Today celebrates the coming of spring, his highness the crown prince is hosting a tea party

Beginning with this tea party, the sons of aristocrats with various t.i.tles will hold tea parties.

It is like the coming of the adult’s socializing season.


Being hosted by his highness the crown prince, the tea party is held at the royal palace’s garden terrace.

The venue had already gathered young ladies and sons wrapped in various colours and costumes.


Usually the tea parties were gloomy, however I was thrilled due to the chance to show off the fruits of my dieting.

Today’s dress, is a bright green Organdy(オーガンジー) dress decorated with white and emerald lace and ribbons, in the image of a fresh bud. (TLN: I think it is a dress brand but I’m not quite sure of which brand since I’m not very fashion conscious. If it is supposed to be a more specific dress type please tell me so I may note it.)

At the feet are high heels the same colour as the dress. The silk’s glossy l.u.s.ter is lovely.


Being pleased while the skirt occasionally fluttered in the wind, a familiar person drew near.


It was the duke’s daughter Remie-sama and her entourage the traffic signal daughters.


“You…… I’ve not seen your face before. Which house are you from I wonder? I wonder if you properly possess a written invitation.”


Remie-sama is as splendid as usual…… turning over her magnificent vertical roll and glares at me.

The traffic signal ladies taking up the same pose for some reason.

Incidentally, at everybody’s feet were slippers.

As expected Remie-sama is sensitive to the trends.


As always I think those vertical rolls are amazing. I wonder how it is curled……


“Are you listening! Being dazed, its quite similar to Cosette! I can not find Cosette, it is truly distressing. That large build can not be found what a strange story! Oーhohoho”


Remie-sama’s upper body curved and released a splendid laugh.

The traffic signal ladies all together curved their upper bodies as well.

What magnificent synchro ratio.

I wonder if they practiced. That manner of uniform alignment can not be done overnight.

Thus, commendable, villain role feeling…… Is this something like a game correction.

Behind those three people was my original position.

I wonder if I should also take the same pose.

I wonder if I am able to………… the anxiety.

I wonder if the game correction works on me too.


I’ll try to bend backwards a little too.

Uu…… We, well enough, for the abdominal muscles, the load……


“Ara, you have fairly good muscles. Yes certainly, like this the feeling of the waist arching backwards……” (TLN: Hmm… fairly good muscle might have been you are quite straightforward…. But Cosette being a goof is more hilarious so I went with the first interpretation. =D plus it makes more sense with the latter sentence)


Remie-sama bestowed her guidance. This person, is in fact splendidly very caring and helpful. To show distress from searching for me.


“That’s not it! You, answer who you are, do you hear!”


Remie-sama’s accompanying hand was released, I unintentionally staggered oh dear.


“Ah, ara, I beg your pardon(gomenasai). Are you injured?”




“I am alright, Remie-sama. I, am Cosette. I apologize for my delayed greetings.”


“Cosette? ! Well(Maa), how is that! !”


Remie-sama and the traffic signal ladies together all stared in wonder.


“Eeh(Yes), I dieted for a short while. My body has gotten lighter.”

“That is wonderful! Entirely like a different person! Is your knee pain okay?”


Even to worry about my knees. What a kind person you are.


“I am alright. Thank you very much.”


“Which reminds me…… Do you remember that girl who trespa.s.sed into your garden tea party?”


While I was happily smiling, Remie-sama suddenly said in an inconspicuous voice.


“Eeh, if I remember correctly, I guess was called Angie? I was surprised and collapsed, I’m sorry that was inexcusable”


“That is fine. Everyone was surprised.Anyways that girl…… After that, is sometimes seen at the royal palace. Moreover, loitering around his highness the crown prince. Don’t you find it rather strange? Even if it is like his highness the crown prince’s favourite(pet), to begin with It is not simple for commoners to be permitted access and exit of the royal palace.” (TLN: Pet of the teacher’s variety, not the other kind on a leash.)


It is certainly an odd story.

In the first place, although they lost their way, my…… It is strange that no one had been questioned for any crime of trespa.s.sing into an earl’s private property.

Not to mention the fact that his highness the crown prince came to. Security should have been strict, how could a child be able to trespa.s.s in.


At the moment I recalled the memory I was confused, although I did not take notice of it imagining it to be the prologue event of the game, it was full of odd things if you think about it.


After I collapsed, Okaa-sama, kindly managed the tea party…… Thus who was in charge of security…… I can not remember.

If that’s the case Okaa-sama, I wonder if she is aware of it.


“This is, a mysterious story. Since then I have not had the chance to visit the royal palace, I do not know……”


I smiled awkwardly as if troubled and tilted my head(in puzzlement).

At this point I cannot afford to make the story any larger. The inadequacy of the tea party where his highness the crown prince came to, it is a fatal error of our earl household.


I smiled to gloss it over, and decided to change the conversation.


“By the way everyone, please take a look at these shoes. It is the new product of Signora.”


I raised the hem of the dress a little, to show the high heels.

At that moment the eyes of the young ladies gleamed and were nailed to my prided shoes.


“N maa(well)! Magnificent! A new piece of Signora famed for their slippers! ? I was listening to the rumours, it was too popular that I could not get a hold of them. In fact Okaa-sama had obtained it, but our size has not been made yet……”


Remie-sama’s voice became weaker towards the end, then gazed enviously at my shoes.

The traffic signal ladies started unanimously praising then towards the end, it seems disappointed afterwards, tight-lipped with an envious expression.


“To be honest, Signora is my own Earl house’s manufactured shoe brand. Therefore it was specially made. If you desire it, everyone’s too……”


“Wellllll(Maaaaa)! Wonderful! ! !  By all means treat me favourably please! Won’t you please tell me in a more detailed conversation? ! ”


We were talking about shoes a little bit as a.s.sertive young ladies, when the venue became a commotion.

It seems his highness the crown prince made his entrance.


“Everyone, his highness the crown prince seems to be coming. The discussion in detail later on……”


Shortly after…… The tea party began with the orchestra beginning to reverberate.

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