I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 23


Dea side

My conversations with master are extremely concise

I was bought by master as a slave

Taking care of Rune and Rau is not a difficulty

I like children

Teaching them my knowledge, the two genuinely respond with voices of admiration

These two, don"t even have a speck of the feeling that they could be called a rough warrior, they are pure

Even though living as a beastman has the harshest fate compared to any other race

They are also even more pure than any other race

Do beastmen naturally give everyone this kind of impression?

I really get why master dotes so much on these two

They make one unconsciously want to protect them

I can"t protect them, but for master it is achievable

As a servant, I can only do things like teach them letters or drive the carriage for them…..

As usual the work I can do is too little

Speaking of elves, regardless of gender they are normally made into s.e.x slaves, but doing something like sleeping with an old one like me is unthinkable

Besides, master"s preference seems to be someone like Rune and I already know that they have slept together

Rune"s behavior hasn"t shown any signs of dislike towards it, so there seems to be some manner of consent

Rune is young and has a handsome face

He seems to genuinely adore the master, that is probably one of the reasons he"s liked

It"s almost like I"m looking at lovers, but according to Rune that is not the case

He said he was merely a subst.i.tute

That he was just being embraced as a subst.i.tute for master"s acquaintance

There are no rules imposed on me, since I am a slave

Since it"s fine just to order me, such a thing is unnecessary

The only thing is to not arbitrarily enter into other rooms

As a slave, going around arbitrarily is normally not allowed, though

However, Rune and Rau are not slaves

In exchange, they have rules imposed on them

Something like, "you can"t come to like anyone"

As it were, the two are the master"s property, and Rona and I are in service of those two

However, those two are quite cherished and I honestly feel envious

Even with my current treatment, I understand that it is exceptionally extravagant treatment for a slave

Even so, witnessing treatment even beyond that, of course I"d feel envious…..

Master is rarely up, and when he is up he"s together with Rune or Rau, he doesn"t talk with me much

He only ever asks me to pa.s.s an order to Rona or take care of Rau

Nothing but conversations about work, there"s no normal conversations like he has with Rune or Rau

So, master, probably doesn"t know anything about me

Before that, he probably doesn"t even have any interest in me

For that reason, to notice that I was frightened by the knight, although I was embarra.s.sed I was also happy

Even though it was something he would only do to Rune or Rau, master pat my head

Even though I"m not the age to be delighted to have my head patted, I was happy for it despite my age

To even buy presents for me and Rona, as expected master is strange

Usually he"s aloof and master"s facial expressions don"t change much

He said he"s only just been born, but his appearance is an adult"s similar to his previous appearance

He said his previous existence ended at 17 years old, but even that can be considered grown up

Although his previous existence seems to have had various troubles, he spoke of different world things as a matter of course, but they are things that even I cannot understand

However, he never shows his hardships or bitterness

He recently bought twenty one people without making them slaves and seems to be planning to have them live in buildings he built in the garden

Only for the sake of watching how they live

For them to have a safe place where they can freely live, I am envious

However, they don"t have master"s divine protection

If a demon who can fly comes, they would all probably be killed

They haven"t been given expensive clothes like us, they"ve only been given things like food and fields, the things they cannot do without

Even though he said he bought them for the sake of watching, master promptly went and secluded himself in his room

It seems he went in to sleep again

Until just recently he"s been continuously sleeping, so he got up after a few hours sleeping

Master truly sleeps well

We had lunch and spent time as we pleased

I would teach Rau and Rune letters and once we finished that the two would say, "let"s go to Shin-sama"s room" and go up the stairs

I haven"t been given permission to enter master"s room

However, even when it becomes dinnertime the two don"t come down

Are they sleeping together with master?

Although I know where the room is I hesitate to go

While I wait with Rona, after a short time pa.s.ses master appears carrying Rau and Rune

He sets the two down in their seats, and master tries to leave them

"Shin-sama, where are you going?"

Rau stops him

Rune looks up at him as well

"……eat your meal"

Master put his hand on top of their heads

He seems almost like a parent comforting their child

He seemed to give up on leaving the dining room, instead he moved a nearby chair to the wall and sat down

While us four had our meal, he endured, drowsily nodding off

Rau and Rune hurried to finish their meal

Since the time he"s up is short, they cling to him while he"s up

Without behaving annoyed, master permits it

As I thought he indulges those two

He said it shortened while he slept, but master"s hair is currently short

It became about shoulder length

He changed his clothes from this morning and he"s now wearing plain black clothes

Even though he should have been sleeping, he also has on gloves

I wonder why?

