I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 35

Information Not in the History Books

Sei side

There was once again a guy buying up all the food in town, I went to contact him

Normally, a knight wouldn"t act over such a thing

Only, now because there is the demon G.o.d, the knights are frequently called out

Even though a knight wouldn"t actually be able to rival the demon G.o.d

However, the one in town today seems to be a human

He"s wearing expensive looking clothes and has blonde hair down to his hips

He should just be somewhat rich

Nevertheless, buying up all the food is prohibited

It is the same in other countries

Since it will trouble other customers, it"s common sense that in the case that you want to order a large quant.i.ty you have to make an order [before]

This guy who didn"t do that seems to be greatly lacking common sense

However, when I called out to him and saw his face when he turned around, my breath caught involuntarily

It"s a beauty I"ve never seen up to now

Before my eyes is my ideal

Knights are popular among women, but for that reason [knights] have high standards

I have no interest in women like that

However, I am 30 and the people around me are nagging me about marriage

It probably also has to do with me being the governor

I also hold the desire to be married

Dating like this wasn"t anything special, and I"m not dating anyone right now

That person appeared in front of such a me

This, can already be called fate

Before I realized it, the two who came with me had proposed

(I"ve fallen behind!)

I was too entranced

"I am a man"


A shocking truth came from the person in front of me

(Man?…..Now that you mention it, he does appear to be a man)

Rather than a fragile feminine beauty, he possessed a strong stable beauty

Same-s.e.x marriages aren"t unusual, even the proposal of the subordinate across from me is not strange

"Feels disgusting"

However, that person is looking at my subordinate like he"s complete trash

"….Am I no good? Since I"m the governor, I won"t let you experience any economic troubles"

I unconsciously got closer, but before I knew it I proposed

The merit of marrying my is only that much

I don"t have free time, since I"ll mostly be on the castle grounds, I wouldn"t be able to return home very often

I"d probably make him feel lonely

There were a lot of women who broke up with me for that reason

"…..I already have a cute wife"

He said so and pa.s.sed beside me

(Wife!? Even though he looks so young, is he already married?)

I"m shocked

…….No, it"s probably a lie to reject us

We forgot the original purpose we came to town for and closely approached him

"Following me, huh"

Since he is also walking, it became that we we following after him

"Rune, to here"

The moment following that, a male beastman appeared


He retreated when he saw us

(Hmm? This beastman, where have I seen him before?)

It"s a face I remember seeing

The beastman b.u.mped into him and turned to look behind

"Eh……? Wh,why such a color!?"

He grabbed his hair and his voice shook

(…..it couldn"t be…..)

No, such a thing…..

Before our eyes, that man"s blond hair changed to jet black

His eye color also became jet black

(De,demon G.o.d……)

The only thing to call the demon G.o.d, is an object of fear

It seems I completely couldn"t recognize him by his face

Although I knew he was quite beautiful, I didn"t think it was to this extent

His face, that had a tender smile that made it hard to believe he was expressionless up to now, it wouldn"t be unreasonable to call it captivating

The beastman covered the demon G.o.d"s face with his hand, afterwards the demon G.o.d covered himself with a veil

"…..Everyone, they don"t know that Shin-sama is up?"

"Aah [yeah], since as soon as I woke up I came here"

The demon G.o.d pulled the beastman into his arms, the beastman seemed to be crying

(What is he crying for?)

Nevertheless, as soon as he woke up he says…….

It"s already way past noon

I"ve had various shocks, I who spoke out in a daze [the proposal], [was answered by] the words that escaped from the demon G.o.d

"To want to make me your bride, do you still have such an absurd thought?"

That"s right

I, proposed to the demon G.o.d

The demon G.o.d, [making him my] wife…..

Even without thinking about it, it"s really impossible

However, if I could make the demon G.o.d my bride, wouldn"t humanity be saved?

Though it seems the demon G.o.d seriously had no such intentions

He went to the fruit store and the demon G.o.d bought up all the food

He has no intention to stop

Anyhow we can"t stop him

"Are you the governor of Gudoudotelia? I"m the hero from Nuisants. Where is the demon G.o.d?"

