I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 49

Guld Festival < birthday="">

The knight came again

Seriously, this guy is annoying

Even though I keep telling him not to come

It seems that this time he came to tell me to attend something like a harvest celebration called the Guld festival

"Ha? Why should I go to a human festival?"

I was invited to Gudoudotelia"s castle but those guys from other countries will come too it seems

A parade of annoying guys

Moreover other races have nothing to do with the human festival

I tried calling Dea to ask, but it seems other races don"t get to take advantage of the human festival

In other words, Rau and Rune, as well as Rona and Dea have nothing to do there

It"s not like I must go to such a festival

However, there was one miscalculation

According to what the knight said, that festival day, is the birthday that Rau turns five

For the sake of my self-satisfaction I intended to do Shichigosan [celebration/dress up at ages 7 for girls, 5 for boys, and 3 for both], so in order to show off Rau, it"s perfect to go to where the guys from other countries are

The five year old is supposed to be the one for boys, but it"s because she"ll be going to school when she"s seven

As it"s a different world, it"s fine not to stick to the formalities that much

I am interested in dressing her up in a kimono, though

although it"ll be difficult to make the tail hole, since I will make it with my power I should be able to manage

Demon G.o.d power, banzai

"The Guld festival is whatever, but let"s go to show off Rau"

"Ha? What do you mean by that?"

The knight seems to not get it

This world doesn"t seem to have the custom of shichigosan even for the humans, it"s natural he wouldn"t know


I teleported the knight to the royal castle

There"s already nothing more to talk about

On the day, I dressed Rau in a kimono

Rau was instantly dressed in a kimono according to the image I have of it in my head

I can"t do something like a fitting

"Waaaa~ these clothes, cute!"

Rau seems to be pleased so it"s fine

It was a pink colored kimono with a white and red flower pattern on it

The obi was was covered generously with light pink colored lace

I also put up her hair with my power

The collar and sleeves boht have white frills attached

Since Rau seems to like frills

"Are these formal clothes from master"s world?"

Dea asks

I did tell him that kimonos were the formal dress of j.a.pan

"It"s a slightly altered version though"

The formal dress doesn"t have things like frills and lace

Shall I try having the three wear kimonos as well next time?

—No, would a yukata be better?

As for male kimonos, they give off a chivalrous sort of image

"Rau, come"

"This, walking"s difficult"

If you"re unfamiliar with geta, walking would be difficult

"Today it"s fine not to walk"

I held Rau

I don"t intend to have her walk

Since I intend to show her off

The other three have on their normal style

Dea was wearing the servant clothing, but I had him change to different clothes

Since it"s not like this is work

"Well then, shall we go"

Like that everyone was teleported

Even if they don"t hold onto me I can teleport them together

If I desire for the person to come with when teleporting, I learned that they would

Up to now I had to hold them or such, so it"s quite convenient

"Demon G.o.d! So you came"

"I didn"t come for your sake"

The knight approached


I take out a sofa and sit

I"m in the way you say?

Such a thing, as if I care

"Everyone else too, sit"

I call out to the three

Since I took out a sufficiently large sofa, it"s fine even if everyone"s sitting

The three are also dressed nicely


I"m still in sleepwear, but so what?

Though I do have on the veil

Black dress like clothes are my sleepwear

"…..she"s wearing some different clothes, huh"

The knight says when he sees Rau

"Isn"t it cute? ……don"t do anything though"

If she were taken from me I would have to give a fitting retribution

Well, their life would probably be forfeit

Compared to before, I feel like my morals have fallen since coming to this world

Is it because the surroundings would die too quickly

It would be too easy, there would be no feeling of killing

Before, giving one kick wouldn"t have done something like killing a person

"There"s no guy who would take something from the demon G.o.d, right? Since nothing but death would await them"

The knight said so, but the other guys don"t know, right?

Their faces clearly become pale

Now they should know

(That"s right! Speaking of birthdays, there should be cake)

I completely forgot

Even if I bring one out through magic, it"s not easy to bring out things not from this world

It would be faster to just make it

"Hey, lend me your kitchen"

"Kitchen? What would you use such a place for?"

"For cooking, obviously"

There"s no need to go into a kitchen to do anything else

What"s he saying, this guy

"……..demon G.o.d can cook!?"

Is it that surprising?

…..speaking of, in this world, people with power don"t do that sort of thing

Particularly the men

However, this world"s common sense has nothing to do with me

(If it"s this outfit then it"ll get dirty)

Black clothes and white flour…….

