Episode 14: The Sudden Visitor Lady Knight Commander Saria (a.n.a.l Rape, b.i.t.c.h Declaration, Nipple-c.l.i.toris Piercings)

h.e.l.lo, it is I who changed the church’s busty sister into a Cow-Pervert-Sister, Has.h.i.+ma Kouji AKA Kou-chan.
Now then. Although I was ignoring the happenings in the village whilst living as I pleased with my hypnosis up until now, for some reason, knights came from the capital.
Putting it briefly, because the Goblin Army Corps led by the troublesome Goblin King which could destroy a country had vanished (due to me immediately destroying them), they have come to search and subdue them.
Although I momentarily thought that it was quite troublesome, after seeing the knights’ Lady Knight Commander, my view changed.
After all, when talking about a different world, you can’t leave out the Lady Knights.
Furthermore, upon closer inspection, even though she’s an ama~zing beauty, she’s as flat as a board (lol).
Yup, let’s make that Lady Knight Commander fall.
After that, I wonder what I should do with male knight hindrances~~.
I don’t really need any knights as partners, and I definitely don’t need any guys. Royalty and n.o.bles will absolutely be a pain in the a.s.s~.
Well, with girls, as long as they’re beauties or pretty girls, it doesn’t actually matter if they’re royalty or n.o.bility~~.

“Shall I ask all of you in this village? Yesterday, who defeated the Goblin Army Corp?”

A single male knight asked this to everyone in the village.
I won’t be announcing myself, though~~ Such a pain.

“If no one steps forward, then everyone will be beheaded under the charge of irreverence.”

As the knight spoke this, a commotion broke out amongst everyone in the village.
Huuuuh!!? What is this guy saying!? Is he an idiot?! He’s probably trying to trick someone into coming out, but it’s not like someone’s immediately gonna come out and say “Yes, it’s me. I did it.”. There’s a possibility that they just went off somewhere else.

“There’s no point in feigning ignorance. I know that the Goblin Army Corps were defeated near this village.”

Hm? Sphia, can something like that be done? Upon asking Sphia how such a thing could be possible, she told me using the telepathy skill.

“Yes, if Detection Magic or Detection Skills were used at that time, the location that the Goblins disappeared at would be known. Because they vanished instantly within the forest, they inferred that someone had defeated them.”

“Well, basically, they’re making a guess.”

As I said this, the Lady Knight Commander slashed at me with a velocity that an ordinary person could not see.

“d.a.m.n, don’t tell me I was found out?”

However, right now, I am just a 3 year old child. Normally, I wouldn’t be found suspicious. Well, I’m still using my Concealment skill, though.

“C-Commander, w…why are you pointing your blade at a child?”

“Oh, just, I was only going to graze him, but this guy evaded it, huh…hmph, it’s useless to hide it, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d. After all, in the face of my Unique Skill that can see the aura of the strong, I know of your strength.”

The Lady Knight Commander spoke with an evil grin.

“So there was such a skill~~ Heh~”

Upon saying this, I looked at Sphia whose face paled.
I see. So that’s why she’s the knight commander despite being a woman. I’m convinced.
I’ll take care of Sphia’s punishment later.
Well, whatever. As long as I manipulate everyone with hypnosis.

“Yup, that’s right. I defeated the Goblin Army Corp.”

All of the villagers grew rowdy.

“So? Having done all this, do you need something from me?”

Well, it’s likely she’ll say that I’ll be brought to the royal capital to undergo interrogation. Either way, if I don’t obey, then they’ll take me away by force.

“You are suspected of being a demon. You’ll be taken to the royal capital to undergo questioning about this heresy.
If you do not comply, then we will take you by force.”

So easy to understand (lol).

“Hmmm, nah, sounds like a pain. Why do I have to listen to you guys, anyway?
I don’t like people who show off their authority.”

“B-b.a.s.t.a.r.d! You dare to mock our Kingdom’s Knight Squadron–.”

“Don’t lower your guard. The opponent is a man who slaughtered the Goblin Army Corp all by himself.”

“*sigh* I guess it can’t be helped (lol).”