While I was absent-mindedly staring at the demon G.o.d, a voice called out to me


Of all things, at such a time

Since the only one who knows the location of the demon G.o.d"s castle is said to be me, there was a proclamation that the hero had to come meet with me

In order for me to try at least a bit to make them give up

However at this time, the demon G.o.d is directly before our eyes

He can probably also hear our conversation

The demon G.o.d is looking in our direction

Without knowing what he"s thinking, he wraps the beastman up in the cloak

Is it to protect him?

However the beastman manages to get his face out and shouts something towards the hero

"Even though Shin-sama hasn"t done anything, will you only attack whoever"s called a demon G.o.d?"

With those words it"s probably obvious who is the demon G.o.d

The hero"s tension rises

"The demon G.o.d is not needed in this world. If I can"t defeat the demon G.o.d, the peace will be threatened"

"Humans are the ones not needed! You only make other races slaves and easily kill [them], do you not!"

The hero"s thoughts are humanity"s way of thinking

However, the beastman"s words are painful to hear

With the demon G.o.d as basis[judging from the demon G.o.d"s strength], there"s nothing I can do

I can"t attack

His slave is pampered by him to that extent

However humans do not do so

Slaves are disposable, once they become unnecessary they are quickly just killed

Which [side] is "evil"

There"s no need to go so far as say it

"Hey, I"ll be done soon, stay here"

There is no sign that he was interested in the conversation just now and he once again covered the beastman all the way up to his head

"……So? You are a person from Nuisants?"

His gently expression disappeared, he"s now expressionless

"That, so what. I won"t let you conquer the world"

The manner of speech, for the demon G.o.d it"s his usual indifferent style, for the hero his voice shook a bit

Aside from his self-important behaviour, he"s probably feeling some terror

"Aren"t you a "fake" hero"

He put emphasis on fake

Is he saying that he"s not the hero?

"I am the hero recognized by Hash-sama!"

The hero a.s.serts with a loud voice

Hash-sama is Nuisants country"s king

The hero recognized by the king

He"s young, and though he prepared to use his sword, it"s difficult to say he"s proficient in swordsmanship

I"d heard that the hero"s attack was ineffective against the demon G.o.d

This is a good chance to see whether or not that"s true

"Hah….hah….wh,why do the attacks have no effect!?"

Without any attack succeeding, whether through magic or sword, even if it hit [the demon G.o.d] he stood unharmed

What the demon G.o.d said was true

The demon G.o.d defeated the four people facing him in a moment, it seems he sent their corpses to the castle

He seems to have properly sent it to the castle of Nuisants country

The demon G.o.d walked off like nothing happened and made the cloak wrapping up the beastman disappear

The two talked about something

"I don"t like Shin-sama being attacked! Even though you"re not doing anything like world conquest"

I could see his tears overflowing

Worrying about the demon G.o.d, he was probably upset over the humans attacking the demon G.o.d

They [the humans] only had the tables turned on them after attacking of their own accord

When you think about it like that, humans are foolish

The demon G.o.d tightly hugged the crying beastman and said one thing, it gave quite a shock

"If Rune desires it, even destroying humanity is fine"

You mean, the future of humanity, has been entrusted to this beastman?

"……destroy humanity!? Se,seriously?"

I approached without thinking and spoke out

If that"s really true, I must have him halt it [the destruction of humanity] no matter what it takes

"You humans go and destroy other race"s villages. If someone said they didn"t like it and wanted it to stop would humans listen? Even if he wishes for your destruction you"d deserve it. Humans are resented by other races to that degree after all"

However, the words coming from the demon G.o.d"s mouth were sharp and my chest hurt

Certainly, there are probably no humans that listen to the words [complaints] of the other races

Just walking around town like this, any slave you ask would say such

And so, there is no human that would accede to such wishes

Being told that humans are ones not needed, somehow or other I can"t help but understand

"Didn"t you tell the other countries that the legend was falsified?"

I was surprised at being suddenly asked that, but I hurriedly answered

"We reported that, they probably didn"t believe it"

It"s my fault

"Even though the hero hasn"t even been born in this world"

I doubt my ears when I hear the words he mutters

"…..what does that mean?"

Since the veil covered [his face] I couldn"t tell very well, but he"s probably looking at me

"The ancestor of that guy who calls himself the king killed off the clan of the guy who exterminated the evil demons (ak.u.ma)……the Baren country royalty"

(The hero was royalty!?)

Moreover, for the current king"s ancestor to have killed him…….

"-……such a thing……demon G.o.d just how much do you know?"

Do you have even more information?

