I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 40

As For the Demon G.o.d

Today"s the day to go to Kieshye

The sun was already high after I"d gotten up, but speaking of I"d never heard what time [to meet]

(Well, whatever)

When I changed clothes and teleported downstairs, it seems the preparations to depart had already been completed


Rune came towards me

The only one I"m bringing along is Rune

Dea was also going to come, but he insisted that he had to take care of Rau and couldn"t come, so he ended up staying

Since Rune heard the conversation they arranged so that after we return he will be reporting what happened to Dea it seems

It"s nice not to do the same thing all the time

I hugged Rune and spoke a single phrase

"To the Kieshye country royal castle"

"Demon G.o.d! So you"ve finally come"

As soon as we arrived the knight"s voice called out

Why"s this guy here to?

……Speaking of which, didn"t he hear about our talk?

Since I didn"t really care, I forgot

"Shall we go to town first?"

"Just a…..Wait just a minute! Please can"t we talk first"

After talking to Rune, that guy once again interrupted us

"Silence, trash"

The surrounding atmosphere seemed to waver

Speaking of, this guy was someone important wasn"t he

"Demon G.o.d-sama, we have been respectfully waiting upon the Demon G.o.d-sama"s arrival since early morning. For the request of your teachings, expectantly…….Somehow, won"t you speak with us?"

This time Rien-sama spoke to us

Although his way of speaking is courteous, in short he"s essentially saying, "town or whatever"s fine so hurry up and explain"

"I am only hearing that now, I have no memory of designating a time?"

That"s right

It makes no difference to me if it"s in the evening

Because there"s no doubt it would still be today

It"s just sophistry

Got a problem with that?

The two shut up and exchanged glances

Aren"t they idiots

When I tried looking around, together with the guys who seemed to be kings there are also knights and magicians

The majority are magicians, as expected probably because they know about the history and such

"Rune, aren"t you feeling hungry?"

However, the [only] one I care about is here

"I ate"

However it seems Rune already ate

Even though I thought we could go out to have a meal [together]

The ossans/old guys around us (probably the kings) those guys don"t open their mouths

Although there is one face I"d seen before, that guy also doesn"t say anything

From earlier the only ones talking have been just that knight and magician

"Didn"t you come here in order to talk?"

"Demon G.o.d-sama, somehow, please give us your knowledge"

Annoying two

This world"s humans, are all of them so annoying?

Even the shopkeepers in the town acted so conceited

"Shin-sama, umm, I want to go to town when we"re returning"


"……since we can take our time"

"I see"

I take out a chair and sit

The knight and magician make a surprised expression, but I don"t bother with them

Among these people the only one that takes priority is Rune

Rune sits beside me

Although I"d be fine with it even if he sat on my lap, it seems we have a lot we must talk about

Although it"s troublesome, it"s not as troublesome as having to keep coming multiple times [to talk]

"So? From where shall we start our talk?"

Is it fine not to speak of Baren country"s history?

Or perhaps a bit before the ruin?

"What kind of country was Baren?"

So from there, huh

I let out a single sigh at the knight"s words

And then, I began to speak

"Baren country was a peaceful country. Beastmen, elves, spirits and humans lived together in harmony and there was also no legal discrimination.

Since the Baren country"s king, would not permit that.

……..though his retainers were not interested in such things.

And then, at such a time, the evil demon [ak.u.ma] appeared.

A thing brought forth by the demon G.o.d whose lifespan was coming to an end, he was an opponent that could only be matched by the demon G.o.d"s power.

The evil demon subordinated the demons and began his world conquest. And the demon G.o.d made a request to the Baren country"s king.

"Please help me defeat the evil demon" and……..

Then, the one the king entrusted with that responsibility, was the prince Fuerdan Eidelrei.

Fell, along with the the beastmen"s prince Sheith, the elf"s prince Olf, and the spirit"s prince El, went to defeat him. And, the demon G.o.d as well. Those five went to defeat those evil demons.

Then, what was waiting for Fel-sama who returned, covered in wounds, was the sight of his family ma.s.sacred by the retainers. The six who are the current king"s ancestors were corrupted by money and killed them. Including Fell-sama and his companions as well……

The four who had only just defeated the evil demon in order to protect the country, had no more strength left to resist. As his life was running out, he met with the demon G.o.d who arrived at his home and they met. At that time, Fell uttered the words of his curse.

"I wish that never again will a person with [such] power be born" and……..

Then, the demon G.o.d granted that [wish].

With that, his lifespan was used up, and the demon G.o.d disappeared.

