I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (WN)

Chapter 953 - The Absolute"s Day ~ ~ Midnight ~ ~

Chapter 953 - The Absolute"s Day ~ ~ Midnight ~ ~

As Kuromeuina left and Kaito headed for the bathroom, Nebula was moving along the corridor, thinking that it was time to return to the World Tree in the garden.

Thereupon, seeing presences out of the corner of her eyes with troubled expressions on their faces, she tilted her head and called out to them.

[Anima-san, Caraway-san, good evening…… What are you doing here?]

[Ahh, Nebula huh…… No, we’re just having trouble deciding about something.]

[We were going to discuss it in more detail when we got to the office, but we ended up stopping midway while talking about it.]

When Nebula called out to them, Anima and Caraway responded. The two of them were holding something that looked like a design drawing in their hands, and when Nebula saw it, she tilted her head and asked.

[That is…… A design for a dress? Is that what’s troubling you two?]

[Yeah, I actually received a consultation from a store that I invest in. It’s not a very big store, but they happened to receive a request from a n.o.ble for a dress for a party, and they asked me about that design.]

[That store didn’t seem to have made many dresses for n.o.bles, and since Anima had close ties with a d.u.c.h.ess, they asked her for advice…… but neither Anima nor I know much about such things though.]

[It would have been quicker if I had asked Illness-dono or Lilia-dono, but it was already late, so for the time being, Cara and I were discussing this ourselves…… but as expected, we arrived at nothing.]

[I see….. Can I have a look?]

Receiving the designs that Anima and Caraway held in their hands, Nebula looked them over, before she turned back towards them and spoke.

[……Did you know the court rank of the aforementioned n.o.ble?]

[Yeah, she’s apparently a Count.]

[In that case, I think the only design you could use would be this.]

[Eh? Nebula-chan knows about stuff like this?]

Caraway asks back in surprise as Nebula chooses one of the designs.

[I am not that knowledgeable about this, but the other day, Milord and I were reading a magazine showing the latest trends in clothing and other items. The designs you have are almost all the rage in Hydra Kingdom…… The design is, if one had to describe it, on the cutting edge of fashion, but being a high-ranking n.o.ble, I think they would need to have not only novelty, but also dignity commensurate with their rank……]

[And this design is the only one that satisfies that?]

Anima asked with the same surprised expression on her face as Caraway, to which Nebula nodded once before continuing.

[The designer who came up with this idea must have been sensitive to trends. They are all good designs, and they aren’t only trendy, but also unique…… but I’m afraid that they’re a little too conscious about fashion that there is only one with grace and dignity befitting a n.o.ble among these designs.]

[I- I see…… Nebula-chan is amazing.]

[You can count on me. I am Absolute after all!]

[You really saved us. Well then, let’s take this design as our first choice, have Illness-dono or Lilia-dono check it out for a bit, and then get back to the store.]

It was easier to consult with Lilia and Illness when their choices were narrowed down rather than having them look at all the designs, so Anima and Caraway thanked Nebula and moved towards the office.

After waving them goodbye, Nebula also moved to the World Tree in the garden.

It was late at night, Nebula was sitting on a branch of the World Tree, looking at the moon and stars in the night sky, thinking.

(Good grief. At first, I wondered what would happen, but I’ve gotten used to life here. Although I had a lot of complaints at first, this place isn’t so bad.)

While she was thinking about this, the window of Kaito’s room suddenly opened, and she saw him come out onto the balcony. When Nebula turned to look at him, she saw him smiling at her and beckoning her close, so she flew over to him.

[Milord, is something the matter?]

[No, I went out on the balcony to cool down a little after taking a bath, and I just happened to see Nebula. I thought we could have a little chat…… What do you think? Have you gotten used to living here yet?]

[Yes. Everyone is nice and I think I’ve gotten used to it.]

[I see. Nebula is a really steady person, so I wasn’t really that worried…… but I’m glad you’re happy here.]

Seeing Kaito gently reaching out and patting her head, Nebula also happily smiled, and then exchanged idle chit-chat with Kaito.

As they chatted like that for about 10 minutes, just when their conversation stopped, Kaito gently smiled at her and spoke.

[……Now then, I think it’s time for me to go to bed. Nebula never sleeps, right?]

[Yes. I do not need sleep.]

[I see. If it’s Nebula, I think you’d be alright…… but if you feel tired, don’t hold back and consult with me.]

[Thank you.]

[Unnn. Well then, good night.]

[Yes. Good night, Milord. Have a good sleep.]

After her head was patted once more, she waved her hand as Kaito went back to his room, and after making sure that Kaito closed his window, Nebula returned to the branch of the World Tree.

As she sat on the branch, Nebula gently touched her head, which had just been patted by Kaito, and happily smiled.

(……It really was just as I thought…… Days like this aren’t so bad.)

Serious-senpai : [Her introduction arc sure took a while…… Now then, the next would be the White G.o.d Festival?]

? ? ? : [No, wouldn’t it be the greeting with the remaining executives……]

Serious-senpai : [……I forgot about that. Speaking of which, he was still in the middle of doing that……]

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