I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (WN)

Chapter 344 - I Left the Happy Memory of Today with its Own Form

Chapter 344 - I Left the Happy Memory of Today with its Own Form

The 17th Day of the Light month. I heard from Lilia-san that this month was originally called “Earth month”.

The middle of the year was supposed to be the Earth month, and the end of the year was the Heaven month, but the name was changed in order to honor the achievements of the First Hero.

Anyway, I think them making such a thing was the first strike to making Neun-san faint in agony. I can definitely say that it was a pitch-perfect embarra.s.sment to have your name on the calendar.

(T/N: D*mn, this is annoying. Anyway, I was following the previous TL’s translation of month, but after checking this chapter again, I realized that it got repeated with another month. It isn’t necessarily mistaken, but just looking at it triggers me. You could see it from Chapter 0-0-0, but the months there are repeated twice, except for the end of half years, which is light and heaven. However, the “earth/do” means the earth element. Like the earth that earthbenders bend. The “earth/chi” means the lands, the opposite of heaven. Its name had been changed anyway, so whatever.)

The reason why I remembered this now is because I am currently on my way to a place related to the First Hero, Neun-san.

[……Kaito…… Are you alright?…… You’re not tired…… right?]

[I’m fine. It’s a beautiful day and walking like this feels good.]

[……Unnn…… I’m glad that it was sunny…… Even if it was raining…… I would have just…… “blown away the clouds”…… but I’m glad…… that it’s sunny.]

[Y- Yes, that’s right, isn’t it!?]

The one who told me that she would just blow away the clouds when it’s about to rain is Isis-san, walking hand in hand with me.

Yes, as I had suggested to Lillywood-san yesterday, I was going on a date with Isis-san today.

I had considered the possibility that she might refuse, saying that she had to prepare for the Six Kings Festival…… but when I sent her a hummingbird asking that, she replied with “I’ll go” in two seconds.

And now, the two of us are leisurely walking on a plateau a few distance away from the royal capital.

(T/N: Author wrote Festival of Heroes here instead of Six Kings Festival. I think it was, most probably talking about Six Kings Festival here, but I’m sorry if I’m mistaken.)

The purpose of this trip was to collect the memories that I had promised Isis-san before…… Going to the actual place where a scene in a book occurs, and take home a souvenir from that place.

It seems that Isis-san has been collecting various rare items, but this time, since I was the one who invited her, we decided to go for something relatively easy to retrieve. Well, it might be a bit early for me to say this, but it feels like a picnic instead.

The item we were going to retrieve today was a book about the adventures of the First Hero, a “night flower” with properties similar to the light tree I’d seen back when I had barbecue with Kuro, it emits light at night.

This flower seems to grow in cl.u.s.ters on sunny plateaus and is relatively easy to find.

[……Kaito…… I made…… a bento…… for today…… Shall we eat……. together…… later?]

[Ohhh, I’m really forward to it then. Thank you.]

[……Fufufu…… Unnn…… You’re welcome.]

Hearing my words, Isis-san, who is wearing a gothic dress with a white-based design and lots of frills, happily smiled.

I was soothed by her cute smile, and since we weren’t in a hurry, I walked leisurely with Isis-san while chatting with her.

[By the way, it seems like you have a lot of things to prepare for the Six Kings Festival, but aren’t you tired?]

[……Unnn…… I’m fine…… I’m actually…… not that good…… at making things…… I’m causing trouble for Lillywood-san and the others…… but…… I’m really doing my best…… So that Kaito can have fun…… I’m doing my best.]

[I- I see…… P- Please do your best! I will be cheering for you!]


It’s that feeling. I completely understand Lillywood-san’s feelings now. Being faced with such an industrious Isis…… there’s no way I can complain.

It was painfully obvious that Isis-san was trying her best, and I could tell that she was happy to be involved in such an event.

Praying for Lillywood-san’s soul in my heart…… I gave up on trying to indirectly persuade Isis-san.


[Isis-san, you seem to be having fun?]

[……Unnn…… Going on a date with Kaito…… is fun…… Whether it’s the conversation…… the sceneries…… even the most insignificant things…… everything…… everything…… makes me feel happiness.]


Ahh, geez! Why in the world is she this cute!? If she smiled at me with such a happy look on her face, it would make me want to reflexively hug her.

I mean, unnn. Since we’re lovers anyway, hugging her should be fine, right? It’s considered safe, right? Unnn, it’s safe…… Let’s hug her.




[Ahh, I’m sorry. I just reflexively……]

[……No…… I’m glad.]

It feels like her slender body would break if I were to hug her tightly, but I was able to hold her in my arms.

Isis-san also didn’t particularly resist my embrace, and rather, she just gave me a happy smile with a blush on her cheeks.

Not caring about other things, just this happiness in my arms. It certainly is as Isis-san said.

Even Isis-san’s most trivial gestures look inexplicably loveable.

The way she gently put her hand on my hands that was hugging her body, the way she rests her head on my chest, it’s just so cute.



Just like that, I looked into her beautiful red eyes and called out her name, while Isis-san called out my name and closed her eyes.

And as if it was the most natural thing to do, our lips touched each other, conveying our happiness and love for each other.

Needless to say, something like this happened again every now and then, so we had to stop multiple times, which considerably delayed our progress.

Taking a lunch break along the way and stopping at every opportunity, we arrived at the night flower cl.u.s.ter well behind the schedule.

Flowers of differing colors spreading around the area…… It feels as if I was sitting on what looked like a carpet of flowers, while embracing Isis-san by her shoulder.

[……Looking at it in the daytime, it looks just like a normal flower, doesn’t it?]

[……Unnn…… but…… when it gets dark…… it’s very…… beautiful.]

[I see…… What should we do? There’s still a few hours before the sun goes down……]

[……If Kaito doesn’t mind…… I’d like to stay…… like this…… for a while.]

[Yes, of course. Gladly.]

Placing her head on the side of my head, Isis-san’s voice sweetly whispered on my head. In this place surrounded by flowers, sitting side by side like this, I feel like the mood right now is good.

Isis-san seemed to be feeling the same way, and wasting no time, she laid her hand on my and leaned on my body, intertwining our fingers.

As the scent of flowers tickled my nostrils, I slightly lowered my gaze and saw Isis-san’s beautiful nape through the gap in her dress, which made my heart strangely beat faster.

However, I don’t think that my heart beating faster feels uncomfortable, but rather, how should I say this…… a mesmerizing warmth welled up from deep within my chest.

Isis-san and I stayed like that together for a while, never separating with each other, until flowers around us began to glow fantastically with the coming of the night.

Thereupon, feeling a bit of regret from having to part with her, we collected some night flowers…… Leaving this memory of this day in this form.

As a side note, saying “…… I’m really happy…… to make memories…… with Kaito.”, Isis-san bashfully giggles, looking too cute. We then hugged and deeply kissed each other, and as a result, I ended up coming home later than I expected.

Dear Mom, Dad————- As I’ve always thought, Isis-san is very cute and loveable, and when I think that such a person is my lover, I feel really happy. Feeling these warm feelings, today————– I left the happy memory of this day together with Isis-san with its own form.

Serious-senpai: [Geez…… Seriously, no more…… Isis, stop it…… it hurts……]

T/N: This chapter will be released early coz I’m being dragged outside.

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