Chapter 282 - I was Able to Say "I"m Home"

The 4th day of the Light month. After being abruptly taken towards the Hydra Kingdom and staying there for nearly 5 days and 4 nights….. we finally returned to the familiar mansion.

Fate-san, Shea-san and Heart-san had to report to the G.o.d Realm, or more specifically, to Chronois-san, and that’s why we parted ways at the Hydra Kingdom.

Fate-san insisted on taking me back to the mansion, but no matter how I look at it, she was just trying to escape because she had to report to Chronois-san, so I refused her and returned with Teleportation Magic.

After returning to the mansion, the first thing I did was to go to the office to report to Lilia-san and greet her, and when I went inside the room, there were Lilia-san, Lunamaria-san and Sieg-san…… the usual trio.

[Welcome back, Kaito-san…… How was the Hydra Kingdom?]

[Yes, I had lots of fun there. Ahh, here, I brought some souvenirs.]

It seemed that Heart-san had contacted them, so Lilia-san knew that I wasn’t caught up in something important, and she greeted me with a gentle smile on her face.

As we lightly exchanged chit-chat while I was handing over the souvenirs I had brought, Lilia-san’s expression turned serious after a moment and with a grave tone, she spoke.

[……So, you also encountered King Hydra, right?]

[Eh? No, I didn’t though?]


Why is she a.s.suming that I’ve encountered the King of another country? N- No, as expected, after all the things that had happened, I guess I can’t complain huh…… H- However, now that she mentioned it, I think that I really didn’t meet the King on this trip.

I’ve met Shea-san, a remarkable person of the G.o.d Realm, but not the Hydra King, someone who’s not a VIP human like the Hydra King…… Ahh, could it be…… that grandpa is actually the King?

[……Lilia-san, is His Majesty, the King of Hydra Kingdom an elderly man?]

[Eh? No, she’s a pet.i.te woman of the Mermaid race. But then, Mermaids are long-lived species, so her actual age is quite a bit older than her appearance……]

[……So, I guess I really didn’t meet her then.]

Apparently, the King of Hydra Kingdom is a girl of the Mermaid race…… Unnn. For once, I really don’t have a clue.

[R- Really?]

[Yes, I certainly saw some Mermaids often in the city…… but I didn’t talk with any of them, and I don’t think I’ve met any of them who feels like a King.]


When I honestly told her that I had no idea about it, Lilia-san’s eyes opened wide and she stiffened for some reason.

Then, she turned to me, looking as if she was thinking about something, then slowly moved her gaze to the side.


[Yes…… “His pulse rate is normal”.]


[Hmmm. He doesn’t have any fever.]


Along with Lilia-san’s words, Lunamaria-san checks my pulse and Sieg-san puts her hand on my forehead to check if I don’t have any fever.

After hearing their words, Lilia-san turned pale, and looking as if she was shuddering, she muttered.

[……No way, for that Kaito-san to not get to know anyone powerful when he walked out on his own? T- That’s…… not possible!]

[My Lady, I agree with you…… I think it would be better if we commission the royal physician and have a look at him……]

[B- Both of you, please calm down. Even if he didn’t encounter powerful people there, you may just be exaggerating it. It may just be that Kaito-san was fatigued after being suddenly sent to an unfamiliar place, and it might be best for us to let him get some rest first before seeing how things go.]

……What the heck is with this situation? Why the heck are they acting like it’s an anomaly that I haven’t met King Hydra?

Strange, no matter how I think about it, this is strange…… I’d like to spend an hour questioning what kind of person I am within Lilia-san and the others’ minds.

[……Kaito-san, how about you take some rest today? You may have been gathering quite the fatigue…… I will also have something nourishing brought to your room so you can rest……]

[No, no, wait, Lilia-san? It’s not like I’m feeling unwell…… So, please don’t look so seriously worried about me……]

[H- However……]

Apparently, in Lilia-san and the others minds, the fact that I didn’t meet King Hydra means that I’m feeling unwell, especially Lilia-san, who was nervously speaking to me with a worried expression on her face.

……Moreover, they aren’t being sarcastic or were just doing this to tease me, they’re seriously worried that I’m feeling unwell!? If they’re like this, I can’t complain about their strangeness…… W- What should I do, is there something that could derail their thoughts…… wait, that’s right!

