I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 29

Unwelcome Guest

Since Rune became perpetually young, he hasn"t yet gone out

Not because Rune became perpetually young, but because the knights are in town

It seems they even have a watch in place, those guys come so quickly

When those guys come only annoying things happen

Everyone gets frightened

The four that have my divine protection, even if they"re attacked by a knight, far from being killed, they won"t even receive an injury, though

I bought a lot of food, though I applied preservation so it will keep for a while

If it"s not enough, it"s fine to use my power to get more

So it"s fine even if we don"t go out

However that didn"t last long

(…….N? Someone"s come)

On the other side of the gate I can feel a person"s presence

This ability, while I think it"s nice, (using) it feels uncomfortable

I can feel a person"s presence

Despite that guy being in such a distant place

Moreover, now there are also people living in the garden

Even though the presences should have become more, I can"t feel their presences

(is it that I can"t feel it when the gate isn"t struck?)

Asking, it seems before Rune beastmen came, but I never noticed

As for when Rune knocked, if the door is struck or attacked then I can feel their presence

…….a strange ability

And so, now there is a presence on the other side of the gate

In other words, outside

Since there"s nothing in the surrounding area, for some guy to see the castle and come visit, is it demons……

Though I don"t yet know what race the other person is

To start with, I went to the first floor and call out to Rona who was in the dining room

"Rona, since something"s come, don"t let anyone outside"


Rona"s expression looked rather nervous

Until now there hasn"t been anyone who"s come to the castle

The most likely possibility is demons, even without thinking about it it"s understandable

When I went out, I can just barely hear the sound of the gate being struck

Even though it"s far away, I can definitely hear it

It seems the guys in the garden can hear it as well, as they watch with uneasy expressions

(The sound of the gate being struck, I need to make it so it can be heard in the castle)

Those four, would come outside without realizing otherwise

Although since they have my divine protection they won"t die, if they"re attacked they"ll still feel fear

I teleport to the top of the castle gate

Since it"s considerably high, you can see a nice view

The one in front of the gate is, different from what I guessed, a lone knight

Moreover, one I"ve often seen

The man who said he was governor

"What did you come for?"

When I call out his eyes look around restlessly, when he looks up our eyes meet

"…….I"ve finally found you"

From that guy"s mouth, such words come out

(He was looking for me?)

What for?

"I have to have a talk with the demon G.o.d"

"That"s not me, return"

Why would I have to listen to such a guy talk

"Please, hear me out! You were right"

He kneeled down and bowed his head


It seems no matter which world it exists

However, I am not a good person, even seeing an important adult prostrating himself, I"m not the sort of person whose conscience would ache

I just gaze over at that scene

The knight who looked so proud, to now be prostrating himself before me, it"s not really that amusing

"Please don"t bring Gudoudotelia to ruin!"


To ruin, who said (I would)?

This guy, is his brain messed up?

"Now, the king is collecting people in order to bring up a hero. This hasn"t spread to the rest of the world yet, but it"s only a matter of time. Soon hero candidates will come in order to defeat the demon G.o.d. However, that will only result in victims, so I wish to come to an agreement. "In exchange for not ruining the country, we will stop sending in the heroes""

How to say, how egocentric


I"m fine either way

Since this is me after all

"For the demon G.o.d as well, having heroes sent in would trouble you right?"

"Send in heroes as you like, but I will kill every guy that comes"


"……..a hero should be the only opponent that can defeat a demon G.o.d, right?"

This guy, it seems he believes that fake legend

Despite being falsified by humans, it seems even humans believe it"s like that

There should be guys that know the truth, right?

"There"s no way a human could defeat a demon G.o.d, you know? Back then, the one the hero defeated, was a devil (ak.u.ma) that the demon G.o.d created"

"Wha-…..!? According to the legend, it should be "the hero defeated the demon G.o.d"!"

"So, I"m saying that"s a lie, you know? Since they"ll be pointlessly dying, don"t send such things"

As one would expect, even I wouldn"t enjoy murdering people

If necessary I"ll do it though

If I snap I might kill someone unintentionally though

"You created a devil!?"

This guy, does he listen when people talk?


Did I not say it?

I don"t recall me saying it

"That is a story of the demon G.o.d before me. Since I"ve been born……umm, it"s been about four months?"

