I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 25

Absurdly Strong Opponent

Sei side

I was contacted and headed towards the castle

A suspicious person had appeared in the castle

Notable characteristics seemed to be a man whose face was covered with a dark veil walking while holding an elf and wearing expensive looking dark clothes

There was only one person with such a description

The man I met in town

This time it seems only the elf is with him, but how in the world, and why, is he invading the castle

I ran along with the other knights

It seems the palace guards couldn"t handle him and called for the magicians

Among humans there are also those that specialize in magic

Is that guy also like that?

When I went over there since they said the royal family was over that way, I could hear the queen"s voice crying out

(Does he intend to kill the king!?)

I quickened my pace

About the time we arrived where the royal family was, the magicians were chanting their spell

I tried to determine what was going on

The moment the elf"s voice called out the magic attacked all at once

White smoke rose up and I couldn"t see anything

(Did it kill them…..)

After such an attack, they probably won"t live

"Ah―…..even though there was no need to protect you, for some reason I protected you"

From within the abundant white smoke, that guy"s voice came

(He"s alive!?)

He defended against that attack?

Even though the most powerful magician in this country, Nia, was there

There was also at least ten other magicians besides that

With just one person, to defend against that attack……

"Wha-…..!? Everyone"s a skilled magician!"

The king, Arrow-sama, shot out words while trembling in a state of terror

That guy seems uninjured, even the clothes he"s wearing don"t look torn or burned at all

As for the only one brought along, the elf, that man protected him

The elf has no magic power

Within Gudoudotelia, that guy would probably be the number one magic user

"You, coming this far into the castle, what are your intentions!? Do you intend to inflict harm!?"

However, it doesn"t change the fact, he invaded the castle

I draw my sword and point it towards him

The other knights do the same

"It"s you huh…….annoying"

However, the words issued from that guy, with neither impatience nor fear, he only sounded extremely irritated

Anger welled up at his att.i.tude of looking down on people

"Invading the king"s castle in the middle of the night like this, a suspicious person who caused an uproar, I don"t want to hear that from you!"

Because of this guy, even though we had a day off, we were summoned back to the castle

Invading the castle is a crime

The criminal has no right to say "annoying"

"I just came to recover Dea"s necklace, since it"s now been returned I no longer have any business with you, since I didn"t kill anyone, it should be a problem, right?"

(Dea"s necklace?)

Dea should probably be the elf held in his arm

I"ve seen him before

I"m sure, he was wearing servant clothes

For the sake of a slave, he especially came and invaded the castle?

I feel like that guy just said something

The next moment, the sword us knights were holding, except for the handle, broke

Was this too that guy"s magic?

"You seem to be quite a skilled magic user. Come serve the king as a magician"

This guy"s power is strong

If he were to become our ally, our defense would be impregnable

If he were to serve the king as a magician, even Arrow-sama would let this time"s incident be water under the bridge

"Me, work under this ossan? Don"t make me laugh"

However this guy rejected it

Moreover, he insulted Arrow-sama

To call Arrow-sama an ossan, even if he"s someone from a foreign country, he"s too lacking in common sense

"Facing Arrow-sama, what an insult!"

"He"s a criminal. There"s no reason to keep him alive!"

Angry roars flew out from the surroundings

However that guy doesn"t seem to be listening at all―

"Tch, troublesome, let"s return"

The moment I thought he was going to reposition the elf, they disappeared from that spot

As though they were never there to begin with―

(That guy"s power, just how strong is it?)

It should be difficult to teleport with another person

The teleporting up to now, could it have been his magic?

However, to not hear about such a powerful magician

If he"s a person with such ability, then even if he"s from a foreign country we would"ve heard of him

However, we"ve heard nothing about him

Although it seems like he"s not under anyone, since he called Arrow-sama "ossan" he shouldn"t be royalty either

Seeing the extent of his audacious behaviour, it"s unlikely he"s a spirit

What kind of person is that guy?