It"ll be quite conspicuous

Shall I change clothes

"Hair, shorten. Tie up. Veil, disappear. Change to cook clothes"

My hair became short and tied up at the back, the veil disappeared and I"m now currently wearing cook clothes

"Alright, this should be good. Lead the way"

"……A, aah [yea]"

The knight was in a daze


Was there anything that surprising?

"Shin-sama, where are you going?"

Rau had an anxious expression

"Wait, I"m going to make you a dessert"


Speaking of dessert in this world, it"s mainly fruit

For things like baked sweets there"s only stuff like cookies, it seems there aren"t too many luxury food items

It seems that it"s the same for humans, even in the stores things that fall under the dessert category are only fruits

Besides fruit would be something like fresh-squeezed juice

However, speaking of birthdays, for me there"s an image of a cake, and at a child"s birthday like Rau"s it"s just not the same without a cake

If there isn"t one then it"s fine to make it

Since there are similar ingredients [in this world], it"s possible for me to make

"You four wait here together. It"s fine to ignore the surrounding humans. Because the moment those guys touch you, their arms will be blown off"

I said it so that the surroundings could hear it, and the knight ahead sped up

So he could walk faster, this guy

(Should I make a three tiered cake)

Right before I cut the sponge [cake], I marked three sections

Since there was a machine that resembled an oven range stove, I just had to insert a bit of magic power to adjust [the temperature]

As for something like baking failures…….that"s impossible, right?

Although it would be good to use even bigger tiers, since I"m worried about four left among the human guys, I could only bake one sponge [cake]

I put fruit and cream between the layers and pile it up

Since there was nothing like a cream piping bag, I brought it out with my power

Although it"s troublesome it can"t be helped

It"s for Rau

Since I had the sponge cool down with my power, I was able to make it faster than usual

But I still used magic to teleport and return to where the four were

The knight?

I left him behind

He can walk over on his own, you know?

"Shin-sama, that is?"

"It"s a cake"


As expected, it seems it"s their first time seeing it

The four"s pure eyes gathered on the cake

"Shin-sama! Please teach me the recipe for this kei-ke"

Rona looks up at me with sparkling eyes

He"s the same as ever

"Another time"

I pat his head

I mean this guy is 125 years old

When cooking"s involved, Rona either becomes pa.s.sionate or like a kid

Today it"s like a kid

(Of course, there needs to be candles)

I put in five candles and light them up

"Rau, blow them out"

"Ok~ay, fuuh~"


She couldn"t blow them out

It"s because she just said "fuuh~" with her mouth

I raised a breeze and extinguished them

Since I don"t want wax to drop onto the cake

I divide it into eight more or less equal parts and put them on plates

Since I made one that was quite gigantic, if I divided it into four parts it would probably be too much

As for the remaining half, if they want to eat it it"s fine to eat it later, if they don"t want it it"s fine to throw it away

Since it"s something I made using this castle"s ingredients

I take out a table in front of the sofa and put it there

"Yummy! Swe~et!!"

On top of my lap, Rau put her hand to her cheek as she ate it looking happy

There was cream on the side of her mouth

Although I went to wipe it, that reminds me, I, am wearing gloves



Rau turned towards me, and I licked the cream near her mouth

As expected there was no taste

Even though it should be sweet since I used quite a bit of the sugar-like flavoring

"Next time I"ll make a different cake"


"Since it"ll soon be Rune"s birthday"


Rune looked on blankly

Since there"s no custom of celebrating birthdays, it probably seems strange

Dea and Rona"s birthdays?

Don"t know

Should I ask them next time

It"s already been more than half a year since those two came, their birthdays might have already pa.s.sed though

(However, for shichigosan……I don"t really know what to do)

I only know about going to the shrine and getting chitose candy

What else do you do?

In this world there is no shinto priest

There"s no shrine maiden either

It seems a shinto priest like guy does exist, but this world"s humans are annoying

As expected, making candy is troublesome

Also, I don"t know how to make it, would it be alright

The four are single-mindedly eating the cake

Even Rona who doesn"t really eat sweet things, doesn"t stop moving his fork

(……Aren"t they eating too much?)

Won"t they have a stomach ache later?

However, the cake was gigantic and as expected it seems I made too much, and half remained

"……..demon G.o.d, that, if you don"t want it, won"t you give it to me?"

