I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 39

[Annoyingly] Persistent Visitor

Watching Rune practice with his sword in the courtyard, the sound of a knock at the gate resounded

I made sure that it would be audible up to inside the castle

Rune"s swordsmanship has improved

At first his arms and legs were left open [to attack], but now he has them properly defended

From the black humanoid shape

My shadow is reading [his openings to attack]

This shadow, should I also put it as a gatekeeper?

However, the gate can"t be broken, and since there is a barrier over the garden, getting attacked is impossible

As I thought, isn"t a gatekeeper unnecessary?

*Don-,*don-…. [Knocking sfx]

Somehow or other is seems they"re not an attacking and just the knocking at the door

(A visitor, huh…..)

A visitor coming to this castle, until now there"s only been one

That knight

(Does he have something [to tell me] again……..)

No, I already told him about the history

That guy, coming so many times is irritating

Although he also came recently, I sent him back with magic

(As expected if I don"t face him, he"ll just keep coming…..)

As I thought he has a stalker"s inclination

And the sticky quality

"Shin-sama, has something come?"

Rune stopped his practice and looked at me

I brought out a chair and will not get up

"Anyhow it"s probably that knight. Let him wait"

Although he"s come many times up to now, he hasn"t gotten past the gate even once

I will always just be on top of the gate [to see him]

I have no motivation to face him properly

However, that guy won"t accept it

Until I show my face, he"ll just keep knocking at the gate

Normally you"d give up, right?

"Ah— So annoying, I"ll be off for a bit"

Towards the unceasing resounding sound, I reluctantly get up

How many times does he intend to come, that guy

My home"s location, shall I move it?

…….If I did that would it be too much [of an extreme a reaction]?

The amount of luggage has increased quite a bit

Although it"s troublesome, that guy often coming is irritating after all

Later shall I try asking everyone

There"s also the fields

I wonder if we can move each field individually?

…..Well, we"ll probably manage somehow or other

I teleport to the top of the castle gate

When I look below, the one there is, as expected, that knight

This guy who knows I appear on top of the castle gate, seems to be continuously looking up

If it were me, no thanks

[My] neck would get sore

"Demon G.o.d!"

"You"re annoying"

I fired off words, interrupting that guy just as he started to speak

I mean, after all, this guy how many times has he come here?

He"s coming too much, right

"Come meet with Rien-sama. Rien-sama is one of the few people who know the actual history. However, since his information seems to be incomplete, demon G.o.d, tell him the information you know!"

As annoying as ever

Moreover, this guy, he doesn"t let other people talk

So egotistical


I am fine [the way I am]

Since I have self-awareness

"I, didn"t know about Baren country and the like. Most humans, probably don"t know the actual history. However, if it"s Rien-sama, he knows. If it"s the words of Rien-sama who is called the world"s best magician, then everyone will probably listen to what he says. Please tell me as well, I intend to have the foreign countries" kings listen to it as well. Like that they will stop sending heroes, even for the demon G.o.d there are merits [this way] right?"

Hey now

He"s only saying [things from] his own standpoint

This guy is a conceited b.a.s.t.a.r.d

"Merits? What are you saying? The one getting merits are only the humans, right? Only you guys would be relieved with me not killing the fake heroes after all"

Since then a hero hasn"t appeared in front of me again

However, each country seems to be training up a fake

Even though I told them it was futile, such guys wouldn"t listen, and they didn"t pay it any mind

It"s fine by me for them to dig their own grave on their own

It"s like they are strangling their own neck themselves

Such guys, I won"t bother with

"In this world there is no existence of a hero. It also never existed. To those guys who distorted and manipulated the information, I have no interest. I will just strike such annoying bugs. Anyhow, it"s not just me, you can"t even injure my things after all"

The one who knows my whereabouts, is only this knight

If I change locations, there would be no one who knew my whereabouts

For such an opponent, how would they be able to challenge and attack? [cause they can"t find him]

In the end they wouldn"t be able to do anything

They would only be able to be on lookout in the towns

To such Trash, I don"t need to deal with them one by one

"Besides, it"s fine as long as you don"t tell them about this place. Only you know about this place, after all. Would you rather I kill you to seal your mouth?"

For some reason, I started to speak like a villain

Well, the threat was made in seriousness though

"-, I understand the value of this place. Since currently each nation is searching for it"


Or rather, there would be no meaning to moving this place?

……humans, should I just kill them all?

Although G.o.d said there was no need to kill them, it would probably be fine even if they were gone. Probably.

However, I do not think anything of killing in order to protect my things, but killing guys who haven"t done anything, I don"t really feel like doing that

Well then, what to do

Well, if it"s to achieve my objective then it"s probably best to use the simplest solution

I don"t have much feeling about the death of other people

If it"s not the death of my things, I think nothing of it

Regardless of whether they"re alive or dead, to me they are only a body

If they come at me, they will be downgraded to trash

My recognition [of others] has been like that since before [in the previous world]

Since there was a lot of trash in my surroundings

Particularly the adults

For that reason, I can"t seem to come to like this world"s humans

With arrogance, only looking down on other people, misunderstanding themselves as great, such fools like that

The same as my father

"Book, come out"

A book appears and I throw it at the knight


"Give that to the magician called Rien"

The book I gave him was not the demon G.o.d"s journal

It was Baren country"s history book

Looking at it, it"s something that looks similar to the history textbooks used in school?

