Muuu… these subtleties in polite/impolite/casual language is hard for me to get hold of so its taking a bit to translate… mostly cuz me as a person says most everything directly as a blunt weapon smashes things to pieces.

Its even more late( by a day) because I fell asleep 7 lines before finishing….. Teehee. Give me a moment to colour the notes and remove the raws I know its still there I’m still editing so do tell me if I forgot to colour something in the ( ) s.

Anywho its my birthday today! So I feel ent.i.tled to have at least this much leeway for laziness. If you feel compelled to feed me cake today feel free to use the kofi b.u.t.ton hidden somewhere on the page.


That day: Crown Prince Perspective 2

She called herself Angie.

As expected, the woman from that portrait……I realized she was the daughter of consort Rose.

However consort Rose had already died from hardship, the person she called her mother seems to be a nanny who became her foster mother.

Since that incident on that childish day, I was investigating in regards to the woman of the portrait.

Due to the unusual pink hair, I understood her ident.i.ty(parentage) immediately.

However, when it came to discussing her purpose, everyone uniformly kept silent.

When he personally examined the royal palace"s official records, it was recorded that…… Consort Rose lost the remainder of her life to despair.

Although I was disappointed I held a faint longing for the beautiful consort Rose, more than that it was weighing more and more heavily on my mind as to why father adorned her portrait.

It can"t be, father and Rose were……?

In the back of my mind the hazy feelings towards father, since then has been smouldering.

I led Angie towards the parlour(reception room) of the Edelweiss Earl residence.

Because she knew herself(myself) to be of royal family lineage, it seemed she did not care about entering the private estate of an earl"s household without permission. (TLN: This one is confusing since jibun could mean myself, yourself, oneself, him or herself, I me or you…. I can"t tell who she knew to be royalty but I went with herself since little prince didn"t use I to say I had royal blood…. Just keep in mind that this is my a.s.sumption and I may be wrong.)

During the interval being guided by the steward I looked around restlessly viewing the interior of the estate, the view felt engaging with an astonishing feel(touch).

Because Angie was going astray while looking around the house fascinated, I helplessly(reluctantly) grasped her arm to guide, although she looked surprised in the beginning, it didn"t seem like she was dissatisfied with a smile floating onto her face.

For some reason, to that smile that should have been charming the muscles along my spine p.r.i.c.kled(sowari). (TLN: I"ve no clue what ソワリ means google says sore but that is a bit strange so I think it should mean a tingling or shuddering feeling….)

The Earl had already been waiting in the parlour, he stood from his seat and deeply bowed his head in apology.

"Your highness crown prince, someone has trespa.s.sed into our estate tea party…… Regarding this times inadequacy in security I express my heartfelt apology……"

I interrupt the Earl"s words, and told him to raise his head.

Rather than an apology, I wanted to talk about this young lady.

"That matter is fine, In regards to father I will take part and mediate. Come raise your head."

"Your highness crown prince…… Truly truly thankful for your kind words…… I will certainly return this kindness."

The earl raised his head even changing the cold sweat. At the same time, their eyes opened wide in astonishment.

"As expected, do you recollect?"

"Yes…… She is, consort Rose"s……"

"Ahh. She also trespa.s.sed this time"s tea party, the connection to her origins you"ve guessed right? From hereafter I would like you to help in regards to receiving her, do you mind?"

The earl is, a person with established credibility.

There is no desire for power, and has a reputation of just keeping in mind the protection of his wife and child, I know he is a man without a front and back(doesn"t have two sides/two-faced) from seeing him daily at the royal palace.

Seeing the manner of apology from just now, the trust in him is increasingly rising, just right to consult the matter about Angie.

"Certainly(said in polite language). This one is……" (TLN: I"ll note these in pink I guess)

"(It"s) Angie yo" (TLN: The "It"s" isn"t really there and I"m putting it there just to add emphasis. The line is really just "Angie yo the yo after her name seems to be used to add emphasis,certainty, or contempt? This is probably indicating subtle j.a.panese impolite or possibly casual language that I"m not really catching on to but noting it just in case.)

Angie carelessly(slovenly) returns the Earl"s gaze.

The Earl said nothing about that behaviour, expressing a gentle(mild/meek) smile.

"Angie-sama is it(in polite language). My name is Edward・Edelweiss. Angie-sama appears very tired. Shall I( be granted permission to) arrange a hot bath."

"Something like(derogatory? language) tired……"

Angie glares at the earl attempting to refute, but the Earl"s line of sight, she noticed her clothes were soiled with dirt.

"Well(Maa), it"s fine…… to do a hot bath."

"Certainly(polite? language). Sebastian!"

The earl commanded the butler, Angie moved to a separate room along with a maid.

When Angie was completely gone, the earl faced me with a serious expression.

