I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (WN)

Chapter 785 - Intermission: Far North Star ~ ~ She Who Transcends Ordinary Talent ~ ~

Chapter 785 - Intermission: Far North Star ~ ~ She Who Transcends Ordinary Talent ~ ~

The girl…… Polaris decided to leave everything behind to train herself and settled on an uninhabited island in the northern part of the Demon Realm, close to the Land of Death, with only the bare necessities.

That island, being close to the Land of Death, is free of most living creatures, making it a good environment for training herself. And the fact that the Land of Death, ruled by Isis, is just around the corner is also a motivation for her.

The current Polaris doesn’t have the power to enter the Land of Death. However, that was only for the “current” her, and it will be different in the “future”. That’s what she told herself as she began her defiance to her own talent.

The first thing Polaris did after starting her training…… was to learn Recovery Magic. She wasn’t very talented, so it was difficult for her to perform High-Grade Recovery Magic, and even barely able to use some of the Low-Grade Recovery Magic took her several years to learn.

But now that she was finally ready, Polaris began her training in earnest.

The training method she used was simple…… “Continue to train her body tirelessly until it breaks”, “then repair her body with Recovery Magic”. She thought that the first and foremost thing she needed to train was her basic ability……

Her training method was so ridiculous that others would have thought it was crazy.

Her whole body loaded with magic power, she literally continued to swing her fist with all her might “until her arms were torn off”. She would then keep activating Low-Grade Recovery Magic until “they’re completely healed”, and at the same time, she would kick with her legs “until they break”.

Such ridiculous training was repeated incessantly by Polaris. For years, for decades, for centuries, for a millennium…… She foolishly repeated this training.

The limits of talent…… It greatly affects the fate of many people and there are probably many of those who were struck down by such limits. For those who don’t have it, the walls of the tower of talent above them are so high that they pierce the heavens, and climbing up above it is so difficult that they are staggering. And even if they do manage to overcome it, you will be confronted with an even higher wall almost immediately.

The spot where they stopped and kneeled on the endless road…… would probably be their limits.

However, it was different for the girl, Polaris…… Without hesitation, she slammed her fist into the wall where many had fallen to their knees and broke their hearts. Her bones were broken, her skin was torn, and she was literally spewing blood and vomit…… but still, she earnestly slammed her fist into the wall.

As if to say “Don’t block my path with such trivial things”, she continued to slam her fist at the unbreakable wall.

It was a very simple training that she couldn’t feel the results of. As her body broke down and was repaired by Recovery Magic, little by little, her body was being changed by her magic power. However, such change was very subtle.

Her entire body was broken, and when it was fully recovered…… “There’s a chance that her body’s basic ability would increase by about 0.1”.

How many people can keep on writing the letter “A” on a piece of paper for as long as they could to strengthen their arms?

One minute would be easy, ten minutes would still be okay, but an hour would be enough for some to drop out of the pain. Few would be able to continue for dozens of hours.

Then, what about doing that for a day? A month? A year? A decade? Is there really anyone who can keep doing that?

There are plenty of other efficient ways to train your arms, but would someone really be able to keep doing a training so slow as piling sand one grain after another?

That was something that she, Polaris…… had made possible. Decades have pa.s.sed with no results, centuries have pa.s.sed where she couldn’t sense that she’s getting stronger at all, and a millennium pa.s.sed with no signs of breaking the talent barrier.

But still, Polaris didn’t stop and repeated the same training. It was an obsession that could be called madness…… To put it nicely, the only and greatest talent she have had may be her mentality…… Her ability to keep trying.

No food, no sleep, just days of continuous training…… small changes were slowly, but surely beginning to acc.u.mulate.

When a thousand years had pa.s.sed, it became possible to continue training and maintain Recovery Magic at the same time.

When two millennia had pa.s.sed, her body was no longer easily broken by training alone, so she learned low-grade Offensive Magic and launched it against her own body, training her endurance as well.

When three millennia had pa.s.sed, it became difficult to consume magic power through Recovery Magic alone, so she began to consume her magic power by continuously casting powerful Barrier Magic around the deserted island.

When four millennia had pa.s.sed, her magic power finally increased to the realm of High-ranking Demons.

When five millennia had pa.s.sed, the sound of her fists gradually began to slow down to her ears.

When six millennia had pa.s.sed, the ground began to crack when she stepped hard, and she needed a ward around her feet.

When seven millennia had pa.s.sed, she was able to activate multiple full-force wards, unleashing countless Offensive Magic at herself, and still not run out of magic power.

And when eight millennia had pa.s.sed…… a subordinate of the Phantasmal King arrived and told Polaris that her power met the criteria of a “Baron-level, High-ranking Demon”.

After eight millennia of uninterrupted training to a level that could be called insanity…… she finally shattered the talent barrier. However, Polaris didn’t feel anything about it and just resumed her training.

The Peerage that many people in the Demon Realm…… She disregarded it…… for it wasn’t what Polaris was looking for.

Indeed, she may now have reached the power of a Peerage-holder, and might be able to give Isis the thanks and apologies she never got to give her even if she wanted to.

