I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 64

The World in Chaos

Dea side

"Dea, do you want to go observe the fools" vulgar war?"

One day, master called out to me

After sleeping for about half a month, I often saw master going for a walk around town while carrying Rune in one arm, but…..

Today Rune is not beside him

"Rune is?"

"He"s taking care of the kids"

The main point, is probably that he doesn"t want to let Rune see "the fools" vulgar war"

I think that for master, for both Rune and the children, he doesn"t want them to see the unsavory parts of adults

Showing me war, is probably so that I can teach the history of it after this

"If you experience only the history of what happens in Veiden, it"s no good, right? After all significant things won"t occur [just here]"

As master says, [due to] Veiden"s very peace itself, limited by master"s presence, it means that disputes probably won"t even occur

If you mention discontent it would only be that there are too few jobs, and while that may be the case there"s not even any starvation [in Veiden]

Since there is quite a lot of provisions supplied [to the people] compared to the time living in villages it"s become quite luxurious

Although the demon G.o.d is treated like a G.o.d that calls forth catastrophe, master isn"t that sort of G.o.d

Veiden"s citizens treat him like a savior and worship and revere him

—Master, makes an unpleasant face at the citizen clasping hands [to worship him] though

"Isn"t it like the people are offering their respects like I"m a ghost"

He said such when I asked him

(What is a "go-st"?)

Among master"s words there are still some that I cannot understand

Master, for the people that he brought into this country, is a savior, but for humans and demons and the like he is the possessor of power beyond compare

It seems there are people who feel fear and awe towards him, and not only people who are just innocently grateful

To those sorts of people, he often says things like that

In other words, "go-st" should probably signify some frightening existence?

Does master mean to say "do not fear me"?

He doesn"t seem to have any interest in other people, so that might not be it

Even I still do not understand master"s way of thinking yet

"Are you saying that from now on you"ll show me the events happening in this world?"

Master, even after making Rune his wife, was still gentle to us

The book I received from master was reproduced many times by master to use in the school

However, the names and such are only written in the book that master gave to me

From before, the elf king at the time of Baren country, Suderio Safrine, as well as the other races" kings are written there

I knew that a spirit"s second name changed according to the strength of their magic power, but the king at the time of Baren country was "ami" and the prince was "ari"

I thought whether the king was strong, according to master it seems the prince was stronger

It seems that having "a" attached is proof of being royalty in the olden days and the next part is the strength of their power

However, now it"s the opposite, and the letters signifying strength of the people further back are stronger

Rona said his parents were "ka"

Haju"s whole family uses "ki" and it seems that"s rare among spirits

The family also knows the real names

Not subordinating, is as expected because the same blood flow in them

Being husband and wife as well is a different sort of agreement than something like subordination

Since master and Rune are different races, Rune ended up being subordinated, but usually there is a ceremony where they combine their blood

With that even if they know each other"s real name since they are spouses they won"t end up subordinating the other

Other races are also probably like that as well, but they can"t really subordinate within the same race

It seems among humans they also have that sort of thing, but the for the other three races it is standard to live helping each other

It seems the power to subordinate among the same race is weak, so even if you do it there"s really no meaning

"Let"s go"

Holding me in one arm, my field of vision warped

And then—


I reflexively inhaled and desperately clung to master"s arm

"You don"t need to be so scared, I won"t drop you, you know?"

Even with master"s words, they just pa.s.s through [TN: lit. from right to left=go over my head, in one ear out the other….iirc]

We are currently floating in midair

Below they are in the middle of war and people look like insects

In other words, that"s just how high in the sky we are

The people below don"t seem to be aware of us up in the sky


For tall buildings I only know master"s castle, and not having any platform to put my feet down on is too, too scary

My only lifeline is master"s left arm

No matter how much he tells me not to be afraid, it"s impossible

"Should we descend down? Although it"s in the middle of war, since you have my divine protection you won"t be injured"

When he says so, we descend in one breath, all at once

Words can"t even come out

Scary, fast……

Tears overflow from fear

He remains composed even as my nails dig into his arm that I am desperately holding onto

Since the only thing I can depend on is that arm I desperately hold onto it with my eyes closed

Then, perhaps understanding that I was afraid, or maybe just fortuitously, the falling speed becomes slowed

Although my feet are not yet on the ground, I hear the sound of voices calling out "demon G.o.d-sama" here and there and open my eyes

(…..Hmm? Currently it is the middle of a war, right?)

Everyone is looking at master without fighting

Since their hands are holding swords and other such weapons, they were probably actually fighting

Did they stop since master came?

"…..the descent was a failure. Even though I thought I could finally watch from up close"

Saying so, we once again gently ascended

On the way, he changed my position easily while holding me and once again floated gently

Since I could wrap my arms around master"s neck, compared to before my fear faded

Master who again rose up high into the sky, teleported saying we would change locations

Below, there are still many people

I can only watch as the same scene I saw before appears

Just as master said, no matter which country it seems they are at war

However, why so suddenly?

Although master only said it was fools starting a war, what is the meaning of that

Master probably knows?

