Episode 12: Protagonist’s Status and Slaves

Author Note: I am late.

TL Note: So…we finally get an explanation about the protagonist’s biological miracle.

Having reincarnated into another world, this is Kou-chan AKA Has.h.i.+ma Kouji.
After defeating the Goblin King, the village broke out into a commotion trying to find out who felled it, but I don’t care.

“By the way, why can Master have s.e.x from 0 years old?”

I was asked such a thing by Liscia.
As Liscia and co. have completely been corrupted, I lifted a part of their hypnosis.
Since using hypnosis too much would end up draining magical power, I lifted it.
Even though I lifted her hypnosis, Liscia is still an exhibitionist who already thinks of me not as her brother, but as her Master.

“Hm? Yeah, well that’s because of my status.”

“Is that so? I’m curious!!”

“Allow me to explain in regards to this matter.”

Sphia projected herself.

“Because I explained it to Master, it should be alright to inform Master’s Meat-Toilets, yes?”

“Guess it can’t be helped. I don’t really want to talk about my status, so it should be fine.”


Kou (3 years old)

Level: 8560

HP: 9,384,256

MP: 9,968,234,958,642,139

Training, Collection, Transportation, Concealment, Transparency, Telepathy, Sword Arts, Stealth
Iron Wall, Avatar, Spear Arts, Club Arts, Compounding, s.h.i.+eld Arts, Forging, Vitality, Appraisal

Unique Skill
(Hypnotism) Breakthrough Level Restriction, Evolution

Gravity Magic Lv 10, Creation Magic Lv 10, s.p.a.ce Magic Lv 10, Flame Magic Lv 10, Torrent Magic Lv 10, Thunder Magic Lv 10, Weather Magic Lv 10, Dark Magic Lv 10, Light Magic Lv 10, Barrier Magic Lv 10, Time Magic Lv 10, Holy Magic Lv 10, Body Enhancement Magic Lv 10

G.o.ddess’ Owner, G.o.ddess’ Affection, Goblin Killer

“!!!!! Master~ Somehow, aren’t you way too strong?!”

“Well, I also think this is too much.”

“Now then♡ I, Sphia, shall talk about Master’s skills and magic♡.”

Sphia wore an extremely ecstatic face as she began her explanation.

“First of all are the skills-

Training (Makes training easier and is very convenient for taming monsters.)

Collection (Makes collecting items and materials easier.)

Transportation (Makes it easier to carry various things around.)

Concealment (Makes it possible to hide evidence and display false skills.)

Transparency (Makes it possible to see through substances or make them transparent.)

Telepathy (Makes it possible to converse with allies, even from far away.)

Sword Arts (Makes it possible to use sword skills.)

Stealth (Makes it possible to hide, and move quickly without making noise.)

Iron Wall (Although activating this makes the user unable to move, all damage received becomes 0.)

Avatar (Makes it possible to create and manipulate one’s own body.)

Spear Arts (Makes it possible to use spear skills.)

Club Arts (Makes it possible to use club skills.)

Compounding (Makes it possible to use raw materials to create items.)

s.h.i.+eld Arts (Makes it possible to use s.h.i.+eld skills.)

Forging (Makes it possible to create weapons and armour.)

Vitality (Makes it possible to grow one’s body and increases natural healing power.)

Appraisal (Makes it possible to see the target’s status with the exception of unique skills.
If the target is of a higher rank than the user, only ‘Skill Unknown’ will be displayed.)

It appears that the reason why Master’s skills are lower in comparison to his status is because there are so many that he does not use them often.
Regarding the curious unique skill ‘Breakthrough Level Limit’. This is because the human race is restricted to 100 levels. Although growth would usually stop here, it is thanks to this unique skill that the level will rise indefinitely.”
(The G.o.ddess did not mention anything regarding the hypnosis skill. This skill can manipulate one’s heart, just like how it has been used up until now.
Furthermore, even if the target is of a higher rank than the user, as long as the target’s name is known, they will be hypnotised.
According to the hypnotised G.o.ddess, it would appear that skills of the psychological-system do not exist in this world.)
“Next is the evolution skill, but this is quite an unreasonable ability. One is able to divide one’s abilities amongst their troops. And, while the user’s ability drops, Master who has limitlessly raised his level is the strongest♡!
With magic, all of them are at Lv 10. But rather than raising the level further, it is possible to use a higher order of magic, and some even evolve upon reaching Lv 10.
About Creative Magic, it becomes possible to create something from one’s thoughts. The magic power usage is dependent on what is created.
s.p.a.ce Magic makes it possible to perform feats involving s.p.a.ce, such as having an infinite storage or cutting dimensions.
Flame Magic is the highest order of Fire Magic. Torrent Magic is the highest order of Water Magic. Thunder Magic is the highest order of Lightning Magic. Weather Magic is the highest order of Wind Magic. Dark Magic is magic of the dark attribute. Light Magic is magic of the light attribute.
Barrier Magic is magic that sets up a barrier, its durability being determined by the magic power poured into it, as well as the range.
The smaller the range, and the larger the amount of magical power, the stronger it becomes.
Time Magic, just as the words suggest, makes it possible to manipulate time. However, the magical power used increases in proportion to the target’s.
Let’s keep this momentum going!
Holy Magic is a magic effective against demons.
Body Enhancement Magic is a magic that pours magical power throughout the body in order to strengthen in.
Lastly, we have the t.i.tles. G.o.ddess’ Owner (This was added because I fell in love with Master…*blush*♡)
The effects is a part of my abilities are transfered to him.”
(‘Easy’ G.o.ddes, why the h.e.l.l is your face blus.h.i.+ng?)
“Next is the G.o.ddess’ Affection. This is the reason why he is able to have s.e.x at 0 years old. During s.e.x, Master’s frame is temporarily returned to his original body’s state, making him peerless.
Furthermore, just by having s.e.x, the experience value for levels acc.u.mulates.
This t.i.tle was a request from my Master, so I abused my authority to give it to him♡
For Goblin Killer, it has been added because he has killed a large number of goblins. Goblins will die just by Master’s gaze alone.