Since I"ve almost always been sleeping, I"ve lost track of the number of days

"The previous demon G.o.d"s lifespan ended and he died. I know because when I was born the information was imparted to me"

The extensive imparted information, I still haven"t looked through it all

In order to look through it all, I"d have to devote quite a bit of time to it, it"s troublesome

"…….can no one kill you then?"

"Unless it"s to the extent of the world being destroyed, I won"t be killed"

Somehow this guy, hung his head down at that

Does he want me to be killed that much?

―what a thing

This guy"s goal, seems to be his country not being ruined, since he tried to make an agreement like such

His aim seems to have gotten off track

Besides, there"s no way I"d agree to such an agreement

Why would I, with a guy I"m not even interested in, have to do something like listening to what he says

"………..in that case, why did a demon G.o.d appear in this world?"

He once again looks up at me

The place I am is on top of the castle gate

This guy, does his neck not hurt?

If it were me, sorry but no (wouldn"t look up)

"Ah―….. G.o.d said something about that…….for the sake of balance, was it?"

My recollection is quite vague

I mean, that G.o.d was quite irritating after all

Just being able to remember this much is pretty good

"By G.o.d, you mean what?"

"G.o.d is G.o.d right?"


Such a thing, as if I"d know

I didn"t ask either, I also have no interest

No idea what he"s doing

I don"t care either way

For me, he"s a G.o.d with a suspicious smile

Since I"m aware he"s a proper G.o.d, that much is enough

"G.o.d is the one who sent the demon G.o.d into this world?"

"That"s right"

I was feeling heavy standing so I sat

Although I can"t feel tired, continuously standing is a pain

"…….by "for the sake of balance," what does that mean?"

This guy, only ask questions, huh

"This world"s humans are too strong compared to the other races. Humans can even deal with demons, so an existence stronger than humans is necessary"

If I remember correctly, G.o.d certainly said so

I"ve looked at a bit of the information since then, and I"ve come to understand this country"s history a bit

"For the reason, humans arbitrarily demarcate country borders without care for others approval, now including Gudoudotelia I believe there are six countries it seems, but originally it was one. This Baren country didn"t belong to anyone. It seems that someone wanted to gain control of it, but some Gudoudotelia country, does not exist"

Right, before humans arbitrarily demarcated countries, this region was a single continent called Baren country

The discrimination between races as well, back then was not so terrible

"I don"t care about messing with humans, however if anything happens to my things I will kill everyone, no matter who, for me different races and such doesn"t matter"

Whether beastman, elf, spirit, or human

Of course, demon too

That guy made a surprised expression, but it was quite a while ago when it was just one country

Within humans, is it that only a few guys know?

Look at that arrogance, not remembering inconvenient things


When I hear a voice and turn towards it, Rune and Rau are near the gate

"What are you doing? I told Rona to tell you not to go out of the castle, didn"t I?"

Why are they outside?

When both people are so timid

"I heard, but….we have Shin-sama"s divine protection. Besides, it was taking a long time, so I became worried about what was happening……."

Because the knight just kept asking questions it seems I"ve caused them to worry

(The one there is just the single knight, there"s no danger so it should be fine)

"Rune, Rau, to here"

I summon the two closer

"Waaaaa-!? Highh!"

Just as she/they paled she came into my embrace

Rune sat down and looked like he would cry

It seems beastmen don"t do things like go to high places

Even their houses are one-story

"Hey now, come here too, Rune"

I soon pull his arm and put him on the other side of my lap

Tightly sticking to me he finally appears at ease and the two look around

How should I say it, they are like children who don"t know anything and I feel like teaching them various things

They are cute

"-Shin-sama! There"s a knight!!"

They once again huddled into my arms

"It"s alright. That guy"s alone, and it seems like he doesn"t plan to attack. Moreover, even if this guy attacks he can"t kill anyone"

I gently pat the two"s heads

If there was a possibility he could kill, I would forcefully return them to inside the castle

"I will not make an agreement with humans. Send heroes as you like, but expect them all to die. If you send them too often, then I will probably have those guys in the castle die"

If they send them often it will be annoying

"We have nothing more to talk about, leave"

How long is this guy planning to stay there

He hasn"t even tried to return

"…….you won"t promise?"

"Too persistent"

After awhile he finally gets on his agony (velociraptor mount)

Hurry and return

"If you can, won"t you not raise your hand against those guys who are forced to attack?"

"Bother(some), don"t order me (to do things)"

Why do I have to be told by this guy

If it"s from Rune and the others, it"s ok

He"s making a face like he has something to say, but in the end he doesn"t say anything

"Ah―…Hm, a demon?"

