Episode 18: Meat-Toilet’s Daily Life Together 4 (Eliza, Aina)

Author Note:
I wrote this in the previous release, but there is scat in this episode.
I added a lilttle part about why the protagonist can do it at 0 years old to make it easy to understand.

“Eeh– Do I have to do it~~?”

“Yeah, I’ll have you take care of it. This time are you guys.”

“But if I do it, it will definitely turn out horribly, but is that fine? I mean, it’s also embara.s.sing.”

“Wiw’ Ai do ich too~♡?”

“Rather, please do it. I want to see it.”

“Geez, it can’t be helped~♡ Master is such a pervert, after all~♡”

And so, today, Eliza-chan and me, Aina, will be reporting~.
Aah, so embarra.s.sing.
First off is me, ok~ I am Aina, and I live in Espua Village.
My family has my father(?) and mother, Big Sister Liscia, my little sister Ran, and my little brother Master~
I’m basically an idiot so please don’t mind me.
I like moving my body, but what I guess what I love the most is having s.e.x with Master♡
I’m talking because Master said to, but since I’m better at moving my body rather than talking, I don’t think I’ll be able to do it well–.

“Master–♡ What should I talk about again?”

“Aina, just talk about how you spend your day.”

“Got it–.”

Umm, how I spend my day, huh—well, I’ll start talking, okay? I spend my day as a toilet that handles all of Master’s bodily waste~♡
Being called by Master, my job is to receive Master’s discharges from various holes.
Also, the newcomer Eliza-chan is also a toilet that handles excrement, but she still has a long way to go.
Anyway, I guess I should introduce how I do my work.
First, the most important thing is to eat, lick, and properly take in everything that comes out of Master.
You know, I love Master so much that even I myself am surprised. It’s to the extent that I want to do anything for him.
Furthermore, even though if it should’ve been something embarra.s.sing, when I’m told to do it by Master, his pee and even his poo become really delicious.

“Aina, my p.i.s.s is gonna come out. Will you drink it for me?”

“Yup. I love Master’s pee♡ Please release a lot of it inside of my mouth p.u.s.s.y.”

“Yeah, it’s coming out. I’m releasing it inside of the erotic toilet Aina’s mouth p.u.s.s.y.”

*splaash* *trinkle* *trinkle* *trinkle~*


I showed Master that my mouth was filled with his pee.

“Oooh. Ok, you can drink it.”

“Uhuh, *gulp* *gulp*♡”

Aah, Master’s pee is so delicious♡

“Puhaa–, Masteer– I’m starting to throb after drinking it♡”

“Aina, which is good for you? a.n.a.l or p.u.s.s.y?”

“a.n.a.l is good for me♡ Because I cleaned it just for this time♡ Please thrust lots inside my a.n.a.l which has been trained and loose by a.n.a.l plugs and d.i.c.ks~♡”

“Ok, got it. Here we go, I’ll thrust a lot inside of Aina’s a.n.a.l-p.u.s.s.y.”

Saying this, Master’s extremely thick d.i.c.k entered my a.n.u.s.

“Nhoohn, ooooh! So thick~♡ Even though my a.n.a.l is so loose, it fits perfectly–♡ Oh no~♡ Just by entering, I can’t stop c.u.mming~~♡ c.u.mming! c.u.mming! c.u.mming! I’m c.u.mming–!”

I could tell that my hips were moving all by itself, wriggling as though to l.u.s.tily devour Master’s c.o.c.k.

“Nnoh!! Amazing! This a.n.a.l p.u.s.s.y is so tight that it’s almost like a living creature is biting down on my c.o.c.k!”

“Ah!! It’s becoming loose! It’s coming out, Master~~♡ My pee is coming out~~♡”

I felt so good that I could no longer put any strength into my p.u.s.s.y.

“What!!? Ok, Eliza. Open your mouth and drink Aina’s pee.”

Master ordered Eliza-chan to drink my p.i.s.s. Oh no. Thinking that Eliza-chan would do such a thing with my pee, I was unable to stop it.

“Ok~ Ai am a guud girl so Ai’ll dwink it. Aina-chan, pwease go pee-pee in mai mouth.”

“Aah, Eliza-chan! Aaaah, it’s coming out!!”

*fsssssssssshh* *tinkle* *tinkle* *trickle* *trickle* *trickle*
I faced Eliza-chan, and covered her in pee. I was aroused.

“Aah, it came out~~♡ Aah!! So hard♡ Master, a.n.a.l feels soo goood~~♡ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!”

Having been devilishly pierced by Master, thick s.e.m.e.n flowed into my a.n.u.s before I pa.s.sed out.
When I woke up, Eliza-chan was lying on the floor, her body painted with poo.
That’s so unfair, Eliza-chan. Even though I also wanted to have some poo-play as well.
After that, I went with Eliza-chan to wash ourselves in the river before returning home.
It often ends up just like this, where one of us is completely painted with poo~~♡
I’d be nice if we could have some poo-play next time.

“Is it ok like this? Master♡”

“Yeah, that was good Aina.”

“Fufuun. So, Master♡ I’d like it if I got a reward?”

“Sure, what do you want?”

“Can we have some poo-play?”

“Ai also want to do it~”

I tried my best to plead while using my upward glance.
In the face of this, Master smiled wryly before saying this.

“Sure, I’ll do it.”

“Really!? Yay~♡ Fufufuh. Since I thought that Master would say yes, I’ve been saving it♡”

“Is that so, Aina? If so, then I want to see it come out?”

“Ai’ll awlso do it~~♡ Id’s just going poo poo, wight?”

“Alright, let out one piece, you two.”

“It’s coming out, Master♡ My poo is coming out~~♡ Watch my a.n.u.s lots~♡ Watch me as I release my plump, thick poo~♡”

“Mine ish awlso coming owt~~♡ Ai’m weally a bad girl! A bad girl who goes poo-poo owtside~♡ Dat’s wai pwease punish me~~♡”

*squish* *squish-ish* *squelch* *squish-ish-ish-ish-ish* *squish* *squish* *squish*
Under the blue sky, Eliza-chan and I let out a long piece of poo.

“Master♡ Something this fat came out from inside of me~♡”

I grabbed the poo that I just dumped and showed it to Master.
Aah, Master’s looking at my poo~~♡
It’s really warm and steamy. Oh no, I’m c.u.mming~♡
Eliza-chan is also amazing. She dumped out so much♡

“It’s always a highlight no matter when I see it~~.”
You two are really wet, huh. I’ll put it inside your p.u.s.s.ies.”

“Pud it in me~~♡ Ai can’t wait anymoah~♡”

Eliza-chan had her p.u.s.s.y pierced by Master first.

“Nnaaaaaaaaaah! A fat one’sh filling me up lots and lots~~♡ Aaaaah! c.u.mming♡!”

Eliza-chan’s can no longer articulate properly anymore! Amazing!
During this time, I washed my hands.
And then Master made her faint. Gently putting down Eliza-chan, Master headed towards me.
I can’t stop being so h.o.r.n.y.
I was pierced in an instant by master, and fainted due to the overwhelming pleasure.
When I woke up, Eliza-chan and I were cleaned and laid down to sleep on the bed.
I love our gentle Master♡

Author Note:
Next time is also a part of the every day arc, as well as the end of chapter 2.

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