It seems he only remove them when he enters the bath

Since he can use magic it seems he doesn"t have to enter (the bath) though

I"ve only seen him go into the bath once together with Rau

Finished eating, Rune immediately goes near master when master noticed him he put him on his lap

While hugging him, he once again starts to doze off

After a short while, Rau seemed to finish eating as well

"Hug Rau too"

He held the approaching Rau with one arm and shifted Rune a bit to the side so he could set her on his other knee

They are quite emotionally attached

Even though he"s still young (practically zero for me) he seems like a caring parent

They were like that for a short while, but it seem the three will enter the bath together today, and master walks off while carrying the two

He"s considerably strong

Even though he doesn"t have such a muscular appearance

Is it because he"s a demon G.o.d?

Honestly, he doesn"t appear to have a speck of thought to world conquest, I"m embarra.s.sed to have believed the legends

Even though it is the story of the previous demon G.o.d, I thought the demon G.o.d would be like that though

This, kind, gentle master

(…..no, he is severe towards humans)

He hurled the three humans committing thievery high into the sky

If one couldn"t use flight magic, they"d die

It seems they actually died and the knight got angry

It seems master"s previous existence was human and his surrounding circ.u.mstances were not good, so he probably hates humans

"Dea, dry Rau"s hair"

When he calls out to me and I turn towards them, the three come out from the bath

It seems I was a bit absent-minded


I got a towel and dried Rau"s hair

Master sat in a chair and got Rune to dry his hair

Even though he shortened it before entering the bath, it now is long like before

Rune dried his hair looking happy

I haven"t touched it, but according to Rune it is the best feeling

However, drying that much long hair seems troublesome

(Since I"m the servant, shouldn"t I be drying it)

Or rather, is it that only people he is interested in can touch?

If it"s that, it"s probably impossible for me

Despite being called a servant, there"s not much I know

Since we only talk about coordinating work, there"s probably no helping it

The three disappeared once again

They are probably headed to master"s room

In the middle of the night my throat was dry so I went to get water and when I left my room I saw master"s figure

(Master? Shouldn"t he be sleeping together with Rune and Rau?)

Why is he on the first floor?

He went into the dining room

Even though he said he didn"t (need to) eat, is it that he wanted to eat something?

Since I came to drink water, my destination is also the dining room

When I enter the dining room, master is standing in front of a large amount of food

"Master? Has something happened?"

"Dea, huh, what"s up?"

Even though I was asking, he replied with a question

"My throat felt dry, so I"m getting water"

"I see"

"Master, why are you here?"

I tried asking once again

"To bring out food"


What does he mean by bring out?

Even though we always buy it, is he bringing it forth by magic

"Since the knight seems to be casing the town, meeting him would be annoying"

Master seems to dislike that knight, his expression seemed displeased and he grimaced

He seemed to be a tenaciously attached human

Towards him who seemed important, I can only feel fear, but master had no sense of fear

He only felt annoyed

Master who wears more expensive clothes than any other human in town, has his slaves wear expensive clothes, and hides his face with a veil, is quite conspicuous

If he went into town, he would probably immediately attract people"s eyes

When surrounded by knights, shopping becomes impossible

"Dea was the village chief, right? Is there anything you"d like to get from the village?"

"Eh? ….. No, since humans took almost everything, there"s probably nothing remaining"

The subject suddenly changed and I was speaking about myself

"Ah―……In that case, is it at that place (hideout that was raided), it"s probably already been pa.s.sed over to the king about now"

"Since there were no special high priced goods in the village, it doesn"t really matter now"

In the elf village, there wasn"t anything like high priced goods

If there was, then it would have to be given up when the humans took everything

"You had nothing important to you?"

