I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 2

02. The most important thing is a house.

For the time being, I’ll put off my retorts.
First of all, securing a house is important.
Sleeping in the open is indeed unpleasant.

I want to sleep while wrapped in a soft futon and defended against wind and rain.
However, the surroundings is just a wide, empty land.
There might be other people if I walk around but unfortunately, I don’t have any interest in doing something so troublesome.

(Able to make anything, was it?)

If that’s the case, creating it by myself seems faster.


I looked up in utter amazement.
The data I gathered from the knowledge that flowed in looks like it wasn’t wrong.
A house had appeared before my eyes&h.e.l.lip;

“A house suitable for me, come out—-”

&h.e.l.lip;the instant I said that.

(But why a castle?)

A normal house would’ve been fine with me.
If it’s too s.p.a.cious, cleaning will be a pain.
&h.e.l.lip;Can I do something about it with magic?
Then if that’s the case, it doesn’t matter anyway.
But it’s too huge for just one person to live in it.

(Ah, which reminds me, the me right now is a Demon G.o.d, right?)

I realized that the “house suitable for me” is actually a “house suitable for a Demon G.o.d” so therefore, that lapse of memory resulted to this castle.

(Well, whatever.)

It’s fine as long as I secure a place to sleep in.

(Later, I need clothes.)

Somehow, it looks like I don’t really need to eat.
But I think I can eat if I want to.
If I don’t get hungry, then there’s no need to force myself to eat.
It’s a pain, after all.
Before, I reluctantly ate just once a day.
I was sleepy but I got hungry so I had to get up. It’s the worst thing ever.
If that’s not necessary, then being a Demon G.o.d is an agreeable condition.
Leaving that aside, clothes&h.e.l.lip;
I looked at the thing I’m wearing.
I’m wearing one-piece, pitch black clothes.
Moreover, there’s an expensive-looking gem on the chest and there were some embroidered designs applied.

(What a bad taste.)

I can’t lie down if this gem is here.
And my hair is long for some reason.
I didn’t really get a haircut that often so it covered my ears and reached my nape, but right now it reached up to my waist.
Really annoying.
I want to cut it.
I want to cut it right now.
But it’s impossible to give a haircut to yourself.
(Can’t I just cut my hair with magic?)
Should I try it out?

“Hair, cut off.”


Hair fell down to the floor, and the moment I thought it was a success—–


My hair grew again for some reason.
And the hair that fell is missing.

(Could it be that I can’t cut it?)

It’s the worst.

I explored the new knowledge I acquired, and it seems like my hair is the source of my magic power so it’s determined that it can’t be cut.
But it seems possible to make it shrink.

“Hair, shrink.”

Right then, my hair steadily became short and stopped by itself when it reached my shoulders.
It appears impossible to go beyond this.
But it’s much better than being waist-length.
My magic power became potent when I shortened it but it’s not like I will use it much anyway.
World domination?
Like h.e.l.l I would do something troublesome.
The Demon G.o.d in this world is the strongest villain character (Isn’t it the same everywhere?). It looks like I can make a lot of subordinates.
I’m not interested either.
If I can sleep, then that’s enough.
For now, I’m going inside the castle.
Gray walls and purplish roof.
Contrary to the eerie exterior, the interior is luxurious and gorgeous.
I’m relieved that it’s not gaudy.
Expensive-looking paintings and vases are enshrined, a huge chandelier is hanging down at the place that appears to be the hall.
I am not interested in decorations either.
As long as there’s a futon, that’s enough.
According to theory, my room should be at the top floor.
But I decided to use magic because going up the stairs is troublesome.

“To my room.”

The room wasn’t anything strange, it was just a s.p.a.cious room.
There was a huge bed.

(I prefer a futon though.)

A futon may not be suitable for a castle, but I’ve become accustomed to it.
But because it’s troublesome, I just dove into a bed as it is.
I altered my clothes into an undecorated, white one-piece.
It will hurt if there’s a gem.
My body sunk into the fluffy mattress, and I left my consciousness to the drowsiness that attacked me.
Waking is difficult but going to sleep is good.
I fell asleep just like that.

How long was I asleep?
I felt a sense of discomfort and I got up.
According to my senses, someone seems to have come to this castle.
My senses have sharpened to that extent because I’ve become a Demon G.o.d.
&h.e.l.lip;Come to think of it, was I reborn?
If that’s the case, why don’t I have memories from before?
Also, aren’t I supposed to be a baby if I was reborn?
No matter how you think of it, I am an adult right now.

