Episode 23: Cool Female Teacher (Flirty s.e.x with the G.o.ddess, Cool Female Teacher’s m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t Training)

Author Note:
I’m sorry that I’m late again. I was uncertain about the battle scene and so the release became late.

h.e.l.lo, this is Has.h.i.+ma Kouji who has dyed two girls from my cla.s.s in my colour AKA Kou-chan.
While I’m having s.e.x every day after coming to a different world, it’s still nowhere near enough.
Rather, I’m just becoming more and more pent up.
Before this, I did it continuously with my 6 Meat-Toilets, but I completely won out against them as everyone fainted.
If I don’t corrupt the entire school a little quicker, then I don’t think everyone will be able to keep up.
Therefore, this time I’ll try to corrupt our teacher.
Or so was the intent, but because Sphia wanted to flirt with me with tremendous moment, I couldn’t make a move.
Even though she’s rotted, she’s still a G.o.ddess. Her flirting is too intense.
As for why the exalted G.o.ddess is making out with me, when I went to Sphia to report that I’ve decided on my next prey, she suddenly asked me to allow her to service me for some reason, causing me to respond with a “yeah, sure”. After which, she began to put her full effort into making out with me.
Well, because I had something to ask Sphia, it’s fine to let her serve me as she wants.

“Mastahn♡ I love you~♡ *smack*♡ *smaack*♡ Everything is fine so long as Master’s here♡ I want to make Master happy♡ I finally understand why Master is this unbalanced.
That’s why I love you now even more than I did before.”

“I see…don’t worry. I’m already…I’m no longer how I was from back then.”

“Understood♡ Mastahn♡ I shall start my service.”

Stopping the kiss we had up until now, she began to remove the cloth trousers that I was wearing.

“As expected, it’s so big♡ Even I lost against this thing♡ Up until now, I thought that this was a good thing.

Certainly, at that time, I was impatient which caused me to lose sight of many things.
I’m so happy I met you♡
Aah, that’s right. What was it that you wanted to ask of me?”

“Yeah, what’s our cla.s.s teacher’s s.e.xual orientation?”

“If it’s about that, she’s a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t.”

“I see, thanks…”

“Yes♡ I am Master’s Meat-Toilet Maid, after all♡”

“Yeah. Also, after gaining control of this school, I’ll go and defeat that Demon Lord you were talking about. Don’t forget it.”

“!!!!! Is that true?! Master!?!?”

“Yeah, I’ve become strong and, while just a guess, you’ll disappear if the Demon Lord isn’t defeated, right? That’s why I’ve decided to go and defeat them.”

“Why!? Why do you know about that?!”

“Of course I’d know. You being this nice to me is your way of trying to make a small memory before your pa.s.sing, right?
Although I don’t know your feelings, I’ll find out if you make such a sad face.”

“Yes, Master…if the Demon Lord is not defeated, then I won’t be able to live any more…
I apologise for trying to deceive you.
The Demon Lord is the world’s natural enemy that kills maidens, and currently lives by consuming my power.
Furthermore, the Demon Lord has strength that exceeds the G.o.ds.”

“No matter who comes out, I’ll defeat them. Be they G.o.d or devil.”


Sphia’s tears ceaselessly flowed.
Although that was such a moving scene-


Despite Sphia suddenly grew fidgety as her face became bright read, her tears had stopped.

“Ummm, weelll, you know…because of Master’s kind words…you see…I’ve become unable to hold myself back anymore.
I thought that I have received Master’s benevolence, and, since I’m also a girl, I also deeply thought that I wanted to be loved by Master♡
You don’t need such a Meat-Toilet, do you…but, if it’s okay, it’s fine if it’s just once, but I…I want to try being your lover. I humbly apologise. For such a lowly Meat-Toilet such as I to ask for such an unreasonable thing as being your lover.”

“It’s fine, Sphia. You guys are my women. That’s why I’ll grant your desires.
If you want to be my girl, then I’ll try and give you my love. If you’re fine with someone like me, that is.”

