I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 51

Newly Invited People

The new cohabitants are human children

….since they"ll be living in the garden, I guess they aren"t really cohabitants

Everyone was an orphan abandoned by their parents

No matter what world, there will exist such selfish parents

Although the oldest one was Alvin, it seems he"s only 11

Listeica—alias Reese―is 10 years old, Trileis―alias Twin—and Radian―alias Ray—are 8 years old, Maridenie―alias Mardie―is 7 years old and Freelantz―alias Fran―is 5 years old

Together with those guys who were still quite young and the one who repeatedly stole things in order for them all to survive, Alvin―alias Alba

If I were to say who I was interested in, it would undoubtedly be Alba

It would be good if Fran could become Rau"s playmate, but I only thought that much of it

Alba"s way of thinking and personality suit my tastes

For the time being since they"re children, I had them all subordinate to me though

Alba who will protect others even if he has to sacrifice himself, is an unusual guy among this world"s humans

"Dea, put them into the bath. Rona, after that feed them something"


After I heard the two reply, I left them all at the castle and teleported to the village where Haju was

"You know, today, Rau, turned five, and you know these clothes, Shin-sama got them for me! Aren"t they cute?"

Rau showed them off to everyone

Haju and the others stared blankly

Well, that"s how it would be, huh

They wouldn"t understand the value of the clothes after all

I also brought them out on the spot

At the time, I thought of high quality goods though

"This is the spirit"s village……"

It seems it"s Rune"s first time coming to another village and he"s looking around restlessly

His childlike parts like this are cute

To act mature when he"s [actually] like this

Moreover, whether he"s being cautious or not, he won"t leave my side

Like usual I take out a chair and watch Haju and Rau chat

Since she"s wearing a kimono today, she won"t run around

After she"s done chatting I"ll take her back

"Isn"t Shin-sama super pretty? You know, after Rau said to, he dressed up for Rau"

It seems she"s also chatting about me

Today, Rau keeps calling me "pretty"

For man to get called pretty…..you know?

It doesn"t make me at all happy

"Rau, let"s return for today"


Since we came today to just show off, they won"t be playing

There are six kids, and I pressured the two [to stop chatting] like that

"[We"ll] come again"


Perhaps Haju is still scared of me, even now his expression stiffens

Holding Rau, together with Rune, I return to the castle


It should disappear on its own

When we returned to the castle, the six were in the dining room

Their table manners…….since they"re orphans it can"t be helped

"Although you were fed here today, you guys will be living in the garden. Other races are also there, but there are three rules here: don"t discriminate against other races, don"t kill anyone, and don"t lay a hand on my things. If you don"t abide by these [rules] then you will be thrown out"

The six who had their mouths stuffed full, hurriedly nodded over and over

"I"ll build you guys a house later, it"s probably best to keep you six together"

Since they are all children

"Ask whatever questions you have to the guys in the garden. Get your food from the women in the garden"

The work of the guys in the garden, for the men it"s generally field work

However, there is an elf child (though they"re actually 30) and since that guy has no strength he does things like laundry with the women

Since there"s no work for these guys, they"ll clean the wall

Even if I let them make a field from now on, they are just children, and furthermore orphans, so they probably won"t be able to do it

Even properly giving them money should be fine, and since they"ll also have allowance payments they should be able to get by

"If there"s something you want tell Dea. Fran……. It would be good if you could be Rau"s playmate"

As expected, for a five year old child, working would be impossible

The other children as well, truthfully, it would be fine for them to not do anything either though

That is a type of ethics

It would even be fine for them to attend school

It would be good for them to attend together with Rau next year, but everyone"s ages are spread out

I don"t have any knowledge about if you can get admitted midway through, would they all be in their first year?

I wonder if that can that be done?

Since it"s a human school, it seems to be divided by age, so it seems it would be unreasonable

As expected, the one to attend school would be Fran

It should be enough for Dea to teach the remaining guys

"Rau, change clothes"

Rau should be having trouble moving [in those clothes] so I returned her to the clothes she was wearing before she wore the kimono

After they finished eating I took the six to the garden

Everyone instantly makes an unpleasant expression over the humans

However, as the other party are children and furthermore they hear that they"re orphans, their displeasure seems to disappear

I build a single house and make three bunk beds inside

As well as a table and six chairs

Since there are furnishings stored away, it should be fine even if I don"t bring out other furniture

I take out and pa.s.s them cleaning implements

"As for cleaning the wall, do it little by little everyday. It"s fine to do it within what you"re able to"

The amount they can do in one day won"t be much, and as the other party are children I have no intention of telling them to do such an impossible task

"Can you guys use magic?"

