Because I was busy establishing the company, listening to the usual chat with Otou-sama was completely postponed.

Since the company is at the stage of waiting for the product to be finished, I decided to think about this problem another time.




“Otou-sama~, May I come in?”


“Cosette huh(kai), enter.” (TLN: Anyone know what kai after Cosette’s name means in this context? It probably doesn’t matter that much but I guessed randomly here and used huh.)


I got permission and entered Otou-sama’s study room.


Otou-sama seems to be having a tea time(tea break) between paperwork, as soon as I heard it was okay to intrude I prepared a share of tea for myself.


I settled down on the sofa, and promptly went to the main issue at hand.


“Otou-sama, to be honest I spoke with the Crown Prince-sama at the tea party in the royal palace for a time……”


I roughly explained the matter to Otou-sama.

Even though I had the memories from the previous world I thought the burden would be too much for a child such as myself so I wanted a consultation, however Otou-sama already knew everything.

It seems his highness has already informed him.


“Regarding the matter, I was also conducting an investigation because of what happened at our house at the tea party. And now to receive his highness’ consultation. However I was concerned his highness had to apologize to Cosette, so I had to get the s.p.a.ce prepared ahead of time”


I did not think that his highness has spoken with him before, Otou-sama smiled bitterly.


It appears Otou-sama did not want me to be involved.

It may be he is relaxed talking to Cosette of the same age, Otou-sama smiled affectionately.


“Because of that Angie-jou is with a Baron household Otou-sama is acquainted with……”


When it came to talk of Angie Otou-sama frowned and sighed a gloomy breath.


“Un(Yes)…… She has been taken into the custody of Baron Bowie household, but…… I wonder if Cosette had also gone to Baron Bowie house.”


“Well(Eeto), I feel like I’ve heard about it occasionally from Otou-sama when I was little”


“The Baron is a friend from my academy days, which is why I asked…… But it seems they are utterly at a loss with what to do with that Angie-jou……”


Haa, Otou-sama breathes out an extra-large sigh.


“Recently, the Baron is recuperating his injured leg from hunting, because of that the family are sometimes busy, often slipping out(Angie is)…… Moreover whether because the person herself is aware of the royal family’s blood flowing, I am the heroine! Declaring such among other incomprehensible things, also seems to go out shaking off the surrounding voices to stop her. Unable to keep her in confinement because of having to handle it courteously……”


“So, the rumours that she made an appearance at the royal palace……”


“In the royal palace?! That is bad…… Even though there are probably those who want to harm her, does the person herself not comprehend what a dangerous position they are in. Somehow each time they are lead back by his highness the crown prince, was it something like that?”


But in what way did she break into the royal palace. I mean isn&
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rsquo;t the trespa.s.sing skill too high.


Then suddenly I remembered the game.

Ahー, surely, within the game’s minigame, it was something like royal palace inside investigation(exploration) huhー…… On holidays you can explore inside the royal palace, when selecting the correct route means you can encounter the capture targets.

You can directly go to the capture target’s room huh.

Thinking about it now it is extremely scary. A person suddenly invading your(my) room h.e.l.lo(konnichiha)! That being said,


“Frequently coming, like wanting to meet you on holiday…… (smiley face kirari(flashing light glint))”

To repeat something like that must have beyond steel mentality.


Probably Angie is using that loophole(secret path) to break into his highness’ room. I wonder if I had better tell Otou-sama about this. However after the story, how or why do I know of it? That is because……

But like that it is dangerous to so easily break into the royal palace.


“But, how do you get into the royal palace? Since regrettably something is not good, perhaps you had better investigate into it.”


“That is so huh, it is as Cosette says. It is decided to hurry and investigate. However leave that girl to me, since Cosette can do what you yourself wants to do”


How kind Otou-sama.

I am grateful because I am occupied with the company and the diet.


When I enroll into the academy I will inevitably meet Angie. I guess there isn’t much I am able to do.

Besides it will be hard to be targeted once enrolled in the school.

Because there is the aforementioned matter of the royal palace the security of the school will be flawless this time and is sure to be completely safe.


About Angie, somehow or other is unsettling, mou let’s leave it to Otou-sama.

Together with the murky feeling lump in my chest I drank my tea.

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