“M…Master. Then can you give me a k…a kiss?”

During her time as a G.o.ddess, Sphia had white skin and white hair. But, for some reason, only her b.r.e.a.s.t.s had become bigger since then.

“Because my divine power increased as I was held by Master, my b.r.e.a.s.t.s began to change into the shape that my Master desires.”

First, I gave her a light kiss, almost as though we were innocent lovers.


Sphia smiled blissfully as she brought her pink lips ever closer.
Sphia’s lips were soft, and very plump.
Little by little, our exchange of saliva began to grow intense.

“Nn, *smack* *smaack*♡ Haah, haah, Master♡ Nn, *smack* *smack*♡”

Once again becoming even more intense, we changed from our light pecks into deep kisses.

“Nn, *smack* *lick* *lick* *smack* *lick* *lick* *lick*, nn, *smack* *smack*♡”

Little by little, bit by bit, we took off our clothes piece by piece so as to heighten our pleasure.

“Haah, haah, Master♡ What do you think of my body?”

“Yeah, your plump b.r.e.a.s.t.s coupled with your short stature is really erotic.”

“Nn♡ I’m so happy♡ My chest~ Please touch it more♡”

I groped Sphia’s enlarged b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
As my hand felt like it was being sucked up due to its considerable elasticity, Sphia’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s felt incredibly pleasant.

“Aahn♡ Master’s hand movements are so lewd~♡”

Enveloped by the steadily increasing heat and lewd smells, our bodies overlapped.
In the end, I removed Sphia’s panties, resulting in the both of us being naked.
First, Sphia kissed my d.i.c.k.

“Please love me lots, okay♡ *smack*♡”

With quite a strong jerk, my d.i.c.k instantly became bigger.
Furthermore, whilst simulating the underside of my d.i.c.k’s head, she used her mouth, hands, and tongue to a.s.sault me.

“Nngh♡ Nngh♡ Nngh♡ Nngh *smack*♡ *lick* *lick* *lick* *smack*♡ Nngh *smack* nngh♡ Nngh♡ Nngh♡ Nngh♡ Nngh♡”

Sphia alternated between being face-f.u.c.ked, kissing my d.i.c.k, and licking it.
Heading towards my limit, I held her small head down and discharged my cloudy-white sperm into her mouth.
*spurtleurtleurtleurtleurtleurtleurtle* *spuurt* *spuurt*
Sphia’s throat moved up and down, gulping as she drank the large amount of the released s.e.m.e.n.
After about a minute or so, Sphia gulped down all of the s.e.m.e.n.

“Master♡ It was delicious♡”

Since I also wanted Sphia to feel good, I thrust my finger into Sphia’s dripping wet p.u.s.s.y.
An obscene, *schlick* sound steadily grew more and more intense, further matching with Sphia’s erotic voice as she seemed to be reaching her limits. That said, I restrained myself.

“Ah♡ Master, it feels good♡ Please do it harder♡”

I stopped my hand.

“Huh? Master~~ Why did you stop~?”

Sphia urged with an enraptured expression.

“You want me to use this d.i.c.k next, right?”

“I-I want it~♡ Please pierce Master’s d.i.c.k-sama deep into my lewd, sopping wet p.u.s.s.y♡”

“Here we go, Sphia. I’ll make your lewd, sopping wet p.u.s.s.y feel really, really good.”

“Ye-sssssssssssh, it’s heeeeeeere♡ Your big d.i.c.k is heeeere♡ Aahn, it feels so gooood♡ It’s filling up my crammed p.u.s.s.y, and it’s rubbing my insides every time it moves~♡”

With a *squelch*, my d.i.c.k, which had entered inside of Sphia, was coated with a large amount of love juice as it headed towards my limits.

“Urgh, I’m c.u.mming. I’ll drown Sphia’s p.u.s.s.y with my c.u.m!”