"What is the cause of this war?"



Is master saying he incited it?

This trouble hating master, purposely did such a thing?

"The cause is the magic stones I make. The war is a scramble for magic stones. I only said that Veiden may export magic stones in foreign trade"

He gave a simple explanation and I grasped what I couldn"t comprehend

"Magic stones?"

That is to say, the stone embedded in this collar?

Appearing many times from master"s hand, the gem-like stone

I see Rune occasionally wearing a lot of them as accessories

To begin with, just how does he produce magic stones?

I don"t know detailed [information] about magic stones

According to master, it"s a thing that contains a particular power, [mine is] specialized in communication it seems

Since it"s something I haven"t witnessed up to now, I don"t know the full details

This as well, if I ask will he tell me I wonder?

Master would feel it"s troublesome and wouldn"t give me an explanation on his own

However, if I ask he"ll tell me

For my question, it"s better to ask it all at once

"To begin with, what is a magic stone?"

When I ask, he stares down at me

"…….still, for magic stones to be something even the elves don"t know about"

He seems a bit surprised at finding something I don"t know about

Beyond expressionless, I did not completely understand for sure

Telling his feelings from the miniscule fluctuations in his expression, is still too difficult for me

"Magic stones are things that are the solidified crystallization of magic power. With it being magic power, a naturally made one is generally clear and wearing it can help increase magic power. Making it I"m just solidifying my own magic power. For that reason, I can make ones that have my desired effect in them. Current naturally made ones are quite inferior and don"t have [good] transparency. Though lately it seems they can"t even mine out any magic stones"

The information from master is always surprising

He said G.o.d imparted information to him when he was born as the demon G.o.d, but there seems to be quite a large amount

Even myself as an elf rich in higher knowledge, probably can"t cram in all the information that master possesses

It will surely exceed [my brain"s] capacity

"Making magic stones, won"t master"s magic power decrease?"

I heard that of the people who have magic power, the amount that they can use decreases

If they rest their body, it seems their magic power recovers though [TN: so recovering any used magic power is difficult it seems?]

"Ah—there"s no such feeling. No matter how much I use it seems it can be replenished. The guys with a lot of magic power have decreased, but there is magic power in the atmosphere and although crystallization [of magic stones naturally] has ceased, but the amount there [in the atmosphere] is unchanged from the past and it seems to have nothing to do with me"

He indifferently a.s.sembles the words

To the point that I forgot that the place we are now is high up in the sky

"Even if I use magic, just that amount can be replenished from the atmosphere. It seems it"s not affected by breathing, like that I don"t understand the basis of it though, I can only say it"s because I"m the demon G.o.d"

Does that mean it"s a blessing that master gets as the demon G.o.d in this world?

At any rate, he was sent here by G.o.d

"Dea, which do you think will win"

The talk already became about something different

He"s "my pace" as usual

"…..thinking about it normally, I think it will be either Gudoudotelia that puts their effort into training knights, or Kieshye that puts their effort into training magicians"

They are the countries with the world"s number one swordsman and the world"s number one magician

I wonder which will come out on top

However, according to how the remaining three countries move, that might change

The human"s war, I"ll never really get it

"Speaking of war, even if I watch like this it"s not interesting at all"

When I look below at master"s words it seems it"s mostly concluded

With this I don"t yet understand the outcome, but it seems it will end today

Both parties withdraw

A large number of corpses remain as is…..

Master descends to the place that became silent

The air is filled with the stench of blood, the putrid odor of corpses also lingers

I can see the figures of races aside from humans as well

They were probably there as the human"s [meat]shield

"Uuh, a…."

I can hear a groan coming from somewhere

They"re still alive

However, they were left behind in this place full of corpses

The fabled h.e.l.l may be a place like this

"It looks like this world"s humans don"t know the word "cooperation""

I can"t understand the meaning behind the words master mutters, and we once again gently ascend

"Hole, dig. Corpse, bury. Tomb, erect"

In accordance with master"s words, a large hole appears on the ground and the corpses automatically dive in their on their own

Once all the corpses enter earth covers them from above and a stone with something written on it enshrines them above there

"Master, that is?"



What is that?

"It"s a memorial for the deceased"

It that also a custom from his previous world?

In this world when there"s a corpse they are washed away in the river

When the river is far away they are left as is

For the demons or beasts to eat

The bones remain, but that is ignored

Someday they"ll disappear

It seems humans have some sort of ceremony, but I don"t know up to the contents of it

Since it changes moment by moment

"If such a situation continues, I can"t bring Rune and the others out"

Master, I wonder why exactly he dislikes [the idea of] showing Rune this sort of scene?

Since he"s a beastman, wouldn"t he be accustomed to it?

Or is it the same sort of feeling as with Rau?

Certainly, it"s not the sort of scene you would want to show to children

As one would expect it"s much too cruel

However, master"s not even one year old yet either

If you add the part from his previous existence, he"s still only 18

Even younger than Rune

Master, I wonder if he was like this even in his previous world?

Dea side end

AN saying thanks for reading and they"ll try to update more and faster [TN: it"s already completed now though]

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