“The above is the secret to Master’s strength and the reason of his peerlessness ♡”

Yeah, after hearing it once again, I think this is really cheaty (lol)
Huh? Somehow, Liscia wasn’t listening as she began to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e (lol)

“Mastahn♡ This–after hearing of Master’s status, I got h.o.r.n.y and m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed without listening to the explanation. Please give Exhibitionist-Pervert Liscia her punishment–♡”

“It can’t be helped. I’ll serve as the perverted Liscia’s partner.”

“Aahn! Master’s thing is so thick–♡ No, I’m c.u.mming just by you putting it inside, Master~ Does it feel goood?! c.u.mming, c.u.mming c.u.mming~~~~!!”

“I’m c.u.mming inside, Liscia! Nngh! c.u.mming!!”

*spu-rt* *spurtleurtleurtleurtle* *spu-rt* *spu-rt* *spurtleurtleurtleurtle*

“Phew– I shot out a lot–”

While making a *glug* sound, I pulled out my d.i.c.k which was inside Liscia.
The s.e.m.e.n which could fit inside Liscia overflowed (lol)
Oh dear, Liscia fainted (lol)

“Hm? So you guys were lured here by the smell of s.e.m.e.n, huh, you perverts (lol).”

Over there, the Meat-Toilets that I have used up until now had gathered as they comforted each other.
It’s likely that they got aroused by watching Liscia and me have s.e.x (lol).
My actual mother and wife, Tria, was inserting her tongue into her own daughter Aina’s a.s.s whilst having a d.i.l.d.o shoved up her p.u.s.s.y and her chest groped by Ran who was kissing Aina (lol).

“Ahn♡ Mum, licky lick my a.s.s lots more~~ Ahn♡ Ran-chan’s kiss is so goood~~ Aah, Big Sis Liscia’s so lucky–♡ I also want Master to screw my a.s.s~~♡ Aah, oh no, my pee is coming out♡ Mum, drink my pee–♡”

“*smack* *smack* To think Aina has grown up so wonderfully♡
I’m so happy♡
Dear~~ I’ll always be waiting, ok♡
Aina, is your pee coming out?
That’s ok, give it to your Mother-Meat-Toilet♡ Give it to me♡
Aahn♡ Ran-chan also, pierce my p.u.s.s.y many times so that it feels so good!! Aahn♡ So hard! It feels so goood–♡”

“Mum! Mum! Mum! Mum! Mum! It feels goooood——♡ Haa haa! Master is having s.e.x with Big Sis Liscia! It looks like it feeels soo gooood~
Aah, oh no, mum♡ I’m c.u.mming! Aah♡ Aaah, c.u.mming-!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~”

The trio were intensely entangled, terribly lewd and aroused.

The new entrants: Celica, Asha, and Eliza had also came. Asha was squealing like a sow while Celica and Eliza shoved d.i.l.d.os in her a.s.s and p.u.s.s.y (lol)

“Asha-san. Even though I admired Asha-san, to think that you were such a sow is such a disappointment.
Look here, lots of erotic juices are flowing out of Asha-san’s sow p.u.s.s.y. Does it really feel that good?
Then I’ll shove it some more, you sow!!”

Dayum. Celica-san’s attack exploded as the extremely maschostic Asha’s *oink* *oink* cries could be heard (lol)

“Asha is a pervert-san, right?
Ai love Asha so ai’ll gif you moah, ok? Am ai a good girl? Asha is amas.h.i.+ng! If you go moah and moah cwazy, then Master will be happy!”

Even though Eliza had an hourgla.s.s figure, since her mind is that of a 5-year-old, she was gleefully ravaging Asha (lol)

“*Oink*~~~~♡ It feels good, *oink*~~♡ Celica, I’m shorry!! *Oink*~~~~♡ *Oink* *Oink*!! Both of you♡ Oh no, *oink*~~♡ Eliza is a good girl! More, give it to me more *oink*-!!!
*Oink*~~ *Oink*~~♡ c.u.mming! c.u.mming! Pregnant Pig is c.u.mming, *oink*~~~~♡”

Oh dear. Asha has already quit being human, huh (lol).
Dayum–I want to attack her.
Sphia grabbed my d.i.c.k from behind.

“Mastahn♡ Don’t forget about me, ok♡
After all, I’ve already c.u.m 10 times just from watching.
I won’t let you sleep tonight♡”

It was at this time that my reason was blown away. When I returned to myself, it was already morning, and my Meat-Toilets who were drowning in turbid, pure white liquid were all lined up.

Author Note:
I finally gave a description of the protagonist’s status.
Although I postponed it, why was he able to have s.e.x from the age of 0? Since I thought everyone was wondering such-
-this explanation should be fine, right (*sweat*)?
Since I’m writing this as a hobby, it might be difficult to read, but seeing many people reading this makes me happy.
There may be the impression that there are many places which are just impossible to understand. There are mistakes, so if you point them out, I will fix them.

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