Episode 20: I turned 6 years old (Pampered s.e.x with the Big-Bellied Mothers, School Enrollment)

Author Note:
Sorry, I am late.
Chapter 3.

Heyaa, how are you? Finally, the forbidden door has been opened.
This is Has.h.i.+ma Kouji who has been reincarnated into another world, AKA Kou-chan.
Um, just an FYI, upon confirming that my mother: Tria and Sphia’s mother: Frea were pregnant, the two stated that they wanted to give birth, and so are currently in their 8th month of pregnancy.
Sphia brought Frea, saying that her mother had wanted us to have s.e.x together, but I wonder why? Because Frea didn’t seem to be completely into it, I violated her countless times after having enjoyed the mother-daughter combo so that she would become my woman.
The baby is, naturally, my child, but should they call me Papa? Big brother?—after discussing this, I decided that they’d call me big brother.
It appears to be a girl, and I was told that we should all do it together if she is born.
I’ll show just how I can make a perverted daughter without using hypnosis.
Now then, since they’ve entered a stable period, we’re going to start having celebratory pregnant s.e.x for the sake of widening their birth ca.n.a.l for a safer delivery.
Tria and Frea seemed very happy at not only the fact that they made another child, but that said child was mine.
This time, I feel like hearing out this duo’s wishes and having them spoil me for some reason?
But that’s only as long as it doesn’t upset me, though~

“Kou-chan’s child.”

I stroked the largely swollen stomach.
I’m a parent, huh. Somehow, the notion seems quite profound……

“Master, the mothers look so happy♡”

Sphia also seems to be really happy. Well, I wouldn’t stop doing her even if she got pregnant with a child, though~

“Now then, it’s fine for us to spoil you now.
We know that you are hiding something from us. We also know that you’ve laid your hands on many women. But, you know, we think that is fine. So long as it will clear up that gloomy darkness of yours, then I feel as though we will accept anything…”

Wha!!? So these guys were thinking such things…

I just want to live as I please. I thought I was finally released from that continually restrictive life when I died after being run over by a car.
After that, when I met Sphia and was told to defeat the Demon Lord, I thought that I would be forced to do something once more.
That’s why I longed for the freedom that those in other worlds possessed, and this desire exploded the moment I arrived in a different world.
Certainly, even if I changed their very souls with my hypnosis, it would be quite boring. That’s why, I had a lot of hards.h.i.+ps, and felt burdened despite having corrupted them…

“You sure that’s ok? Just like that? I want to keep living as I please from now on. That’s why I have no intention of holding you here. I might also do terrible things to you, and it might even turn into a crime. Are you guys fine with this?”

“I’m happy that we could finally hear Master’s honest thoughts. Certainly, we were manipulated by Master at first. But, you know, we think of that as a good thing.
Somehow, after being embraced by you, we’ve come to understand that you are holding onto a lot of things.”

“When I gave birth to you, the first time I saw your face, I thought-
Why do you look so lonely? That’s what I thought at the time.
I want you to be happy.
That’s why we will forgive you and want to spoil you.”

I began to shed tears. After all, I can tell that I’m being loved after having been said such things to me.
Is it ok for me to be pampered by them?
Having experienced such a h.e.l.l, I began to ponder such.
In doing so, I was slowly embraced by Tria and Frea.

“You can do whatever you want until your heart recovers.
But, you know, you’re not allowed to break yourself.
If you break, then we’ll be very sad. That’s why we won’t say anything about what you’re holding onto. Spoiling you or having s.e.x with you is fine, so please share your burdens with us.”

Tria, Frea. I like you. I love you.
To think that you would say something like that.
I might not be able to be pampered very well yet, but it might be best for me not to hold back.”

“”Haah, haah, this is the first time Master said that something like loving and liking us————-amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing! Tria and Frea are so happy that we can’t endure it anymore.””

Saying this, the duo shook their large stomachs as they m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed.

“Haah, haah, after saying that and even trying this hard to be pampered, it’d be strange if we weren’t aroused.
Furthermore, I haven’t had s.e.x with this place in a while so I’ve been holding it in♡”

In order to act as the partner of these two lovely Meat-Toilets, I removed the simple clothing I was wearing and revealed the face of my son from within my clothes.
Seeing my son, the two swallowed their saliva with a *gulp* as their hand movements became lewd.
While kneading my nipples, Frea rubbed her c.u.n.t against my thighs.
Tria kissed me whilst stroking my d.i.c.k with gentle hand movements.
I groped the duo’s chests that were leaking breast milk. Tria’s chest, which was a H-cup, became even larger after pregnancy, growing a cup size as it became an I-cup. Although Frea was originally an E-cup, her pregnancy raised her cup size by 2, resulting in a G-cup.
Breast milk overflowed from the two’s gigantic t.i.ts, obscenely covering our three bodies and smearing it with white. The three of us began to lick said substance off of each other.