Without thinking, I was at a loss for words

Although it wasn"t some high priced goods, I had something precious

Inherited from my parents, the village chief"s necklace

"Recover it"

Remaining silent, it seems it was taken as affirmation

"Recover, you say, how? ….Besides, it"s already fine, the village has disappeared so the necklace as proof of being the village chief is no longer necessary"

The village is already gone

The villagers as well have been sold or killed……

Nothing remains

Even if I have the necklace, there is no meaning

I, as a chief who couldn"t protect his village, do not have the qualification for it

"For Dea, it"s a precious thing, right? That"s enough of a reason to recover it, from now on let"s head towards the castle"


The speed at which the conversation proceeded was bewildering and I couldn"t keep up

Master"s clothes changed at once, and I could only look on dumbfounded

Today"s clothes are more extravagant than usual

He"s wearing black clothes and on top of the black cloth is embroidery done with red string with expensive gems attached

He"s wearing a black veil and the gloves are red

"The surroundings will be full of nothing but humans, so will Dea stay house-sitting? Or else would you rather accompany me?"

It seems he"s serious about recovering it

"That-…..! It"s dangerous. The amount of humans in the king"s castle is innumerable"

Even if he"s the demon king, he doesn"t understand just how many are there

In the castle will also be spirits who are slaves, as well as other races

All of everyone will be sent to kill master

That"s not all, in the castle there should be a lot of knights

For the sake of my cheap necklace, I don"t want him to meet with such a dangerous situation

He said he can"t die since he"s a demon G.o.d, but I don"t know whether or not that"s true

Even if he can"t die he can probably still be hurt

"It"s fine, as I thought Dea will stay here?"

"I"ll go with you"

Even though I thought I could only be afraid

Master, doing this this for my cherished item, I must watch

So, I immediately felt his absurdity

Was he such a person in his previous existence as well?

Certainly his circ.u.mstances must have been fearful

"I see"

He held me with one arm

"To Gudoudotelia king"s castle"

The moment master said so, I knew we had teleported

The human"s castle was more showy than master"s castle, and stung my eyes

"Dea"s necklace, search…..that way, huh"

It seems master had no interest in the castle, and he just walked off while carrying me

I wonder if he really understands what this place is…..

However, as I thought it seems there are innumerable humans inside the castle―

"You! Who are you!?"

We were soon discovered

When one person calls out, with that we were surrounded

By people whose appearance resembles knights

They seem to be palace guards who protect the king

They gathered around where we were

"Clear the way"

Unlike his normal voice, I could tell he was a bit irritated

After master said so, the many palace guards cleared the way

"W,what the?"

"My body moved on it"s own!?"

While I could hear voices full of surprise, master walked off

While still holding me in his arms

Since it"s dangerous, won"t you put me down?

There were footsteps that sounded like they were running

The surroundings, when a suspicious person appeared, ended up in quite a panic

However master continued on without caring nor any plans to stop and indifferently continued walking

It almost seemed like he was walking inside his own castle

In front of that door, there were palace guards surrounding several people

Three people wearing pajama like clothes

They"re probably the royal family

"What are you doing!? Immediately kill that suspicious person!"

The voice came from one of the previously mentioned people (royal family)

That"s probably Gudoudotelia"s king

His face pale and distorted in fear

"In the way, move"

All at once the palace guards came to cut us down, the moment he spoke, as expected they amusingly cleared the way

As expected master"s power is absurd

He walked between the humans who cleared the way

"Hiiii-― D,don"t come!"

Since the palace guards are frozen, there"s no one around the three people

Master went up to in front of the three, I saw a guy who was still a child

"What do you plan to do to my son!?"

In that time the man who seemed to be king thrust himself between (us and the boy)

"Return the necklace"

As usual master released indifferent words

Without care for the unrest in the surroundings or their fear, he did things at his own pace


"The one that child has, return this guy"s necklace"

The king looked back and looked at the child

"This thing?"

Certainly my necklace could be seen from on that child"s neck

"It"s my necklace!"

I unintentionally shouted

Blue-green colored, with a bit of a milky tint, my gem necklace

Proof of being my village"s chief

And also, the thing I inherited from my parents

"Return it, if you obediently return it nothing will happen"


Does he intend to do something?

"……That is, as if I"d believe you!"

"I don"t really care, it"s fine to remove your head to recover it"

At master"s words replying to what the king said, the sounds of gasps resounded

I was also one among them

Is it because he"s a demon G.o.d that killing is so simple for him?

