I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 63

Outbreak of War

(It"s noisy)

Since it was too noisy I woke up

Inside the castle is quiet

Veiden, internally, is peacefully at leisure today as well

Then, why is it so noisy?

That is, obviously because of the surrounding countries

Like that knight said, it seems war started

They are scrambling for the magic stones I make

Or rather, we haven"t even started foreign trade yet and we haven"t even decided anything about it

Rather I just said "we might" and they actually start a war over it, are the humans of this world stupid?

I believe I know just how valuable magic stones are, but I can produce them infinitely you know

Rather, they may not understand what the value of it will become from now on

In this world Fell"s curse strongly remains, and the amount of magic stones that can be mined became less

Even if they mine them they get inferior things, so there isn"t that much value as a magic stone

Magic stones are crystallizations made by solidifying magic power

When formed naturally it"s a very slow [process]

However, due to the curse, magic power crystallization began to wane

Because of that magic stones couldn"t be mined and they could only scramble for inferior quality things

There is a guy hitting the wall encircling the country"s perimeter

It seems there are many guys who hit the wall seeking out a.s.sistance, it"s annoying and I just can"t take anymore

Although I always ignore it, as one would expect when the hitting is coming from five countries it"s noisy and I can"t sleep

Magic also seems to strike occasionally, it seems to be stray shot like things from the war though

Without going through the town, I teleport as is to the wall at the border keeping them out

I have no desire to let Rune see something like war

(Should I bring Dea along?)

However, since this time I will just be doing something or other about the noisy guys, so it should be fine for me to just remain a spectator of the war next time

From the high wall there are people gathering far beneath

"Demon G.o.d-sama! Please help us"

"Offer us weak your helping hand!"


Moreover, what?

Offering supplication like this is some fake religion

Even though I am a G.o.d I"m not Buddha……rather, I"m currently a kind of G.o.d, huh

It"s complicated

However I"m not a virtuous guy

It"s not like I have some profound benevolence

They should be aware that I"m this world"s demon G.o.d, as such aren"t I supposed to "bring forth catastrophe"?

I wonder why they"re worshipping

It"s irritating

(Shall I send them a warning)

The image, let"s use something like the notice boards j.a.pan used to have

So those pierce the ground at regular intervals

"Hitting the wall

Attacking the wall

Making a racket around the wall

Doing any of the above, will receive immediate punishment"

With this the noise should disappear

I have no obligation to help those guys who disturb my sleep

In an instant the surroundings become quiet and I return to the castle while yawning

—Sei side—

The war started

The five countries dispute over the exclusive rights for the demon G.o.d"s magic stones

As for which country the demon G.o.d might trade with, to begin with, we don"t even know whether or not he"ll even trade at all

I, as the governor, whether I like it or not, have to partic.i.p.ate

"There"s no way we"ll lose"

Each country is probably thinking so

Even though as it was [before] we were at peace, and now we are prohibited from even crossing into another country

The citizens who can"t partic.i.p.ate in the war unanimously went towards the demon G.o.d"s country to try and take refuge

There"s a wall around the demon G.o.d"s country and it can"t be entered

Perhaps because there"s a powerful barrier over Tazligo as well, it can"t be entered

For a person flying in the sky as well, due to the barrier over the upper skies, it seems that people can"t enter from there either

The demon G.o.d is thoroughly screening every person who enters the country

The demon G.o.d"s country, I wonder how much longer until it"s completed

Like that one day, in front of the wall surrounding the demon G.o.d"s country, notice boards were erected

"A warning from Veiden country:

Hitting the wall

Attacking the wall

Making a racket around the wall

Doing any of the above, will receive immediate punishment"

Such was written

The guys who thought they would be allowed entry to the demon G.o.d"s country if they offered supplication were engulfed in feelings of despair

That demon G.o.d, even so, there"s no way he"d help those greedy humans

The other races are probably in more despair that the humans

Those guys have no other refuge

Being subordinated [and only seen] as war potential and being sent to the battlefield

Even though the only person they could rely on is the demon G.o.d

(So the demon G.o.d"s country is called Veiden……)