I activated my Time Magic, stopping the bodies of the knights themselves.
When practicing, I learned, as long as the image of the magic is properly envisioned, it can be used even when omitting the chant.
For those other than the knights, I used hypnosis to shut them up and erased their memories.
And, as for the knights, I’ll have them undergo an extremely h.e.l.lish torture.
Relying on Sphia’s sleep magic, I used the village men to carry the sleeping knights, bringing them into the torture room.
Well, about the reports of what happened so far, I have also captured knights and familiars that was thought to be these knights’ comrades. I’ll have them falsify the reports made to the royal capital, though.

“Now then, since I can’t kill you, I’ll alter your memories and have you go back home, but…ah, right. You guys will keep your egos while dressing up in womens clothing and a.s.sault men’s d.i.c.ks night after night. Let’s make you into perverts who’ll become useless unless you get some in your a.s.s.
How’s that, aren’t you happy?”

“Hmph. I have reported that there is a strong individual like you in this village.
It’s useless, just be captured obediently.”

“Aah, about that. That report, right. It’s all been eaten in transit by monsters”

“Wha-!!? Y-You noticed?! From the start?!”

“That’s right. Your contacts have all been crushed before reaching the kingdom, and a different report will be made in its place.”

After all, there were so many hostile reactions on the map heading towards me. Understanding this, I decided to crush them at the time, but after seeing the Commander-san, I decided to set up such a roundabout trap.

“P-Please have mercy-! I have a family-! I don’t want to become such a pervert-!”

“Heh~~ I also have a family.
Earlier, weren’t you trying to separate me from my family? That’s why you have to reap what you sow (lol).
Oh, another thing. I might eat up your wives and daughters (lol).
Ok, it’s done. You have been reborn into perverts (lol).”

Arara. The men are pus.h.i.+ng their a.s.ses against each others, oh dear (lol).
Welp, finally, I’ll manipulate their memories and let them return to the kingdom.

“Now, you’re the last one.”

Over there, with her dishevelled blond hair, gagged mouth, and bound limbs was the smoothly-flat Lady Knight.


I have no idea what she’s trying to say.

“It can’t be helped. Guess I’ll remove it.”

I took the gag that blocked the lady knight’s mouth.

“Y-You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!! If I’m going to be played with by you, then, kuh, kill me!”

It caaaaaaaame! Did you hear that, everyone!? This is golden principle of another world! The Lady Knight’s ‘Kuh, Kill me’!
Maaan, I’ve had such a hard time up until now just because I wanted to hear this line.

“No way. Like I said, why do I have to listen to what you guys say?”
I’m only going to do things the way I want to.

“Now, after becoming my prisoner, I’ll let you go home.”

“S-Stop~ Don’t touch me~~ I’ll bite my tongue and die~
Wha-!!? Why can’t I bite it?!”

There’s no way I’d let you die. It’s no good if you don’t become my Meat-Toilet, after all~~.

“Well, first things thirst. Naturally, when talking about Lady Knights, then it’s gotta be the a.s.s-p.u.s.s.y~~”

“Hiih!? Wha…why is such a grotesque thing-?”

With Creation Magic, I created a vibrator with countless b.u.mps. Furthermore, each b.u.mp secreted lotion.

“I-It couldn’t be!!? A-Are you planning on putting that inside me?!”

“Yup (lol). That’s riiight. But, you know, it’s not going into your s.h.i.+tty p.u.s.s.y, but inside your a.s.s (lol).”

“Wha!!? Alright, fine.
However, I will absolutely never give in to you, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”

This one’s amaaazing. She’s setting up flags. This is the first time I’ve met someone who hasn’t betrayed my expectations like this (lol).

“Then show me how you endure this, kay (lol).”

I plugged the extremely thick vibrator into her a.s.s-p.u.s.s.y.

“Unhiiiii— Kahah, I-I can’t…breathe, w…what is this? I…it feels gooooooood.”

Her tears overflowed without end. Now then, I’ve hypnotised her so that every time her a.s.s is prodded, her sensitivity increases.

