I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 10

Today we bought already prepared meat that seemed delicious for the two to eat

Although for the previous me it was troublesome having to not infrequently eat, but since I was born into this world I haven’t eaten even once

(It’s seriously nice not having to eat)

There’s no sense of hunger either, convenient things are convenient

But I also want to try and see what this world’s food is like

Even I have at least some curiosity

From the side I pick up a piece of meat and throw it into my mouth


Instant regret

Since the two ate like it was super delicious I thought it was probably delicious, but, for me, there was no flavor

I could only feel that something had entered and was inside my mouth

I immediately spit it out

“N.ow. eliminate”

The spit out thing was immediately erased from existence

The two watched such a me making a complicated expression

Is it really delicious for those two?

Is it that my sense of taste is strange, or that these two haven’t eaten anything beyond the simplest sort of food…….

I understood, by eating food brought out with magic I understood

By taking food from what was in the dining room, I took a bite of something that looked like fruit

And so, since there was no taste, it seems it’s my sense of taste that’s strange

And so, I spit it out and erased it

I have no desire to eat things without any taste

I will not think “let’s eat”

“Does this not suit Shin-sama’s taste?”

I heard a voice and turned towards it

“Ah—although I knew I would be fine even if I didn’t eat it, I didn’t know that whatever I ate wouldn’t have any taste. As I thought, I’ll just stop eating”

I said so and he made a surprised expression, but if I think about it I guess I probably haven’t mentioned that I’ll be fine even if I don’t eat?

“In that case, what will Shin-sama eat? It couldn’t be…..”

(Hmm? Did he not understand?)

He seemed to catch the meaning that I don’t eat this sort of food, moreover he seems to have misunderstood that I eat people

“Don’t confuse me with a demon king or demons”

I don’t eat people

……though it’s not that I can’t eat, it seems

It intuitively feels unpleasant

Rune makes an obviously relieved expression

I wonder why he a.s.sumed I could eat such

Didn’t the ‘eat’ I said clearly have a different meaning

(……..that’s right, I forgot)

I had something to ask

“Is it fine to ‘eat’ Rune?” 

Just as I asked his face became ghastly pale

Moreover he was trembling

(Ah—……he probably mistook the ‘eat’ huh)

Even though I just said I wouldn’t eat him

Seeing Rune like that, Rau became bewildered as well

“Gloves, disappear”

Like this I can take him to my room sooner

I reached out to touch his cheek with my hand and his trembling was transmitted

“Rune, is it fine to embrace you?”

Perhaps because of malnutrition his lips were rough, I caressed them with my thumb and Rune’s face turned red all at once

Having such a pure heart is good

Better than a gaudy woman covered in perfume, absolutely good

Furthermore from his expression it seems this is his first time being embraced, so my desire to get him increased

(My feelings should be properly transmitted, it’s nice it’s convenient)

Though he was bewildered, I could see a Rune whose eyes became dimmed with desire while I was thinking so

“Did you hear me?”

However I didn’t say anymore than that

I only wanted to ask after all

I slid my hand from his cheek and let my fingers glide across the back of his neck


His body jolted in surprise, the next moment his face became even more red


“…..Y, you can just order it, right?”

One more push, huh

“I’m only asking”

Ordinarily I wouldn’t bother doing such a troublesome thing

If I think about it, I didn’t intend to bother about that guy either

There were plenty of women easily available

However, in Rune’s case, if I didn’t touch him, he wouldn’t understand my meaning 

I’ve forcibly synchronized our feelings and made him feel my desire

Rune, with a completely red face and hazy eyes, after a short time made a small nod of a.s.sent

Even though Rune didn’t seem to be interested in men

Well, if I can eat then I’ll eat

“Rau, if you get hungry eat this meat. Today, go to your own room. Since there’s also toys, you’ll be fine alone, right?”

“Is it no good to go to Shin-sama’s room?”

“Today’s no good. If you come I’ll have to punish you, okay?”


She’s an obedient, good four year old child

I could see that she seemed to still be a bit scared though

“To my room”

I carried Rune and moved to my room

I forcefully locked the door

I don’t have a hobby of voyeurism

I laid him on the bed and he looked up at me anxiously

But it just stirred up my s.a.d.i.s.tic heart, it seems I can’t stop?

(These clothes are difficult to remove, I shouldn’t have had him put them on)

However taking off his clothes was just a matter of time

While taking off his clothes I kissed him

Exaggeratedly, Rune trembled

Perhaps, kissing has the same effect as touching him with my hand?

