I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 6

Acquiring a Dog and Cat

(The teary expression on that face is fragile looking)

Since I have my previous memories, his similar crying expression made me feel unsettled

The Luidia who begged me to help him—alias, Rune

I don"t know to what degree, but Rune is similar to him

Even though he"s weak, he also has places where he"s strong, and places where he will brood alone thinking in circles, and places where he easily succ.u.mbs to loneliness as a crybaby…….

He also came to me numerous times clinging to me and crying

By his appearance he seemed like someone who would frequently fight, but that guy was someone weak who wouldn"t do such things

While that guy was often beat up, I often beat up the ones who hit him

He often told me "you went overboard", but I personally never felt like I did

Since I threw the beat up guys off from the school"s second floor, I could understand why the people around seemed to draw back

(Speaking of, while guys would come talk to me at school, no girl would)

Though of the guys there was only him

The other guys wouldn"t even meet my eyes

While thinking those things I defeated the demon

His blood is blue and makes me feel disgusted

If he at least looked human and had red blood I probably would have hesitated to kill him, but somehow fighting this guy completely gives off a feeling of defeating elementary level monster

Both the demons and the demon king are weak

Is it because the demon G.o.d is an evil character that those guys let my words pa.s.s uninterrupted and listen

Though I only really use words laced with magic

When I was alone in my castle, occasionally when I woke up I would practice the way to use magic

As I thought, cleaning when I want is easy with it, since it can be used, I want to be able to use it

It seems like in this world demons are easily killed existences, they"ll be good for practicing

I feel like there"ll probably be a survivor at the village, so I head to the village

I use life detection and as expected there"s a survivor

Hidden inside a secret wall s.p.a.ce, curled up there is a beastman child, when they come out they are crying

The child seems to be called Rau, seems like a cat type

Rune, too, is making a face like he"ll cry any minute now

It seems like they"re going to go to another village, but from this world"s common knowledge, it seems living in this world is full of difficulties for beastmen

To say nothing of when you"re being enc.u.mbered by a child, getting captured would be easy

Will they be enslaved, or sold, or killed

That is a beastman"s fate

For a guy with a similar face to that guy to have that sort of future, as expected I don"t want to think of such a thing

Rau, too, is still small

With this, as an adult, although I should just leave it alone

I have no duty to save unrelated people

However, I invited them to my castle

Anyhow, with the exception of my room, no other room is being used

But, as far as inviting those two to my castle is concerned—

(Although I can live just fine without eating, these guys are different huh? What should I do about…….food…….)

Before, at the time I was taking a stroll, there was a store like place

But, how to say…..it was a pretty modest livelihood in my memory

I didn"t see anyone wearing rags, more like it seemed to be rather primitive

In this world the life for a beastman in unforgiving

(First is getting food ingredients, after that is money)

While they are gathering their luggage, I return to the castle

In this world the most common placement for beastmen is weakest, followed by elves and spirits, the ones at the top are humans


Since I"m a demon G.o.d, I"m even higher than humans

Higher than demon kings as well

In short, I"m the strongest

—Well, if there"s another demon G.o.d it might be a different story

I"m glad I looked a bit into the other rooms

If I ended up as a lost child in my own castle, I"ll be seriously sorry

Though it"s not like I"ve looked through all the rooms yet

On the first floor there"s a large dining room

There"s a long table that would seat tens of people, you couldn"t help but have the feeling of as expected of a demon G.o.d"s castle

I thought there wasn"t anything that would be used, but if those two come here it was the right thing to have this prepared

(Well then, what shall I say?)

