Episode 32: Story of the Past

Author Note:
It’s been a while, everyone.
Happy New Year!

This is a story that happened after the talk about defeating the Demon Lord.
I called the meat toilets to and arrived at Sphia’s house.
Sphia’s house was a home made of wood in the shape of a log-house.
Upon entering inside, all of the meat toilets that I’ve corrupted up until now were surrounding the table.
Unlike usual, everyone wore very serious expressions.

“Master…the story you want to tell us is the story of Master’s past…I believe that everyone holds doubts as to why Master would always make a sad face after every time he does us.
All of Master’s meat toilets that are here have talked about it amongst ourselves.
And then I told them that Master was a reincarnator, and that you have a turbulent past.
I understand that I have done something selfish, but I couldn’t bear it when Master made that face, so I wanted to do something about it by any means.”

Towards Sphia, who spoke with a desperate appearance, and the meat toilets that were shedding tears, I…

“I got it…let’s talk…”

Making my resolve, I decided to tell them everything.


I, Has.h.i.+ma Kouji, was apparently born in a toilet of a park that was covered with a thick sheet of December’s winter snow.
And I, who was abandoned in the toilet as a nameless baby, was discovered by the police and put into an orphanage…
In the orphanage, I was fed a small amount of rice and given a solid education…no…I had endured days of torture.
In that orphanage, abandoned children and juveniles without parents were taken in and put to work like slaves.
However…finally, when I turned 6 years old, a wealthy man appeared.
That man’s name was Has.h.i.+ma Takesaburou, the man who was the leader of the Has.h.i.+ma Conglomerate.
I was picked up by that man and given the name Has.h.i.+ma Kouji.
I decided to live to my utmost in order to please this person.
Such a trivial resolution was crushed.
Takesaburou had a daughter, and I was picked up in order to be her toy…
After that, my days of h.e.l.l continued…
The name of Takesaburou’s daughter was Has.h.i.+ma Ariel, and she seemed to be a half who was born between him and his foreigner wife.
Ariel inherited her mother’s blond hair and slender figure.
She was an extreme s.a.d.i.s.t and seemed to love torturing people. She laughed while tearing off my nails and shaking her whip.

“There, you’re really happy with my reward, aren’t you❤
Filthy pig!! You’re getting aroused just from me hitting you, this pervert!!”

While swinging her whip with a *smack* and showing a s.a.d.i.s.tic smile, Ariel was like a demon.
Although a large amount of scars from the torture covered my entire body, Ariel’s torture was what resounded the most inside my heart.
Although I tried to commit suicide, I was hung up by handcuffs and whipped again, as though to say that such a thing was not permitted.

“I won’t let you die without your Master’s permission, you filthy pig! You are my pet for life, after all.”


Such days continued. This is a story that happened on a summer day, when I was heading towards the age of 17. Perhaps because the repeated tortures had simply become ridiculous in the end, but I was starting to gather a little bit of what the other person was thinking.
And then, I spontaneously thought about using hypnosis.
It would seem that Ariel liked me, but that meant nothing to me. I decided to get revenge on both the orphanage’s director and the Has.h.i.+ma Conglomerate who restrained and tortured me.
First, I used hypnosis on Ariel and had her release me from my handcuffs. Then, after placing the handcuffs on her, I released Ariel’s hypnosis.

“Huh? I? Filthy pig! Wha-!? Why are the handcuffs?! Let me go, you filthy pig!! What do you think you’re doing to your Master!?!”

I silently took the whip and swung it at Ariel.
*smack* *smack*

“Gyaaaaaaah!! Id huuuuuuurrrrrddddzzzz!! Zzttttoooooooooooooooooooppp!!!! Gyaaah!! I was wrong, so zhooooooooooopp!!”

Ariel appealed to me while shedding tears, but such a thing wouldn’t reach my frozen heart.

“Hmph, even though you’re just a lowly meat toilet, you dared to do that to my body…f.u.c.ker!!”

I tore away all of Ariel’s clothing with the whip.

“Wha-!?! What are you going to do…”

You dare to say such a thing despite grinning while whipping someone.
Taking out my p.e.n.i.s, I forcefully pushed it inside of Ariel’s p.u.s.s.y.

“Ugyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!! Id hurdz! Id hurdz! Id hurdz! Id hurdz! Id hurdz! Id hurdz! Id hurdz! Id hurdz! Id hurdz! Id hurdz! Id huuuuuuuuuuuuuuurdz! Stop it nooooooooowww!!”

The blood of deflowerment overflowed from Ariel’s p.u.s.s.y. It would seem that Ariel was a virgin.
Although she shrieked at the top of her lungs because I put it inside of her completely not-wet p.u.s.s.y, I pierced my d.i.c.k through without caring about such a thing.
After a while, perhaps because the pain had subsided, a slightly mellow voice leaked out from Ariel. Despite this, I left Ariel and decided to make my revenge on Takesaburou.
As though he were waiting for me, who had come out of the underground torture room, Has.h.i.+ma Takesaburou greeted me.

“Kouji…as expected, Ariel is…well, whatever. You probably want to kill me…there is a kitchen knife over there, so kill me with that…”

I couldn’t believe what Takesaburou was saying. Was Takesaburou trying to entice me or something?
However, my heart surpa.s.sed the beast called revenged, and when I noticed…
Although tears were flowing down my face, my revenge was not over.
In order to kill the director of the orphanage, I left the Has.h.i.+ma house.
I used the wallet I brought from the Has.h.i.+ma house to get to the orphanage.
Entering the orphanage, I promptly found the director.
It seems that he was still doing that sort of torture. While desperately suppressing my agitated heart, I approached the director.
When he least expected it, the director appeared to have noticed me as he peeled his eyes wide open in surprise.

“Yo, Mr. Director. It’s been a while…”

“Y-You’re…No. 1543. You should have been sold to Mr. Has.h.i.+ma…”

That’s right. This orphanage had two sides: one that sold the orphans as slave, and the other that took out their organs to sell.
I took out the pistol I got from the Has.h.i.+ma house and thrust it towards the director.

“S-Stop it, pleaaaaaaaa.s.se!! I don’t want to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiee!!”

“You’re a person who needs to die. Go apologise to the people you’ve killed in that world.”

A *bang* sound echoed. Having been bathed in the blood of my victim, I washed away the blood in the shower and left the orphanage.
I I headed for the book store and picked up a copy of a book.
It was a story that was known as “Another World Light Novel”. And it was these books that alleviated those days.

“Since I’ve gone and done it, I wonder what I should do from now on…”

Although I was at a loss after buying that novel, I ended up returning back to the Has.h.i.+ma house.
For the time being, I need to do something about Takesaburou, who I knocked out cold, and Ariel, whose virginity I had taken.
Well, since I have hypnosis, it’ll work out somehow.
That’s right. In the end, I couldn’t kill Takesaburou…unlike the director, I wasn’t able to be merciless towards Takesaburou and Ariel…
I thought that this world was a piece of s.h.i.+t…I really want to live as I please like in this light novel.
While I was considering whether to use hypnosis to change this world, I don’t know whether the driver was drunk, but I was struck by an erratically driven car.

“So this divine punishment, huh…I really wanted to live as I liked…”


“Well, after this was when Sphia made me into a reincarnator, as well as when I decided to live as I pleased and do what I wanted.”

After hearing my story, the Meat-Toilets cried all at once.

“Master, even though Takesaburou and Ariel tortured you for 17 years, why did you pardon them?”

“I wonder why? When I was talking to Takesaburou, I could faintly read his mind’s voice. It might be because I could tell that he was remorseful, I guess? I suppose there was something else, but…”

“Master…we have decided…we want to become stronger so that Master can live as you please.
We will also do our best with regards to the…night service…”

The girls’ resolve was firm. I’m looking forward to the part that was softly and shyly spoken in the end.
And with this, although it’s about the doubts that remained about my past, I decided to forget about them as my present was more important to me than my past.

Author Note:
This time was a story about the protagonist’s past, but it ended up becoming quite dark. I believe that there were not enough erotic parts, but I believe that I will properly write an erotic part next time?–so…

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