I unconsciously gulped, it rang in my throat.

"She is, Consort Rose"s blood relative…… It seems her daughter isn"t she?"

"The girl herself said it is so. I have yet to confirm the truth……"

"Allow me to investigate. However, first there is no mistake right?"

"That"s right huh……"

"By the way, why(how) does your highness, the matter of Consort Rose? Consort Rose…… At the time she left the imperial court, I think your highness has not been born yet."

To the Earl"s remark, I hid myself and saw it in my royal father"s room, the story of the portrait.

"Thereupon Earl, there is something I"d like to ask. Can you give me an answer?"

To the sudden request, the Earl"s expression became hollow and worn out(?), before long nodding with an earnest expression. (TLN: The character used is kinda weird, this part of the sentence may be entirely wrong. It might mean "the earl"s unprepared expression became varied" which also makes sense)

"If I could answer it, by all means"

"After the death of the former king, what became of Consort Rose? Have they truly lost their lives?"

The earl, had antic.i.p.ated it. Nonetheless, I continued speaking to his face.

"In the official records it is so. However, in reality…… It is ran away from the palace there are no clues to the whereabouts and is completely unknown…… At the time it was a fact known to everyone that was in the royal court"

"Why, is it officially supposed to be dead?…… The succession rights to the crown?"

"I fear that it might be so(polite). At the time of Consort Rose"s flight, Angie-sama was in her stomach those that knew that sensitive information were few. So it was decided to be officially deceased, to represent that Angie-sama"s succession rights to the crown is not acknowledged, said matter don"t you agree(deshou ne)"

"Still huh…… However, Angie is alive. Moreover at a glance come to realize Consort Rose"s blood relation from the hair"

"If this is known excuse me but this will not be the end it seems…… What will you do, your highness"

"How about, if……"

I raise my line of sight shuddering at the Earl"s observing eyes.

That is, if I order there would be no reluctance in erasing her in secrecy, when implicitly saying it……

Right now Angie"s life, is in my hands. To protect myself it is best to secretly get rid of her.

However…… For me, I was not able to make that decision.

As I faced down to avoid the Earl"s gaze, unknowingly my tightly grasped hands were quivering.

"Somehow…… To keep alive, is there no method?"

It felt like the earl smiled.

"Isn"t that so…… As I am, I cannot bring myself to personally deal with(handle/kill) a little girl of the same age as my daughter. I am delighted for Your Highness" benevolent words."


"However. There is your own personal safety, but also above all it can cause the entire kingdom to fall. Do you have the resolution for it?"

The Earl"s serious eyes, stared closely at me.

"Resolution…… The resolution, I have it!"

Considering now, that is just false courage, was stubbornness(pride/willpower).

Somehow, I did not want to lose to the earl…… I thought I do not want to overlook(misjudge).

The earl soon smiled a sweet grin.

It was an affectionate smile very much like a father watching over his own child.

"Certainly, your highness crown prince. This Edward, shall be helpful to your highness with all my might."

"Is that so……! Thank you!"

"The grat.i.tude is still too early. Regarding Angie-sama…… Let up cast away the succession rights to the throne externally"

"……Are you able to do that?"

"I will entrust her to a baron an old friend of mine. Then, from there let’s make a fresh start in life again. And enter the academy as a family registered commoner"

"Thats right, to enter the academy a solid family registration is essential…… Once brought in as a commoner, herself in regards to the country is a commoner, just like abandoning the succession rights……!"

"Later, even if they say the hair colour is identical in that case feigning ignorance is fine. What, it isn"t difficult. Given that officially Consort Rose did not have a child. Nevertheless, there is a possibility she changes her mind to claim the throne"

"But if so, life is at risk. I will use persuasion. If she feels like succeeding the throne, it is different if there is the disposition(talent/quality) but……"

"Your highness. Your highness has been diligently studying to become king since infancy. Please hold that confidence in yourself. The throne is not something you can succeed because you want to succeed"

Confidence…… My chest grew hot from the earl"s words.

Until now my aimless effort to become king, for the first time I felt it held colour.

Not knowing, tears were about to overflow from my eye, facing upwards I endured.

"I understand. Thank you, Earl………… For Angie"s matter, I will rely on you"

"It is an honour to recieve" (TLN: 受け賜わりましてございます google says it might be "I am grateful to you" but it doesn"t seem to fit correctly in my head. It feels like saying thank you to receiving a thank you which drives me slightly crazy when people do it.)

The earl expressed a full faced smile, the manners of an elegant gentleman.

Anywho this little prince chapter was rather disappointing…. It was all about Angie =/ I need my daily dose of sugar…. Where is it! I sometimes feel like I should just skip the side chapters to get the main storyline and then come back for the sides later… but my ocd tells me to go in order….

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