Somehow or other, I"ve only used words laced with magic, invoking magic

Those other guys who used magic seemed to have to chant some spell ordinarily

Demons have an advantageous familiarity with magic, so it seems they don"t need to chant any spell

I, far from a spell, just speak words and lace them with magic to just forcibly enact magic only

"Just bring ingredients beastmen can eat from the other castle"

Although I don"t know what exactly beastmen eat, it wasn"t in that knowledge I received, so, no choice

I summon a lot of ingredients that those two should be able to eat, since I applied preservation on everything nothing should rot

(Next is money)

Whenever I try to bring things out with the exception of when I make them, this world"s things come out

In other words, it"s become stealing from some guy somewhere I don"t know

The ingredients from just now also seem to be like that

This castle is perhaps a demon king"s castle, though it probably had to be from a human"s castle

If it"s a demon king"s castle there won"t be any normal food ingredients, so I"d end up taking them from a human castle

This world"s humans seem to be a bit cruel, buying and selling beastmen and other races as well as enslaving them

So stealing a bit from them is probably fine

"Money obtained through unlawful means, collect"

I say so in a treasury-like place, enough money to be buried in is gathered

Are there really that many unlawful guys out there…….

So there"s no problem if I use an entire phrase

Anyhow, they probably won"t come to get it back

They shouldn"t be able to find out who stole it

(Alrighty then, shall I return)

I returned to the beastman village, and the two were carrying a small amount of luggage

"Not much, huh"

I unintentionally said my thoughts aloud about the not very much luggage

There are a variety of little things needed for daily life

Later, it should be fine to buy whatever they"re lacking

I held Rau and grabbed Rune by the arm to return to the castle

I guide them around the dining room and their rooms as well as showing them my room

To do such a thing as use the stairs, but since this is a time of exploration 

Since beastmen can"t use magic, having to guide them around while walking, it"s troublesome

As for my room, it"s really on the top floor

The moment we enter the room, their eyes become round and the two stand stock still

They keep making that face wherever I guide them

"It"s dangerous, so don"t go outside as much as possible, if you have to go outside no matter what put this on"

As expected, knowing how beastmen are treated I can"t help but be overprotective

What I offer to them is a slave collar

If they wear this, it should significantly reduce the guys who raise their hands towards them so it"s slightly preferable

There would be no meaning if these guys got taken and become some other guys slaves

There"s no choice but to subordinate

If the goal was to eat (them) like a demon does, it would be a different story though

"Rau, say your name"

"Raujiri Handeo"

"Raujiri Handeo, huh?"

It would probably be a good idea to give Rau my divine protection as well

With this even if she"s caught by a demon, they won"t be able to eat her

The collar is a specially made item I put magic power in so it would hard to abduct them

Once I"ve taken someone in I don"t have any desire to relinquish them

If someone tries to take them from me, they should be prepared to die

As I am now a demon G.o.d, I should be able to do whatever I feel like

"Demon G.o.d……no, is there no better way to call you than "demon G.o.d"?"

While I was thinking dark thoughts, Rune started to speak

Speaking of which, I don"t have a name yet, huh

If you tell others your name you will be subordinated to them, but even if I say my name Rune can"t subordinate me

The reason is simple, because I"m strong

To subordinate someone, if the other person is weaker they can"t do it

In other words, even if I name myself, the only person who could subordinate me would be another demon G.o.d, or rather someone at at least a G.o.d level power

But even so, my name, is too long, so I don"t feel like saying it

"Shin is fine"

My name when I was human was Shinya

"Shin" was the way that that guy would call me occasionally

The nickname from that one and only person

"Shin-sama,Thank you for saving us"

The Rune who is bowing his head even now has a face that looks like he is about to cry

For such a guy to plan to take a child like Rau to travel on a journey

It would"ve ended up with them immediately being captured

"Shin-sama, thank you"

Imitating Rune, Rau also bowed

……as soon as I think so, she suddenly bursts into tears

(What"s this?)

I haven"t done anything

I hug her and those tiny hands grasp my clothes

Somehow or other, it seems like she"s crying out of relief

Common knowledge about beastmen, even such a small child would probably know it

Beastmen children would be sold for money, and in the future in order to become a slave or s.e.x-slave she would undergo brainwashing

That is something that is common even for other races it seems, elves can be sold more expensively since they are good looking, such is also common knowledge of this world

The price of a spirit depends on their magic power, and they are often trained to be guards

This world"s humans, really just act however they please

Well, if anything happens, I too will act however I please

Because of Rau"s (seemingly endless) crying, the feeling of my wet clothes was a bit unpleasant