“Ahn♡ It’s gotten thicker~♡ It’s coming♡ Let out lots and lots inside me so that it overflows~♡ I’m c.u.mming~♡”

*spuuurt* *spuuurt* *spurtleurtleurtleurtleurtleurtleurtle*


With a *twitch*, Sphia began to convulse.
However, since I still wanted to do it some more, I resumed my pelvic thrusts.

“Aah, Master♡ Moving while I’m c.u.mming is–♡”

Although Sphia shook her head in protest, I unyieldingly continued to move.

“Again! I’m c.u.mming again! I’m c.u.mmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing♡”

With a *tinkle*, yellow holy water began to overflow.

The next day after such a thing happened, I began to move so that I could corrupt the teacher in charge of our cla.s.s.
From Sphia’s information, I understood that our cool homeroom teacher was a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t and so was thinking that I’d like to train her.
After thinking such, I was called out.
Why was I called out? I don’t really know, but I responded to our homeroom teacher’s summons and arrived at the student guidance room.
Upon entering, as expected, our homeroom teacher was there.
She had short blue hair, and her tight, black suit-like clothing spread out her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, which about a D-Cup, resulting in quite the erotic homeroom teacher.

“Kou-kun, you were hiding your real ability, weren’t you!!?
Even though you should be able to go even higher, why aren’t you?
With your true abilities, you should be in the SS Cla.s.s.”

“Teacher, I’m not hiding my abilities.
My abilities are just as shown on the test.”

“Lies! You are actually putting down incorrect answers on purpose, and should be able to easily enter the SS Cla.s.s, where the lessons advance much faster. I can’t help but think that you’re just wasting your life. That’s why I challenge you to a duel.
If you win, you can do whatever you want to me. However, if you lose, then I will use constraint magic to bring out your true abilities.
So how about it? Naturally, we’ll have people cleared out during our match.”

“Is it really ok to ask you anything?”

“Sure, I’ll also make an oath through constraint magic.”

“Understood. Then I accept.”

And then, it was here that the battle conducted under the name of student guidance began.
The training field that the teacher brought me to was mainly divided into 10 sections, each of which had its respective terrains, as well as a magic barrier.
The various terrains were Volcano, Underwater, Storm, Darkness, Light, Rock, Desert, Lightning, Iceberg, and Rain: these 10 sections.
This time, in order to maintain fairness, we chose the battlefield by drawing lots, resulting in our fight taking place in the rock section. Because there were a large amount of rocks crowded together, making it easy to both hide behind them, as well as to crush them, it was necessary for one to devise ways of skilfully using their magic power and adjusting the strength of one’s magic.
I see. So she intends to record this situation via Recording Magic and hand it over to someone, huh.
But you know, teacher. If you lose, it would turn out that your embarra.s.sing foolishness would be exposed to said camera.

“Well then. We’ll start when this coin falls, yes?”

Saying this, the teacher vigorously threw the coin towards the sky.
In the meantime, the teacher hid within the rocks.
However, I don’t run, nor do I hide. I simply continue to stand there.
And then, as the coin fell, the teacher’s magic came flying towards me. She’s probably chanting somewhere, but due to the reverb coming from the rocks, I couldn’t grasp her whereabouts.
The teacher’s magic came flying. It’s water magic.
While maintaining the form resembling a boomerang, the water came flying. It’s quite impressive for her to be able to create such a thing in this place surrounded by rocks. In this place without liquid, there’s a need for the Water Magic to be formed through the vapors in the atmosphere. Although it’s quite tiring, the teacher was doing such a thing.
But it’s all in vain. Using Flame Magic, I evaporated the water. Additionally, I used Weather Magic to apply high pressure unto said hot air to keep it in place before firing it.
By suppressing the air heated to a high temperature, a large amount of vibration waves were born, completing the Explosion Magic.
With a deafening roar, the entire rocky field was destroyed.
Unable to defend herself with a little bit Water Magic and Wind Magic, the teacher tried to somehow protect herself, but ultimately failed as a large amount of the collapsed debris a.s.saulted the teacher.
However, thinking that I would be troubled if the teacher was wounded, I used Time Magic to stop both the teacher and the debris before carrying her out.
After having reached a safe place, I cancelled the Time Magic.
I saw the collapsed rocks move as they made a *rattling* noise. As expected, it would seem that only the training field would return to its normal state after practice was over.
Now then, it’s the real thing from now on. Teacher, please don’t forget what you said earlier–I spoke whilst a dark grin surfaced upon my face.
Using Barrier Magic, I bound the fainted teacher’s legs.
I sat the teacher down in front of the Recording Magic.
A while afterwards, the teacher recovered after fainting. Although the teacher was startled, she noticed that she was unable to move her limbs.

