I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 4

A Suddenly Appearing Suspicious Person

(Luidia"s side)

Specific traits of beastmen are their sense of smell, high physical ability, and beast transformation

In this world there are a variety of races, but each keep separate

There are also people who, even if the race is the same, because of coming from different places they won"t interact

Out of those races in me flow the blood of the wolf tribe who are sent to fight on the frontline

Although I myself haven"t fought yet, if I were to turn tail and run I would become the eternal shame of the Rontez clan.

I heard that a castle suddenly appeared near our village

Everyone takes turns patrolling around our village

It seems that this morning there was nothing there

It was around noon when I heard about it, and I heard that people already went to reconnoiter it

According to the guys that came back, it"s just a stupidly huge, spooky castle, and it seems there no sign of anyone there

They said it was probably empty, but is it really?

Is no one really there? It"s a castle after all

"How scary, in just this short time a castle suddenly appeared, it"s beyond creepy"

"What if it"s a demon king"s castle?"

"No way! Even for a demon king, isn"t it impossible to instantly build a castle?"

"Could it be human? Perhaps by using magic to transport a castle around"

I could hear the village women gossiping

If it"s a demon king, we"ll have to immediately escape

We aren"t opponents for such a person

It would only take them a moment to kidnap women kill men, steal our valuables, and destroy the village

Even if it is a human, it"s not that much different from a demon king

Those guys think beastmen are inferior beings and they are superior

In this country if there is going to be a battle, the first to go into battle are the beastmen

……as the humans’ meat shields

If there are no battles going on we are mostly treated as second cla.s.s citizens

Forced to do difficult manual labor, and if unable to do so then we are thrown away

The way beastmen are treated compared to other races is extremely terrible

The elves are treasured for their wisdom, while spirits are treasured for their magical power

Demons are the enemy of all other races

Those guys will eat anyone regardless of race

There are times they ma.s.sacre people, and without a care they"ll eat them

And the one in charge of all those demons is the demon king

Since I haven"t ever met one I don"t know what they are exactly

I don"t know whether their only food is living meat

"Tomorrow it"s Rune"s turn to do reconnaissance"


Although my name is Luidia Rontez, n.o.body knows that

Telling your name to someone means giving them power over you

Even if tortured most would rather die than tell others their name

Therefore everyone uses an alias

A name is something you alone should know

Everyone knows Rontez is my last name, but just saying Rontez won"t force submission

The next day

I go towards the castle

It"s true I can"t see any sign of someone living there, but I have a bad feeling

For whose sake, and how, did someone build a castle……

I have no clue

I try knocking on the door

However, there"s no answer

(Is there really no one there?)

I didn"t pay much attention before now, but looking at it it"s a really big castle

The door as well is quite large

No matter how much I hit it it undauntedly remains solid, the entire first floor has no windows, those are only on the upper floors

(Is this really a demon king"s castle?)

If so, it"s far beyond my power

I think even facing a demon would be impossible for me

I"ve only ever heard their strength is considerable, but even so it seems a demon’s power can vary

It would be fine if it"s an opponent a lone beastman could defeat, but unfortunately, I have no experience fighting

I resolutely put on some cheap armor, but honestly unlike my wolf bloodline I"m a cowardly person

But I should be able to repel an opponent at least, so even if it"s a demon it should be alright

(I"ll knock once more, and if no one comes then should I go back?)

So I think after who knows how many times I knocked

I once again knock on the door, and wait for a moment

At which point—

The door, which was closed up until now, opened

(No way!? Shouldn"t there have been no one here!)

Why did they only come out when I came, I became troubled

However I don"t have the leisure right now to think about such things

I drew my sword and quickly prepared to strike

The face that appeared from the door was a man so beautiful it was scary

Glossy jet black hair and eyes, his hair shone bewitchingly

So much so that it seems sacrilegious for it to only go down to his shoulders

Since he doesn"t have beast ears like mine, he"s not a beastman

In the first place, there"s no way a beastman would live in a castle

(Is he human?)

I"ve never seen such a beautiful human before, but many humans have such wealth

"Who are you!? Before yesterday morning there shouldn"t have been anything in this place!"

While speaking I point my sword, my opponent doesn"t even flinch, he frowns slightly completely unphased


His voice wasn"t too low or too high, it was extremely pleasant to my ears

But, that doesn"t change the fact he"s a suspicious person

"Shouldn"t the suspicious person introduce themselves first!?"

So I say and his eyebrows slightly lower

In the next moment—

"Tell me your name"

This fellow domineeringly said

The moment I felt his dominating presence, I involuntarily said my name

"……Why, did I give my name!? What did you do!"

I tried to point my sword at him, but it seems my body has submitted to him, so I can"t and I quickly lower it.


I involuntarily grind my teeth, but I can"t do anything to him

He calls my name, making me put away my sword, and even take off my armor

My body can only obey him

Even if I do not want to obey his orders, if he calls my name my body will do as he says

I already can"t point my sword at him

It"s regrettable, but there"s nothing I can do

"Making me take my armor off, what do you intend to do?"

