Episode 34: The Night Before Departure

Author Note:
Since I’ve been really troubled, it ended up becoming delayed like this.
I’m sorry that I kept you waiting. I will progress the story next time.
I am thinking of making the next update come a little sooner.

Erm, h.e.l.lo, this is Has.h.i.+ma Kouji AKA Kou-chan.
After making the carriage, I viewed everyone’s status, finding them too much of a cheat that it just wasn’t funny.

“How come we’ve become such a cheat-like army? Especially Syphl, isn’t she too cheaty for a level 1?”

“T…that’s because she’s the child of Master and myself. Because the other children inherited Master’s blood, their abilities are high.
As Master gives birth to more children, a lot of cheat-like children will be born.
Furthermore, when they have s.e.x with Master, their appearances will be enhanced.”

When asking Sphia, all of my children’s status have awakened to a cheat ability. Furthermore, it seems that the girl’s females hormones would activate when having s.e.x with me, making them become prettier.
Come to think of it, I was thinking that everyone had become awfully beautiful.
I never thought that there would be such a hidden skill…
Well, since everyone seems to be happy, I guess it’s fine…


Apart from that, I haven’t done it for 10 days, so I want to do something erotic.

“I’ve decided! On the night before departure, let’s have a debauchery party!”

“Hahigh…um, does that mean everyone is going to partic.i.p.ate?”

Sphia said, her face dyed scarlet.
I certainly want to do something erotic, but seeing those embarra.s.sed eyes full of expectation is painful. She’s a completely erotic G.o.ddess-sama.
G.o.ddess-sama, who dashed away to tell everyone while humming, was already overjoyed.
And then, at night, everyone gathered.

“Everyone, thanks for gathering. Today is the day before we leave for our journey, and I want to apologise for neglecting you for 10 days.”

“””M…Master…is so kind♡”””

“Now then, everyone. Since I’m pent up, I was thinking of committing some debauchery, and I want everyone to group up and serve me…”


While either crying out of happiness, making an expression of ecstasy, or trying to play it off coolly, female juices overflowed from everyone’s p.u.s.s.ies.
The first to move was the 6-year-old infant group.
Nina, Moeka, Muse, and Mule came up to me and each spoke: “Big brother, I’ll service you, okay♡” “Papa, I’ll do my best, so♡” “Dad is so cool♡” “I love you, dad♡”. Such cute daughters!

“Dad, I’ll nom nom you, ok♡ Dad’s is really big~♡ My jaw is gonna come off♡”

*slurp* *smack*♡ *lick* *lick*♡ Npuh♡

They all swarmed my d.i.c.k, licking and sucking it. It felt like a parent bird feeding their chicks.
My d.i.c.k, which was being licked by my cute daughters, was glossy and grew bigger, its size even thicker than my daughters’ arms.

“It’s gotten bigger, nano♡ Dear big brother’s p.e.n.i.s is so ferocious, nano♡ The boys over there couldn’t even get it to the size of a pinkie, and were no good nano!”

“Father♡ My erotic a.s.s wants to eat up Father’s rigid d.i.c.k so much that it’s flapping open and closed♡ Please quickly ravage me~♡”

How erotic!? This is bad. My reason can just go and get throw away into that garbage can!!
In the face of my erotic daughters, my body danced, moving as though its shackles had come undone.

“Ahn♡ Father is so bold♡ Ah♡ if you touch me there, then I’ll c.u.m.
Not my nipples~~♡ c.u.mmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing♡”

I pinched and kneeded Moeka’s nipples.
As if recoiling, Moeka’s body began to convulse with a *twitch* as she seemed to have came with her nipples.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, Moe-chan’s so luckyyyy, nano! Touch me as well, big brother♡ Ah♡ Not there, nano♡ My c.l.i.t-chan is week, nano♡ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhn!!”

Because Nina’s c.l.i.toris was weak, she seemed to have c.u.m after I messed with it.
Nina, whos c.l.i.toris was trained into becoming the size of a pinkie finger, was c.u.mming like crazy.

“c.u.mming, c.u.mming, c.u.mming~~♡”

She repeatedly *twitched* and spasmed.


After having the naughty play with my daughters, I partnered with the wives for the real thing.
From here on, I’ll be having s.e.x with the wives who have been trained to the extent that I will conversely end up c.u.mming if I don’t take it seriously.
First up was Liscia.

“Kou-chan~♡ Look at me~♡ My b.r.e.a.s.t.s have become this big♡ I wonder if it’s because I gave birth to Nina?”