A proclamation was released to immediately apprehend that guy

The one who sent out the proclamation was Arrow-sama

That guy who invaded the castle must be obtained

That guy who seems like quite a powerful person, must be his own subordinate

To the extent that his face became green and even distorted, due to greed

That guy"s figure was not shown in any town for a while

However, one day, that person appeared

Patrols were deployed everywhere and once contacted we would rode towards there on the agony

That guy is so audacious, appearing in castle town

Today he only brought along his beastman slave

When we entered the place, the town was astir

Since knights are all excellent swordsman, they"ve become targets of admiration

In the country even a knight"s declaration is quite important

For this reason, as we pa.s.s through voices of admiration are raised

I, as the governor, am essentially right after Arrow-sama in my declaration"s authority

Even more than Prince Noris-sama

Only because he is yet a child of 12 (TN: that brat"s 12!? I thought he was like 5)

When he"s an adult, my authority will become third though

The place that guy is now and where we"ll get into contact, is a high-cla.s.s restaurant

It"s a store that Arrow-sama has been to as well

It"s a store an ordinary person can only rarely enter

That guy, as expected, seems to be rich

Since it"s that guy, the slave seems to be allowed to eat as well

"Where"s that guy?"

"He"s in a private room"

When I ask the shopkeeper, of all things, he"s in a private room

The price of a private room is even more expensive than normal seating

As expected, that guy seems quite rich

To even use a private room, it"s about the level of the king or his close aides

The private room, after the food is done being brought in, as long as there is no call the shop a.s.sistant won"t come in

So private rooms are used when there are important talks going on

"I"ve found you! I will apprehend you ―"

Opening the door, in the middle of reciting my words, my words were cut off

That guy was feeding the food to his beastman slave

Moreover, while seated on top of his lap

However, rather than being surprised at that, I was more dumbfounded

No, should I say I was charmed…..

The man was always wearing a veil, but he wasn"t now, his face was exposed

He was a beauty to the extent that even elves can"t compare

It wasn"t even androgynous, I could clearly tell he was a man, but it is unquestionable he had a beautiful face to the point I was at a loss for words

His appearance was to the point of being divine

His eyes were an identical jet black matching his hair

When I looked at those eyes I could only gasp

"Annoying, don"t barge in while we"re eating"

However the words emitted from that mouth were sharp, but even with that I can"t fault him


I could tell that the beastman on his lap looked at us with fear

He was a grey-haired male beastman

Although it looks like he"s only just become an adult, he"s rather frail for a beastman

"Relax, since these guys, are weak"

The man gently pat the beastman

However, those words are not something I can ignore

"We are weak you say!? You, a mere magician, think you can rival a knight!"

It"s thought a knight needs nothing but his swordsmanship, but they also have to be able to use magic

That"s in case their opponent is a magician, since they would be in a bad position if they could only use a sword

With just sword skills, the most one can be is a palace guard

The moment the man looks at us

The gentle look he directed at the slave is not there, I could surely feel some killing intent

"Noisy, hurry and disappear"

Even his voice became slightly lower

"Facing Sei-sama, such a thing! You deserve certain death!!"


My suppression was not in time, the knight who came with me sliced out with his sword

However, I saw something terrifying

The sword swinging downward was completely stopped by a hand only wearing a glove

Without a shield, also without any sign of magic

*Bakin-― (Breaking SFX)

Because of the hand grabbing it, the sword shattered into tiny pieces

"To try and fight with me, you must want to die quite a lot"

Indifferently informing him, his hot-bloodedness inevitably diminished

However, even if we had to draw back here, I thought there was nothing we could do

When another knight recklessly used magic, his facial expression completely changed

The face of that expressionless man, changed to an expression of anger

"Rune has my divine protection, nonetheless, to attack him, to attack my thing, don"t think I"ll let you live"

The magic the knight attacked with was heading towards the slave sitting on that guy"s lap

The man repelled the attack with one hand, but a bloodthirst that couldn"t be felt until now rose up

Parrying that, to the guy who sliced with his sword as well, he struck out with a panic inducing magic

There is no opponent a knight can"t win against

In front of this man that overturned that notion, the young two fell into confusion


At the man"s words, a dark object appeared from somewhere unknown and wrapped around the two knights, restraining them

Their whole bodies were wrapped to the point that even their faces couldn"t be seen


The moment the man said so, those restraints seemed to become powerful and moved in an instant

From the gaps, blood forcefully gushed out

They didn"t even have time to scream out

I knew they were killed

With so much blood coming out, the inside of the private room was filled with the stench of blood

"Trash to the royal castle"

It seems he sent them to the castle

The two who already no longer had the shape of people disappeared


The next moment, the large amount of blood and its stench disappeared

This man is just unreasonable

Even for me, I can"t win

Even for Nia, it"s impossible

Even the one famous for being the best magician in the world, Rien-sama from the country of Kieshye, it"s probably impossible

"Since you didn"t attack Rune, I"ll let you live, hurry and get out of my sight"

Hugging the beastman like he cherished him, he pat his head

As my legs instinctively tried to get away, my back hit the wall

"…..What are you?"