I glare at him

If I were a child, he could sell me to a slave trader

If I were a woman, then as a s.e.x slave?

However, I am an adult

A 20 year old beastman adult

It"s already two years too late for that

There isn"t much demand for adult beastmen

Aside from as a meat shield

The rest can only be sold to people with that sort of hobby

A preference for males is not rare, even between different races

However, if there"s a desire normally they go for elves

As for why, elves are pretty much all beautiful

Beastmen are used as soldiers and are said to all be vicious

While elves are sagacious

Spirits are mages, and humans are shrewd

Demons are just said to be insane

The man is staring at my face for some reason

He took a moment to glance at my whole body, but since then he"s only been staring at my face

His eyebrows that seemed to be wrinkled in irritation, now become smooth

"……I planned to punch you as punishment for disturbing my sleep, but I can"t punch that face, after all, if I punch you you"ll probably die, so just leave"

So he says as he moves to close the door

"Wait! You haven"t said who you are, who are you!?"

I still don"t know who/what he actually is

Even so, he heartlessly closed the door

(……what was that?)

Even though he learned my name, he didn"t do anything

He just said he was sleeping and I disturbed him so he wanted to punch me but……what did he mean by saying he can"t punch that face I wonder

My facial structure is quite good if I do say so myself, but it definitely loses out to that man

(He said if he punched someone they"d die, I wonder if he was serious?)

He didn"t seem like he had that much muscle, but what an unfathomable opponent

I think he was most likely serious, since just now I was suddenly terrified

I put on the armor I had taken off

However, there"s no way I can just go back like this

I once again knock on the door

Since I now know that someone"s in there, I continue knocking until someone comes

I stop after a bit and the door finally opens

He shows up once again with a displeased expression

"Is there still something else?"

"…….what kind of person are you, you still haven"t said"

It may not seem like much, but I need to properly hear his reply

"Demon G.o.d"


Auditory hallucination?

It seems I heard some strange words?

"That "DemonG.o.d" is your name?"


The moment I understand my hot bloodedness quickly recedes

"Wh, what, sort of thing…….demon G.o.d-!?"

What he said wasn"t demon king

Rather demon G.o.d, such a thing, isn"t it just a fictional thing?

Such an existence is in front of me

"Wh, what is your purpose!?"

I"m trembling shamefully, but it can"t be helped


He tilts his head and I can"t sense any bloodthirst from him, but my terror continues to grow

"Why did you appear here!?"

"Since before I realized it, I found myself standing here"


"I was only just born yesterday"


"Is that enough? Aah, I won"t go off and attack anyone so relax, rather than do such a troublesome thing I"d prefer to sleep"


While I thought he was one sidedly speaking, he once again closed the door

Even so—

(a demon G.o.d, such a thing! I have to hurry and inform the village)

Although he said to relax, there"s no guarantee ho won"t attack

(How to say, I, have become subordinate to a demon G.o.d……?)

A person can only become subordinate to one person in their lifetime

Since a person will often end up being called by their name in front of others, others will inevitably hear their name

However, only when the first person to call your name says your name will you be forced to obey

And so, the person I"ll have to obey, I should get others to kill him

Only, it seems when that guy is stronger than the person that tries to kill him he can make the other submit

It seems to be through some sort of divine blessing

But someone who"s stronger than a demon G.o.d probably doesn"t exist

—it seems that demon G.o.ds really exist

I"ll return to the village to report this

There"s a village chief in the village, I"ll report about this to him

The village chief can be the one to tell the village and come to a consensus about what to do

However, even if I say there is a demon G.o.d he probably won"t believe me

For one thing I"m not injured at all, even though I should have met a demon G.o.d

For another thing, most people don"t believe in the existence of demon G.o.ds

Even I"m still only half convinced, now that you mention it, I start to think whether or not he was lying

However, the castle appeared in so little time so we should at least be cautious, also there"s no doubt he"s considerably strong

For now, let"s just cautiously wait and see while continuing to patrol

Since then, I haven"t met that self-proclaimed demon G.o.d

There"s no signs of him coming out or of anyone knocking on his door

(Although he said he"d only just been born, was he really serious?)

There was a complicated feeling as to whether or not he was an adult, though he looked like one

"I wonder if it"s because he"s a demon G.o.d?"

However, in the end nothing happened

He did say he"d rather sleep than attack, but is it perhaps because he was just born that he"s sleepy?

Despite having learned my name, he hasn"t done anything

He hasn"t ordered me to do anything either

Going myself to meet that demon G.o.d that won"t come out feels a bit awkward

Although I shouldn"t want to meet him I can"t stop thinking about him, is it because I"ve been subordinated……..

Like that one day, the demon G.o.d appeared in the village

It was because we let down our guard, I remember being terrified


"It"s the demon G.o.d! Don"t think, just hurry up and run"

Due to my words, everyone took refuge in their houses

Though if that guy"s seriously a demon G.o.d, there"s not much point to doing so

I peek outside through the window

That guy"s just slowly walking while looking around

Occasionally stopping and looking into a house or a store

But he"ll quickly lose interest and start walking again

After a short while he sits down at a table in a nearby storefront

And then in the next moment he began to doze off

"Hey, he"s sleeping"


It seems I was overly cautious

Is it since he"s a demon G.o.d that he doesn"t need to put up his guard at all?