The knight spoke to me

"Since it"s something I made from this place"s ingredients, if you want it take it"

It completely feels like I"m throwing it away

"Really! Then, I"ll take it"

He took each plate

Can he really eat that much cake?

Is what I thought, but it seems he divided it to eat

The royalty, knights, and magicians, everyone gathered

However, doesn"t that mean there would only be one bite per person?

Although it"s gigantic, that"s when it"s for just four, there"s too many people

I can hear them make a commotion time after time, but I can only think of them as annoying

I ignore them and pat Rau"s head

Incidentally, I already returned to my previous outfit a while ago

I also re-equipped the veil

Rune sighs in relief, but since everyone"s already seen my face I think it"s already too late

"Today"s Rau"s birthday. Today I"ll grant any wish"

For today only, I"ll listen to and indulge any of Rau"s willfulness

Well, by which I mean anything that I am capable of doing, it"s probably implied

"Really!? Then, then……I want to be together with Shin-sama"

"And then?"

"Take this off"

Rau pointed at the veil

"Rau, that"s no good!"

Rune panicked

However, today Rau takes precedence in pampering

"Veil, disappear…….and then?"

"Shin-sama also dresses up!"

It"s not my preference, but I change to some gorgeous clothes

"Hair, tie up"

My hair does itself up and is tied off with a hair clasp

"Shin-sama, pretty!"

"Is that so. Isn"t Rau cuter?"

Saying I"m pretty, for me it isn"t a compliment, but since Rau"s the one saying it, I"ll endure

When I pat her head with a smiling face, Rau smiles looking happy

"Rau, congratulations on turning five"

Since I haven"t said it yet


"Aah, since it"s been five years since Rau was born"

As there"s no custom of congratulations on birthdays, even if I tell her congratulations she probably can"t understand the meaning

Rau honestly probably still doesn"t get the meaning I think

Well, that"s fine

I just wanted to congratulate her

Unexpectedly, even though the surroundings were quiet I noticed when I looked up, those guys were frozen while looking this way

Moreover, their faces were red

(Have they been drinking?)

No, I would have seen them drinking

However, why is every one of them looking this way?

It feels disgusting

From next to me Rune tugs my clothes and glances towards me with his eyebrows scrunched up

"What"s wrong?"

"Won"t you wear the veil?"

As I thought, it seems he doesn"t want me to show my face

"Since Rau asked"

Today"s the day I will listen to Rau"s willfulness

I pat his head, but he made an dissatisfied looking expression

"But, you know, Shin-sama is this pretty, right? If everyone knows, they won"t attack even if he"s called the demon G.o.d, right?"

Whether he came to an understanding from something Rau said or not, Rune said nothing more

However it"s useless

Being a demon G.o.d and my appearance have nothing to do with each other

The guys who will attack will probably still attack

She probably said so because she doesn"t know this world"s humans very well, but Rune as well as Rau both don"t need to know about such dirty things

Though I also want to protect such parts [their naivety]

As I honestly think so while watching the two, the annoying guys approach

"I can understand why Sei-dono proposed to demon G.o.d-sama now. Demon G.o.d-sama won"t you marry me?"

Moreover, it"s a proposal

These guys, their brains are all equally damaged

"Doyle-sama!? You mustn"t! You have to leave behind descendants……!"

The man who seems to be his attendant is panicking

When it comes to a king, even if same s.e.x marriage is legal, they still have to leave behind descendants

Though it"s nothing to do with me

"To actually propose, are you making fun of me? If I married an annoying b.a.s.t.a.r.d like you, I"d throw up"

It feels disgusting

Why must I be proposed to by these annoying ossans

If I weren"t the demon G.o.d I"d send you flying

If the current me punched him, this guy would die

"In that case, who will the demon G.o.d-sama marry?"

Why is he talking like I must get married?

This ossan

"I don"t feel like getting married"

Isn"t such a thing up to the person?

"Just now, what did you say?"

How persistent

Whether or not I get married has nothing to do with this ossan

"Knight send this annoying guy away"

He"s a bother

"To once again call Doyle-sama annoying….!"

The annoying knight (though everyone"s annoying) was also there

The guy who"s Kieshye"s governor

Should I separate him away from me already

"Seize them"

All the humans were caged

(Alright then, separation complete)

In return, it was loud

"Shin-sama, can we go to town?"

"That"s right, shall we go show off Rau"

"Show off?"

"Since Rau is cute"

I held Rau

The three also stood up and the sofa disappeared

Like that I teleported to town

After a while the cage should disappear on its own

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