Those guys, frightened by the curse, began to revere Fell as the Hero who defeated the demon G.o.d. However there was no meaning to that, and the guys who currently live within Baren country are considerably weakened.

The humans oppress the other races.

Each race, having lost their king, became scattered. Due to that they needlessly became easy targets without realizing ………"

I purposefully used easy to understand speech

The surroundings fell silent

"This is the truth. Rune, let"s go to town"

The talk has already ended

I held Rune

"W,wait! Saying that the hero won"t appear, is that because of the curse?"

Again, it"s the knight

This guy is nothing but questions

"The curse only causes strong people not to be born. There was originally no hero. Fell who was called a hero was simply the prince. He wasn"t a hero"

Right, there is no such existence in this world

"The legend of the hero, is a story made for posterity. That is what you guys have believed to be the truth……….to a foolish degree"

To continue believing such a thing

Without question

Even though the magicians know, why didn"t they tell anyone?

Would no one listen to them?

…….there"s no such feeling

"From hereon if we do nothing, demon G.o.d, will you not injure humans?"

This time it was probably a king speaking

This guy was not the king of Gudoudotelia

Different from that guy who was about 40, this guy was still a bit young

"I am Kieshye"s king, please call me Doyle"

His demeanor gave off a soft feeling, but his determination seemed strong

More steady than a knight, he gave off a feeling of elegance

I can"t make a judgement from just that much though

After all, these guys all have blonde hair and blue eyes

Everyone looks the same

(Ah, that"s right)

I forgot to say one thing

"The ones without blonde hair and blue eyes that you guys oppress, is it not because they resemble the Baren country"s royalty?"

After I spoke—

(Speaking of, perhaps they don"t know things like their appearance)

Aside from the magicians, the legend is believed

Perhaps the magicians didn"t know as far as the outward appearance, they made surprised expressions

"The hero——the Baren country"s prince, what kind of appearance did he have?"

"Black hair and ruby red eyes"

I answered the question from Doyle

Baren country"s royalty, every generation was born with black hair

"The descendants of Baren country"s royalty are still in this world!?"

This time [the one exclaiming] was a magician

"There are already none. Now the ones born [without blonde hair and blue eyes], are just from mutations"

Now the guys with different hair color are only oppressed, but it was more severe before

There was nothing like a technique to color the hair

There was also no such magic

The houses with guys born with a different hair color, in a flash each family member would disappear [one by one]

Even if the child hides their whole life, since that child can"t go outside for their whole life, they can"t have children

Moreover there"s no way the parents can leave the child to die

So, they"re killed

If you kill all the family members, the children with a different hair color will just be killed

Just that even now probably continues

Perhaps without even knowing the reason they were killed

"Before his lifespan came to an end, what did the demon G.o.d do?"

Again, it was the knight asking

The other kings aren"t asking anything

Did these guys make him the representative to ask questions?

"Nothing, occasionally he"d go to town and chat or help out with work"

The same as me, he"s an existence that only needs to exist

Different from me, he"s a demon G.o.d that seemed to have a good personality though

If it were me I wouldn"t do something like helping out troublesome guys

Talking to me I only feel they"re annoying

The one"s I"m concerned about, are only my things

If it"s towards kids there are times when I have a slight sense of awareness, but aside from that I don"t really care

"That should be enough? I"ll go to town"

"In that case, I"ll be your guide"

Although the magician said so―

"Don"t need. You, so annoying"

The moment I said so, the surroundings suddenly froze

"Demon G.o.d, do you think nothing of it even if you kill humans? Is that not monstrous!"

An ossan"s voice came

He"s probably some country"s king

"The corpse of the hero our country sent, you sent him to my castle, right? Someone who was able to do such a cruel thing, can you tolerate [their continued existence]!"

While listening to his speech, I got that this guy was Nuisants king

"That"s what I should be saying. I said if a hero was sent I would kill them, that if you bother me, I will kill the people in that country"s castle, even though I said that much, the one who still sent him, was you, right?"

I properly gave a warning

It"s his bad for not listening

Moreover, didn"t I just return the corpse to its country

I didn"t bother other countries, right?

Isn"t this the so called common sense?

"Unless my things are attacked, I won"t attack from now on……however, if you attack I will not go easy on you. If you guys try pulling strings from behind the scenes, I will destroy your country. I have no interest in you guys, I have no desire to be involved with you either"

Therefore, don"t get involved with me either is what I try to imply

"……..-, Nevertheless, to call Rien-sama "annoying"…."

