=D I got this one out fairly quickly this time.  Lots of things have happened since the start of the new year. Got over my cold. I might be moving houses in the near future(within the next couple of months)? And I just found out the hand-me-down phone I received for X-mas has split screen function! I can’t translate things from my phone now! Mufufufu! In additional news, I’ve picked up another part time job! One where I sit around and do nothing on days its not busy. Yay more time to read and translate(Lets hope its not busy~)!

I would also like to thank Paul B. for his donation. Thank you very much, it really helps. I am now prepared, cold medicine with flu season right around the corner. Stay safe and remember to wash your hands you guys. The constant news report of the flu epidemic  related deaths right now is scary~

Anywho enjoy~



Angie and Ekaterina entered from the entrance of the auditorium.

Angie in a red dress, Ekaterina wearing a blue dress.

On their feet are high heels.

The way of walking is …… roughly not quite satisfactory, it has come to look appropriate.

I had thought about it awhile ago, but Angie perhaps has knowledge from the previous life.

Although only came into contact in the Prologue Event, it is almost certain because she issued the word Game.

For that reason, there is a high probability that she is accustomed to high heels.

However, I wonder about when it comes to dancing. Because she was under a baron household custody, I guess she may have learned it as refinement, it may not be unattainable for Ekaterina who is a genuine young lady(reijou).

In comparison it could be inferred that Ekaterina"s experience with high heels is insufficient.

Signora fundamentally does not manufacture high heels for use by children, Ekaterina would not be accustomed to dancing a.s.suming if she had worn high heels before.

By the way children"s high heels are not manufactured because in my opinion wearing high heels during growth is not good for the feet.

The two approached the the area where their expressions could be seen.

Angie has a bold expression Ekaterina with a slightly nervous expression.

"Well then, the gentlemen judges will be dancing in turns! Music, Come On!"

At Sandy-senpai"s signal the orchestra who were in preparation began playing dancing music.

It is a basic waltz familiar to me who is more or less a genuine young lady.

The steps are not that difficult.

The s.p.a.ce is made circularly within the audience seating, Angie and his highness crown prince, Ekaterina and Alfred-sensei faced each other.

Two pairs bowed and began the dance.

The beginning was favourable.

Because the steps were simple, Angie and Ekaterina both finished the song smoothly.

The partners were replaced with Remias and George respectively for the second song, the Tempo becoming a little faster. The step is not much different from the first.

It seems both of them probably still has some leeway.

However when it became the third song, the step has become fairly complicated. Angie and Ekaterina"s partners was changed, Angie and George, Ekaterina dancing with Remias.

The pair"s footsteps began to get somewhat unsteady.

Angie may have shifted the timing of the steps, and Ekaterina"s footsteps seemed to waver visibly.

Fourth song…… Angie is partnered with Alfred-Sensei, Ekaterina with his highness crown prince. The partners his highness and Alfred-sensei, elegantly performing the final song with complicated steps speedily without difficulty, being perfect leads.

Voices of admiration leaked from the audience seating as well.

However Angie and Ekaterina …… Clearly are increasingly mistaking steps and wobbling.

The leads are skillful so they are still able to dance somehow, but it is fairly precarious just barely in line.


The a.s.sembly catch their breaths.

Ekaterina, has finally lost her balance grandly.

His highness promptly supported, but this……!

Ekaterina, expresses apologies. However quickly reorganizes.

I was worried if she had sprained her legs, but it seems okay since she could go back to dancing.

And the song ended.

A sense of accomplishment from Angie dancing, a full faced smile.

On the other hand, Ekaterina is…… grimacing in disappointment, an expression that looked like she could burst into tears at any moment.

"With this we will end the dance judging! Both of you, were exceedingly magnificent! Everyone, for the two who displayed a wonderful dance, please give a big hand!"

The a.s.sembly hall praises the two"s valiant fight, unanimously applauding.

I also applauded for the two who persevered giving all their might.

"Well then, those of the jury please cast your vote!"

The judges run the pen on the paper nearby, and the monitor collects it.

"Well, it was a splendid fight, Cosette-san"

"Yes, yes. It was a truly splendid dance. To be able to dance so elegantly with the unaccustomed high heels, I suppose they made quite the effort. I was deeply moved……"

Feet in high heels were probably in pain as well, you"ve hung in there huh, the tears are overflowing.

I can not stop the tears as I recall my daughter in the previous life.

Sandy senpai is fl.u.s.tered about me who is openly crying, but it doesn"t stop.

"Co, Cosette-san…………………… (How pure and gentle……)" (TLN:)


"Ah, no, its nothing. Co, come, it seems the judging results had come out.

When I shifted my sight towards center stage, the monitor walked by not long ago.

"First vote, Angie-jou! Second vote, Angie-jou! Third vote, Angie-jou! Fourth vote, Ekaterina-jou! ………… Therefore this time"s one-on-one match, is decided to be Angie-jou"s victory!"

Ooーh! Cheer rises from the audience seating.

And then at the same time Sandy senpai ran to conduct an interview with his highness.

"Your highness crown prince, please give a general comment about the influence of the outcome!"

"Thats right…… The match this time, In pure dance ability Ekaterina-jou side is a few levels above. However, the experience of high heels, and the point of enjoying the dance, it seems the referee fan points in favour of Angie-jou. However, both companions were lovely! I was able to have an enjoyable time. The both of you, thank you."

In his highness"s words Angie frustration revealed itself a little despite turning a smile, Ekaterina is shedding tears while gazing at his highness.

Thus, tutorial first round, the match against Ekaterina ended with Angie"s victory.

However looking at this match, I have some doubts.

First, the personal combat with tutorial A Ekaterina, Angie was supposed to win more easily. Despite that, the result was 3 to 1 narrow victory.

And then, there is Signora and the high heels that shouldn"t exist in the game were adopted in the one-on-one fight.

Clearly these two points seem to be very different from the flow of the original game.

Due to me and Angie who have knowledge of the previous life, the course of events in the game may be changing.

Thinking as I was seeing off the two exiting partic.i.p.ants, Angie turned to look back.

Overlooking the stage, I was glared at with gleaming eyes.

But Angie turned on her heels without a word, and left as it was.

Angie would have noticed that I am also a reincarnator too I suppose.

While thinking, It might be necessary to talk together on one occasion, I left the a.s.sembly hall as well.

What do you guys think of the match ~ ?  And my~, Cosette’s sudden memory of her daughter made her cry? Dun dun DUN!

Next chapter is a side chapter from Angie’s point of view it seems. I’m a little scared to see whats going on in that pink head of hers yet at the same time very curious.

See ya next time~ (hopefully soon)!

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