It would entirely overturn the legend though


The answer is concise

Saying something like everything, are you saying that you know it like you were there and saw it?

"The one called the hero in the legend is the Baren country"s prince, Fuerdan Eidelrei. And then— just before being killed, he cursed this world. As a result of being betrayed, so you guys will be swallowed by darkness, he said "even if another evil demon is born, in this world there will be no person born with the power to oppose it""

I wonder how many times I can be surprised

The hero was a prince, and the current king"s ancestor killed him?

Due to a curse, the hero won"t be born?

Why is it the demon G.o.d even knows his full name

Before I notice it, the demon G.o.d and the beastman disappear together

(I must quickly investigate this)

Limited to people who are [familiar with archaic history] archaeologists

Nevertheless there"s probably no person that is more familiar with it than the demon G.o.d

I ride the agony and head towards Kieshye

If it"s the magician Rien-sama, somehow or other, wouldn"t he know?

Magicians pa.s.s down ancient history

Even if the legend was falsified there"s no meaning to it if it"s [the truth"s] not known, so I can only bet on him [knowing]

To go to Kieshye I have to pa.s.s by Nuisants

However, this time I am going to the magic users country Kieshye

I can stop by Nuisants when I return


"Oh, if it isn"t Sei-sama. What"s the matter? To come to such a place, how unusual"

Rien-sama is a well-mannered person

His age is past 50, but he appears young, such that you cannot tell [his age]

"Rien-sama, do you know anything about the legend being falsified?"

If he tells me he doesn"t know, then coming here would have been meaningless

"……the publically known legend, I know that it is a lie, it was falsified to conceal the truth. Though even if I said so no one would believe it"

Rien-sama knows

In that case—

"This continent originally being one country, do you also know about Baren country? Also about the hero being Baren country"s prince—"

"Wa,wait a moment. How do you know that information?"

Rien-sama questioned, interrupting my words

"The demon G.o.d"

I could understand Rien-sama"s gasp

"Sei-sama has had a conversation with the demon G.o.d-sama?"

Is such a thing so shocking?


When I nodded he spoke in an excited voice

"How wonderful, I would like to try talking with the demon G.o.d-sama as well. What else did the demon G.o.d-sama say?"

"……he knows everything. The one called the hero was a prince, his name was Fuerdan Eidelrei. The king"s ancestor"s killed him and so he cursed this world so a strong person wouldn"t be born"

I said all the information that I heard from the demon G.o.d

"…….the demon G.o.d-sama even knows his name. Sei-sama, the demon G.o.d-sama spoke the truth. Though it would be presumptuous of me to say more on it, I can only tell you a more general outline, as I don"t have such a detailed account like the demon G.o.d……"

Rien-sama said such

Once an evil demon [ak.u.ma] appeared and conspired with the demons for world conquest

The one who rose up in order to prevent that, was Baren country"s prince

The prince held unparalleled power [magic] and excelled in swordsmanship

That man, accompanied by a beastman, elf, and spirit, went off to exterminate the evil demon

Somehow or other they defeated him [the demon] and when he [the prince] returned to his country, the king"s ancestor killed him

Immediately, the people in this country weakened and could no longer match the power of that prince

In short, he excelled in swordsmanship more than me and had more power [magic] than Rien-sama

Rien-sama, doesn"t seem to know up to why there were three companions, so I told him what I heard from the demon G.o.d

Since the demon G.o.d said he knew everything, he should be able to tell [others]

Only, I wonder if he would tell us?

Rather than the demon G.o.d, it seems simpler to try to talk to that slave

However, getting to talk to the slave that the demon G.o.d cherishes, I can"t guarantee the safety

For asking for information to put my life at stake…..

"Rien-sama, it seems the corpse of the hero has appeared in Nuisants" castle"

A lone magician entered the room

"How foolish…..even though there"s no way such a person could be the hero. It"s ridiculous when I"m called the best magician in the world"

If he says such then it"s also ridiculous when I"m being called the world"s best knight

The hero must be even stronger than that

However if he"s that strong he should currently be a knight or magician

"I can understand why the demon G.o.d-sama called him a fake hero"

He was only a human claiming to be the hero

No matter how many of such people are sent there, they will have no effect

(It seems I must have another chat with the demon G.o.d)

I don"t know whether he will listen though

Sei side end

TN: only chapter this week

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