However, the prerequisite has changed. She had vowed to dedicate herself to Isis. This life of hers that was saved by the Death King, whose kind eyes were filled with sadness…… There was no way she could have stopped with something like this.

She, Polaris, reached for the now dark moon. She wished for a future serving Isis…… and so, she didn’t need anything else.

It’s true that she had shattered the talent barrier. However, she still has many barriers that she needs to pa.s.s through.

Drawing a trail of blue magic power, her huge naginata was swung and caught the neck of a woman wearing a white robe and a pointy hat of the same color. As the sound of clashing metal echoed, her naginata was flicked away, leaving a faint cut on the woman’s neck that disappeared in an instant.

With admiration on her face, the naginata-wielding woman…… One of War King’s Five Generals, Epsilon of the Absolute Ice, stopped attacking and spoke.

[For my blade to not penetrate your defenses, you’re splendid…… I’m sure it’s a very powerful Defensive Magic, but perhaps, you’re great at concealing it, as I’m not sure what magic you used.]

Hearing Epsilon’s words, the woman dressed like a magic user…… Polaris scratched her cheek, looking a little awkward.

[……Ah~~ Well, I’m honored by your praise. Good gracious, how should I say this…… Even though you complimented me, my apologies but “I wasn’t able to use it in time”, so I can’t obediently accept your compliments.]

[Unnn? What did you not use in time?]

[No…… Well, putting it simply…… I haven’t used Defensive Magic. No, of course, I’m still clad with my magic barrier that’s active all the time……]


[No, it’s not like I’m going easy on you, okay? I don’t have any ill intents with my actions…… It’s just that, I haven’t really had a proper battle in “about 15,000 years”. I’ve been thinking about activating it, but your attacks are too fast for me to use in time. Good gracious, I really feel like I need some real combat experience.]

The wryly smiling Polaris didn’t seem to be lying, so her words were undoubtedly true. But if that’s the case……

[In other words, you received my blade “almost with your flesh and blood”…… Astonishing.]

Epsilon’s naginata is a densely compressed materialization of her magic power……. The sharpness of its blade is simply amazing. Even Orichalcon, which is said to be the hardest natural ore in the world, could be sliced through by her naginata as if it were paper. Which means, the strength of Polaris’ body is truly out of the norm, as she can receive a slash with the magic power of Epsilon, a peak Count-rank, imbued to her naginata, and only sustain a faint cut.


Thinking about it again, she felt some things were out of place. After rejecting her invitation to join the War King’s ranks, she personally suggested having a bout, and since Polaris was also looking for a real battle, she readily agreed and their battle began…… It was from the moment they exchanged their first moves.

In the first place, War King’s Five Generals are not only the most talented Count-ranks, each of them is also one of the most skilled martial artists in the Demon Realm.

Epsilon is also a martial arts expert at a level that even a child who enjoys martial arts would know her name, and as one of War King’s executives, she has given martial arts instructions to many people.

Because of this, it’s easy for her to gauge her opponent’s strength and potential talent after a few rounds…… is how it should have been.

However, enough time should have already pa.s.sed from the start of the battle, and at their speed, they had already exchanged more than five digits of offense and defense…… but she was still unable to gauge this being named Polaris.

No, rather than being unable to gauge her…… what she doesn’t understand is that “why is the battle still taking place”.

They had already exchanged blows for a while. There was no doubt that Polaris was a strong person with power of a peak Count-rank who could match her. But at the same time, Epsilon’s instincts as a warrior told her, that the woman before was “a being that couldn’t have been her opponent”……

If she were to speak bluntly…… She, Polaris, has “no talent”. She wouldn’t go as far as say she’s incompetent, but describing her as someone whose talent was ordinary, she shouldn’t even be on this stage.

Putting aside if it was someone who, after desperate efforts, finally managed to become a High-ranking Demon…… Even with a miracle, a person with her talent wouldn’t have been able to reach Baron-rank. However, the fact is that she, Polaris, stands before Epsilon and is fighting against her.


[Unnn? What is it?]

[How many times have you “exceeded your limits”? How many times have you “stood before h.e.l.l”?]

After fighting for a while, Epsilon finally arrived at an answer. The secret of Polaris’ strength is her body. In Epsilon’s estimation, Polaris’ body had been broken so many times that it had become too outrageous to count. It has broken so many times, and been repaired so many times.

And her body continued to grow just a little bit stronger with each recovery as it received the magic power of her Recovery Magic.

It’s really a small change that it’s barely negligible. It was on the level that even if repeated 10 times or a hundred times, you won’t even feel the change…… However, the changes it brought aren’t zero. Even if it was less than a decimal point, even if it was only a grain of sand, little by little, she kept getting stronger. Little by little, she was evolving.

Polaris, who never stopped, never crumpled to her knees, and kept banging her fists against the wall…… Her small grains of sand had grown to the point where they could be called a desert, swallowing up any limit barriers before her path.