After asking, the six all tilt their heads

Since they were abandoned, perhaps they don"t know whether or not they can use it

"Ask Rona how to bring out magic power. If you want to learn swordsmanship, have Dea take you to the courtyard. Since you guys are children I"ve given you my divine protection, but after you become an adult it"s fine to leave. You"re going to have to become [capable] so that when you leave here you can live even without my divine protection"

Human"s true strength is in community

If they excel with the sword they could become knights, and even if they can"t become knights they could still become palace guards

If they excel in magic techniques, they could become magicians

In that case, it doesn"t matter if they"re orphans

"Eh…..!? Master, you can make the divine protection disappear?"

Dea asked in surprise

Speaking of, once its given making the divine protection disappear is not something humans do

If you"re going to do such a troublesome troublesome, then they could just to kill them

"If they have magic power, then anyone can do it. It"s just that they don"t"

It seems it intensely consumes quite a bit of magic power and it"s not like all humans have magic power

"Such a thing…….it seems there"s still quite a lot that I don"t know"

"If it"s Dea then I don"t mind telling you. Ask whatever you want"

In this world, the one who know the true history the best, excluding myself, would be Dea

"Shin-sama, uhm, the kei-ke recipe, when can you teach me?"

Even though he has the long life of a spirit, it seems his interest in history is only that much

Rona"s interested in nothing but cooking

"When it"s Rune"s birthday, how about we make it together?"

It would probably be easier to remember if he sees it

Rona"s eyes sparkled and he repeatedly nodded

These sorts of parts of him are quite cute

For me, I like such childish guys

Though actual children are off-limits

Things like selfish kids are annoying, and mature kids make me want to hit them

My childhood…..currently, if a guy similar [to me during my childhood] appeared before me, I would hit them

"Food will be provided, things like clothes will be made [by someone else] and given to you, pay will be pa.s.sed to you all at once. From this castle to the town is quite some distance and dangerous, there are also demons that appear, so don"t go out on your own. It should be fine to give you your pay when you leave the castle?"

I bought the other guys and they will live their life out in the garden, but these guys are different

If I tried to put it into words, during the time everyone"s employed I"ll be taking care of them, sort of feeling

Although their eyes swam around and they looked confused, Alba nodded

"These human children will stay here until they become adults?"

Unexpectedly, a bear spoke to me

The names of the guys in the garden, even now I still don"t know them

I also don"t ask

When I bought them, I received the doc.u.ments with their names written, but I burned them up before I read them

"Aah, for now"

There"s a chance that I might have them continue staying here though

"Do you like children? Since there"s no prohibition on you guys loving, if you want to make children it"s fine to go ahead and make them"


They seem surprised, but I don"t remember saying even a single word about something like a prohibition

These guys also aren"t slaves

"If among you you have kids, if I feel like it, I"ll give them my divine protection. If you want them to get an education, I can also send them to school"

All the guys in the garden are surprised, but, have I said something strange?


"Since Rau and Rune are my things, it is your duty to continuously remain by my side"

I held the two

Rune seemed to be feeling jealous, but when I held him he looked embarra.s.sed and hid his face

Rau smiled looking happy though

"For the time being, you guys should become adults, those future things can be decided at that time"

I said to Alba and the others and entered the castle while holding Rune and Rau

Dea should explain anything further to them

My intervention, will only be up to here

"Rau, will you go to school with Fran?"

"……with Fran?"

She seems to be scared of strangers

"Since you will be playing together from now on you will soon become friends"

And the case where they can"t become friends?

…..I will keep them separate

I won"t let them near Rau

However, although Rau has a fear of strangers, when she becomes accustomed to them she"ll immediately properly chat with them

Since at her core she is a cheerful child

The type that can make friends with anyone

On the other hand, Rune is negative

Though I prefer such negative guys [TN: that"s why you end up with yanderes]

Feeling down at the slightest thing and becoming gloomy, such guys, they are cute and looking at them is calming

Well, it"s probably because of my personality

Author"s note saying thanks and that they didn"t intend to make the protagonist an ore-sama character to this extent…..

TN: Halfway done!!

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