While I removed his clothes, I searched the information

Even if I say so myself, I admire these demon G.o.d skills, quite handy

……it seems that when I feel desire, if any skin comes into contact just like that it will have an effect

Considerably convenient

All of Rune’s clothes were removed, and I made my clothes disappear

I tightly embraced him and Rune’s body felt quite heated

(Since he has a tail, it’s troublesome he can’t lie on his back)

If he lies on his back it would crush his tail and hurt

Rune’s body is skinny, and the feeling of his rough skin is not nice

He seems to be only muscles to this degree, considering he’s a beastman male he’s thin

“…….hh, n…..uh”

Each time I run my fingers down his body, Rune leaks a sigh from his mouth

Like that his voice steadily becomes more hazy

Is he unconsciously rubbing and bringing his waist up towards me?

I can only feel like he’s tempting me

(This is bad……it seems I’m probably significantly starved/thirsty)

My restraint showed no effect, perhaps because I’m a demon G.o.d, or perhaps because it’s been a while…..

No, in fact, it’s my first time since coming to this world

“-hha, ah……n”

His face was red and his body trembled as I stroked him, on top of that his tears pooled in his eyes as he looked up at me

“Shi,Shin-sama——hh, Shin-sa,ma,…..ahh”

Calling out so honestly, it’s considerably effective

Like this I want to immediately drive in

Calling my name while clinging to me, is the upper limit of foul play

Still, although he’s looking at me with the exact same face as that guy, his body’s a bit different and he’s a beastman, up to there I thought I can’t help but think he’s cute but …… what’s with this?

Although I thought his personality was similar, but the moment I embrace him they are different

Rune, is too cute

Although that guy trying to spit out defiant words was cute as well, the timid seeming Rune arouses my desire to protect him (TN: seems that guy was not only YANDERE but also TSUNDERE)

As for Rune’s maturity, although he should be older, he’s such an affectionate NEKO (uke/catcher/bottom etc)

“Nnu, Shin-sama……. Ah, ……hh, comi——”

After his body trembled greatly, I could feel liquid in my hand


It seems he became comfortable with it

As for this world’s beastmen, it seems things like love-making are an afterthought

(Well then, what shall I do with this I wonder?)

This world, more so than my previous world, same s.e.x acts are typical and well known

“Lotion, appear”

So like this there should be a lot of the necessary prep items

What appeared, was a pink colored fluid

It seems to have a high viscosity, while I was thinking that no matter the world some things are the same, I smeared some from my hand onto Rune’s lower body

As I applied it tracing along his flower bud (…), he twitched/flinched as my finger entered inside

“Ah, …..nnu, Shin, sama-”

Although I’ve only just touched him since this type (of lotion) seems to contain aphrodisiac, it shouldn’t result in much pain

The inside is tight and seems to squeeze, as below me he violently writhes

“Hii-—Ya, a…….nn, uahh—”

While losing his bearings experiencing such a feeling for the first time he seems to feel good, and while watching him my reason starts to disappear

However, if I don’t properly accustom him to it he will bleed, so I endure it

I slowly increase the number of fingers one at a time, when three seem to easily enter I pull out my fingers

(Although I prefer missionary position)

Since he has a tail, then facing his back

“Uahh——hh, ah….ahhh, hurt, ss……….hhah, nn”

When I am completely buried inside, he lets out a painful seeming voice

I pinch his nipples and stroke his erect part

“Ah, ah…..n, aahh”

(This is bad, I probably can’t stop)

Even though it’s the first time, he really feels it, and he tightens on me

When I move, he feels it even more


When I rain kisses down his back he grabs ahold of the sheets and his body trembles

“Hiih—aahh, too, much…..uah, ahh, ——hhh!”

When I grab his waist and forcefully thrust, Rune immediately releases, and then as he c.u.ms his insides tighten and I too release inside him

(This is bad, I, seem to have c.u.m too quickly)

Is it because in this world I’m a virgin so it can’t be helped?


“……ah,……Shin, sa, ma”

He turns his head towards me, he looks up at me with eyes hazy with pa.s.sion

“My bad, I already can’t stop”

“….Eh? Eh!? Shin-sama, wait——”

Although I heard Rune’s words of restraint, my reason had already collapsed, there’s no way I could stop

Although I kind of remember continuing to x.x.x even though Rune lost consciousness, but after my reason had already snapped my memory’s a bit hazy

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