"If you obediently return it nothing will happen. I"m only here for that, I have no interest in your life"

I was only scared of humans, but I could vaguely discern master was strong

Only when together with master is my uneasiness and fear mitigated

I feel like I understood the reason Rau and Rune wouldn"t leave master"s side

One person among the three who was probably the king"s wife burst into tears

And held the child"s arm closer

"This child hasn"t done anything"

Speaking while crying, but even that does not move master

"If you obediently return it then nothing will happen. If you don"t want to die hurry up and return it"

The woman hurriedly took the necklace from the child

"Stop, I, since I like this"

The child resisted while saying such a refusal

It seems he"s a contemptibly wilful child

"You don"t want to die, right!? Such a thing, I"ll get someone to buy as many as you like, okay!"

The woman hysterically yells

Her high pitched voice hurts my ears

Roughly and forcibly taking the necklace, she pa.s.ses it over to master

"It"s good it was returned"

Pa.s.sing it to me, he pats my head

I swallowed back the words that it wasn"t returned, but forcibly taken

While master pat my head, the three escaped from my sight

With that, the humans lined up in a row behind us

(They"re attacking!)

I saw them raise their hand up towards here

Among the humans are magicians with the same magical power as normal spirits

All of them were raising their hands towards us and chanting their spells

"Master! Behind!"

The moment my voice sounded, a magic attack came this way

I instinctively closed my eyes


There was no pain

When I opened my eyes my field of vision was pitch black

"Ah―…..even though there was no need to protect you, for some reason I protected you"

Master"s voice came from above

When I looked up I saw master

Somehow it seems I"m covered by master"s clothes

"Are you……alright?"

"I told you I couldn"t die, didn"t I?"

It seems he"s not hurt either, his clothes aren"t damaged as well

"Wha-…..!? Everyone"s a skilled magician!"

I could hear the king speak as he shook his head out of fear

And so, from out of where there were a lot of humans, that knight approached

"You, coming this far into the castle, what are your intentions!? Do you intend to inflict harm!?"

The knight drew his sword

The other knight also drew their swords

"It"s you huh…….annoying"

Without bothering to tone down his words, everyone"s faces distorted

The target was this country"s governor

Essentially this country"s number 2

The governor directed his sight to master who called such a person "annoying"

"Invading the king"s castle in the middle of the night like this, a suspicious person who caused an uproar, I don"t want to hear that from you!"

Now that you mention it, his argument is sound

"I just came to recover Dea"s necklace, since it"s now been returned I no longer have any business with you, since I didn"t kill anyone, it should be a problem, right?"

That"s true, master didn"t kill anyone

He just made them clear the way

However, he did invade arbitrarily on his own

As a suspicious person even if he was killed he couldn"t complain

"Sword, break"


The moment master spoke, the swords the knights were carrying broke, crumbling

Unrest spread through the knights whose swords suddenly broke

Even at such a time, only the governor cast aside his broken sword and moreover approached us

"You seem to be quite a skilled magic user. Come serve the king as a magician"

It seems to be an invitation

(A demon G.o.d serving a human)

Such a thing, there"s no way

Moreover for master to be under someone else, is unthinkable

"Me, work under this ossan? Don"t make me laugh"

When he called the country"s king an ossan, an angry uproar came from the surroundings

"Tch, troublesome, let"s return"

Holding me in his arms, we instantly teleported to the castle with magic

"Master, thank you"

After returning, I said my thanks

Even though I had already given up and I wouldn"t have been able to get it back by myself, the gem was shining in my hands

Master patted my head again

"…..aren"t I too old for this?"

He comforts me like a child and I feel a bit restless

"Since Dea is cute, unconsciously, did it"


Seriously master is strange

"That seems like something master would say"

Calling the 110 year old me cute, no one else would say such a thing

At that time, there was the sound of a clunk

When I turned to face that way, Rune was standing there with an indescribable expression

"Rune, what wrong?"

"…..Since Shin-sama wasn"t here……"

It seems he was looking for master

Rune as well as Rau are always clinging to master

"Return to the room, Dea too hurry and go sleep, okay?"

After putting his hand on my head with a *pon* he grabbed Rune"s arm and disappeared

(Master is gentle, huh)

I stared at the necklace in my hands

However, feelings of guilt also arise

Because of me, he invade the castle and committed a crime

(Although it would be good if nothing happens…….)

That tenacious and strong looking governor, I feel like he probably won"t leave it at this

I can only hope nothing happens

Dea side end

TN: This chapter was stupidly long, but so much happened

For knight Sei"s position Viceroy is probably a better translation than governor, though it could also be translated as governor-general

Also, caught in the act, Rune saw them, heh

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