But since the other person"s a child, I can"t get angry

It"s too troublesome to get angry over just this much

(However, I, am sleepy)

For the sake of the one crying right next to me, as expected it"s troublesome I can"t lie down

To pull off the desperately clinging Rau would hurt even my conscience

I"ve noticed since I"ve become a demon G.o.d that my strength has increased compared to when I was a human

When I was carrying Rune, although I thought he seems to be heavier than me, I didn"t feel his weight at all

"Rau, you"re bothering Shin-sama"

Although Rune tried to separate Rau from me, Rau desperately clung on

"Not really, for today is fine……you too, for now only, it"s fine to cry if you want to"

"Not really…….I, I……"

When I gently pet his head, tears quickly overflow in his eyes

Then they soon overflowed

He buried his face in my shoulder, sobbing

His family, his comrades, they were all killed

It"s normal to cry

I absent-mindedly think while listening to the crying voices of the two


After a while, Rau cried herself to sleep and Rune, embarra.s.sed that he cried, won"t meet my eyes

Even so, he won"t leave the room

How to say, he gives off the feeling of a cute pet

I wouldn"t hate getting emotionally attached

I really like animals

However, if it"s an actual pet, with the me who only sleeps, then it would probably end up starving to death

These two are beastmen, they can feed themselves, so I don"t have to worry about it

That is certainly the ideal pet for me

Nevertheless, that does not mean I won"t treat them as people

If I had to say, it"s just a slight tendency towards treating them as pets

"Change clothes"

I change from the unpleasant feeling wet clothes

Like that my clothes appear through magic

The clothes are different from those commonly sold, just for me…….in other words, clothes just for the demon G.o.d appear

If I were to say how I know that, I"ve worn clothes commonly sold before

Since I hadn"t seen the type of clothes those other guys had on before, I thought "what kind of clothes are they wearing" and tried it out

Then I tried wearing it, the moment I used the magic, it was shredded

Magic power overflowed from my body, and it seems the clothes couldn"t withstand it

The moment I used my power I became naked, I felt beyond stupid

That"s why my clothes appear through magic

Besides that it seems that they are necessary in order not to leak out my power, if I wore those clothes there would be no such effect

I could use my powers while carrying Rune thanks to these clothes

If my power were to overflow I don"t know what kind of effect it would have on a beastman, but I don"t plan on testing it out

I walk while holding Rau and just behind is Rune following after

Being so dog-like is nice

Although he said he is a wolf, for me I can only see him as a puppy

I wonder if it"s because he has the same face as that guy that I think he"s excessively cute?

I sit down on the sofa and Rune make a complicated face and stops in place

"If you want to sit then sit"

I understand why he"s hesitant to sit, so I speak out and for some reason he makes a surprised face

"Since I"m a slave, if I were to sit together with you……"

His face becomes bewildered looking

How should I put it……

"I don"t remember making you a slave, the slave collar is the kind just to prevent certain dangerous situations, you know"

For me, I don"t need such things as slaves

"However, my job is cleaning—"

"That"s not a job you can only do if you"re a slave though"

It would be faster if I just did it with magic

"……Then, what are we?"

"……people living together?"

As expected, I can"t say something like a pet

"Then, why did you go so far as to subordinate Rau?"

"If she has my divine protection, then even if she"s caught she won"t be killed, right?"

"……and because of that, you subordinated?"

Due to his tsurime eyes, Rune widened the always thinly slitted eyes

It seems he thought I did it out of kindness

"I said it didn"t I? I"m not a good person, I only bothered because I felt like it, but don"t think that means you can go out whenever you feel like it. If you try to get away from me, I will completely subordinate you"

Since I know their names, I could easily do it

Rune"s face once again became bewildered

"That is to say, if I tried to run away from here you would make me into a slave? However, there"s no reason to run away is there? The outside is so dangerous after all"

Certainly, if they stay here there"s no way they would be killed or die from starvation

"I have a principle that once I"ve obtained someone I won"t ever release them. If it seems like it will be s.n.a.t.c.hed away, even if I have to kill that person to keep them. You who didn"t avert your eyes from that demon"s corpse, can you withstand such a thing?"