The word Veiden, I don"t know what meaning it has

Just, hope is [now] cut off

For me as well, my heart was not in the war

If I did not do so, I would not be able to grasp my sword

A war like this, is foolish

I thought such, but there"s nothing I can do about it

The bangle with the magic stone that I received from the demon G.o.d and depend on, because I hide it with my sleeve, no one else knows about it

I fear it being found out, but I can"t remove it either

If others knew I possessed a magic stone, all my enemies would come flocking

……no, not only enemies, I would also have to watch out for even my allies

Thinking I was happy to receive a magic stone was just [in] the beginning, now I regret having received such an outrageous thing

This is something that will explicitly become a seed of trouble whenever I have it on me

Rather than saying it"s something I don"t need, I don"t want to have it

With this element of anxiety, I want to return it to the demon G.o.d

However, from here on I cannot go meet him

During war, me leaving the battlefield as the governor would be problematic so I cannot

The knights" morale would drop

But, I, am honestly against this war

However no one else objects to it

The war is endorsed and supported and naturally everyone heads to the battlefield

…….Why, does no one realize I wonder?

That there is no meaning to this war-

That even having it is pointless

That a lot of people will die, wounded people will appear one after another, there will be people who will starve as well

That it will weaken the country

Even though it will just bring meaningless death, going that far just for some magic stones?

It should not be in exchange for the death of many people

However, no matter how much I alone raise my voice over this war, it will not be stopped

So, somewhere in my heart, I ended up relying on the demon G.o.d

Whether or not the best resolution comes about, I ended up hoping

Though unwilling, I want to leave the judgement of our argument to the demon G.o.d

To the point that I feel cornered

Since I understand that the war can not be stopped, if not [done] by the demon G.o.d

Even though he told me he would not save me, I still ended up expecting, antic.i.p.ating that

……..it"s at my own convenience

When I knew the demon G.o.d was born I fl.u.s.teredly searched for a hero to try and exterminate [the demon G.o.d]

When I learned he had no match, I begged him to let us live

When I wanted the demon G.o.d to tell us the knowledge he possessed, I intruded on him many times

And so, this time when I"m in despair over humans, I hope for him to save me and such……

The demon G.o.d, saying that I was arrogant, if it"s now I understand

I, only think about myself

I don"t think about how it is for the demon G.o.d

Such a me, should not hope for help from the demon G.o.d

For the demon G.o.d, I am only an "annoying guy" and I"m no different from the many others of the same kind

(I, for what reason did I become a knight…….)

Originally, I liked to move my body

I aspired in my swordsmanship and soon distinguished myself and my parents said that I should become a knight

Encouraged like that I embarked on that path and ever since becoming a knight I"ve trained without shirking and was entrusted the position of governor

My parents as well as my relatives and friends were all very pleased

Right, just for that reason

(It"s not like I wanted to become a knight no matter what…….)

To realize such a thing this late

Just because it made the people around me happy I proceeded along this path

As soon as I realized that, the loyalty within me towards my country disappeared

Such a thing, was perhaps only my self deception

I wonder why I only noticed this now

It"s all just too late

I, like a puppet, only lived without thinking anything

A t.i.tle like "the world"s best swordsman" for the current me is nothing but a burden

I, in my current position I can only continue in my current state

I cannot resign nor can I run away

Were it not so I would not be able to endure it

Since "meaningless killing" has become the work of the current me…….

"I don"t want to partic.i.p.ate in this war" "I don"t want to pointlessly kill"

Even though I think so, because I myself want to live I will raise my hand towards other people

I do not want to die, I think that

So that I can continue living I can only raise my hand against others

Until I die, I will endure this bitterness

Why, I want to live―I don"t want to die, why did I end up thinking that?

If I ended up dying, I would no longer have to meet such a bitter sight

For me, perhaps I don"t even have the resolution to sacrifice my life…….

I am in despair over myself

Sei side end

AN saying thanks and admitting they still haven"t written out the plot……going by the seat of their pants, and will work hard etc

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