The time when [Baren] was on the verge of ruin is not mentioned in it

However, the demon G.o.d"s journals are quite numerous, and they are nearly impossible to move

The library right under my room is almost completely filled with the journals after all

Even if I said to bring along a library"s worth of books, he shouldn"t be able to do it

After all, this guy doesn"t even have a carriage

Although one might be able to with magic, there are probably limits

This guy"s magic, is weak

"Are these letters?"

For this knight, he"s probably never seen the alphabet used by Baren country

"If it"s the magician, he"ll probably be able to read it"

Though I don"t know whether he"ll be able to read it

……If he can"t read it will he [the knight] come again?

How annoying

However, even if he can read it, since it"s different from what he wants to know, it won"t make a difference to him coming again [he"ll come again regardless]

As expected is there no other choice than for me to tell them [about it]?

How troublesome

Him coming so many times is troublesome too though

The information in my head, it would be nice if I could just pa.s.s it over with a *pon* [sfx]

Even though I would have no trouble if that were the case

"Demon G.o.d, you have my grat.i.tude"

Saying so the knight left

(Hmmm…..that guy, can smile, huh)

It"s the first time I"ve seen the knight"s smiling face

Well, be that as it may, I think nothing of it though

―Sei side—

I held the book the demon G.o.d gave me and head back towards Rien-sama

Although I can"t understand what the heck is written, if it"s Rien-sama he"ll probably understand

However, that ended up being an exercise in futility

"These letters, even I can"t read them"

It seems even Rien-sama can"t decipher them and I felt there was nothing I could say

The demon G.o.d said to give this book to Rien-sama

In other words, this should be writing that was used in the past

Even though we finally got it, like this we can"t decipher it

"Can we not hear about it directly from demon G.o.d-sama?"

That seemed to be the only thing we could do in order to ascertain the truth

However, would the demon G.o.d tell it to us?

The demon G.o.d is always looking at me like I"m annoying

Aside from towards his slaves, the demon G.o.d"s expression doesn"t soften [towards others] at all

"It"s very unlikely. He clearly requested, "give this book to the magician" while he gave it to me after all"

The things he tells me are almost all "troublesome," "irritating," "annoying"

He deals with me like I"m just irritating him

However, we have no one we can rely on aside from the demon G.o.d

If the demon G.o.d doesn"t tell us anything then we humans have no way of knowing the truth

"Rien-sama, would you like to come together with me to the demon G.o.d"s castle?"

If I take Rien-sama along as well, perhaps something would change

Anyhow, Rien-sama knows the legend is fake and isn"t the type to anger others

"That"s right, isn"t it. Since I"m in the position of requester for his teachings then I should go there myself"

Rien-sama immediately began preparations

I always travel by riding the agony

"Although, I"m bad with things like agony……"

Rien-sama hasn"t ridden agony very much

Anyhow, it seems he"s bad at fast travel

I wonder if it"s due to being a magician

Since they become accustomed to teleporting with magic, so they do not like [moving at a] fast speed

However, an agony is what a knight rides

Conversely, I am bad with slowly travelling ideo

If it"s to transport large baggage it can"t be helped, but if I"m alone I mostly travel by agony

Almost every country is dotted with several magic stations so they can teleport by magic

Thanks to the magic stations, teleporting doesn"t have to use too much magic power so they are very convenient

They are often used for travelling the country

And so, from here until our destination [magic station] we will travel by agony

"Sorry for making you wait, shall we go"

Rien-sama appeared fully kitted out in formal magician wear

Movement in it seemed difficult, he"s completely covered to his ankles wearing a black robe

Moreover he"s holding a staff, and he also has his other hand full with magic doc.u.ments

So this is a magician"s formal wear

I have light armor that only covers my torso and shoulders and a mantle that goes to around my waist

It seems in the past the mantle was longer, but due to movement being difficult it seems they shortened it

Besides that wearing my sword at my waist is a knight"s formal wear

We two rode to the magic station and teleported to Gudoudotelia

Perhaps because me being together with the magician Rien-sama was unusual, [people"s] gazes gathered [on us]

I rode along with Rien-sama on the agony to speed up our travel

Our current location is castle town

We will teleport by magic stations from here until the town closest to the demon G.o.d"s castle, but from then on we will travel by agony

If I were alone thanks to knowing the place I could teleport there by magic, but today [I can"t] since I"m together with Rien-sama

And so, [we were] in front of a large castle built in a place with nothing around, Rien-sama didn"t expect such and was frozen with a dumbfounded expression

"…..This is, the demon G.o.d-sama"s castle?"


