I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 47

Rau side

Rau side

After a long time I played with a child near my age

Haju is a spirit, but he"s the child I saw after a long time

In the garden there are elves that look like they"re 10 but they"re actually already 30 you know!

Even older than Rune

Even though I can"t see them that way at all

Listening to Dea, elves grow much slower than other races

I don"t really get it, but I get that beastmen and elves are different

After all, I heard that Dea"s 110

While talking with Shin-sama, the clothes that should have been dirty became clean

It"s Shin-sama"s power

The thing called magic

Rona said that Shin-sama"s is special, but demon G.o.d-samas and such should obviously be special

After showing the toguneen we grew in the garden, Haju was quite surprised

That"s how it should be

Me too, it was my first time seeing such a big toguneen

Shin-sama said it was because he mixed fertilizer into the field

I wonder what "fertilizer" is?

After asking Dea, he said that it was something that sped up growth, but I didn"t really get it

I just got that the so-called fertilizer was the cause of the toguneen getting so big

Running around with everyone after such a long time, is fun

I fell down a bunch, but I wasn"t injured

I gave the toguneen to Haju

As a symbol of friendship

Even I told Shin-sama that I gave it away, he won"t get angry

Shin-sama"s never gotten angry with me

Papa and Mama often got angry and scolded me

Since I quickly got my clothes dirty

He said he"d take me to Haju"s place again!

After returning to the castle he told me, but it"s fine even if my friends are in other villages it seems

He said that he would just bring me to other villages as well

Of the people I"ve met up to now, Shin-sama"s the most gentle

"You know, Haju, he said that in the nearby village there"s a sweet honeysuckle flower"

"Is that so"

"When we go next time, can we go together?"


Shin-sama put me on top of his lap and pat my head

Really, I really like Shin-sama!

He doesn"t seem to be too tired today, Shin-sama"s been up the whole time

Shin-sama"s a person that often sleeps there are lots of times that when he sleep he keeps on sleeping

There are also times he sleeps for about a month, and even if I"m in the same room as him since Shin-sama is sleeping it"s lonely

There are also times when occasionally he locks his door closed

At those times since I can"t even see his face, it"s super lonely

Doing something like crying from loneliness, up to now I haven"t done it much

When I heard that the demon king ate papa and mama I cried, but since Shin-sama will always be with me I thought that it wasn"t that lonely

Rune said that I should think of Shin-sama as like a papa, but papa"s should be older and so if I had to say, he seems more like an oniisan [brother] I guess?

An awfully strong and reliable oniisan

With a face even prettier than mama"s and with glossy and silky hair

Shin-sama is pretty

That is undeniable

Rune as well as Dea as well as Rona all say so

The people in the garden, I heard them say that they would like to try talking to Shin-sama

Which reminds me, I"ve never seen Shin-sama [take the initiative to] talk to them

Though I see Dea talk to them everyday

"Shin-sama, won"t you talk with everyone?"


"The people in the garden"

"Ah—…….since those guys aren"t my things"

(Nn? What does that mean, I don"t really get it…..)

When I tilt my head, Shin-sama puts his hand on my head with a *patpat*

Shin-sama calling out to [talk to] someone is always just for the four living in the castle

He doesn"t even smile at others

I was told that in a bit I would go to school

I was told that school is a place to study and where other children gather

However, it seems it costs money and they said that it would probably just be all humans there

Humans are…..scary

I mean, mama always told me so

Because humans all easily do cruel things

Because if you"re caught by humans, you can"t be happy

Since the ones in school are children, will I be alright?

Will they not be that scary?

Is it no good to have Haju come with?

I"ll try asking Shin-sama

If it costs money then I can only ask Shin-sama

I received money to go shopping, but since the money"s from Shin-sama I don"t want to use it for things besides that [shopping]

"Haju, huh……..since Haju is living in that village he can"t commute to school"

It seems we can"t go together

…..how lonely

"Haju, can"t live in the castle?"

