When I returned to the room, Sisie had been waiting there.

“Ojou-sama, to where did you go to? Please call out when you go out somewhere, at least that much……”

“The garden. I thought it would be pitiful to call Sisie so early in the morning……I’m sorry.”

I apologized in a hurry to interrupt Sisie at the small sign a scolding might begin.

This way it is expected, if you apologize beforehand, Sisie’s scolding will not continue.

Sure enough, Whew(yareyare), Sisie changed the state of the conversation. (TLN: yareyare could also mean… good grief, dear me, thank G.o.d, oh dear. Whichever one you think fits better.)

“Ojou-sama, the ‘slippers’ you’ve requested yesterday have been completed. I have them here.”

“Already?! Truly that shoe craftsman is wonderful! Something, I ought to hurry and thank them.”

The shoe craftsman of our house is truly skilled. Furthermore he works briskly.

“Ufufu, Ojou-sama. That shoe craftsman, a.s.suredly likes Ojou-sama who is always innocently pleased with the shoes he himself made. When it was said that Ojou-sama designed the shoes, even if he neglects other work, he will finish it at once! Is what he said.”   (TLN: This phrase confuses me…. あの靴職人は、いつも自分の作った靴を無邪気に喜んでくださるお嬢様が大好きなのですわ。I cant tell if the shoemaker is pleased with the shoes or if Cosette is pleased… maybe this whole paragraph is wrong D= but this is how I made sense of it.)

“Because he always makes truly wonderful shoes for me. It is only natural for me to be delighted. But, it is not good to neglect other work. But…… I am happy!”

Due to the gentle feelings of the shoe craftsman, a smile unintentionally spilled out.

Now then, with the slippers completed……

Well in the previous life, they were quite ordinary slippers…… It was almost the same, but there were places that were slightly different.

The bottom foot part of the slippers, until around the arch of the foot there is no more. For that reason, the overall length is no more than ten centimeters.

And there on a common part, a thickness of about three centimeters was added.

Yes…… To take the world by storm, they are diet slippers! ! (TLN: Image below. Or should I just stick it right here?)

By daringly constructing the heel section so that it is always in a tiptoe state, while tightening the leg muscles, it is an exceptional product that involuntarily expends calories from the body trying to balance from an unstable foothold.

For housewives who are too busy and do not have time for exercise, diet slippers with a diet effect from just wearing while doing housework! !

It was my favourite item in the previous life.

Well(Maa), to diet seriously, this most likely won’t be enough, because I am overweight, there is a possibility that troubles may occur in various parts of the body when I suddenly exercise.

I mean, to begin with, I can not move very much. The gained weight is too much.

So, to start with walking around the mansion while wearing these slippers and a dietary restriction will begin!

If I say so myself, it’s a good strategy.

Perhaps, genius even.

Number one obstacle is the dietary restrictions.

Honestly, I am not confident……

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