My voice sounded clumsy as it shook

When my eyes met that guy"s, fear tormented me

It"s the first time I"ve felt so much terror

Even when I fought demons, I didn"t feel this much terror

That time I had confidence in my victory, but now I have absolutely none

"Demon G.o.d"

While I was shocked by his words, somewhere inside of me I understood

There is no one who could win against a demon G.o.d


"Rune, don"t cry. My bad, was it scary?…..as expected, we shouldn"t have come to town"

He gently pat the crying beastman"s head

Completely different from when facing me, he was making a gentle looking expression

"Shall we return already?"

At the man"s words, he repeatedly nodded

To be so scared, rather than me a demon G.o.d should be scarier

However, I understood that even though he"s a beastman he"s cherished

He"s wearing clothes like what n.o.bles wear on top of which is a light grey colored cloak

On his waist is a red sword, however it doesn"t look used

As a demon G.o.d, why does he cherish something like a beastman?

For an elf slave, he invaded the castle?

Shouldn"t he be aiming for world conquest?

From his way of comforting the crying beastman, I could only see his appearance full of affection

"Rune, wrap your arm around my neck"

Just like he was told to, the beastman hugged him with his arm and they left the store

His payment was exact, which didn"t seem like a demon G.o.d

"……from now on, what do you intend to do?"

According to legends, he should conquer the world, but…..

"Nothing much, I have no interest in something like world conquest. As long as nothing happens to my things, then I have no intentions of causing harm. However, were anything to happen to my things, I will only accept death as atonement"

Before I realized it that guy was covered by a veil

After saying such to me, he once again disappeared in an instant

I brought along the two riderless agony and returned to the castle

The castle was in quite in uproar

"Sei-sama! Dead bodies appeared in front of the royal family!"

At the palace guard"s words, I was convinced it was that guy

I knew he sent it to the castle, but of all things to send it to the royal family

"Where is Arrow-sama?"

"He"s together with the queen and prince, they are taking refuge in his room"

When I heard that, I headed towards Arrow-sama"s room

I have to give him my report

As for the two corpses, whether they know they are the two knights I brought along is unclear

"Arrow-sama, it is Sei. Excuse my intrusion"

I knock on Arrow-sama"s room door, then enter inside

"Sei!? Didn"t you go to capture that man? Aah, I see, since corpses appeared in front of the royal family (you returned). The state of the corpse is to the point that it"s ident.i.ty is indistinguishable, as for who could send such a thing, now, the magicians are investigating it. Since it could be an enemy, we should quickly identify them"

The current Arrow-sama doesn"t appear to have received such a shock

"The corpse are the knights I took along"

At least until I inform him so

"What-! How…….!?"

Eyes widening, the king can"t conceal his astonishment

"Arrow-sama, from now on please stop all involvement with that man. Those two, attacked a cherished slave of that guy, and were killed without being able to resist. That guy is not human, he is a demon G.o.d. It seems he has no plans for world conquest, but if anything happens to the demon G.o.d"s things he said that only death will be accepted as atonement. The corpses he sent are evidence of this"

At my words, without speaking the king shuddered

There"s no helping it

Even my legs once again shake in fear

"That guy"s power is strong. No magician could match him. He can even shatter swords barehanded. We must especially not raise a hand at that guy"s slaves. I was not killed in the end only because I did not attack his slave"

If we tried to attack, then that guy would probably easily kill us

That guy seems to cherish his slaves, but don"t expect him to show others a speck of that gentleness

"Please leave him be. As long as we leave him alone, he won"t attack us"

"Such a thing, as if I"d believe it!"

Shaking in fear, no matter what I say it"s useless, he won"t understand

Even though as long as we do nothing we won"t be attacked, when humans are tormented by fear they can only think of attacking

"Immediately search for someone who can become the hero!"

Even though I understand this will only pointlessly increase the death count, the king"s command is absolute

I have no right to stop him

That demon G.o.d that possesses divine beauty, if we could somehow or other negotiate it would have been good, but……

Since I don"t even know where he lives, I"d have to find it

Since he bought so many slaves before, he should live in quite a large house

(….No, as I recall before when the carriage disappeared, he should have said "to the castle")

In that case, I have to hurry and find the castle

A search for a castle aside from the king"s castle and the demon king"s castle should be enough

Before Gudoudotelia is ruined, I have to find something

I have to put forth full effort

Sei side end

TN: happy singles day 11/11

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