Episode 6: Third Daughter Ran (Masturbation, Hand job Masturbation, b.l.o.w. .j.o.b)








Author Note: This time, the episode will be delivered from the third daughter’s perspective.









I, the third daughter Ran, was confused. From the time I saw my little brother, Kou-chan’s c.o.c.k, I fell in love.









“Haa~ Kou-chan, Kou-chan! Aahn! No, it feels good! Kou-chan’s fick is really big! Aahn! I can’t stop my fingers! Why?! This is—aahn! Stop, Kou-chan♡ Kou-chan, I’m c.u.mming~ Kou-channn~ Haa haa. Kou-chan, I love you♡”









Aah, why am I so excited? I need to find out.








I went to the room Kou-chan was sleeping in.








Ah, this is bad. My right hand is moving towards Kou-chan’s p.e.n.i.s all by itself. Even though Kou-chan is sleeping—aahn, I touched it!
It’s a huge d.i.c.k~~♡ My right hand can’t stooop~ Aahn, it looks so delicious! No, I can’t! Kou-chan is sleepiiing! My mouth is involuntarily closing in on Kou-chan’s d.i.c.k! Aaahn, this is bad! My reason doesn’t work anymore~~









“Haa haa haa haa! I’ll eat Kou-chan up! I’ll eat your d.i.c.k, ok?”









I, who was no longer able to resist, began to deliciously eat Kou-chan’s d.i.c.k.
In addition, my left hand moved between my legs as it rubbed my groin. I can’t stop! Haa haa Kou-chan! Kou-chan, does it feel good?









“*slurp* *slurp* *slurp* *slurp* *smack* *smack* *gurgle* *gurgle*”









Making terribly vulgar sounds, I licked and I sucked as I waited.








Aah, my beloved Kou-chan.








The moment he saw this situation, I broke out into a cold sweat.








As I did so, mother came as if something had happened.









I, who had hidden underneath the futon and continued to lick Kou-chan’s d.i.c.k, tried to get away. However, Kou-chan unbelievably pushed me down, making it impossible for my mouth to separate from his c.o.c.k. That being said, the moment I smelled the odour of Kou-chan’s d.i.c.k, nothing seemed to matter anymore.









“Huh~? I wonder where Ran wandered off to?”









-(TL Note: Sudden switch to Protag’s perspective)-








Although I immediately used hypnosis on Tria so that she couldn’t find Ran, that made me panic.








Aah, that felt good


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