[Ummm, Lilia-san. I haven’t met King Hydra……. but I met a High-ranking G.o.d, G.o.d of Disasters-sama, you know?]


[No, like I said, I became acquaintances with G.o.d of Disasters-sama.]


Yes, I certainly didn’t meet King Hydra this time, but I did get to know Shea-san, the No. 5 of the G.o.d Realm.

If I were asked if we get along well, I think that would be quite complicated……. But we certainly became acquaintances.

When I told that to Lilia-san, she was silent for a while and then let out a sigh of relief from the bottom of her heart.

[……T- Thank goodness…… It seems that Kaito-san is the same as usual.]


[Yes, he certainly is Miyama-sama, I thought that we were talking with a fake in disguise.]

[Oi, stop right there, you useless maid……]

[Errr, anyway, I’m glad to hear that Kaito-san seems to be doing well. Also, Luna, you’re being rude to Kaito-san, you know?]

[……Thank you for that. Sieg-san.]

The only person on my side is Sieg-san. Unnn, Sieg-san really has been the only one who has been consistently concerned about my health all along, and being around the tremendously different atmosphere around her feels refreshing.

[Well~~ Seriously, I’m glad that Miyama-sama is as usual. This Lunamaria is truly happy for you. I thought you had some sort of disease…… Whoa there, in a way, you can say that the usual you was the one with a disease, right? My Lady?]

[N- No, I wouldn’t go that far……]

[Good gracious, as expected of Miyama-sama! Demons, G.o.ds, Humans, the ability to seduce all kinds of beings without betraying everyone’s expectations is quite marvelous. You’re unlike a normal popular guy. I wonder where you’ll get the next one? I guess it’s about time you snag someone from another world?]


This sh*tty maid! She has a happy expression on her face, as if she’s a fish in the waters! Would it be alright if I punch her at least once? Well, even if I tried punching her, she would probably just evade it huh……

Glaring at Lunamaria-san, who had a mocking smile on her face, I was about to complain but…… Before I could do that, a sharp fist slammed towards Lunamaria-san’s stomach.


[Cut that out, Luna…… I won’t allow you to tease Kaito-san any further.]

[S- Sieg-san!]

Quickly hammering down the devil towards the ground, Sieg-san is definitely an angel. She’s making me feel in love all over again.

[N- No, it’s not like I’m teasing Miyama-sama, I’m just being a little mischievous…… Ah, no, that’s a lie! My apologies! I apologized, I have already apologized, so please stop holding your sword!?]

[……Lili, can I borrow Luna for a bit? I’m just going to scold her for a bit.]

[Yes, you don’t have to scold her for a bit, please thoroughly scold her.]

[My Lady!?]

Seeing Lunamaria-san, who still hasn’t learned her lesson and was about to mess around again, Sieg-san seriously got angry at her…… And after asking Lilia-san’s permission, she grabbed Lunamaria-san by the scruff of her neck and dragged her away.

I wonder why…… I felt like Lunamaria-san looked like a cattle that was about to be sent to the butcher for a moment…… Well, Lunamaria-san had it coming.

[……Kaito-san, I’m sorry. I also lost my composure.]

[Ah, no, I certainly did put you in lots of worries before……]

[Fufu, but I agree with Sieg. Most of all, I’m glad to see Kaito-san come back healthy and safe…… Once again, welcome home, Kaito-san.]

[Yes. I’m home.]

After apologizing for what she just said, with a kind smile on her face, Lilia-san said she was happy to see me return.

Her smile is really warm and inexplicably rea.s.suring me…… And seeing that smile, I somehow felt comfortable around her.

Dear Mom, Dad———— There was quite the commotion when I returned, but I still think it’s nice to be back here. When Lilia-san told me “Welcome home” with a gentle smile, it felt really natural of me———— that I was able to say “I’m home”.

Lilia = This time, the feeling of “Thank goodness, Kaito-san is the same as usual.” won compared to her feeling of wanting to faint.

Lunamaria = If I see an opportunity, let’s go teasing! This is great, show more!

Sieg = Angel.

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