“Unoh——–nnhoh———-I can’t win! What is this?!
I’m giving in——I’m already useless without this——
More! More! Pierce me more~~♡ Quicker~~♡
W-Why are you stopping~~~~ Move more~~~♡”

Moving her hips with a *wiggle*, the Lady Knight was trying to gain pleasure.

“Come to think of it, I don’t think I got your name.”

“Nnheh? I am Saria–♡ Move it more~~~”

“That’s wrong. Aren’t you my b.i.t.c.h-Toilet?”

“That’s right~~♡ I am a b.i.t.c.h-Toilet that seduces Master with my shaking hips–♡”

“Well then, rather than this vibrator, I’ll give you something better. In exchange, will you listen to everything I say?”

“Something better? I wannit, I wannit! Please give me something even better! Aah! I’m going crazy~~♡ Everything? I’ll do whatever you want~~~♡ Aahn! No, no! Aahn♡”

“Then beg for it like a b.i.t.c.h-Toilet.”

Saria began to beg as tears ran down her cheeks.

“Aahn♡ Woof, woof! I want Master to give me something good so much that I’m swinging my hips, woof♡ I don’t care about anything else but Master woof♡ That’s why please give this b.i.t.c.h-Toilet lots of even better things woof♡”

“Good girl. Then, as promised, I’ll give you a reward.”

Saying such, I took out three heart-shaped piercings that I had prepared earlier.

“What are you going to do with those piercings? Why are there three of them♡?”

“Oh, about that. It’s because I’m gonna put this on your nipples and c.l.i.toris. Aren’t you happy?”

“T-This thick needle is going on my p.u.s.s.y and nipples!!?”

“This is a sign of a b.i.t.c.h-Toilet’s status so you have to wear it (lol).”

“I understand~~♡ Please put it on meeee♡”

“It’s decided. In that case, I’ll put it on you.”

In saying that, I attached the piercings one by one to her flat chest’s pink nipples and plump c.l.i.toris.
As I thought, it looked terribly painful. That said, even though she was writhing in agony, it didn’t matter to me.

“It huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurts! It hurts! It hurts! It huuuuuuuurts! It hurts! It hurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuuuurts! It huuuuurts! It huuuuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuuuuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuuuuuuuuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts! It huuurts!”

“Hey, it’s over.
Fufufuh (lol) It’s really vulgar, huh. Very fitting for a b.i.t.c.h-Toilet.”

b.i.t.c.h-Toilet Saria fainted from the excess pain.
But it’s not over yet~♡


Activating the Torrent Magic’s elementary spell, I drenched b.i.t.c.h-Toilet Saria’s face, rousing her.


Her beautiful face was already coated with tears and drool.
Her nipples and c.l.i.toris were fitted with heart-shaped piercings as love juice flowed from her p.u.s.s.y.

“This is the final finis.h.i.+ng touches. It will end when Saria’s virgin p.u.s.s.y and a.s.s-p.u.s.s.y have been broken by this c.o.c.k.”

Saria’s gaze moved.
There, a c.o.c.k that made the vibrator which was plugged up her own a.s.s look like a baby could be seen.
I tried to make it bigger using the Vitality skill, but it’s become a lethal weapon (lol).

“b.i.t.c.h-Toilet Saria will accept anything.
Please put it inside, Master♡”

Being told such by b.i.t.c.h-Toilet Saria, I stabbed my weapon into her a.s.s.


It seems that it was too thick, causing her voice to be stuck in her throat.
Well, I’ll still be moving, though.
Oh–she fainted again~~(lol).
Confirming that her a.s.s would not return to normal after taking the shape of my c.o.c.k, I thrust my weapon into her p.u.s.s.y.


Oh dear. She’s having spasms, her tongue was hanging out, and the whites of her eyes were showing (lol).

“Now then, I’m e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. soon so it’ll come out, okay~~”

Saying this, I faced towards the fainted Saria and discharged a large amount of s.e.m.e.n.

“Oh dear. It’s spilling.”

Saria’s stomach swelled as though she were pregnant due to the large amount of s.e.m.e.n. Even so, the sperm that couldn’t fit overflowed from the p.u.s.s.y decorated with piercings.
However, Saria made a blissful face whilst enraptured with ecstasy.

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