Even though there"s nothing he needs to be scared of if he"s in Shin-sama"s castle

There"s a bunch of food, there"s also a bunch of pretty clothes and ribbons

There"s a fluffy bed to sleep on as well as a bath

Even though it"s all such good things

"Since Haju has his parents"

"…….I see"

That"s right, isn"t it

He wouldn"t want to leave his papa and mama

My papa and mama were eaten, but Haju"s papa and mama are with him

……in that case, can papa and mama and Haju, the three of them, come live in the castle?

Would they also not want to be separated from the people in the village?

…..as expected, is it no good…..?

Even though I thought it would be fun if we could be together…..

"Sorry, I can"t replace Rau"s parents"

I shake my head as he pats it

Shin-sama"s done nothing wrong

Rune said it

If we went to travel like that at that time we would have definitely been caught by either humans or demons

We were saved by Shin-sama

"[I] really like Shin-sama!"

That won"t ever change

Shin-sama squeezed me

Today"s the day to harvest sa.s.shyuri

Though actually it should take more days it seems

That fertilizer is amazing!

Moreover, the sa.s.shyuri are bigger than ones I"ve seen up to now

Everyone was surprised

Everyone went to pull them up by their leaves, but—


Only I couldn"t do it

Pulling out only the leaves I fell on my b.u.t.t

My clothes were already muddied

Even though Rune as well as Dea as well as Rona could all properly pull them up

While saying how difficult yet even still pulling up so many

I haven"t pulled up even one yet

Shin-sama yawned while sitting in his chair and watching

It seems that Shin-sama dislikes field work

Occasionally he could use magic, but since he"d finish it all in an instant he said he wouldn"t do anything until we became tired

(Even though I wanted to show me pulling it up to Shin-sama ~……)

I refuse to give up

While I pull on the leaves looking like I"m going to cry—

"Rau, let"s pull together"

Rune"s voice came

Rune is gentle

Even from the time we were in the village he would come play with me and such

Rune wasn"t pulling it up in my place, but doing it with me

I like that about him

"Then, let"s pull. One, two~!"

On my count, we pulled together

And then, it finally came out

I fell on my but again, but since I was happy I couldn"t feel the pain

"It came out!"

"Do you want to go show Shin-sama?"


I took that sa.s.shyuri and went towards Shin-sama

It was even heavier than the toguneen so carrying it was difficult

However, after showing it to Shin-sama, he said "you pulled it up well" and pat my head

I told him that Rune helped me to, and he said "I see" and pat my head again

At that time, even though I was entirely covered in mud, I became clean

This was Shin-sama"s magic

Since I quickly get my clothes dirty, Shin-sama often uses this power

"This sa.s.shyuri, can it be given to Haju?"


Shin-sama once again gives his permission

He"s really gentle

Even so, he"s a demon G.o.d and there are humans that come to attack him, but Shin-sama hasn"t even done anything bad

Humans are scary

Rune also said that he dislikes humans

Because even though he hasn"t done anything, they still come to attack Shin-sama

That"s why he practices with his sword

Right now his power is still weak, so he can"t win against humans and it seems useless, but from now on he"ll become strong and he said he"ll become Shin-sama"s shield

Like that, in order to protect Shin-sama, will Rune die?

However, since he has Shin-sama"s divine protection, he said he wouldn"t die

I don"t really get it

I was taken once again to the village where Haju was, and pa.s.sed over the sa.s.shyuri

They were surprised again, not just Haju but everyone in the village

As expected, it seems it"s their first time seeing such a big sa.s.shyuri

When I told them this was also grown in the castle"s garden"s field, they asked what else was growing

After, they said "how nice~"

Even though it would be fine if Haju came to Shiin-sama"s castle too……

After that, he took me along to the place in the forest where a lot of flowers bloomed

Haju and I licked the flower nectar and Shin-sama watched over us from behind

Shin-sama said that since he even if he eats something he can"t taste, so he doesn"t eat anything

He said being alright even not eating anything is because he"s a demon G.o.d

Saying it"s fine even without eating, I wonder why that is?

Even though Shin-sama is here?

Rau side end

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