Since that guy"s sleeping, everyone came out of their houses to look

I also went out

Although I think we should keep a distance, everyone already went ahead and surrounded him while he continued to sleep

Since the time I first met him he had been wearing a simple white piece of clothing that went down to his ankles, but today he was wearing a dark blue piece of clothing with and expensive looking decoration attached to it

Although he still had the same high quality appearance, the opponent is a demon G.o.d

Perhaps scared of his terrifying beauty, even women don"t approach him

Even the men who spend most of their time wearing armor hesitate to approach

Indeed, how terrifying

Even though the opponent is only sleeping, my body is trembling

As I thought he was probably being truthful when he said he was a demon G.o.d

It seems that only one person had the resolve to approach him

That man was the person in the village with the most battle experience

But before he could get any closer, that guy woke up

That guy"s jet black eyes captured him

Perhaps he panicked because that guy suddenly woke up, but like that he tried to attack that guy

It was the first time I"d seen him lose his composure like that

And so, it was also the first time I"d seen someone catch his strike barehanded

No, there"s probably no point in watching anymore

—as long as it"s that guy (demon G.o.d)


The stopped sword, due to his grasp, shattered into pieces

"…..even though I haven"t done anything, since you still tried to kill me are you prepared to suffer the consequences?"

Not believing it could break, the instant I saw the hand leave the remains of the sword, he said so and stood up

Certainly, that guy hasn"t done anything

But it"s impossible not to fear a guy who can break a sword barehanded

Just like that the women run away and the men recoil

"Rune, you, you"ve been subordinated by this guy right? Do something"

The village chief says out that that guy knows my name

So he says, but there"s no way I can do anything

I try saying something, but there"s no way for me to oppose him


Since the number of people decreased, it seems he could hear us

He said my alias

And then I was shocked when he noticed me and my body shook as his eyes locked onto me

"Luidia Rontes, take off the armor"


I didn"t think he"d make me do this in front of everyone

While feeling humiliated I undressed

However I could only glare at him

"……I thought you were a cat, but it seems you"re a dog"

While looking at me, that guy spoke some unforgivable words

"I am a WOLF!"

"Wolf? ……you don"t seem that vicious, rather you seem so weak I can only see that as a bluff"

His word hit the bulls-eye and put me at a loss for words

Certainly I am a timid cowardly person

"……in that way you are similar to that guy"

That guy faintly smiled and bewildered the me who was trying to glare at him

Since his eyes seemed awfully tender

(Do I resemble this demon G.o.d"s acquaintance?)

Is that why earlier he held back from punching me?

That guy was a bit taller than me

His tender look quickly disappeared

(But it hasn"t been that long since the demon G.o.d"s been born right?)

I should have met him the day after he was born

And before that he said he had been sleeping

So to be this demon G.o.d"s acquaintance, when could they have met?

"Is that a demon?"

While I was deeply thinking about it, unbelievable words came out from that guy"s mouth

I turned my head, and there actually is a demon there

It"s easy to recognize a demon

Those guys all have horns

"It"s a demon! Deploy emergency maneuvers!"


Everyone ran to their positions at once, but I had taken off my armor

I also put down my sword

In a hurry I tried to put on my armor, but there was not enough time so I could only draw my sword


The armor next to me began to float


When I looked again, it had already become small and with an appearance like a gem of iron

(My armor……)

The three centimeter sphere in the demon G.o.d"s hand was thrown towards the demon

Dokaaan….(explosion sfx)

The demon was blown away together with a roaring sound

I, as well as everyone running, as well as the village chief giving instructions, everyone is agape

"Hehh…..compression is quite amusing"

The demon G.o.d standing alone mutters to himself

There"s already no question that he"s a demon G.o.d

The demon that had just appeared was a relatively weak for a demon, but it was still at the level where it would take all of the men in the village to defeat it

Because the demons can use magic and their physical ability is high as well

For the beastmen who can only fight in melee range, magic is our weakness

So we can only win by continuing to attack it so it cannot fire off magic

And so, that guy merely threw one hit and it was over

Moreover, with my armor

"My armor!"

Although it was cheap, even so it was important to me

"Since you have my divine protection you can"t die okay? As long as it’s not me killing you"


Since it was something I was always wearing, without it I"ve lost my heart

"Since it"s been completely crushed, I"ll give you a different one"

Saying so, before I even realized, armor appeared in the demon G.o.d"s hand

It was much better than the one I was wearing before

"S,such good quality……."

I can"t accept it

But, it also seems like I can"t return it

Moreover, the yawning demon G.o.d said he was sleepy and disappeared

We all could only stare in a daze and stand stock still for the moment

[Luidia"s side will still continue]

TN: I was going to release 3 chapters, but it’s already Sat.u.r.day and I’m still only half done with the third chapter, so only two chapters again this week (though they’re both a lot longer than last week’s chapters)

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