[……Limits? I wonder, I don’t remember encountering anything like that. I don’t remember seeing the h.e.l.l you mentioned either. I’ve broken down a few “walls that were blocking my way”, but that’s about it.]


With her answer, Epsilon completely understood. The Polaris in front of her undoubtedly had “ordinary talents”, but she was a transcender who had broken through the barrier of limits through hard work alone.

If hundreds of efforts aren’t enough, make thousands of efforts. If thousands of efforts isn’t enough, make ten thousands of efforts…… A transcender with ordinary talents, a monster of hard work who never stops moving…… That was the being named Polaris.

[……Wonderful! You’re the very culmination of self-training! I’m grateful to have the good fortune to meet you!!!]

[Is that the face of someone thankful though? That is……]

Epsilon’s voice sounded elated, as her smile was so wide that her canine teeth were showing. Thereupon, two horns made of ice immediately grew out of her head and blue flames appeared in her eyes.

[This is starting to get exciting. However…… Have we fought too flamboyantly so far……]

As she muttered this, Epsilon glanced into the sea surrounding the deserted island…… No, to “a being at the bottom of the sea”.

And at the same time, turning towards that being…… One of the Four Great Demon Dragons, the Dragon King’s executives and the being who supervises Demon Realm’s oceans, “Ocean Ruler Water Dragon”, and used magic to communicate with her.

(……If it isn’t “Eingana”-dono. I understand what you mean when you say that you won’t overlook any further damage to the seas of the Demon Realm, which is the domain of the Dragon King. However, my apologies, but could you turn your gaze away for “one more exchange”?)


(Thank you.)

There was no verbal exchange between them, but the surface of the water swayed a bit, before settling down, and after a while, the presence of the being under the sea went away.

It seems like Epsilon’s wish was granted, and with a smile on her face, Epsilon turned towards Polaris.

[Now then, Polaris-dono. You are a wonderfully strong person. I would like to continue fighting until our strengths are exhausted, but there are various circ.u.mstances that make that difficult. Therefore, if it’s alright with you, how about we settle this with our next strike?]

[Unnn? Ahh, I don’t mind. For my part, I’ve already identified the issues I need to work on, and it’s already enough.]

Settling with the next strike…… After confirming that Polaris nodded to it, Epsilon disappeared with her naginata in hand. Her two horns shone with a pale light, and an ice gauntlet appeared on her right arm.

As she slowly draws back her right hand and gets ready, Epsilon spoke.

[……There’s one “aesthetic” I’ve been sticking with in my battles.]


[I will only name myself with my “true name” when I am facing an opponent worthy of a serious fight. You can think of it as my willingness to fight with all my might.]


[Well then…… I’m of the “Ice Oni” race, bearing the name “Ix Nirva”…… and I will put my everything in this strike!!!]

(T/N: イクスニルヴァ / Ikusunirvaa)

[Hmmm, I guess it’s polite for me to reply in the same way here? I’m of the “Witch” race, bearing the name “Polaris”…… and I’ll be accepting it!]

Declaring to each other, both of their fists clashed on the deserted island.

Under the skies lit up by the stars…… Looking up at something on the empty deserted island, Polaris quietly muttered.

[……Why? I should have gained enough power to be your subordinate…… but why are you crying sadly in the future I’m seeing? Am I still not strong enough? My time…… has yet to arrive. Even though I want to serve you as soon as possible……]

The stars were shining brightly……. but the moon she sought for…… was still hidden behind the clouds.


A being that has evolved so much that her body screams from overtraining. She’s kind of a swindler, as even though she’s supposed to be a Witch and was dressed as a magic user, she’s a physical monster.

She is an all-rounder who uses magic and fights like a human bullet, but for some reason, she felt like a muscle head. She’s the type who thinks that if she doesn’t have talent, she’d just raise her level and status.

She’s the opposite of Eulpecula, a complete genius type.

【Absolute Ice-san】

She usually looks calm and collected, but just like War King’s other subordinates, she’s a fighting enthusiast. She loves fighting, and loves fighting strong enemies even more. Her aesthetics of battle is that she will only introduce herself with her real name when she’s fighting seriously.

[I thought she was good at Defensive Magic because my blade wouldn’t pierce through her at all, but she was just incomprehensibly hard. I just don’t understand why. It was a draw this time, but I want to fight her again.]

【Large Sea Snake】

……You guys seriously need to do this somewhere without oceans. Heck, couldn’t you put up some wards? Who do you think Magnawell-sama will scold here……


Whenever the other executives of the Six Kings or Count-ranks were highlighted, her stocks rose. Of course, she’s also the “strongest Count-rank in terms of physical strength”.

In fact, even if her fetishes were something Alice-chan had given up with, she’s super capable that the thought of letting her go is zero. In Alice’s absence, she had been given full authority over the Phantasmal King Corps, and she even trusts her enough to allow her to pretend to be the Phantasmal King at her own discretion. The only and biggest drawback is that she’s a pervert……

Transcendental Beauty : [……Seriously, if she’s a decent person, I would have been able to say that she’s my right-hand and my most trusted confidant without hesitation.]

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