(Is there a mirror?)

I wonder what’s my current appearance? Which reminds me, I haven’t seen it yet.
It was unnecessary since I’m just going to sleep anyway.

“Mirror, come out.”

It’s fine to make the visitor wait.
Afterall, I don’t know anyone in this world.
The mirror that came out is ridiculously large again.
Projected there, was still the same as my former appearance except for the length of my hair.

(Did nothing change other than my hair?)

Because I am a so-called Demon G.o.d, I thought I would have quite an unusual appearance.
I still look the same as my human self.

(How annoying.)

I somehow know that the door’s being knocked on.
There’s no need for me to know that&h.e.l.lip;

(Who the heck came?)

Disturbing my sleep like this&h.e.l.lip; Should I hit them?

(No, will they die if a Demon G.o.d hit them?)

That’s unwise.
I don’t want to bring in unnecessary trouble.
&h.e.l.lip;If that happens, let’s crush them into silence.
A Demon G.o.d should be able to do it.
I transitioned in front of the entry door.
When I opened the door, there was a person wearing a body armor.
The face can’t be seen.

“Who the h.e.l.l are you!? Until yesterday morning, this building shouldn’t have been in this place!”

He pointed the sword hung from his waist at me.
Judging from the voice, it is a male.
But it’s just one person.
Is he something like a scout?

(Or rather, it looks like I slept all day long.)
From my sense of sleepiness, I didn’t think I slept for a whole day but it seems to be true.
To not wake up from hunger, what a very excellent thing!

“&h.e.l.lip;Who are you?”

“There’s no way that I can give my name to a suspicious person, is there!?”

I became somewhat irritated at this guy talking high-handedly.

“State your name.”

I won’t die anyway.
Even if you point your sword at me, that’s meaningless y’know?

(&h.e.l.lip;No, will it hurt?)

I am naturally strong against pain.
When I died, it didn’t hurt either.
But I don’t like feeling pain.

When I was thinking that——-

“Luidia Rontess.”

I heard a voice from the armor in front of me.

“Luidia Rontess, huh?”

(Eh? Isn’t giving out your name a proof of submission in this world?)

From the knowledge given to me, that should be the case.

“&h.e.l.lip;Why, did I give my name!? What did you do!?”

He panicked and tried to thrust his sword even more, but it seems like he can’t do it.

“D-d.a.m.n it!”

I heard the sound of grinding teeth.
Though his mind is firm, it appears like his body has submitted to me.
To the extent that it isn’t possible to thrust his sword.

“Luidia Rontess, put away your sword.”

When I called out his name, his body moved accordingly.
He put the sword away with a trembling hand, but he’s probably mortified.

(Let’s see, what should I do?)

In a manner of speaking, this is the first time I saw a living thing in this world.
Is this the feeling of finding the first villager?
Is the reason I’m not feeling so much deep emotions is because he’s in an armor?
I also haven’t seen his face yet.

“Take off your armor.”
“As if I’ll listen to your ord——-”
“Luidia Rontess, take off your armor.”

It seems like I need to call out his name every time.
What a pain.

“d.a.m.n you! Why&h.e.l.lip;!”

He took off his armor while cursing.

(&h.e.l.lip;He has ears.)

No, although all humans have ears, his ears were attached to a different place.

(Cat ears?)

On his head, there were triangular ears.
This is the so-called beastman.

“Making me take off my armor, what do you intend to do?”

The guy scowling at me.
Ashen hair, brown eyes.
His ears and tail were gray, too.
He has almond-shaped eyes, but he’s a handsome man.
And for some reason, his face resembled that of my only friend.
Even the high canines are similar, too.
Well, he’s a beastman so having fangs is unavoidable.

“&h.e.l.lip;Though I thought of hitting you for disturbing my sleep, I can’t hit that face. You will probably die if I hit you, too. You can go back.”

I haven’t fought with anyone yet, so it’s probably better to stop this mood of wanting to hit someone just for a bit.

“Wait! To be able to make me say my name, who the h.e.l.l are you!?”

He was still saying something but I closed the door.
He’s really scared after all.
Still, I wonder how I was able to make him say his name&h.e.l.lip;
It’s that, huh.
It’s because I’m a Demon G.o.d, huh.
Thinking is troublesome, so it’s good if it’s really like that.
It seems like it’s not necessarily wrong, too.

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