A single magician spoke out

However it"s annoying so it can"t be helped

"Self-centered guys are annoying, right? Although the knight"s definitely worse, isn"t the magician quite self-centered too"

When I say so while pointing at the knight, the surroundings become agitated once again

Well, more or less, it seems to be because I called the world"s best knight and the world"s best magician such

Just like I was making a fool of them

It is a serious thing, though I won"t withdraw [my statement]

"In that case, let me be your guide"

The one raising his hand, is Kieshye"s king

"Wha-!? Doyle-sama, you mustn"t!"

The knight near that guy tried to stop him in a panic

"I"d like to talk with the demon G.o.d-sama, I"d be happy if we could become good friends, though"


What is he saying, this guy

Why do I have to become friends with this ossan I"m meeting for the first time?

Is he an idiot

"To me you are unnecessary"

As long as Rune and the others are there, that"s enough

Even if I look at them with an amazed gaze, since I"m covered by a veil, those guys probably won"t get it

"I"m just interested in the demon G.o.d-sama"

It seems that guy seriously intends to accompany us, as he approached me

How irritating

"……Rune, what"s wrong?"

Suddenly the strength he used to cling to my arm increased

Is he perhaps scared?

……No, is it jealousy?

While I was preoccupied with Rune, that king came up right before me

"Where do you want to go? No matter where it is I can guide you"

The guys who seemed like they were Kieshye"s knights and magicians tried to stop him, but this king wouldn"t listen

The king going to town alone is probably too dangerous

Though the one he"s going along with is me, the demon G.o.d

"Rune, is there nothing you want?"

I ignore that guy and talk to Rune

Rune nodded

This guy seriously has no desires

"In that case, shall we go buy Rau a present"

I patted the head of Rune who nodded again

Today"s Rune isn"t wearing a hat

It"s cute that his ears flick from the ticklishness when I gently caress the respective ear

"I"m coming along too, If demon G.o.d and Doyle-sama are together they might be approached by a bad group"

The knight also approached me

"I don"t need you, annoying"

In that case, I"d rather just have the king alone

Although this guy seems to be irritating as well, it"s probably not to the same degree [of irritating-ness] as the knight

"The demon G.o.d won"t protect Doyle-sama, right?"


Why must I protect a guy who is not my thing?

"I will go as Doyle-sama"s guard"

As expected, annoying

It"s the No.1 [most] annoying


I click my tongue without thinking

As the one wincing from that [knight], was Rune who clung to me

Since Rune can"t take this sort of behaviour

(Let"s leave these guys behind)

It"d better for just us two, Rune and me, to go

Without saying anything, I teleported to the castle town

(The town"s atmosphere, isn"t much different [from other towns])

Perhaps no matter which country [it would be the same]

Kieshye has many who are magicians

They have no other defining characteristic

We walked while glancing into stores

"Shin-sama, I, will walk"

Rune asked to be put down

Since I am once again carrying him as I please

"Hand, will you hold?"

After he holds out his hand, I reach my hand out without hesitation

Since lately he"s been properly acting spoiled, I"ve been very happy about that

At first he would always be so restrained

While Rune and I held hands, we aimlessly walked around the town

There was nothing we had to buy especially, just presents for everyone

We first went to a clothes store and looked over the accessories

However, they aren"t much different from what they sell in Gudoudotelia"s castle town, and there"s nothing that catches my eye

(What to get…..)

Would it be better to get a plushie?

Rau"s room, has a ways to go before it loses its gloominess [and gets warm and comfy]

Without buying anything we leave the store

(I should be able to obtain an antique book here. What should I do for Rona"s present?)

As expected, a cookbook?

Lately, he"s wanted to know new recipes

And, as always I"m troubled by what to get for Rune"s present

Although he doesn"t want anything, there"s no way only Rune"s not getting anything  

What shall I buy this time?

….well, first let"s buy Rau"s present

After picking out a plushie, a voice came from behind

"Demon G.o.d! Why did you go off on your own!?"

When I looked over my shoulder, the king and knight riding an agony are there

"What did you come here for"

Even though I left them behind since they"re irritating

"You guys are unnecessary, leave"

There"s not even a need for a guide

We have plenty of time, so wandering [a bit lost] is fine

"Coming to town like this not accompanied by attendants, is my first time"

The king looks around with a childlike expression

Certainly as a king, he probably wouldn"t be able to go many places [alone] though

It"s really only the single knight

The knight and Kieshye"s king are about the same age

"….demon G.o.d-sama, are things like this your hobby?"

Picking up a plushie, the king asked

What use would I have for a plushie?