Certainly, Liscia’s chest has grown way bigger than when she was 8 years old. Perhaps this size, too, was caused by the G.o.ddess’ protection.

“Liscia has really grown to love being looked at, huh?”

“Yup! I super want to be watched!! Also, I want to boast that my husband is amazing and c.u.m while watching all of the girls m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e♡”

“Understood. Let’s do it next time.”

“Ok, I’m so happy♡”

Now, I have to do my best today so I can use them later.

“Ahn♡ As I thought, it’s big! I love Kou-chan’s d.i.c.k♡”

Liscia spoke, blus.h.i.+ng as she rubbed her cheeks against the d.i.c.k that my daughters had sucked.

“I can’t hold back anymore! Please put it in~~♡”

Liscia spread her legs so that her own p.u.s.s.y would be seen and enticed me. Love juice, that was obviously unable to hold be held back, trickled down from Liscia’s p.u.s.s.y as she was already completely in heat.
Following her request, I thrust my rigid member into Liscia’s v.a.g.i.n.a with a single stroke.

“Nnhiigh~♡ The d.i.c.k-sama after a long time is so biig♡ Although my hole that’s given birth should have been spread out, it’s packed tight~♡ Oh no♡ Even though I want to do more, my body is c.u.mming by itself~♡ Wait~~ If you move like this, then I’ll break~~♡”

I put my d.i.c.k inside of Liscia’s p.u.s.s.y and made it big until it was crammed packed before firmly holding her down.
And then, I moved all at once.

“Nngohgh~~♡ Ah~~ c.u.mming! c.u.mming! c.u.mming~~♡ I can’t stop c.u.mming! I’m gonna die! I’m dying~~♡ Aah~~♡”

Liscia wasn’t able to bear the stimulus and fainted.

“Liscia still has a ways to go, huh. All rise—jk.”

Now, next was Angelica over there, but since it’s looking pretty bad, I guess I’ll do her.

“I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m! I can’t c.u.m~~ I’m already going crazy~~♡ Kou-sama~~ Please let me c.u.m~~♡ My female d.i.c.k wasn’t able to come for 10 days and it’s really bad~♡ I’ll do anything~ That’swhythat’swhythat’swhythat’swhythat’swhythat’swhythat’swhythat’swhythat’swhythat’swhythat’swhythat’swhythat’swhythat’swhythat’swhy please let me c.u.m~~”

I casted a magic on Angelica’s d.i.c.k so that it wouldn’t be able to c.u.m and then neglected her.
In doing so, how about that? Her female-d.i.c.k has become enormous, to the extent that one would wonder whether this completely monster-cla.s.s d.i.c.k would be able to reach 1 metre. Her d.i.c.k hole has become so swollen that one would question whether an arm could fit inside it.

“Even though I want to go crazy, I can’t! And my sensitivity keeps getting higher and higher! I can’t! I can’t! I can’t! I can’t! I wanna c.u.m, I wanna c.u.m, I wanna c.u.m, I wanna c.u.m, I wanna c.u.m, I wanna c.u.m, I wanna c.u.m, I wanna c.u.m, I wanna c.u.m, I wanna c.u.m, I wanna c.u.m, I wanna c.u.m, I wanna c.u.m! Nooo! Nooo! I’m gonna die~~! I’ll die, I’ll die, I’ll die!”

“This is amazing. It’s ok for you to c.u.m.”

And then Angelica lost her mind. Of course, I made it so that her psyche wouldn’t break, just barely keeping it within the line of preserving it.

“c.u.mming! c.u.mming! Finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, I’m c.u.mming~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ngheh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~”

With a force that would make one think that a turbid s.e.m.e.n sea *spewed* out, Angelica’s bloated d.i.c.k spurted out a large amount a large amount of s.e.m.e.n.

Angelica continued to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e as she fainted. Since it would be bad if she died, I asked Sphia to preserve her life.


Now, the banquet of pleasure is still continuing. Please don’t ask me such uncouth things such as “how much of a brute are you”…

-or so I thought, but saying any more than this would be a boorish story, huh…well, I guess I’ll just say that I’ve f.u.c.ked all of my wives.
Now then, we, who were filled with a large amount of love juice and s.e.m.e.n the night before our departure, left the village.

Author Note:
Although I’ve only written about the daughters, Angelica-san, and Liscia, I would like to write about the other wives’ story for this time’s play during small gossip.

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