With a violet roof, a dark castle

The castle walls are ash grey

The structure is larger than any other castle [I"ve seen]

Bustling voices can frequently be heard coming from it, but you can"t feel any tension or dread from the voices

Mingled with laughter, they are peaceful sounding conversations

The gap from hearing that and this ominous looking castle, as expected, no matter how many times I hear it I can"t get used to it

I knock on the gate

I"ve never seen this st.u.r.dy gate open

The demon G.o.d always only appears on top of the castle gate

The moment I knock on the gate, the voices we could hear suddenly stopped

They probably heard the sound of me knocking on the gate

However, the one who receives me is always just the demon G.o.d

Even though he should have bought a lot of slaves, why hasn"t he given this sort of job to them?

However the demon G.o.d"s figure does not appear readily

So like always, I continue knocking until the demon G.o.d appears

If those slaves" story is true, it seems the demon G.o.d is really sleeping

Moreover, going by his state, it seems like his mood when he gets up isn"t good

He"s always in a bad mood since he just got up……though I can"t really tell

"You again. Annoying, irritating. The book, you have it, right. Don"t come anymore"

The demon G.o.d"s words are harsh

Atop the castle gate, he looks down on us looking displeased with his arms folded

"…..Demon G.o.d-sama, this is our first time meeting. I am the magician referred to as Rien. I have come to request your teachings"

Although he seemed taken aback at the demon G.o.d"s words, Rien-sama quickly kneeled and bowed his head

His gaze moved to Rien-sama

"So you are that magician called Rien or something. So you couldn"t read it?"

As expected of the demon G.o.d

He quickly guessed it

"Yes, my knowledge is insufficient, in the end we could not make good use of the kindness we worked so hard to receive"

Without making any excuse, Rien-sama obediently apologized

In response the demon G.o.d only looked down with cold eyes

He"s only said, "so you couldn"t read that"

After exhaling a single sigh―

"Return the book"

He only said that single phrase

Just as Rien-sama presented the book it disappeared

It"s probably from the demon G.o.d"s power

"Demon G.o.d-sama, I am aware it is a shameless, but please you must tell us about Baren country. I believe we must make all possible effort to correct the lie propagated in this world"

At Rien-sama"s words he raised one eyebrow

"Either way"s fine, I have no interest in fools. Hurry and return, how annoying"

The demon G.o.d fired off word like he was spitting them out

He let out a large yawn like he really had no interest

"If Rien-sama says so, there are people who will believe him. In reality, part of the knights and the magicians will believe! And later Arrow-sama as well"

That the legend about the demon G.o.d is fict.i.tious

There is no foreign country"s king that would believe, but even so for Arrow-sama who has seen the demon G.o.d"s true strength and Kieshye country"s king Doyle-sama will believe

After all, Doyle-sama will listen to what Rien-sama says

"Ah―…… how annoying. Something like believing or not believing what"s it got to do with me. Even if they believe, so what? Will Fell return to life? Will your kings" ancestor"s egregious crime disappear? Will the curse Fell left disappear? ……nothing will change"

At the tired of speaking demon G.o.d"s words both I and Rien-sama could say nothing

It is exactly as the demon G.o.d says

The crime will not disappear

The curse will also probably not disappear

The dead will not be resurrected

…..but even so, we need to know

In order to never again make such a mistake

"Knowing will change the people"s feelings, although there will probably be people who may criticize the king…… but that is something that can"t be helped"

"You arrogant guys, you think there may be criticism? Where are such virtuous humans in this world?" ["virtuous so they can criticize" sort of meaning?]

The words he speaks out without missing a beat, as expected the words are chocked full

It is bitter that there is no place I can refute the prejudice

"There are also humans who are not arrogant"

However, it is also definite there are those who are not arrogant

Rien-sama for example

"You are saying to teach you for the sake of such a small portion of people? Troublesome, you think I would do such a thing?"

Certainly I understand that this demon G.o.d doesn"t have a charitable spirit

Aside from towards the guys that are his slaves, his expressions don"t even soften at all

"However, the only one that knows that information is the demon G.o.d, right?"

"Recently, I spoke to four others about it to a certain extent"


Even though he tells us things like "troublesome" and "annoying" is he saying he told his slaves about it?

For what purpose?


"Since they wanted to know, I just answered their questions. You guys just want to get thorough information, right?"

Certainly, I was mostly given information from the demon G.o.d

In that case, will he not give it again?

"Will you answer if questioned?"


He looked at me like he was looking at a disappointment

Did I say something strange?

Suddenly the demon G.o.d seemed to be thinking about something

"Hey, is it fine for you two to talk [speak for others?]?"

Is he interested in talking?

"I can let you talk to each country"s king"


Which reminds me we haven"t decided on a location yet

"Please come to Kieshye"s royal castle, tomorrow, we will be waiting for you"

Before I could say anything, Rien-sama had already decided on the location

Moreover, tomorrow?

For all the kings to be present?

"……never been there, shall I bring someone along"

He"s probably [thinking] about the slaves

The moment after that, the demon G.o.d disappeared

Tomorrow, will he really come?

Sei side end

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