Rune"s pale face is honest

"……it would be fine so long as we never leave Shin-sama"s side?"

"Mm" (yeah)

Or rather, they"re calling me Shin-sama, huh

It feels weird to have "-sama" attached (to my name)

"I understand, no matter what happens I won"t separate from Shin-sama. I think Rau would say the same, she"s so attached to Shin-sama after all"

Rune says so with a meek expression

Most likely, he probably doesn"t completely understand

"You can"t leave my side for your whole life, not to mention marrying someone else, you can"t even go fall in love, you know? From hereon, can you say that that sort of partner won"t appear?"

Rune"s words are cut short

Bound to me even if he comes to like someone, as expected it"s too much for him

Nevertheless, my disposition won"t change

"As expected, you can"t promise that……."

Rune hesitates to speak, but actually whether these conditions will continue for eternity is not yet certain

I"ll probably be able to properly give my blessings (to the couple)

How to say, it seems I have perpetual youth, however both Rune and Rau will age and have a limited lifespan

A beastman"s life expectancy is uncertain

That"s because the majority end up being killed

Even the ones that become slaves, once they age and slow it seems they end up killed

Therefore, how long they can live is uncertain

If they escape slavery, beastmen that can live their full lifetime in a village will not meet with other races at all

So their lifespan is unknown

However, since they"re half animal, there lifespan is probably short I think

Elves live for about 300 years, spirits for about 500 years

Humans for around 100 years, longer than my previous world

It seems for elves and spirits who"ve become slaves, their descendants are as well

I thought if they died they would be released, but that"s the way of this world

"Since Rau is still a child she probably can"t understand, but I"m fine with those conditions, Shin-sama is my benefactor that fulfilled my revenge"

His expression seemed full of resolve

Since he has the same face as that guy, I want to take his hands

That guy was more than just a s.e.x friend (TN: sorry to interrupt but, wait, what?) but not quite my lover

Rather was it a "my property" sort of feeling?

That guy would probably dislike that label though (TN: no, really? *sarcasm*)

That"s probably why he stabbed me (TN: okay, reading this while I translate, there"s so much I want to say)

He ambushed me making it seem like a random slasher, and came and stabbed me in the back

I knew it was that guy, because I could hear his voice

For that reason, I didn"t put up any resistance or struggle

Anyhow if I died, if it made him happy then it"s fine to be killed

Seriously, if it was some other person, nothing but resentment would remain

That guy honestly liked me, I understand that that"s why he stabbed me so it"s fine

"Shin is…..Shin is the bad one, being kind to others besides me" (TN: textbook yandere)

The last thing I heard, was that guy"s words

I think he was crying

That guy, from that point on, will probably keep on thinking about me

He"ll probably follow me into death

That that guy has such strong feelings for me, I"m glad

That, wanting me not to be together with other people so much he could kill me, however, is an excessive way of thinking though

For that reason, I"m interested in Rune who has the same face as that guy

I understand that there"s quite a deviation (in interest) for me compared to other people

However, that"s just how I am

This time I can"t die, so something like that probably won"t happen again

"I see"

I turn towards him with a smiling face and Rune makes a surprised expression

Even I can do something like smile, you know

My interest in this guy only goes so far as a companion though


It seems Rau"s woken up

If you cry that much, of course you"d be hungry

And so, Rune is the same in that regard

His stomach grumbles

"Go to the dining room and get something to eat"

Rau gets down from my lap as I say so while showing me a smiling face

Children are honest, huh

That conversation was quick, but it"s probably due to some unique peculiarity of this world

For beastmen, death is alway nearby

Rune took Rau out from the room

I go to my bed and lie down

I sleep well, even in this world it"s the same

Well, probably because it"s been practically no time since I"ve been born

If it"s according to this world, I"m even younger than Rau

Anyhow, I"m still 0 years old

Though I don"t really feel it

(TN: A lot happened I couldn’t help adding my two cents, so much yandere, next chapter is Rune’s side, this is probably the only chapter this week)

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