“Wha- Barrier Magic! Just how far have you strayed from the standard? Earlier, there was that magic which I’ve never seen before…”

“Since I long for freedom, I don’t want to stand out.
More importantly, teacher, I’ll have you keep your promise now.”

“Wait, it couldn’t be. We’re teacher and student, you know. There’s no way this would be forgiven…”

“Didn’t you say that you’d listen to whatever I asked?
Was that a lie?”

“I wasn’t lying, but…”

“I already know, teacher. You’re a pervert who relishes in being treated like this.
I know that you said such things because you wanted to be bullied and scorned. You didn’t think that you’d lose to a student, but teacher is a pervert who imagined what would happen in the unlikely event that you lost, and felt pleasure from it.”

“You’re wrong, you’re wrong, you’re wrong!”

Despite shaking her head in rejection, the teacher was considerably in ecstasy.
Creating a whip through Torrent Magic, I turned towards my teacher and swung it.
*crack*!! Such a sound echoed as I tormented the teacher.

“Hyahn!! Stop it~ Forgive me!”

Once again, I swung the whip.

“Hihn!? Higih!!”

Her clothes were torn and the teacher’s flesh grew red and swollen. However, her p.u.s.s.y began to dribble, drooling its juices in longing.

“There, teacher–no, Lucia. How’s that? Your erotic juices are dribbling and overflowing this much. Were you really that happy to lose and be beaten by your student?”

Because the teacher didn’t answer, I sealed her eyes with an eye mask, attached rotors onto her nipples, and then left her there.
After about 2 hours pa.s.sed, upon going to Lucia’s place-

“Hihh!!? Who?! Who is it!?! Kou-kun?! Who is it~?!”

Without answering, I groped the teacher’s D cup b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

“Who is it?! Stop!! I want Kou-kun! Don’t treat me so kindly!
I, Kou-kun! Save me! Please come back~”

Oh dear. That cool beauty has been ruined.
Well, I’ll give you my c.o.c.k as a consolation gift.
Placing it against her drenched p.u.s.s.y, I pierced the teacher’s p.u.s.s.y with one stroke. After hearing a *snap* sound, the teacher raised a shrill scream.

“My virginity was forcefully taken by a stranger~♡”

“Now then, I guess I’ll stop the teasing at about here.
How was it, teacher? The feeling of being raped by an unknown man?”

“Aah, Kou-kun♡ As I thought, I want to be f.u.c.ked by a man stronger than myself♡ That’s why, please ravage me, Kou-kun! Punish this lewd teacher~♡ Oh no, it’s so big~♡ This is the c.o.c.k of the man that I lost to~~♡”

“Hmph, you Lewd, m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic Teacher. You’re a pervert who enjoys being bullied by her student.”

“That’s right~♡ I’m a pervert~♡ Aahn, it feels soo goood~♡ Torture me with your might p.e.n.i.s~~♡”

Steadily making my pelvic thrusts more and more intense, the sound of our skin smacking against each other could be heard. *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap*

“Hey, you pervert. You’re recording this, right? Make a peace sign while you c.u.m!”

“Yes!! c.u.mming, I’ll c.u.m! I’m c.u.mming~~♡”

Afterwards, Lucia, who exposed her ‘f.u.c.ked-silly face’ whilst making a double peace sign with her hands, wore a collar as she asked me to become her master and pa.s.sed me a lead.
In this manner, the Cool Female Teacher became my Meat-Slave.

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