to say that Miyama is equal to just any random riff-raff out there…… but even if that’s so, this still won’t do…… If I wanted to convey my feelings, there should be other ways…… No, wait, wait! If that’s the case, wouldn’t it look like I wanted to convey my feelings to Miyama!?]

Stopping in place, she shook her head while making good excuses to no one. In the first place, the current appearance of the supposedly Supreme G.o.d looks so laughable, but whether it’s quite fortunate for her or not, she hasn’t noticed it.

[M- Miyama is a person with whom Shallow Vernal-sama is very close to, and thus, I am friendly to him…… N- No, well, it’s not like it’s because I like Miyama myself…… N- No, well, I do like him but…… However, as expected, this is…… Nuooohhh! What in the world should I……]

[Why don’t you just give it to him straight?]

[No, even if you say that, I’m not sure I’m fitting for such a thing.]

[No, G.o.d of Time and s.p.a.ce looks lovely…… So, I’m sure that Miyama-san will be very pleased.]

[R- Really, if that’s what G.o.d of Life says…… Unnn? G.o.d of Life…… Whaa!? Y- Y- Y- You! S- S- S- Since when have you been there!?]

When Chronois turned around with movements of a broken doll, she found G.o.d of Life, gently smiling at her.

[Around the time when you’re screaming about how “A Supreme G.o.d like me~~”.]

[Isn’t that almost right from the beginning!? In the first place, why are you in my temple!?]

[No, it’s not like I have any important business. I was just pa.s.sing by. Even so, fufufu…… G.o.d of Time and s.p.a.ce…… You’re quite cute, aren’t you?]

[Nuooohhh!? Forget it! Forget all of it right this instant…… Unnn? Oi, wait…… What’s that……]

Chronois almost fainted in agony at being seen in a situation that she didn’t want to, but shortly afterwards, she stiffened at the sight of what was in Life’s hands.

[What exactly are you talking about?]

[……Why are you dragging a “magic-bounded G.o.d of Harvest”?]

[She was trying to run away, so I tied her up.]

[Wait, what do you mean? What are you making the G.o.d of Harvest do?]

[Nothing much…… It’s just that, audacious it may be of me, but I thought of giving a chocolate to Miyama-san too, and that’s why I went to look for someone to taste-test. Hey, G.o.d of Harvest? You can eat my home-made cooking. Isn’t it quite an honor?]

Seeing the rattled G.o.d of Harvest bound in a cord made of magic power, Chronois asked with a puzzled expression on her face…… but Life simply said that she brought her as taste-tester.

However, somehow…… she could feel darkness within her smile.

[……Y- Yes. It’s a great honor……]

The G.o.d of Harvest, who tried to flee so that she wouldn’t get caught up in a disaster “just like in the past”, but once she was caught, they couldn’t go against her superior, the G.o.d of Life, because of the absolute hierarchy of the G.o.d Realm.

Looking at the trembling G.o.d of Harvest, a frightening smile appeared on G.o.d of Life’s lips as she held out a chocolate that she took out of nowhere.

[Well then, please quickly taste this.]

[……Y- Y- Y- Yes.]

[Oi, G.o.d of Life. That’s really just an ordinary chocolate, right?]

[Yes. It’s alright. It’s completely edible.]

Chronois asks with concern, but Life replies with a smile that there is no problem.

No matter how she looks at it, it looks quite suspicious, but she thought that it definitely wouldn’t be poisoned anyway. And thus, she decided to just watch as the G.o.d of Harvest timidly brought the chocolate to her mouth.

[……Arehh? It’s just delicious. If this is the case…… Fueehhh!? A- Arehh…… Somehow, my body’s suddenly becoming hotter…… Eh? Ah, aah, ahhh, aahh!?]

[O- Oiii, G.o.d of Harvest.What’s the matter with you?]

[Fuhyaahhh!? P- Please don’t. G.o.d of Time and s.p.a.ce-sama…… I- If you touch me now…… Nuaahhhh…… Aaahhh…… Aaa……]

[……Oi, G.o.d of Life. What did you put in it? Why in the world did she have convulsion to the point of fainting, just from eating chocolate?]

Immediately after eating the chocolate, G.o.d of Harvest let out a scream, and her body shook to the point that it could already be called a convulsion, and in the end, only the white of her eyes could be seen as she fainted on the ground.

[Nothing much? I just put a little bit of medicine that would make someone feel really good.]

[Did you put “aphrodisiac” in it!? How much did you put in it!? It looks like it’s high enough to make a G.o.d fainted, you know!?]

[No, it’s just a specially compounded one. I was originally planning to dilute it a thousand times, but I wanted to know what happens when someone tries it undiluted……]

[What in the world are you doing!? Quickly heal her now, are you trying to kill her!?]

[Fumu, I guess you’re right. Well then……]

In response to the panicking Chronois, Life remains calm and waves her finger to the side. Thereupon, G.o.d of Harvest, which had been twitching with her eyes only showing white, was enveloped in light. Then, all the aphrodisiacs in her body disappeared. Granted, she still unconscious but……

[……G.o.d of Life, you…… What are you trying to make Miyama eat……]

[……I thought it was about time for Miyama-san to push me down as well……]

[……Poison doesn’t work on Miyama, you know?]

[Yes, but he still gets tipsy when he drinks, so I’m trying to figure out if I can get him close to that state.]

[Why don’t you just feed it to Miyama directly?]

[That won’t do, G.o.d of Time and s.p.a.ce. There’s no way I could treat Miyama-san as a lab rat.]

[And it’s fine if it’s G.o.d of Harvest!? It’s fine if it’s G.o.d of Harvest!!!?]

[I can just resurrect her if she dies anyway…… No, of course, I’m also taking her body into consideration.]

[……Oi, don’t you dare look away.]

After that, due to Chronois’ scolding, needless to say, G.o.d of Life was strictly forbidden to use the other G.o.ds in her experiments.

Rumor has it that Life is a black-hearted woman.

T/N: 49/236

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