“Ahn♡ That tickles.”

“I-It does, doesn’t it♡ Being licked is quite arousing, isn’t it?”

“Yes, comparing my breast milk with Frea’s, I think Frea’s milk is a little bit sweeter~♡”

“Hmm, Tria’s milk gives of a bit of a thick taste♡”

“Yeah. From the two of you, I like both of your milks.”

“Yes♡ I’m so happy♡”

“I want to lick it more~♡”

It would seem that Tria is pleased, and Frea wants to lick up some more.

“Now then. Although it’s standing magnificently, your member has yet to reach its best so we shall service it, okay♡”

After Tria said this, the two began to lick my d.i.c.k.
Tria prudently started to lick from the glans, while Frea respectfully ma.s.saged and licked my s.c.r.o.t.u.m, stimulating an erection.

“*smack* *smack* *slurp* *slurp*, nngh *lick* *lick* *smack*, haah. There’s so much prec.u.m coming from the glans. So tasty.”

“Nn *smack* *slurp* *slurp* *slurp* *slurp* nngh~~~~ (no fair~) He’s making lots of child seed with these large s.c.r.o.t.u.m♡
Squeeze, squeeze, *kiss* *kiss* *lick* *lick*♡”

My p.e.n.i.s had stiffened to its limit, to the point where it was sticking itself to my stomach.

“Uuh, not good.”

“Master~♡ Do you want to put it in~? Since your member is this amazingly stiff and hard, if you were to jam this into our preggo-bellied-erotic-p.u.s.s.y, then-♡”

“Yeah, please let me put it in you. I want it. I want to insert myself inside of your Meat-Toilet-Preggo-Bellied p.u.s.s.ies.
I’ll make a reservation for the next child.”

My d.i.c.k was painfully erect.

“Okay♡ Please put it inside of our Preggo-Bellied-Meat-Toilet p.u.s.s.ies♡”

It was there that the sound of my reason bursting and flying away echoed within the confines of my head.
After that, my d.i.c.k screwed and messed them up countless times, e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. numerous times after a series of thrusts, to the point where one could bathe in the amount of fluids released.


The duo’s eyes rolled into the backs of their heads, ending the day as they fainted.
Now then, we have come to take the enrollment exam for Royal St. Lionel Academy.
Apparently, because it was located in the royal capital, this Royal St. Lionel Academy was a boarding school where one could become a knight or royal magician if they were acknowledged to have talent.
Well, I won’t be showing my real strength, though. It seems like it would be a pain, and I don’t want to stand out either.
However, it was because I was thinking that I wanted to try to meet lots of girls soon, I decided to start school.
And Ran, Aina, Celica, and Sphia–these 4 also decided to enrol together with me. Liscia and Asha, who was not here, were taking care of the problematic Irina and Saria.
Only Liscia had exceeded the enrolment age.
Because I felt sorry for her, I f.u.c.ked her for about 4 days.
She was extremely happy, but since everyone was envious of her, I used my clones to f.u.c.k everyone.
Royal St. Lionel Academy was an inst.i.tute founded by the Hero Lionel, and there was a considerable amount of students taking that exam that it was practically overflowing.
First was the measurement of magical power, but since my magical power, physical ability, vitality, and physical strength—my various abilities would rise as I have s.e.x, I believe that my magical power would be high when compared to everyone else and I would pa.s.s easily. However, this is bad. Since it appears that magical power measured would be reflected in the crystal’s colour, no one can hide their true ability. As such, I used hypnosis to make the examiner misunderstand that my measurement was in the mid-upper blue level.
It was a really close call when everyone was white.
I need to tell everyone to adjust themselves so that we don’t draw attention.
By the way, the examination colour-types were colourless, white, light blue, blue, orange, red, and black–these 8 colours. Naturally, because I was colourless, I set myself to blue via hypnosis.
Next was the sword skill test. I have told everyone to hold back a little. First of all, since my movements to even my kinetic vision were enhanced, I instantly defeated the examiner. Because of this, everyone mimicked the movements of some guy who was judged to be about the mid-lower range, resulting in everyone being accepted.
Everyone was in the same A Cla.s.s.
In this academy, the cla.s.ses were separated into SS, S, A, B, C, and D, with each cla.s.s’s lesson content being different.
Our school life started in this manner.

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