I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (WN)

Chapter 1147 - Intermission: New Partic.i.p.ants

Chapter 1147 - Intermission: New Partic.i.p.ants

While Kaito and his group were heading to the next location, in one corner of the venue where the Harmonic Symphony was being held, the trio of Razelia, Funf and Gluttony was going around the Harmonic Symphony.

[That was fun~~ Where shall we go next?]

[Gluttony, do you have somewhere you’d like to go?]

[No, in the first place, I haven’t partic.i.p.ated that much when Harmonic Symphony is held, so I don’t really know. However, I’m pleased that I’m able to help Miyama Kaito-sama thanks to coming here this time. I’m grateful to you for inviting me.]

[Ahaha, that’s a peculiar way of thanking.]

Funf, smiling at the excited Razelia, called out to Gluttony. The two met through a chance encounter in the past, and have been good friends ever since.

Gluttony themself wasn’t interested in the Harmonic Symphony, and only partic.i.p.ated in it because their friend Funf invited them.

However, they were delighted to meet the person they respect, Kaito, and help him through their s.p.a.ce-Time Magic, so they were grateful towards Funf.

[I’d like to meet Kaitokun-san too.]

[I suppose so. I also feel like we’ll somehow meet up with him.]

As they were walking along, the three suddenly felt the presence of Teleportation Magic and stopped in their steps. Thereupon, a black vortex appeared near the three of them.

[……There we go. Sorry I’m late.]

[Kuromu-samaaa~~! We’ve been waiting for you!!!]

Razelia happily leaped towards Kuromueina when she saw her emerging from the black vortex. Gently catching such a Razelia with a gentle expression on her face, Kuromueina looked at Funf and Gluttony.

[Good evening, Kuromu-sama. The meeting went without a hitch?]

[Unnn. It ended without any problems. I don’t have any more plans today, so I’ll be able to leisurely go around. Long time no see, Gluttony-chan.]

[It’s been a while.]

Kuromueina actually planned to attend this year’s Harmonic Symphony. However, she had several meetings to attend, so she could only join Razelia and the others after those meetings were over.

[Speaking of which, Kuromu-sama. I heard that Kaitokun-san is here too~~]

[Kaito-kun? Fumu…… Ahh, you’re right. It seems that they’re on their way to Blossom-chan’s presentation right now.]

[Kuromu-sama knows Kaito’s location? With Shallow Vernal-sama’s Blessings, I thought all Detection Magic targeted on Kaito would be nullified……]

[Ahh, the necklace Kaito-kun is wearing is an improved version of the one I originally made for Tre. It’s designed to nullify all Inhibitors against my Detection abilities, allowing only me to know his whereabouts……]

The necklace that Kuromueina gave to Kaito was originally made for Tre. Even though she has no fighting skills whatsoever, Tre has a bad habit of suddenly disappearing.

The necklace is specially made with multiple defensive techniques to protect the non-combatant Tre, and even though it’s a function that only Kuromueina knows, it was also loaded with the ability to nullify Shallow Vernal’s ability, which allows her to detect the wearer’s location.

However, being a magic tool, it’s inevitable that it deteriorates over time. When she first met Kaito, she happened to be carrying the necklace to replace the necklace Tre was using, so she gave that to him as a present.

Since then, when she visits Kaito every day, she would often make improvements and adjustments to it, so it’s different from the one she gave to Tre now, having its abilities changed to be exclusive for Kaito.

However, the function to detect the wearer’s location remains unchanged, so Kuromueina can know where Kaito is.

[Should we go meet them?]

[Hmmm, that’s a good idea, but if we head to Blossom-chan’s presentation now, I’m not sure we’ll make it in time for the start of their show, so let’s not. However, it looks like they’ll be going to Tir-chan’s place after that, so maybe we can meet him there.]

At Funf’s question, Kuromueina seemed to be tempted for a moment, but felt that the situation would be chaotic if they were to head towards where they are now, so she decided to meet Kaito later.

[Ohh~~ At Tir’s place! Raz also wants to see Tir again, and now that Kuromu-sama is also here, let’s check her place again!]

Razelia and her earlier group had been to Tirtania’s place at the very beginning of their visit to the Harmonic Symphony. Even then, being close friends with Tirtania, it seems that Razelia is gung-ho to go to her place as many times as she can, as a happy expression appears on her face.

Funf and Gluttony didn’t seem to be particularly opposed to the idea either, as the both of them just lightly nodded. After that, Funf seems to have realized something as she asked.

[……By the way, how did you know that they were heading towards Tirtania’s place next?]

[……Intuition, I suppose.]

Serious-senpai : [……And here, the main heroine makes her entrance? She hardly appears in the novel, so she’s forcing her way in now huh.]

? ? ? : [……No, it feels more like she appeared more often after the White G.o.d Festival……]

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