In the distance are several shadows

They are heading this way

The two sitting on my lap seem frightened again and snuggle up to me, the knight looks back and draws his sword

Can a single knight defeat 10 demons?

Since he said he was the governor, he should be stronger than other knights, though

"Rau, if you"re scared then do you want to go inside the castle?"

Knight to demons

Uninvited guests are appearing one by one, When I call out to Rau who"s frightened and looks like she"ll cry, she nods in agreement to going inside and I teleport her

"To Rau"s room…..Rune, what will you do?"

"…..can I, not fight"

"It"s fine not to fight"

I have no intention of making him fight

Although I gave Rune a sword and cloak, it"s just for appearances

It"s not to make him exceedingly strong, if it"s just for practicing then it"s fine to give him as much as he likes though

"If you"re scared you can look away"

Now, Rune is sitting with his back facing me

In other words, he can completely see the view

Just as I spoke, he faces me and cuddle up like a child

What"s this, how cute

(Well then…….I don"t know that knight"s ability, after watching a bit should I lend a hand)

No, this guy has no connection to this castle

In that case, it"s highly likely he"ll shake free from their pursuit and run away

As I thought, I"ll have to do something about them

The demons gradually become clearly visible

Blue skin, really gives an unpleasant feeling

Their blood is blue too

(Speaking of, what color are other races" blood?)

Human"s blood is red

Beastmen"s blood is too

Except demons, are they all red?

"There"s seriously only a castle. Hihih….everyone it"s chow time"

"Halt, it"s the demon king-sama"s meal"

"Wait! There"s a knight?"

"A lone knight, is no problem?"

I heard those slow-witted guys" conversation

Right then, let"s target them

However, as I thought, as expected from a knight not being at all distracted

Less than half went towards the knight and the rest came here

"This wall, destroy it!"

Laughing, from among the lot of them, the demon with the best physique rammed into the gate

Then that guy was sent flying

It was configured to rebound when attacked

Rebound through magic

I think even for me the gate"s condition was good

"We can"t destroy it?"

"What do we do?"

The demons were restless

I only watched from above

Well then, how shall I finish them off?

Since Rune is here I don"t want to go down

"Rune, cover your ears"

When I saw Rune cover both his ears, I held him in one arm

Like this he shouldn"t be able to see anything (he"s facing towards him and covering his ears)


Since Rune seems to dislike seeing gore/mutilated corpses, I"ll hold off on constricting and crushing them

Only one part of the uninterrupted gra.s.sland was ruined, as a sharp spikes pierced through the demons

From the crotch to the head in one strike

Those guys had no time to yell out and the moment the land restored itself to it original appearance they collapsed

The four who fought with the knight, seemed to become disturbed when they saw that

"What was that, just now"

"Was it done by you!?"

They fiercely attacked the knight


The knight, is having a hard fight

It seems even just four is too many

If the knight"s defeated they"ll just come over here, shall I defeat them at once

"Rock, four, come forth"

Four stupidly huge rocks appeared overhead

They"re too huge


At once they became smaller, about the size of a pac.h.i.n.ko ball (TN: like a pinball size)

I flicked it off with my finger


A sound like a gunshot reverberated and the demon was blown off

This is the strongest finger pac.h.i.n.ko (TN: pac.h.i.n.ko literally translates to slingshot or slang for "pistol")

I flicked them one by one with my finger

"Knight, go to the right"

When the knight moved I flicked the last ball

The demon just barely flew past the knight"s body

Like that, it seems to be all of them

They said something about the demon king"s meal, if they come later it"ll be annoying though

(These guys, I had better tidy up, huh)

The front of the gate has blue bloodstains

As well as demon corpses

"Corpses, to this country"s king"s castle"

I sent them to the castle of the guy who seems to be searching for the hero

It"s hara.s.sment

Got any complaints?


The blue blood and the smell disappeared

"Rune, it"s alright now"

Grabbing one hand, I took off the hand covering his ear

He then clung onto me with a face that looked like he would cry

It seems for Rune, demons have become a trauma

Even though he would have been fine inside the castle

To want to be together even when he"s scared, it"s too cute

I patted Rune"s head as he clung to me

"……..how to say it, what a BS power……."

That guy"s still here?

"Return, don"t come again"

Like that I teleported to my room

I have no interest in something like a knight

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