Although I like cute guys, I have no interest in cute items

Although looking at cute guys with cute items calms me down [is healing]

Like Rau hugging a plushie for example

I ignore the two and send the plushie I bought to Rau"s room

With this, the room should become more lively

(Next time, let"s get something to make the walls cute)

In this world there"s no such thing as wallpaper

At most patterns are directly engraved

To that, just a slight amount of color is applied

However, for a child"s room it"s too plain

After Rau becomes an adult, it"s enough to just restore the room to the original

(Next should be the bookstore)

However, even if I buy books in ancient languages, that book would still be from after the country was separated into six

(Although it"s troublesome, should I make the book next time)

It should be fine to do in my free time

It should be just right for killing time

…….though I don"t know when

At the bookstore I bought an antique book and a recipe book and sent them to Dea"s and Rona"s room [respectively]

"Demon G.o.d-sama knows the history [already], right? Why do you need such a book? Moreover, such a thing as a recipe book, what will you use it for?"

This king is also doing nothing but asking questions

How annoying

"It is a present for his slaves, as the demon G.o.d pampers his slaves"

In place of me who doesn"t say anything, the knight informs the king

(Rune and Rau aren"t slaves)

Well, there"s no way I"m telling that to these guys though

(Is there nothing to buy for Rune…..)

As for Rune he doesn"t seem to have any hobbies and I don"t understand his taste

I look over the goods while pulling Rune"s hand

However, there"s nothing that seems just right

"Rune, is there anything you"d like? It"s fine even if it"s not a thing"


He blankly looks up at me

After all, I already can"t think of anything else to buy him

"Like something you want, or something you"d like to do, anything"s fine, I"ll do it no matter what you ask for"

After his eyes wander around a bit, he let"s out a small voice

"I want to be together with Shin-sama"

……what to do

For his only desire to be that, it"s too cute

His awkwardness after saying that is cute too

"Should we stay at an inn today?"


Rune"s surprised appearance

"You would be together with me, right?"

When I ask while patting his head, his face turns bright red and he gives a small nod

"Shall we go to the inn after buying food"

Let"s hurry and finish our errands

"You will stay [at an inn]? In that case, won"t you stay at my castle?"

King, you"re annoying

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.ds are in the way so leave"

Again….. the surrounding atmosphere wavered [with a *zawari*]

Well, these guys are Kieshye"s king and the governor who"s called the world"s best knight after all

The guys who don"t know I"m the demon G.o.d get angry at me

"What a thing [to say] to Doyle-sama……! You black haired pariah!!"

Speaking of, humans without blonde hair and blue eyes receive quite cruel treatment

However, sorry, but I"m a demon G.o.d

Demon G.o.d"s have black hair

The previous demon G.o.d as well, had jet black hair just like me

However, the appearance is unnecessary information, huh?

Although I have that [information] in my head, it"s probably unnecessary

"Stop it! Don"t start a fight with the demon G.o.d!"

The knight stands in front of me

"Do you intend to bring humanity to ruin!?"

I don"t plan to ruin humanity over just that much

It"s troublesome

Something like abusive language towards me, even if it"s offensive I can just ignore it

If I"m in a bad mood I"ll punch them though

As they haven"t done anything to Rune, I leave it to the knight who is desperately trying to stop them and walk away

I have to buy food

Buying up all the food, I send it to both inside the castle and the garden area

Differentiating them afterwards [after sending], would be quite an undertaking after all

"Do you really need that much food? How many people are in demon G.o.d-sama"s castle?"

The king is asking questions again

Knight, do something

It"s your job [to ask questions or to stop him?], right

The knight in question, is once again saying something to the townspeople

Didn"t he come here as the king"s guard, that guy

Isn"t he neglecting [his job]

"What"s it to you?"

Nothing but annoying questions

"In order to know the demon G.o.d-sama, if I don"t ask I won"t understand you right? Rather Sei-dono said so, but I"d heard that demon G.o.d-sama is perhaps a matchlessly beautiful man? Won"t you remove your veil?"

That knight, what is he saying

"Matchlessly beautiful man"?

Are his eyes rotten

"I won"t since when I remove my veil it makes Rune jealous"

It seems he doesn"t want me to show my face to others, aside from those guys in the castle

"Demon G.o.d-sama, are you in a [love] relationship with the beastman?"

Perhaps it appears as a [love] relationship to this guy"s eyes

"Rune is my thing"

No more than that no less than that

I once again go shopping while ignoring what the king"s saying, and after that we enter an inn

Author"s note: thanks for all the ratings and comments ( / v )

Corrections will be done after I finish

There will probably be a lot after [I finish]

TN: Happy New Year! (almost)

My new year"s resolution is to translate three or more chapters a week

New year"s resolutions are supposed to be impossible to achieve goals, right?

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