Ufufufu~ I"ll say this now, my OTP is in this chapter~

This’ll be my post for Halloween since I probably won’t be posting anything else til next month….

Anywho, enjoy~



"George…… Why are you crying?"

When I looked up to the puzzled voice, his highness the crown prince Leonheart was there, and now second-year student of the academy Remias.

A crowd has formed at a distance around the pair. Students of n.o.bility and commoners are mixed in the crowd, everyone is watching his highness and Remias just not drawing closer more than a certain amount.

Uwaー, what is that.

I don"t want to get close. It seems very conspicuous due to the proximity of the 2 people.

George who can"t read the atmosphere approaches closer that way while wiping away tears…… has nerves of steel.

When I was hesitating, his highness came this way.


"Oー ho ho hoh ho! ! Oーーーーhohohohohohoho! ! Gokigen"yoh! Everyone! This me, Dolanju Duke"s daughter, Remy who you"ve been long awaiting for! I"m sorry to have kept you waiting! Oーーーhohohohohohoho!"

A loud laughter cut through the atmosphere.

Remy-sama twirled around fluttering the hem of her pure white dress.

Behind that waiting their turn, red, blue, yellow colour of traffic light signal, the three colour young ladies……!

And thus imperceptibly VERSION UPed from first person "Watashi" to "Atakushi" sure enough……! !

Such a magnificent villain as ever. Impressively bringing it to a close.

By the way, the vertical winding rolls are in perfect form today as well.

Although I noticed it after several years of observing, when Remy-sama is not lively then there is no liveliness of the vertical winding rolls.

Today, Remy-sama appears to be in perfect physical form.

Or rather somehow, should I say the uniform.

Brown blazer and checkered skirt somehow the uniform in school has a j.a.panese-esque feeling, the white dress is excessive also feels out of place.

"Your highness crown prince! (TLN?)This me and everyone is in the same cla.s.s! As expected, the academy can do fairly considerate things! Come now, let us go!"

Remy-sama took high highness" arm and attempted to head towards the cla.s.sroom, however someone firmly seized her shoulder.

"Remy・Dolanju-kun. Just a moment please."

"What is it? Given that this me is busy."

"For now, lets come back to the student guidance room. The chat is after that."

"Noooooo, his highnessー!"


Remy-sama was dragged away.

Somehow, theres a certain feeling that Remy-sama"s personality of the game differs……

However you look at it, with this lady"s model is……

And then…… I noticed just now, it appears perhaps it was the last capture target who dragged Remy-sama away.

I vaguely recognize that characteristic fluorescent green shining hair.

I wonder, if it is real hair…… I thought that about blue hair in general too, but not of fluorescent green.

Is the leg hair fluorescent green as well I wonder.

Along with Remy-sama"s exit, the crowd also dispersed. Joining his highness and everyone we headed for the a.s.sembly hall of the school entrance ceremony.

"It seems Remy-sama is in tip top form today doesn"t it"

"The loud laughter was upgraded even more."

"The uniform should have arrived already and yet, why is it……"

We walked while talking without stop until arriving to the venue.

The school entrance ceremony, will be held in the school"s courtyard.

The courtyard is decorated just like a tea party, buffet styled snacks are lined up to the side of the venue.

Uaー, looks delicious.

From the front of the grounds the voice of a headmaster-like person resounds.

However by the final stages of the enrollment conclusion I suppressed the cake, the l.u.s.t begins to act violently I employed unthinkable mental power to hold it down I completely didn"t hear it.

Rare cheese tart…… Strawberry pancake……

"I am Leonheart・Altria the crown prince. Now that I"ve enrolled into this academy, I will diligently acc.u.mulate my study with everyone without distinction of social status, I would like to expand my field of view for the benefit of the future. I wish for everyone to treat me foremost as a student with that intention……"

Hmm? Before I knew it his highness made his greeting beside the headmaster.

I didn"t notice because the current condition, my eyes being nailed to the cake.

"Cosette, look forward."

"Don"t just look at the cake. Idiot"

I was cautioned by George and Remias.

Fortunately, because the attention was collected to his highness" figure, it seems that only the 2 people had noticed that I only kept an eye on the cake.

Dangerous dangerous.

When his highness" greeting was over, it immediately moved into a friendly gathering.

I somehow unsteadily managed to hold my feet from trying to head towards the cake, I sipped tea to make it look as elegant as possible.

"Fuuー It prevades through the body right huh〜"

"The tea is delicious isn"t it"

"I prefer the taste of green tea more."

Three people withered like grandparents while enjoying tea, I saw his highness head towards here.

…… When, a head of pink colour ran through beside us at great speed.

…… That is…… Angie?


His highness" eyes opened wide, a voice leaking out.


Angie dealt his highness a fierce tackle.

As expected, having accepted training together with us, his highness easily caught Angie.

"I missed you! It was lonely being unable to meet the whole time!"

Angie is obviously (TLN:)perplexed clinging to his highness, so he raised his voice.

Ooh…… a.s.sertive. But, just a bit bad as well……

Although it is obligatory for the academy to look after impartially without difference to social status…… Whatever circ.u.mstances may be, it is inevitable to be criticized for suddenly clinging to his highness the crown prince.

Sure enough, voices of reproach leaked out from the crowd of people surrounding his highness.

"I wonder who it is…… to be so disgraceful enough as to cling to his highness"

"Is it not a person of the special commoner cla.s.s?"

"Well…… as expected a person of low birth is……"

From among the crowd of people, one young lady quickly came forward.

"You! I don"t know from where,but that familiar att.i.tude to his highness! As the president of his highness fan club, it can not be permitted! Contest with me!"

Ooooooh! That is……!

My comrade, Tutorial young lady A! The name was forgotten, but that underweight condition with bottle bottom gla.s.ses is without a doubt.

Or rather, whats this his highness fan club. Moreover, President……

When thinking it over and such it isn’t the case.

This is…… The beginning of the tutorial.

After her is my turn…… Tutorial B.

I certainly did not think that tutorial A would happen on the first day of enrollment.

"I"ve been waiting! ….. Not that, I will accept and stand!"

While I was dazed, Angie responded to the young lady"s match proposal, the personal combat match to be held has been decided

The voting day for the one-on-one match is a week later.

Including his highness, victory or defeat is decided from the voting of the capture target group.

Because the young women knock out compet.i.tion event is an established practice during the enrollment of the crown prince, the finer details are determined according to the academy"s side.

To the situation that moved much too quickly, I will endure being crushed by anxiety given that it was the best I could do.

As I"ve said….. Cosette x Food my OTP =D

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